腦控空間本週新聞 (2019-06-10至2019-06-16)
1. 本週熱門話題, 示威遊行, 至暴動事件.
示威遊行人數官方數字同民間統計相差很大, 眼看未為實, 截圖可亂真, 大家自行判斷. 相信大家最有興趣知道的是到底參加示威遊行的是何方人仕? 答案是大部份是娛樂圈臨記加上最少超過5車的大陸遊客, 有如拍電影一樣賓虛的場面, 據說每人只收港幋一佰大元, 抵用!
至於暴動事件, 是由黑社會成員組成, 前面大佬每人一千大元, 後面一群逃學學生大部份是娛樂圈人和臨記的子女, 每人一百大元僱用. 有說是被腦控之情緒操控至失人性. 有說是黑社會年中太公分猪肉(即黑社會分紅於各堂口). 是真是假? 大家自行判斷.
星期日是各政黨召集的遊行, 目的是想我們的特首下台. 據講等待做特首的名單很長, 為縮短輪侯時間, 故出此下策. 小道消息, 大家自行判斷.
至於法律界的反對聲音, 據說大部份法律界人員被腦控由來以久, 冤案, 錯案, 沒法用常理解釋的案件類積至今甚多, 一但修例通過, 又不能公開腦控事實, 很多案件必定重審, 勢將嚴重影響法律界聲譽.
至於教育界同樣也受到被腦控之害, 因腦控賤人要竊取試題圖利, 必定腦控教師為已所用, 今次順便用思維操控方式, 令其出街遊行湊數. 可憐!
目前香港已成腦控之都, 而控制者大部份已逃離香港, 盤踞於東南亞以及世界各地, 但仍繼續以遙距腦控方式控制香港各個範疇. 現在政府公佈無限期暫緩修訂”逃犯條例”, 即是告訴香港市民, 大家仍需無了期忍受腦控, 電子武器摧殘之苦. 悲也!
2. 腦控空間有很多富豪, 因不想得罪腦控賤人, 又不想讓他人以為他們同腦控賤人有勾結, 所以當腦控賤人向富豪索取利益, 例如, 房屋, 鋪位, 酒店現金禮卷, 購物現金禮卷作為贈送時, 富豪一直都以送贈 ”Monita Choi” 為名寄出, 收貨地址全是娛樂圈大佬的通信地址, 我問為何如此處理時? 答案是Monita Choi從未做過一件違法的事, 所以富豪們不需為贈送而負上法律責任, 至於誰人收禮, 富豪們心中有數. 雖然腦控空間包括我在內, 有6位Monita Choi, 除了我之外, 她們都同腦控人有金錢來往, 甚至借用銀行戶口與腦控人所用, 只我一位同他們沒有任何錢銀瓜葛.
所以在此恳請富豪門下次贈送時, 改用他人之名, 以免他人錯以為我是腦控人的同黨而受牽連. 雖知我是反腦控人仕, 同腦控賤人處於對立面, 腦控人此舉實是抹黑我毒招, 望富豪們能明白我的處境為盼.
Mind Control Space News this week (June 10 to 16, 2019)
1. Hot topics this week, from demonstrations to riots.
The official figures of the number of demonstrations are very different from the folk statistics, you may confusing by picture key-up without true. I believe everyone may interested in knowing the people backgroup who participating in the demonstration. The most of participating people were the extra of entertainment, also with at least 5 cars mainland tourists, like to making movie as Ben - Hur stuns It is said that each person only received one hundred Hong Kong dollars per day, lower the minimax pay for hours.
As for the rioting incident, it is composed the members of the Criminal Organization. In front line of the members, each person was received one thousand dollars for reward. The back side group some were the escaping students, part of children were extra and relative of entertainment, all employed for one hundred yuan. They all under emotional control of mind control machine, caused them to loss of humanity. Also said the big brothers used such rioting for money and dividends to each area where under criminal organization. True or dare? I don’t know, you tell me.
Sunday is a parade convened by various political parties. The purpose is to let our chief executives step down. As said the waiting list for the chief executive is very long. In order to shorten the waiting time, they make such tricky decision. It is grapevine news, what do you think? Judges on your own and give me have your opinions will be appreciated.
For the opposition voices of the legal profession, it is said that most of the legal profession were being brain controlled for a long time. There are so many cases in Injustice, some cases cannot be explained by common sense. Once the amendments are passed, many cases must be re-open file without open public for the facts of mind control, which will seriously affect the reputation of the legal profession.
For the education sector, they also under the brain control for a long time since the brain control monks want to eye stalking the examination questions for profit, brain control teachers for their used. This time, the mind control monks also use emotion control by the way got them to the streets to get a quorum. Poor!
In the now of Hong Kong has become a brain-controlling city. Most of the chip controllers have fled away Hong Kong for Asia, some around the world. However, they still continue to remote control Hong Kong in various categories by mind control machine. In this moment, the Government announced an indefinite suspension of the fugitive offenders Ordinance. "Which means to tell the citizens in Hong Kong that everyone still under brain control and electronic harassment, and out of government’s control. Sadness!
Attach the video for ants control by frequency.
2. There are many rich men in the brain control space, they don't want to offend the mind control monks, they don't want others to think that they have collusion with the brain control monks. So when the brain control monks ask for benefits from the rich men, for example, houses, shops, hotel cash coupons, shopping cash coupons as gifts, the rich men always sent under the name of "Monita Choi", but the delivery address always own by the big brother of entertainment circle, I asked why? The answer was said that Monita Choi who never done anything illegal, so the rich men used her name to prevent to taking legal responsibility for giving, and who is beneficial one that all on the rich men own mind. Although there are 5 people name “Monita Choi” in brain control space without me, they all have money transaction even borrowing bank accounts with brain control monks, I am the only one never have money involved.
To request with please, when you offer the gifts next time, Please use other's name, in order to avoid people thinking that I am a member of brain-controlling party and being involve. Please note that I am an anti-brain control person, I am in opposition of the brain-controlling monks, they used such to black my name, so I sincerely hope all the rich men will tying out with thanks.