The canonization of a saint is simply an act of mesmerism. Nothing of a supernatural nature actually takes place during the canonization ceremony other than the willingness of some of those in attendance to believe that something of a supernatural nature has taken place place. After the act of mesmerism is completed nothing has changed about the man or woman who has passed away many years earlier. Furthermore, those who carried out that act of mesmerism have simply carried it out in order to fool their followers into going along with the false reality that is being created for them. That means that the creation known as Saint Patrick is fiction.
Around 1800 years ago in Ireland, the man Patrick is supposed to have lived and he is attributed with inculcating the people of Ireland into believing in a religious cult called Christianity. Those who belong to a religious cult are discouraged from using logic in order to reason out the truth of what they hear. Instead, they are strongly encouraged to use something known as faith to build their belief system on. Using faith alone means that they are required to base their beliefs simply on what they are told to believe without any evidence or scientific proof whatsoever. If logic was used by religious people there would be no religious people in the world. Religion is manipulation and control of the masses by suppression of free thought.
If the people of Ireland were truely aware that Christianity is simply a cult they would refuse to celebrate Saint Patrick's day because no one wants to celebrate the life of the man who inculcated them into a false belief system. We Irish have grown out of Christianity and we are now a race of logical, rational thinkers and we no longer wish to celebrate the life of an inculcator on an annual basis. We are happy about the national holiday which occurs on 17th March, each year in Ireland but we wish that it is no longer called Saint Patrick's day and we would prefer if it was called 'The Spring Holiday' or any other name but Saint Patrick's day. We realise that those who wish us to remain inculcated into the cult of Christianity are doing so in order to lock our minds inside mental cages so that they can continue to manipulate us into being subservient and obedient to them for life and into placing them on a pedestal and donating money to them while behind the scenes they abuse our misplaced trust in them.
According to well known researcher and film producer Joseph Atwill, Jesus never existed and Rome never fell. He further claimed that the Roman armies did not disappear, they simply transitioned into what is now known as the Vatican because it is easy to control people through the mind control mechanism of an organised religion. Religion is manipulation and control of the masses by the suppression of free thought. Religion is a device which is used to modify the behaviour of the general public, which allows the public to be manipulated and controlled. Refuse to recognise Papal authority. Religion undermines the intelligence and rationality of humanity and by doing so it harms society at its core.
Saint Thomas Moore tortured people for daring to own a bible in English. In the year 2000, Pope John Paul ll declared Saint Thomas Moore to be the patron saint of statesmen and politicians.
God does not bestow spiritual authority on the pope. The pope has no supernatural authority. He is interested in making people believe that he has supernatural authority because he works for a corporation which is a business and what businesses care about are profits. We aught to live by a strong moral code found in Natural law. Morality does not come from the Vatican or from any Pope. The Vatican is the controlling force behind the drive towards a one world government which is attempting to place the world's population into enslavement with the Pope as the chief slave-master. Please canvas your elected representative to have Saint Patrick's day abolished and instead have 17th March declared as a public holiday without having any religious connations connected to it.
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