When having a look at our member map and where the clusters are and where its almost empty, and then look at the map where the X-keyscore servers are situated (scroll down for the map), http://www.popsci.com/technology/article/2013-07/update-nsa-sucks-more-you-last-thought they to me look very similar, perhaps a coincidence, or perhaps not..

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  • Thanks for making the comparing of maps visual Cedric. Lim, I have no idea, maybe a thing to look into.

  • Even more interesting ;) I remember hearing about this SCS but did not read much details about it.

    Do you have any informations about what exactly is "special collection service"? Are satellites involved or does it have to do with the digital collection via the internet (dragnet)?

    I also remember the press naming 2 of the top secret satellites (quasar and intruder) without expanding further on the subject but i cannot recall if it was in the same context.

  • Interesting.   Is  X-Keyscore same as NSA SCS (Special collection service) ?  Link : https://peacepink.ning.com/profiles/blogs/nsa-90-number-global-class...

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