Smart meters collect data and also transmit data and will by used to switch off your access to electricity if you challenge the dictatorship. Refuse smart meters by writing to esb networks and to your electricity provider informing them that you are declining the installation of a smart meter in your home now. Place a notice with your signature on your front door stating that your are declining the smart meter. Share this information widely in order to alert the unaware as to the true purpose of smart meters.
ireland (10)
BEAM FORMING is the ability to narrowly transmit or focus beams carrying data to a particular targeted individual without allowing that data to be expanded to other nearby individuals. For instance, a targeted individual, while standing inside a large group of people can be communicated with by means of beam forming without others in the group being able to hear the message that the targeted individual has received. BEAM FORMING is being used in bio-medicine. BEAM FORMING is being used to torture individuals while they are inside their own homes sitting talking to their families. Because energy weapons are invisible, silent and leave no trace, those who are not able to think outside the cocoon which has been created for them by those who control the main stream media are unable to act on information which they receive about wireless torture which is being carried out by means of beam forming. Because they are refusing to believe in wireless torture, their own children will possibly be wirelessly enslaved and tortured in the future. This is the price that they will possibly pay for their inaction in this area.
Modern Weapons are mostly invisible and silent and they leave no trace and the person standing beside you could be attacked by them without you being able to detect it.
Some modern weapons use directed energy and some modern weapons are known as acoustic weapons, neurological weapons, frequency weapons and various other types of weapons, most of which are classified. Because they are invisible and silent and leave no trace some people wrongly believe that they don't exist. Those people have been lulled into a false sense of security.
You are possibly already wirelessly linked to complicated weapons systems from micro or nano material which is inside your body and brain, which would have been introduced into your body mostly by means of vaccinations, and other types of injections. Modern microwave transmitters and smart street lighting link to the micro and nano material inside your body and brain by means of beam forming. Beam forming means that they energy which comes from the transmitters close to you separates into individual beams for each person in the area of those transmitters, enabling others to transmit individual messages and other data into your brain and body without others close to you being able to detect it.
A system is being set up worldwide where an Alexa type artificial voice will speak directly to you and will issue orders into your brain ordering you about all day long, each and every day, micro-managing your life in ways that are unbearable, and if you fail to obey those orders then pain or electric shocks will be transmitted into your body, or you will become paralyzed or your eyes will be externally controlled to remain shut until you obey the artificially generated voice coming from inside your head.
I know about this system because I have been partially under such a system for nearly twenty years. Medical professionals, psychiatrists, the police, the military and government officials may be under such a system while remaining unaware of it because they appear to be receiving subliminal messages to ignore all information about it which comes from those who have already become targeted by it on a full time basis.
Some solutions may be One to take down the infrastructure which allows this system, Two, to find a way of detoxifying our bodies from the nano technology which has been injected into us, Three to identify and arrest those who are responsible for setting up this system and force them to let us know how to protect ourselves from it, and Four, to stop all chemtrailing of the skies over our heads with nano materials and which has gone on for at least twenty years.
Unelected globalists working through the World Economic forum, the World Health Organisation, the International Monitary Fund and many other organisations which have almost nothing to do with national governments have attempted worldwide takeover.
Using a hoaxed pandemic they persuaded us to allow ourselves to be injected with several substances including Hydrogel which is a smart technology which uses bio-synthesis to create an intra-body nano-network inside our bodies. This intra-body nano-network and other injectable technology would allow them to connect us by wireless means to a control system known as the internet of bodies which in turn would allow them to harvest biological, physiological and psychological data from our brains and bodies and which would also allow them to download data to our brains and bodies such as voice hearing, moving images, still images, sensations, electric shock, pain, forced muscle movement, immobilization of muscles, feeling too hot or feeling too cold, subliminal suggestions, mood changes, and many other experiences.
This is an enslavement system which is meant for us but we must focus only on ways to stop them enslaving us, such as taking down the infrastructure which allows them to transmit and receive information from our bodies and brains and also detoxifying our brains and bodies so that we become free of the intra-body nano network and also to have them arrested and detained until they reveal methods which allow us to free ourselves from this enslavement system. I believe that some of our elected representatives and senior police and military have been partially lobotimized by means of brain weapon technology to the extent that they appear grateful to the would-be enslavers for gradually and incrementally taking away our freedom and abundance. They appear to have been subliminally programmed to publicly grovel to the would-be enslavers whenever they are in view. Do something today to help return us to full freedom.
