Why i beleive this is they can hit me in all these spots with signals.Another reason is i use Peroxide for after shave the white on my face i can pick off with tweziers and hold a direct flame under this and it don't disapeare and it will bounce on the counter top.I could have waited to long to find out how the signals effects peoples Health like mine.Everything i do to protect my self has been Sobotoged because they enter my home at will when i am gone.Every time i leave my Ground Sheild wont work at all when i return, my Farraday Cage 10 hours labor and $200.00 to build worked very well for a while and this gets Sobotoged now allso.When i got very sick and seen my doctor office with no medication i had to go get me some Goji juice and magostein super fruit i mixed these i took three ounces a day for three days and all my sickness and back pain left.I got very sick again while taking the Goji juice so i got a Colindal Silver Ion machine a few months ago and the silver ions was working very well but the silver ions have been Sabotoged allso.They used siler ions to cure diseases before medication came along.I will say this i heard them say that he is curing himself again and this can't happen.I was taking a few ounces a day and aged spots was dissapering and warts was falling off and my face was healing and then someone started sobotoging all my things even my ions.They were amased at how well the ions was working for me.I have a hard time now and can't funtion very well at home.What they can do to the Blood in the body and cells is very bad,i will try to make my vedio now but i have no help from no one. Thanks and God Bless!
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