"MY SEXUALITY IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!" He has actually burned my mouth, and painful jabs to my shoulder, and half-sick all this week to "cause me to lose my marbles". so i would be put away because of my sexuality.
They " my relatives" have offered to pay him to stop my sexuality. AIDS is their concern as if at 40 years old I need to be protected from my sexuality. I can make my own decisions. This is done through a nasal implant with a transceiver that he plays with when he is LOADED on his drugs. I know who he is but I am helpless. Government agencies will not respond to my complaints. I would keep my mouth shut if I could live a human life. He says I have seen too much of his livlihood. He said he is trying to "shape" me, but to be in pain and sick, tortured all week? I gave up booze and drugs 6 months ago. Enough is enough. I cannot give him anymore.