腦控空間本周新聞 (2019-10-07至2019-10-12)
1. 由本週星期一下午三時時開始,變態腦控賤人持續約4天遙控電子武器令我和中外受害者頭痛超過80小時,我連續三天臥病在床,髮根全白。此事已不是我一個人的問題,是涉及到國際性
的問題。我身處溫哥華,而賤人明星大多數非身處加拿大,但仍不停的滋擾,集體併芯片跟蹤,遙控電子武器摧殘。賤人此舉在國際法上是否屬未經許可,擅闖他國國土? 為何政府不予管制?為何加拿大政府對於擅闖國土者視若無睹? 是加拿大政府目前沒有此技術?還是另有原因?
在此恳請香港政府和加拿大政府關注公民的人權, 還我公民應得的權益.
此次祸國民者是: 周潤發,謝賢,譚泳麟,任達華,劉華,黃子華,張堅庭等明星,你們是全世界華人的恥辱。
2. 本星期四, 有變態腦控老賤人用腦控眼部跟蹤香港公立醫院醫生做手術, 當手術至關鍵性位置時, 用朦朧眼睛和手震方法, 影響醫生做手術, 企圖令手術出錯, 意圖謀殺. 可幸香港醫生醫術高明, 保住病人生命. 有人質疑老賤人, 根據老賤人自白, 腦控空間有最少三位腎病患者急需換臂, 所以出此下策, 每當有相同血型病患者做手術時, 賤人就用此手法進行不留痕跡的謀殺.
之前另有一單, 腦控空間有二個超過70高齡的老殘人, 為了換腎, 利用腦控方式, 令一家三口一父二子發生交通意外, 二子死亡後被換腎, 父親得以生存.
3. 美國政府已於2019年10月4日頒布二份法例,
主要是針對深度偽造( Deep Fake)而發出. 香港變態腦控賤人經常利用此技術, 將腦控機所得的良家婦女影像和三級明星合成後, 在腦控空間播放, 以假亂真, 用於陷害被腦控受害者, 令受害者蒙上不明之冤. 更甚者製造政府高官貪污假象, 令受害者甚至到死都不知道被冤的真相.
相信在不久的將來, 香港也會相應頒出法例, 以保護市民私隱之餘, 打擊弄虛作假, 避免冤枉事件的發生. 自深度偽造( Deep Fake)技術至今, 有無數家庭家破人亡, 妻離子散, 自殺事件每天都在發生. 在此恳請政府盡快立法, 用法律還千千萬萬受害者的清白.
Mind control Space news this week (October 7 to 12, 2019)
1. Starting from 3 pm on Monday this week, until Thursday three whole days, the metamorphosis chip controller continuous remote control electronic caused me and Chinese and foreign victims headache. The headache lasted over 80 hours, which made me felt dying. To be told that the mad perps use my headache CT film change with perp who use used my CT film as a prove for money compensation. I am not the only one being changed the CT film.
And the other hand, I can't understand why I am in Canada, and the perps in the position outside of Canada. Why can they use my eyes and mapping me to travel in Canada? Remoted control electronic harassment against Canadian Citizen? According to international law, a person who outside of Canada have got permission to Canada, if without permission will charge illegally trespass. Why the Hong Kong government did not taking action to restricting them? Why the Canadian government turned the blind eyes?
During the harassment of 80 hours, I heard the voice of the victims both in Chinese and foreign crying for help. I am fortunate enough to survive, but my hair roots are all white, I have spent 4 hours to write half of page. I urge please to the Hong Kong government and the Canadian government to pay attention to the human rights of citizens and the rights that your citizens legally own.
2. On Thursday (10th), a metamorphosis old man used eye stalking to tracing doctor operation in public hospital of Hong Kong. When the operation was at a critical position, the old man used blurred vision and the shaking hand method mapping the doctor, used to affect the doctor's surgery, attempt to murder patient. Fortunately, doctor have a good medical skill and save the patient's life finally. Some people question the old man, according to his confession, there are at least three patients with kidney disease in the brain control space, and is urgently need health kidney for transfer. Therefore, every time when same blood type patient shows up. The perp will use this method to carry out murder without leaving traces.
And other case before, the brain control space has two old disabled perps, their age all over 70 years old. In order to change the kidney, they used brain control method cased a family of fathers and two sons have a traffic accident, two son died and the kidneys being transfer to two old perps, and his father survived since his kidneys no more young.
3. It is so glad to know that these are two mainly issued for Deep Fake, binding by USA government at October 4, 2019. No. B602 & B730.
In Hong Kong, the metamorphosis brain control perps often use this technology to synthesize the image between the good women to dirty women, and then play it in the brain control space to mislead the eyes tracing by false frames, used to frame victims, leaving the victim with an unknown. Even worse, they used fake illusion of corruption to set the government official up, so that the citizen does not even know the truth.
I believe that in the near future, Hong Kong will also enact same legislation to protect the privacy of the public, combat fraud and avoid wrongful case. Since the Deep Fake technology, countless families had broken, suicides happen every day. I urge the government to bind the legislate as soon as possible, only the law can help innocent victims.