Remote Neural Monitoring is a means for torturing victims invisibly and silently without leaving any evidence and it is achieved by means of directed energy weapons, neurological weapons, acoustic weapons and holographic projections among many other types of classified and other weapons.
Terrorist operatives isolate a victim and beam radio signals and holographic projections into their home. Gang-stalkers are employed to follow the victim around and to break in and sabotage a small number of the victim's belongings while they are out of their home, but not enough to make it a police matter. Satellite derived extra low frequencies and other means are used to communicate with the victim, and the victim is forced to hear those communications coming from inside their own heads and they have no way of blocking such communications. The communications are often death threats and physical torture threats.
The victim goes to the police and reports the matter and the police refuse to believe them and instead of investigating their claims, the police instead force them to attend for psychiatric evaluation, where they are often then transferred to a psychiatric hospital where they lose all of their freedom and their right to bodily integrity.
This situation is widespread throughout the world and those who refuse to take our claims seriously will find themselves and their children under attack from these aformentioned weapons, due to their complacency and their refusal to trust the public who report these crimes.
I am a victim of Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation for nearly twenty years in the Republic of Ireland. I know of many other Irish men and women who are also being subjected to Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation. We no longer report the matter to the Gardai because of our extreme fear of psychiatric intervention and forced medication with toxic substances. I experience voices being broadcast into my head from unknown remote locations by anonymous cowards and I also experience tactile sensations on my arms and legs and also on my nether regions and rear end and all over my body. I also experience forced muscle movement, especially of the muscles around my face. I can be forced to laugh at the will of those who use directed energy weapons and brain to brain interface capabilities on me.
On 1st December, 2022, at 14.23 which is twenty three minutes past two pm, G.M.T. which is also known as Irish Time I was in a store called Tesco in Claremorris, Co. Mayo, in the Republic of Ireland where I purchased a coat. I went up to the check out in Tesco and while I was waiting in line unknown operatives broadcast energy into my rear end which I felt as strong sensations in my rear end. They do that to me on a regular basis no matter where I am. They broadcast sensations to my rear end while I am in bed at night and they often do this up to ten times during the night. They broadcast sensations to my front bottom area during the night also. I am a single woman and I live alone and I am celebate. I find all of this very difficult to take and I sometimes scream when they attack me with energy in my nether regions when I am trying to sleep at night. Last night, I was made to scream almost continuously for half an hour because one of the unknown terrorist operatives who uses directed energy weapons and neurological weapons against me from an unknown remote location would not leave me alone and was persistently attacking my front bottom area with energy which I can strongly feel and which I experience as extremely invasive and humiliating. I live alone in a rural area a good distance away from my nearest neighbours so nobody can hear me scream at night.
I have the receipt for the coat which I purchased in Tesco, Claremorris, today and the reason that I mention the receipt is because the time I purchased the coat is on the receipt and that is the same time as I was being attacked by directed energy weapons which was 23 minutes past 2 pm Irish time while I was at the checkout.
My name is Gretta Fahey and the name on the birth certificate which is associated with my birth is Margaret Mary Fahey and my postal address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. This is also the address where my mother gave birth to me. My date of birth is 3rd February, 1960. My landline home phone number is 094 9360901. My email address is I have a bitchute channel under the name grettafahey where I have two hundred and fifty videos published, most but not all of which are about what I am experiencing by means of no-touch torture by means of directed energy weapons, neurological weapons, acoustic weapons and other types of invisible and silent energy weapons which leave no trace.
If the above control and torture system is not stopped there will be no future for anyone. Please raise awarness of this system and canvas your political representative to have it stopped. Many senior politicians, police, military and others are receiving subliminal messages to disbelieve targeted individuals and to resist any and all information we provide to the Irish government on the matter.
