My book is now available

My book is now available to buy. The publisher is Xlibris. If you goto: and then click on the bookstore tab.You can then type in the title of my book in the search bar: This Sky IKnow. In another 2 to 6 weeks, my book will be available through Barnesand Noble and, and I'm sure it will be sold at a muchcheaper price, so you may want to wait to buy it. I will let you knowwhen it becomes available through those outlets.

This is a bookof poetry that I've written over the course of one to two years. Itsabout targeting and mental illness and a giant and Eve and God andheaven. I will be taking this to the streets over the summer trying toget people to buy my book. This is my only work in activism at thistime. It is only a book. It is limited in what it can do for me and forall of us. However,I am very proud to say that now I am a publishedauthor.

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  • It is really a great news
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