1. There is a list of salary that record all staff name work on mind control space. According to someone’s sentence that my name on the list, but never get paid, and Sheren Tang was earning to living in space, but his name not on the list, and my own salary was separated paid to Eric Tsang, Pang Ho-Cheung and Sheren Tang. The reason was that I refuse to follow perps’ order to tortured the victims in the space. If all above was true, I don’t mind, I only want my freedom, why don’t they let me go, force me to stay in space. The answer is the payer paid by specifies condition that must keep me in space, about the salary whom they paid to was not in payer’s concern. So I have reasonable grounds to believe that the payer is the chief culprit to pay for the perps to mind control me.
2. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller within my chip with someone who got flu and cough, which makes me have the same microwave symptoms. When I stay in the crowded place, the perp made me cough and I can felt the afraid of the people around me, I cannot explain that was no virus infection only microwave effect one by one, which makes me so embarrassed. Hong Kong in the peak of the flu near time. The public all afraid to the "flu". The government hospitals all over occupied. For the sake of self-interest, the metamorphosis mind control perps disregard social responsibility and use the health of the citizens as the individual purpose for making money. It is too shameless and hateful!
3. According to the news sources, the brain-controlling monk placed a brain-controlled machine on a cargo ship parking on high seas for about 3 years, and was sunk by the Chinese radar focus system in few days ago. It is said since the monk focus on the members whom participants of the Beijing People's Congress, and remote control electronic weapon harassment caused.
4. Due to the expiration of the Home Visit Permit this week, when I going to the renewal of the certificate, the metamorphosis chip controller within me chip with someone who got big eye bag and dark circle in right side, made my eye unbalance which document photo showing not my own image. After this time, I worry about that I will face the same problem when I renew my ID card. Although the system is identified by the iris, but I don't want to see my photo in the documents are strange one.
I sincere request the government departments put a mind control shielding system in the photo area, let us all of victims can see our own face in the ID card, even our own face had lost far ago.
1. 空間有份工作人員名單, 都是受薪. 據拜讀過名單人士聲稱, 其中有我的名字存在, 而鄧萃雯一直在空間以害人為生, 却不在名單中, 而是將我在空間的薪金部分付給彭浩翔和鄧萃雯. 原因是我不肯按他們指示在空間害人. 令我不明白的是既然我不願打賤人工, 按理應放人, 為何要強迫我留在空間. 答案是付薪金者指定我必須在空間才支付人工, 但奇怪的是並非支付我本人. 所以我有合理的理據相信薪金支付者是用錢支付腦控賤人害我的罪魁禍首.
2. 本週腦控賤人將傷風感冒咳嗽的病患者同我併芯片, 令我有相同的微波病徵. 特別在人多的地方, 令到週邊的人惶恐, 我又不能逐一解釋是微波效應, 不會有病毒傳染, 令我十分尷尬. 香港近期是流感高峰期, 市民聞”流感”色變. 而各大政府醫院也己到人滿之患. 腦控賤人為了一己私利, 罔顧社會責任, 以市民的健康作為個人賺錢的目的. 實在是太無恥和可惡!
3. 據消息人士透露, 有腦控賤人將一部腦控大機放於公海的輪船上, 被中方的雷達聚焦系統擊沉. 據講與此次北京人大會議參會者被電子武器攻擊有關.
4. 本週因回鄉證到期, 前往換證時, 腦控賤人將兩邊大細眼, 右眼大眼袋和黑眼圈者同我併芯片, 令拍證件相出來的結果其樣貌非我自己所屬. 經過今次, 不禁令我擔心來緊換身份證時將會面對同樣的問題. 雖然是以虹膜為身份識別, 但當見到證件中照片很陌生時心中總不是滋味. 希望政府有關部門在拍照區增設腦控屏蔽系統, 令一眾被腦控受害者能見到自已久違了的真面目.