picking the perps is EASY

Picking the perps is EASY!!!

They bog these sites down with MC technological information non-stop. Constant reading about the technology doesnt do anything to help a victim it makes them feel more helpless.

They BOG you down with technological info but NEVER have offer any protection methods. They seem to know so much yet so little to actually help anyone.

They also talk in ways that are confusing and not straight-forward -  one of the groups on peacepink I am in, the group host talks like he's on acid 24/7  -   anything to boggle the mind MORE.

AND they NEVER reply to peoples requests for help, or if they do they say something useless. Its always cold, clinical, information posting they send.

I always find it DISTURBING that a post about the latest mind control technological information receives 200 replies and a poor person asking for help gets 2 or 3 if they're lucky.

IM WITH YOU GREG - people dont care enuf around here. Its TOO bizarre. You are right, most of the REAL TI's get chased off. 

I dont even trust the moderators of this site. BE AWARE reading too much mind control information is no good for you and there ARENT any solutions in the reading!!

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  • Dear suzy,

    As a victim too, what I can do is just bring public awareness of mind control weapons abuses and tortures and urge government to investigate such crime.
    I am sorry that I could not give other victims more help.

    The way that we are seeking justice is long and hard.

    But after few years hard working, we still can see some good news.
    since 2007, more reports about mind control abuses and tortures had been seen.
    Now our peacepink has more than 1000 members who care about mind control abuses and tortures, and we have more than 73000 viewers, and 15% of viewers have visited peacepink more than 20 times. 15% viewers support our work to stop secret mind control weapons abuses and tortures.

    My online petition of stopping mind control weapons abuses and tortures had more than 10000 supporters too.

    Currently, I do understand that real victims could not get any real help.
    (1) the first reason was that victims could not prove that they were real victims. Everyone could claim that he was a real victim.
    (2) Before 2008, most people  regarded victims as mental illness, only recent few years, people started to believe mind control abuses and tortures.
    (3) Even government would start to investigate such serious crimes, but more than 2000 people all over the world claimed that they were victims, At the beginning, government only could investigate few of them.
    After first small group victims are well investigated, rules and laws passed, more other victims could get benefit from this.
  • Forgot to add when reading over what I wrote about seeking therapy -  I'm not someone who would ever contact a therapist, however.... it's what we have friends for.
  • Cinders - I am quoting you: "...Organizing a support group of people who know the truth of what happens to us and what happened to myself and my children and their father is imperative to me. I REQUIRE this to sustain life under this bizarre and incomprehensible life we are struggling thru..."  Maybe some of us >those who we don't have to guess about< could organize a support group or exchange phone #'s and we could get to know each other a little better and share what's going on in our lives > things we would ordinarily share with our children and  loved ones.  I should seek therapy to work out the disappointment and anger I feel towards my son for such a betrayal > even having gone so far as to recently ask me if I identified when we watched the film with Russell Crow recently- can't remember the name of it >the brilliant professor who was schizophrenic.  I talk w/one victim regularly and it helps.  Of course, I only have free minutes after 9p.m. and weekends. 


    I've also noticed that ti's comments get quickly scooped up and someone will comment to 12 different people taking up all latest activity space.  It's an obvious ploy from a peacepink embedded perk to get ti's out of sight.  Also, blogs that could help other ti's do not get posted in one of the left-hand columns bur rather fade away - case in point:  My Flyer.  If I see the public not putting it down but rather reading it through to the end and others calling the FBI regarding it - that tells me it can help us reach middle America and those are the people we need to reach so they can learn about us and what ELSE is happening to defenseless American and Worldwide citizens.  I've cited good links that will lead them to exactly what is going on and to victims of this electronic technology. Any way that we can get the word out to wake up this sleeping giant - the people -  we must keep trying.  And, it will be easier for us to get something published in newspapers about us if the people begin demanding answers.


  • As far as Greg is concerned:  "i'm just neing goofy"  why are these dudes up on my nuts?   That statement is who Greg is; and it's really all anybody needs to know about him.

