Posted by andrew scott on April 9, 2011 at 12:13am
hello my names andrew scott i am a victim of v2k transmissions.i have been suffering for six years and have gone through some of the most bizzare exsperiences in my life.perpitrators use spotlight audio and broadcast through c.b radio(which is free to air)they use there vocal which is converted into the ultra sonic range,by also using echo on a microphone it reaches us as a subliminal message which is of lesser volume than linear sound(all sound air ect..)giving us no option but to search for there next echo which is the trigger for us not been able to avoid what they say.(as there broadcast raises linear sound )the reason they claim to know your name is because am i means you and you have a name so you hear your name they realy dont know who you are the rest is built up by your own imagination which is projected also .sight triggers sentences as this is a subconcious reation you exchange for a concious thought which is projected and exchanged for a unkown vocal which naturaly comes across as if you hear your name your reaction is ,how do you know my name which because of the threat becomes we know your name.try lipreading your thoughts but force the mime out and you will hear yourself in a foriegn voice which takes some getting used to.they also use infrared images and negative which reaches your subconcious mind as the subconious is black and white this is what they use for triggering also as like i said before sight triggers sentences.if you want to capture an image use your mobile phone on negative and night mode cover the phone in two way mirror film and film(.also use energy efficiant light bulbs while filming)as the infrared light reflects back to the origonal source(phone)the mirror acts as a filter and traps the light,i was lucky because my mobile at the time had a mirror fronted display but the pictures ive took cannot be downloaded on to the internet as the phone was an old have to believe its all about the light.if any of you have ever been given shocks heres why,we all have ionide in our bodys and this is radiactive and halogenic and is atrracted to metals especialy silver metals(its how uri geller bends spoons by taking certain amounts)and is part of our nervous system which reacts with there transmissions and again is triggerd by sight which triggers the voices.the other way is by having something to hide by convincing yourself they will hear it,this causes head tremors.