For further information on the current capabilities of directed energy weapons and neurological weapons please read the information on a website called and
Remote Neural Monitoring is a means for torturing victims invisibly and silently without leaving any evidence and it is achieved by means of directed energy weapons, neurological weapons, acoustic weapons and holographic projections among many other types of classified and other weapons.
Terrorist operatives isolate a victim and beam radio signals and holographic projections into their home. Gang-stalkers are employed to follow the victim around and to break in and sabotage a small number of the victim's belongings while they are out of their home, but not enough to make it a police matter. Satellite derived extra low frequencies are used to communicate with the victim, and the victim is forced to hear those communications coming from inside their own heads and they have no way of blocking such communications. The communications are often death threats and physical torture threats.
The victim goes to the police and reports the matter and the police refuse to believe them and instead of investigating their claims, the police instead force them to attend for psychiatric evaluation, where they are often then transferred to a psychiatric hospital where they lose all of their freedom and their right to bodily integrity.
This situation is widespread throughout the world and those who refuse to take our claims seriously will find themselves and their children under attack from these aformentioned weapons, due to their complacency and their refusal to trust the public who report these crimes.
I am a victim of Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation for nearly twenty years in the Republic of Ireland. I know of many other Irish men and women who are also being subjected to Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation. We no longer report the matter to the Gardai because of our extreme fear of psychiatric intervention and forced medication with toxic substances. I experience voices being broadcast into my head from unknown remote locations by anonymous cowards and I also experience tactile sensations on my arms and legs and also on my nether regions and rear end and all over my body. I also experience forced muscle movement, especially of the muscles around my face. I can be forced to laugh at the will of those who use directed energy weapons and brain to brain interface capabilities on me.
Today, 1st December, 2022, at 14.23 which is twenty three minutes past two pm, G.M.T. which is also known as Irish Time I was in a store called Tesco in Claremorris, Co. Mayo, in the Republic of Ireland where I purchased a coat. I went up to the check out in Tesco and while I was waiting in line unknown operatives broadcast energy into my rear end which I felt as strong sensations in my rear end. They do that to me on a regular basis no matter where I am. They broadcast sensations to my rear end while I am in bed at night and they often do this up to ten times during the night. They broadcast sensations to my front bottom area during the night also. I am a single woman and I live alone and I am celebate. I find all of this very difficult to take and I sometimes scream when they attack me with energy in my nether regions when I am trying to sleep at night. Last night, I was made to scream almost continuously for half an hour because one of the unknown terrorist operatives who uses directed energy weapons and neurological weapons against me from an unknown remote location would not leave me alone and was persistently attacking my front bottom area with energy which I can strongly feel and which I experience as extremely invasive and humiliating. I live alone in a rural area a good distance away from my nearest neighbours so nobody can hear me scream at night.
I have the receipt for the coat which I purchased in Tesco, Claremorris, today so I know that I was being attacked by directed energy weapons to my rear end at 23 minutes past 2 pm Irish time while I was at the checkout.
My name is Gretta Fahey and the name on the birth certificate which is associated with my birth is Margaret Mary Fahey and my postal address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. This is also the address where my mother gave birth to me. My date of birth is 3rd February, 1960. My landline home phone number is 094 9360901. My email address is I have a bitchute channel under the name grettafahey where I have two hundred and fifty videos published, most but not all of which are about what I am experiencing by means of no-touch torture by means of directed energy weapons, neurological weapons, acoustic weapons and other types of invisible and silent energy weapons which leave no trace.
After more than nineteen years of continued violation of my privacy by the use of the brain net and also continued electronic harassment and psychological torture, what is occurring to me is the following:- different men and women hack into my brain on a daily basis who appear to know nothing whatsoever about me and they continually make wrong assumptions about me which leads me to believe that millions of evil doers throughout the world have access to my unique neurological signature and by this means can access my brain and body whenever they wish without my consent. I now believe that there is no limit to the number of evil doers who can access my brain and body remotely. My name is Margaret M. Fahey aka Gretta Fahey and my postal address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560 and my landline home phone numberis094 9360901. My date of birth is 3rd February, 1960. For those who wish to study the capabilities of brain weapons further I enclose links to some of the documents of Professor David Salinas Flores who is an expert on the matter and whose profile I include here below as follows:-
Seven Scientific Backed Documents by Professor David Salinas Flores, MD, Professor of Medicine at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru, where he warns the world about the extreme dangers of Transhumanism and the Brain Net.
