I cant believe there is only 20 and 110 signed names on those two Petitions...!!!
We are over a thousand of members here at PP. What are you waiting for?
How are we ever gonna get recognizion if we dont act. There are so many more petitions in regarding other issues and they are signed by much more people. They wont even have a look at this if we dont reach 5000 signs before the end of October.
I dont even live in the US, but have signed anyway, I dont know if my sign counts. But as I have read alot of you members here at PP. are americans, living in the US. Pls go in and sign if you want to make a change and if you want this to hell we are under ever is gonna end one day./Annie
Soleilmavis ,but what about the ID of my computer? Even if I give an US zip code, they can know from where my sign in come from.
Annie, I ve tried to sign in with the zip code of my country, Morocco, because I dont like to lie but it didn't work, of course, the site didn't accept my sign in.
I am not sure of either. But I think its worth trying. No harm could be done. There are 20! signs one and a bit over a houndred on the other. There is a need of 5000 signs if they should even accept it. We are over a thousand of members here at PP. That really concerns me about people applying for membership here at PP. The majority is US people. One can wonder why there is post after post about complains of mind control and electronic torture, from, among others, US citizeens. Why dont sign the petition then, and try? From what I can see, people (members at PP) tend to be very active here at the sight for a couple of weeks maybe, and then "dissapear". It really makes me wonder if those are really targeted individuals? I am normally a against saying that about anyone here, and think we really should avoid accusing oneanother for being a "perp". However, now I am confused... Or what happens to the ones that goes silent. Are they free now and dont bother anymore or is there a tradegy behind all those people missing now? I have tried contacting several of the ones that I have noticed dissapeared all of a sudden-I have got one reply-once..
I am realistic, but if we cant even get together in such an issue as a petition, then I really dont see any hope at all for us. How can we then reach out for help?
We petition the obama administration to:
Please sign the petition here.
SIGN THIS PETITION http://wh.gov/4j0