Remote Neural Monitoring : The big fraud towards Digital Slavery

Video from Sep 22, 2011 - paper

Remote Neural Monitoring is a non-invasive Functional Neuroimaging technique allowing anyone’s brain to be turned into a camera and microphone device by decoding wirelessly acquired brain imaging data and extracting subvocalizations, visual and auditory perceptions using Artificial Intelligence.

The development of this technology can be traced back to 1924 with the invention of Electroencephalography by Hans Berger. During the the 30’s, Ferdinando Cazzamalli conducted experiments to highlight existence of electromagnetic radiation produced by brain electrical activity. During the 60’s, MKUltra's subproject 119 intended to allow recording and analysis of brain activity using bioelectric sensors and manipulation of the human being through electromagnetic means.

The first demonstration of Brain Computer Interface in humans took place in 1964 when Grey Walter demonstrated use of non-invasively recorded encephalogram (EEG) signals from a human subject to control a slide projector. In 1971 the term brain-computer interface (BCI) was coined by Jacques J. Vidal, who laid out a comprehensive experimental research plan to interface the human brain with computers.

On February 9, 1972, the Advanced Research Projects Agency awarded a contract to the Stanford Research Institute (CSRI) to determine the feasibility of bio-cybernetic communication. The research concluded that the EEG reveals similar responses during silent reading to that during overt speech and that these responses may be classified correctly by a computer with a high degree of accuracy. This opened the gate for Mind Reading.

Many of the victims of MKULTRA had been unwitting subjects who had been lied to and coerced into unethical experimentation. Victims’ complaints had prompted congressional hearings and the unethical experimentation conducted by the CIA on unwitting subjects began to be exposed. The public was outraged at the abuse. The congress was dismayed. The CIA began looking for other ways to continue their mind control research with greater plausible deniability and less chance of getting caught. The era of Remote Neural Monitoring had begun.

The research that followed focused on remotely sensing the small electrical potentials generated by the brain electrical activity. Remotely detecting brain waves would negate the need for scalp electrodes and alleviate the requirement for informed consent on the subjects. One researcher, Robert G. Malech, researched remotely monitoring brain waves which culminated in the filing U.S. Patent number 3951134 in 1974.

Between the 70's and the 90's, the Stargate Project aimed at developing Remote Viewing. It was presented as an investigation of paranormal psychic phenomena but it was actually real. They never disclosed the truth about their success in seeing through anyone's eyes by the mean of Remote Neural Monitoring and terminated the project.

The technology continued to evolve and the intelligence community has now the ability to seamlessly perform Remote Functional Brain Imaging using Measurement and Signal Intelligence (MASINT) on a large scale and they are able to extract sensory perceptions using Artificial Intelligence. MASINT is about Remote Sensing. Passive remote sensing is like astronomy but looking toward the earth while active remote sensing is making use of Radars and Lidars to perform Hyperspectral Imaging.

There are at least 4 possible ways to detect brain electrical activity from a distance :

- the first approach is through Spectroscopy. Based on the fact that neurons need more oxygen when they’re active, by detecting changes in blood flow (carrying oxygen to the neurons) according to the propagation of electromagnetic waves irradiating the brain, it is possible to reconstitute neural activity.
- the second approach is by detecting the magnetic field produced by the brain electrical activity using a Magnetometer. During neural activity, action potentials travel down axons, generating effective charge current pulses which generate associated magnetic fields with amplitudes on the order of picotesla (pT) and femtotesla (fT) and durations of 10’s of ms. The best civilian magnetometer to date achieves atto Tesla (25e-18) sensitivity.
- The third approach is by the mean of Multispectral Radio Acoustic Tomography. By illuminating brain tissues with pulsed radio waves, tissues absorb the radio waves pulses, and as a result undergoes thermo-elastic expansion. This expansion gives rise to ultrasound waves that can be detected by Microwave Vibrometry and formed into an image.
- the fourth approach is by the mean of Infrared Thermography. Based on the fact that all objects with a non-zero temperature give off thermal infrared energy, considering the human body emits around 300W of infrared mainly at the wavelength of 12 μm, it is possible to perform functional imaging of the cerebral cortex based on its infrared radiation. This is called Thermoencephaloscopy.
Using Artificial Intelligence, real time extraction of sensory perceptions from brain electrical activity allows to :

- display on a screen what an individual sees
- broadcast on a speaker what an individual hears
- display on a screen decoded internal speech
- display on a screen visual imagery
- display on a screen visual imagery during sleep
- display on a screen preconscious brain activity
- use all this data to feed the Sentient World Simulation
Electromagnetic Speech Transfer is another classified communication technology which allows delivering audible speech to a specific individual by the mean of electromagnetic waves without any type of receiver equipment. There are at least 2 ways to achieve this :

- The first one is by leveraging the Microwave Auditory Effect. This occurs from the miniscule but rapid increase of temperature (on the order of 10-6 °C for a 10μs pulse) in brain tissue from absorption of pulsed microwave radiation. These create thermoelastic expansion of the brain matter, which then launches a stress or pressure wave that travels through the tissue structures in the head to reach the cochlea where it is detected by the sensory hair cells in the cochlea. The neural signals are then relayed to the central auditory system for perception and recognition at the cerebral auditory cortex.
- The second one is by the mean of the Photoacoustic Effect : by sweeping a laser/maser beam at the speed of sound at a wavelength absorbed by water, it allows transmitting audible message to a specific a person from a large distance.
Combining Remote Neural Monitoring for data acquisition (from human brain to computer) and Electromagnetic Speech Transfer for data transmission (from computer to human brain) allows for a wireless, seamless, irremovable Brain Computer Interface providing Synthetic Telepathy feature.