  • " PERFECT EXAMPLE - the replies to this post have been all jumbled up - reorganised by someone "-suzy
    I moderate the blogs only by deleting things. My apologies if I come across as being cold- I'm preoccupied with this whole puzzle. This orientation section might help:http://areyoutargeted.com/orientation/
  • PERFECT EXAMPLE - the replies to this post have been all jumbled up - reorganised by someone
  • perfect example - the replies on this blog have been all jumbled up - someone has shifted then around.
  • One more thing I have a book "Chatter" by Patrick Keefe it is ALL about signal intelligence from the beginning, the formation, what Country does what and with whom, and they describe it through a series of  documented incidents the advancements and capabilities of our intelligence system. There are so many stories that do everything but come right out and say " we are listening to people talk and think and not with their cell phones, as well as manipulating them" Of course it only involves "people of interest" and its for a"purpose" but check it out its informative. The only documented story with a credible person i have found is "A New Breed" satellite terrorism in America by Dr. John Hall.Sorry I took up so much space I had alot to say and Im being made sick and Im scared.
  • P. S. also I got the Courage to go to the local police dept. The Detective I spoke to over the phone acted strange he gave me the third agree as soon as I mentioned E.H. and my stalking experiences pretty much stopped two years ago, but he didnt seem to care anyway he was treating me like  someone with no character from the get go and unprofessionally  while Im trying to interrupt him and tell him its making me incapacitated that my body was being destroyed then I told him I could hear things, voices too and he just became sarcastic. He claimed "NOBODY" ever complained of this sort of problem before but either he was a callous insensitive lousy investigator or he knew the truth. Detectives are trained professionals right? I just cant believe someone who is trained to investigate crimes with any experience would behave that way. Its contrary to the profession. So the conv. lasted 5 min. and he did all the talking and dismissed me. He was in the violent crimes dept.  I went back and got info for the "Special Invest dept" I am going to continue to pursue this with the police and whatever law enforcement thats available. My brother is a detective for 35 years and I cant tell him, we dont know each other and I didnt grow up with him. Im not sure what he would do like inform my family who would say im nuts because its what they did before. However based on stories he has told me covering high profile crimes and outrageous crimes. I KNOW seasoned cops have seen it all and know anythings possible, conspiracy stories come from the Govt (in my opinion) and they are able to pull off the things they do because they are so outrageous or sick its incomprehensible. In trying to research this technological evil I have found there is plenty of information supporting  satellite,d.e.w.uhf, emw, ulf, laser and their use. The military though is about the closest I can come to proof, as well as neurological science & the only problem is I cant prove this is violating the general public at random and killing some of us. Its Incomprehensible to the avg person with the 9-5 job and family who still votes and thinks their Constitutional Rights are in tact. Sadly they are the ones whom I also hold responsible for being followers and allowing others to take control of their lives insidiously. I was one, and Im sorry. Appointing leaders creates followers and at that moment you lose control, and you take it easy while others design your finances, education, health and longevity, security and freedom. Why, because the bottom line is Avg. Humans want a life partner, good friends, healthy kids, Love and family.They are the Believers!!!!! Only the appointees are stealing these basic human needs, & desires right beneath them. Where do Victims like myself go for freedom and peace, to others like myself. How do I prove this injustice and make it stop?Even in that I have forever been changed but I HAVE to make sure the minds of my children are set free, and hopefully mine too. I am a REAL TARGETED ViCTIM of Satellite stalking and directed energy of the electromagnetic spectrum. Who is it ? I think our police, military, Neurophysicists and others in the medical field, state and federal govt, oh and Homeland Security (whatever they do) all know somethings doesnt make sense these days.
  • Lynn, when reffering to the "non-american" I really wonder who you mean, as I am myself almost the only "non american" woman that is active here on PP...?

    And for one, I have several time mentioned to you that "I´ve experienced the exact same thing", havent we all?

    The thing is, that the real perps really want all us victims to having conflicts with eachother, like they want us to have bad relations with family and friends. Its one of their goal, if we cannot organize us together, then we are weak, and they want us weak. We must all try to be a bit more humle and not put allegations here and there to people. They key is to be supportive and help eachother with advises and share experiences and new information, thats why this site was once created from the beginning.//Annie

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