this can not be healed by medical

You can try to take as much anti-depressants anti psych what ever but the truth of this in which I know is true is that modern medicine and science can not heal you emotionally. Lots of Doctors would prescribe you meds.. for really anything or nothing at all that was simple for them. Medicine is a cover up. A veil that hides the what is present in your life that has effected you. You need to realize that there is alot of things you need to start doing to combat your spiritual battle. Stand on top of it. eliminate the things they like to watch they like to listen too out of your life. We all need shelter the only shelter I found that goes head on into warfare against those involved in witch craft is to read the word of God aloud listen to his worship music watch CBN and other Christian broadcasting shows. If you start doing this the doors will begin to close on the enemy and you will be able to focus on the reality of his natural healing spirit that has healed many like you in similar cases.
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  • Yes, agree, this can not be healed by medicine. Eating properly or Medicinal herbs can keep you body balance.
    Only stop remote electromagntic mind control weapons abuses and tortures, your diseases would disappear.
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