There is good news for those following international TI activism and as far as I'm aware this is a first for our community! Magnus Ollsson and Henning Witte with the help of Liliana O'Connor, who has a 25-year employment history with the UN and ICATOR, the international TI coalition organization of which PACTS is one part representing the United States, have managed to obtain entry to attend the United Nations Human Rights Council meeting in Geneva, Switzerland for this current session (February 24 - March 20).
This is a MAJOR step forward for our activism to be represented in this most respected international organization. There are naysayers about our involvement in the UN however, the UN Human Rights Council is THE premiere international human rights organization on the planet in my opinion and their giving our issues a platform is HUGE in terms of awareness, visibility, and credibility for our cause.
Click on this link to see a list in Google of all the world news outlets that reported on the Rapporteur's speech and his use of the term 'cybertorture.'
Magnus and Henning plan to report soon on their activities, including a planned meeting with Nils Melzer, the UN Rapporteur on Torture.
In the meantime, it seems that our community outreach efforts to Nils Melzer may have paid off after all. Mr. Melzer presented his speech to the United Nations Human Rights Council today on the subject of "psychological torture", and more specifically in regards to us, something he called 'cybertorture' which includes the use of "neurotechnologies."
He states in his report that "individuals or groups systematically targeted by cyber-surveillance and cyber-harassment generally are left without any effective means of defense, escape or self-protection and at least in this respect often find themselves in a situation of "powerlessness" comparable to physical custody."
And that "much more systematic, government-sponsored threats and harassment delivered through cyber-technologies not only entail a situation of effective powerlessness, but may well inflict levels of anxiety, stress, shame and guilt amounting to “severe mental suffering” as required for a finding of torture."
Click on the link below to read Mr. Melzer's entire report:
Report of the Special Rapporteur on Torture and other cruel, inhuman treatment of punishment
Soleilmavis, GREAT JOB AGAIN! I started posting the report yesterday and thought I read that he is going to give a speech on the report Monday March 2, 2020. I love the way you presented his report - I'll be sending your email and Peacepink post to everyone! Always, Stan.