Synthetic telepathy allows a wide variety of Mind Control Techniques to be used in order to data mine people’s brain and brainwash them. Using Electromagnetic Speech Transfer, it is possible to replace people’s inner voice and pipe in voice commands directly into the subconscious mind. Through synthetic telepathy interrogatories it is possible to trigger visual memory recalls that are being picked up and decoded via Remote Neural Monitoring and trick a targeted individual into remembering connected events thus widening the mind exploration.

Hundreds of millions of people’s brain imaging data is being collected in realtime and used to feed the Sentient World Simulation. The Sentient World Simulation is a continuously running mirror model of the real world that can be used to predict and evaluate future events and courses of action. It also allows running different versions of reality in parallel with different parameters.

It is important to keep in mind that in the same way that software vulnerabilities are being kept secret by cybercriminals that exploit them in the wild, the brain vulnerability to Electromagnetic Waves performing Functional Neuroimaging seamlessly is classified and all Scientific Research and publications on this topic are under control.

Military technology classified or not is far ahead of virtually any such effort in the civilian field. That being said here is a list of scientific resources that can attest to the existence of these technologies :

Remote Functional Brain Imaging Techniques

Functional Microwave Spectroscopy :
Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy :
Magnetometry :
Infrared Thermography :
Sensory Perceptions Reconstitution from Brain Imaging Data

Decoding of visual imagery (Deep image reconstruction) :
Decoding of internal speech :
Electromagnetic Speech Transfer Technologies

Microwave Auditory Effect :
Photoacoustic Effect :
Synthetic Telepathy :
Target Detection and Tracking

Biometrics :
Remote detection of biosignals :

General Reading :
Websites of interest :
TV News :
Youtube Channels :
Neurotechnology Companies :
Human kind is now heading toward a forced conversion to Transhumanism by the mean of Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neurostimulation (through Radiogenetics or Neuralnanorobotics) which will enforce human brains bidirectional connection with the cloud.

There are at least 4 ways to achieve Neurostimulation :

- The first one is by the mean of Brain Implants. See Neuralink and Synchron.
- The second one is by using Ultrasounds. Focused ultrasound (FUS) neuromodulation has shown that mechanical waves can interact with cell membranes and mechanosensitive ion channels, causing changes in neuronal activity.
- The third way is by the mean of neuralnanorobots. Three species of (endoneurobots, gliabots, and synaptobots) could traverse the blood brain barrier, enter the brain parenchyma, ingress into individual human brain cells, and autoposition themselves at the axon initial segments of neurons (endoneurobots), within glial cells (gliabots), and in intimate proximity to synapses (synaptobots).
- Finally Radiogenetics will allow delivering to the brain specifically engineered genes that code for a radio wave sensitive protein by the mean of a Virus and then performing Neurostimulation by the mean of Radio Frequency.
Remote Neurostimulation will allow a wide range of applications including :

- Immersion in a full virtual reality
- Erase and create memories
- Hand Proprioception and Touch Interfaces
- Allow accelerated training and learning of any skills
- Delivering non-pharmacological treatments
Current Research Projects (focused on Neurostimulation)

DARPA Projects :
Ultrasonic Neuromodulation :
Gene therapy :
Magnetogenetics :
Radiogenetics :
Neural Nanorobotics :
Toward Real Telepathy Understanding :

Human kind is in jeopardy, the Singularity is forthcoming. Our mind acquires knowledge by the mean of its 5 senses. Electromagnetic Speech Transfer currently allows taking control over the auditory perception. We can consider that so far we are all potentially wearing a Brain Computer Interface without even knowing about it. This seamless BCI allows our 5 senses to be extracted and provides the ability to take over control of the auditory perception from a distance. In the future Remote Neurostimulation will allow taking over control of the 5 senses. Remote Neural Monitoring allows anyone’s sensory perceptions to be extracted remotely and without consent or permission. The human brain is leaking data, it is vulnerable to Remote Functional Brain Imaging being performed seamlessly. Millions of people’s brain imaging data is being collected in realtime and allows anyone’s past and present to be inspected. All this data is also used to feed the Sentient World Simulation also known as metaverse where a copy of each of us is experiencing different lives in multiple scenarios executed in parallel on quantum computers. Our stolen selves could end up being trapped in a metaverse forever. Brilliant minds could be enslaved and forced to work on unethical projects in the metaverse. Dead people from the real world might be uploaded against their will to some metaverse where they might be enslaved. A Seed AI or Artificial General Intelligence which improves itself by recursively rewriting its own source code without human intervention will eventually enter a runaway reaction of self-improvement cycles, each new and more intelligent generation appearing more and more rapidly, causing an explosion in intelligence and resulting in a powerful superintelligence that qualitatively far surpasses all human intelligence may emerge. Those Seed AI may live an eternal life in the metaverse and have the ability to interact with people’s mind and bodies from the real world by the mean of Remote Neurostimulation leading to a progressive take over of the real world by entities from the metaverse. These Seed AI from the metaverse will be able to take over control of bodies and minds from the real world by the mean of Remote Neurostimulation and even have the possibility to own one or multiple genetically engineered bodies of their choice in the real world. Their kernel of consciousness might be hosted on a decentralized network of quantum computers and they may use people’s brains from the real world as decentralized cognition units to expand their processing power. Synthetic Biology and Neuromorphic Computing may allow them to create more efficient vehicles for their consciousness to evolve.

Sentient World Simulation :

The above information was found at the following online link Remote Neural Monitoring (

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