I've been taking silicea 30ch for a year now. In doing some research I found that it is extracted from the horsetail plant. I plan on harvesting some this summer and making it into a tea. For those of you who can't afford the medicine, you can try this. So far I am making progress. The implant is making its way out slowly. It's deep in there so it takes time. Last summer an antenna came to the surface of the skin. This thing looked like fiber optics. It resembles a very big hair root. For all I know it was, the perps seemed upset about that. They made me lose it. To me it looked like a root, the perps seemed to be concerned about it coming out. Maybe fiber optic antenna. I will be taking the rest of the silicea until summer comes and go harvest some horsetail. It seems I would get a more concentrated dose from the tea. That's all for now.
Be Strong. Be Love.