Posted by Soleilmavis on November 16, 2009 at 9:00am
Dr. John Hall and Dr. Terry Robertson will be appearing on the Jim Guest Show on Sunday November 15, 2009 at 9am CDT to discuss issues concerning the development of technologies using the electromagnetic spectrum that can manipulate and influence human behavior and that may pose a threat to human and civil rights. These technologies have been publicly stated to be developed as weapons and communication systems but also have capabilities of behavioral influence.
Jim Guest is a current Missouri State Representative from the 5th District who advocates for the preservation of privacy rights as outlined in the U.S. Constitution.
Both Dr. Hall and Dr. Robertson are physicians and researchers who have been working with the advocacy group Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance FFCHS) through the FFCHS Medical Committee. Dr. Hall is also an author who has recently published a book about the unwitting use of these technologies on U.S.
citizens. FFCHS is a group composed of over 600 members who have complaints consistent with the unwitting use of these technologies upon themselves in an abusive and harassing fashion.
Topics they hope to discuss include:
1. The history of unethical human experimentation in the United States including mind control projects such as MKULTRA funded by intelligence agencies.
2. That such projects have included development of remote means of accessing and manipulating the human nervous system through electromagnetic frequencies.
3. That admissions by DoD agencies including patents, information gathered through FOIA requests, quotes from DoD personnel, and media releases reveal that these agencies have in the past and continue in the present to develop and research related technologies. Such technologies have focused on the use of directed energy in the form of acoustic and microwave energies including the currently funded research into synthetic telepathy at University of California Irvine.
4. That a growing body of citizens in the United States as well as other countries have complained of being subjected to such technologies, many in similar fashion, and that use of these technologies on the public would be consistent with established precedent.
5. That past attempts at specific legislation providing protection to the U.S. public from these technologies and nonconsensual experimentation have been unsuccessful. With the growing body of admissions of ongoing research and development of these technologies, legislation to provide these protections must be implemented along with investigation as to whether unethical use of these technologies is currently occurring.
6. That health implications may be a result of exposure to these technologies.
7. Specific case scenarios may be discussed. These reveal that these technologies may be being used in an abusive and harassing fashion. Furthermore, access to these technologies may have been acquired by personnel not directly associated with DoD agencies and as such poses an even larger threat to the public.
The interviewees seek to educate the public at large. The primary target audience is the public who is not currently aware of the history and development of these technologies and programs. Hopefully this will include members of the medical community who may encounter patients with complaints consistent with exposure to these technologies. This could aid the medical community in not falsely attributing complaints soley to mental illness. It is also hoped the audience will include members of political standing who could help enact
legislation or investigation.
Members of the community who may be subjected to these technologies are encouraged to listen to the show and encourage others who may have little knowledge of such to tune in. The interviewees are uncertain if the show will allow call in guests. With this in mind they would appreciate if members of the community who may be subjected to these technologies to use discretion in deciding whether or not to call in and relate their personal experiences. This is a nationally syndicated show and establishing credibility is paramount to educating the uninformed.
The show can be listened to live via internet on Sunday November 15, 2009 at 9am CDT at:
Click on the "Listen Live" link
Alternatively you can access it directly at:
USA House bill 550 introduced by Jim Guest to against illegal chip implants
A previous letter from Mr. Jim Guest