Transhumanism The Big Fraud: Towards Digital Slavery
An Alert to 2018 Fifa World Cup Mind Control with Brain Nanobots.
The "Human GPS"
The Secret Program of US Mind Control Weapons
The Brain Net: Violating the Privacy of University Students.
The First Robotization of Africans with Foreword by investigative journalist of note, Ramola D, whose own website is
The Nanomafia: Nanotechnology’s Global Network of Organized Crime
The canonization of a saint is simply an act of mesmerism. Nothing of a supernatural nature actually takes place during the canonization ceremony other than the willingness of some of those in attendance to believe that something of a supernatural nature has taken place place. After the act of mesmerism is completed nothing has changed about the man or woman who has passed away many years earlier. Furthermore, those who carried out that act of mesmerism have simply carried it out in order to fool their followers into going along with the false reality that is being created for them. That means that the creation known as Saint Patrick is fiction.
Around 1800 years ago in Ireland, the man Patrick is supposed to have lived and he is attributed with inculcating the people of Ireland into believing in a religious cult called Christianity. Those who belong to a religious cult are discouraged from using logic in order to reason out the truth of what they hear. Instead, they are strongly encouraged to use something known as faith to build their belief system on. Using faith alone means that they are required to base their beliefs simply on what they are told to believe without any evidence or scientific proof whatsoever. If logic was used by religious people there would be no religious people in the world. Religion is manipulation and control of the masses by suppression of free thought.
If the people of Ireland were truely aware that Christianity is simply a cult they would refuse to celebrate Saint Patrick's day because no one wants to celebrate the life of the man who inculcated them into a false belief system. We Irish have grown out of Christianity and we are now a race of logical, rational thinkers and we no longer wish to celebrate the life of an inculcator on an annual basis. We are happy about the national holiday which occurs on 17th March, each year in Ireland but we wish that it is no longer called Saint Patrick's day and we would prefer if it was called 'The Spring Holiday' or any other name but Saint Patrick's day. We realise that those who wish us to remain inculcated into the cult of Christianity are doing so in order to lock our minds inside mental cages so that they can continue to manipulate us into being subservient and obedient to them for life and into placing them on a pedestal and donating money to them while behind the scenes they abuse our misplaced trust in them.
According to well known researcher and film producer Joseph Atwill, Jesus never existed and Rome never fell. He further claimed that the Roman armies did not disappear, they simply transitioned into what is now known as the Vatican because it is easy to control people through the mind control mechanism of an organised religion. Religion is manipulation and control of the masses by the suppression of free thought. Religion is a device which is used to modify the behaviour of the general public, which allows the public to be manipulated and controlled. Refuse to recognise Papal authority. Religion undermines the intelligence and rationality of humanity and by doing so it harms society at its core.
Saint Thomas Moore tortured people for daring to own a bible in English. In the year 2000, Pope John Paul ll declared Saint Thomas Moore to be the patron saint of statesmen and politicians.
God does not bestow spiritual authority on the pope. The pope has no supernatural authority. He is interested in making people believe that he has supernatural authority because he works for a corporation which is a business and what businesses care about are profits. We aught to live by a strong moral code found in Natural law. Morality does not come from the Vatican or from any Pope. The Vatican is the controlling force behind the drive towards a one world government which is attempting to place the world's population into enslavement with the Pope as the chief slave-master. Please canvas your elected representative to have Saint Patrick's day abolished and instead have 17th March declared as a public holiday without having any religious connations connected to it.
The following video by Mark Christopher gives information about Ireland which states that in official documents the word IRELAND is now being written in block capitals which indicates that we are now a debtors nation and we are in grave danger of losing our homes. Mark Christopher who is a federal postal court judge also states that Irish passports are being issued by the Irish department of foreign affairs instead of the home office where passports from other countries are issued from and the says that this indicates that we have been taken over by foreign invaders. He also says that we are being lied to and the government is withholding information from us as part of the process of deception. He offers a solution. Please share this video widely with all of the people of Ireland that you know. This might explain why there is an Irish referendum about the right to own property being held later on this year.
(3) IRISH are DEAD, Long Live the People of: - YouTube
Transmitting Undetectable Signals Into Our Minds. 2 messages |
Grooming for sex slavery being carried out via brain to brain interface in the Republic of Ireland. I am a long term non-consensual victim of remote controlled directed energy enabled non-consensual neuro experimentation. I am connected from nano materials inside my brain and body to either a human controlled network of computers or a human controlled supercomputer or both. My brain has been turned into a type of two way radio where voices and moving images as well as pain, electric shock, disablement and many other unwanted experiences are downloaded to me on a constant basis. Information is also being transmitted to my peripheral nervous system which forces me to feel various sensations such as hands touching me or pulsations of energy touching me on numerous occasions throughout each day. The science of manipulating someones peripheral nervous system from an unknown remote location to make them feel sensations throughout the surface of their skin is called haptic or haptix science and technology and it is being made to happen to most if not all targeted individuals of non-consensual neuro experimentation throughout the world at this time. Today, 20th July, 2020 at 9. am, my own head was forced to nod for several seconds against my will and without my permission. This type of forced muscle movement is often experienced by both my fellow targeted individuals as well as myself. My right thigh has been forced to move against my will on another occasion as well as many other muscles throughout my body. My facial muscles are being moved against my will on several occasions throughout each day and I observe them in the mirror while they move against my will. Some targeted individuals of non-consensual experimentation have come forward on public interviews on the Ramola D youtube channel and informed the world that they were forced to walk against their own wills on occasion. This is all being achieved under the capabilities which are described in United States scientific patent number US6965816. I am a sixty year old Irish woman from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland and I live a very quite life in my own home in the Irish countryside. I have not attended a social gathering in the last twenty five years. I am single and alone and I have no wish whatsoever to meet a partner. The neuro operatives who also appear to be slave handlers appear to be now grooming me via brain to brain interface for some time of a sexual role. I am horrified by this and I will describe it briefly here so as to warn the world as to the current capabilities of brain to brain interface technology. In the past few days a pornographic image was transmitted to me via a type of brain to brain interface and I could not block it from my mind. This morning on 20th July, 2020 at 7am Irish time I was between asleep and awake when I am most susceptable to manipulation and at that exact time a digitally transmitted voice was transmitted into my head which was heard by me to say the following:- "Give us a little kiss." If I had imagined doing the act of kissing someone inside my head at that time the imprint of my behaviour would have been recorded and it could be remodulated and transmitted back to me at some future time if and when my brain had been slightly damaged so that I would not have free will to think my own thoughts in such a way that I could be programmed to automatically carry out acts against my will. I believe that this is how grooming for future sexual behaviour is being carried out by brain to brain interface at this point in time in secret throughout the world. Later on another digitally transmitted voice was transmitted to me and was heard by me to say the following "Does she have a negligee.". I further heard the following by the same method "She is no good for anything. We have to put her to some use. I dont have a negligee and I have no use for one. I am a lady in my late middle age and I have no interest whatsoever in physical intimacy. However, the reason I am writing about it and posting it online is because if a young lady was non-consensually brain to brain interfaced with in the manner in which I am being brain to brain interfaced with they would be vulnerable to sexual grooming by predators who use advances in technology to enslave people and then force them to do their bidding. When the young lady informed their parents that they were hearing voices they would be wrongly presumed to be mentally unwell. Since I became non-consensually connected to a computerized control, enslavement and torture system I write and speak about all of my experiences often in the hope of warning the rest of the world of the urgent need to disassemble and ban the technological infrastrucutre which enabled this type of technological enslavement.
I am non-consensually and unwillingly connected by a two way wireless system to a control and command centre where the operatives continually monitor an supervise me as well as issuing me voice commands on a regular basis. In the past five minutes I heard the voice of one of the supervisors say the following to me and to an unknown listening audience "There is a large staff here at the Peace Centre in Sheffield, United Kingdom, who monitor and supervise the Irish targeted individual known as Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo on a continual basis. They never leave her unsupervised.