To Whom it Concerns,
Data is being collected from your smart phone, from the computer system which is built into your vehicle, from nano technology inside your brain and body, from your smart television, from the artificial intelligence system called Alexa which you keep inside your home, from your debit and credit cards, from your computerized bank account, from your tax payment details, from your social welfare claims, from your fit bit, from your smart watch and from built in smart technology inside your home, from any posts which youy have posted online, from emails which you have both sent and received and possibly by  a number of other means.    This private data collection has been ongoing for many years and vast quantities of data has now been collected and collated about you and it has been analysed by artificial intelligence and also by human data analysts.   An extremely detailed profile can be drawn up about you which can be read by many and varied men and women who are unknown to you and who do not have your best interests at heart.   An extremely detailed profile can be drawn up of all of your country men, women and children collectively if necessary.  The plan of those who own this around the clock surveillance system is to enslave you.  
These aforementioned would-be enslavers who are believed to be those who privately own the bank of international settlements in Switzerland which is believed to be the central bank of central banks and along with that they are believed to privately  own and control most other central banks throughout the world along with the two main corporations in the world which are known as Vanguard and Blackrock are now planning to introduce what is known as Central Bank Digital Currency which would allow central bankers combined with artificial intelligence data collection to create a credit score system for you individually which would  automatically program what you can and can not buy.   If you did or said or wrote anything that would challenge the central bankers you would then not be allowed to buy a train or plane ticket or a motor vehicle.   The computer system in your motor vehicle would be connected to the nano technology which is now inside your brain and body and both of those would also be connected to your digitalized bank account which would be under external control.   The smart grid would stop you travelling out side your own town if necessary because the computerized technology in your motor vehicle would cause your motor vehicle to stop at the five kilometer mark of your journey, which would be the limit the enslaved would be allowed to travel.  
Slaves are always kept in small slave colonies away from each other and they are not allowed to meet the slaves in other small slave colonies because if an uprising broke out in one slave colony, it would more easily be subdued without alerting any other slave colony that such an uprising was taking place.   Invisible electric fences can easily be erected around each smart city with only one entrance and exit which could and would be guarded by weaponized robots who can currently out run some humans. 
Covid-19 is about inoculating human beings with artificial intelligence so that they can be identified and their brain cells can be wirelessly controlled by remote means.   Centralized social controllers now have a very precise method of wirelessly  activating or switching off specific neurons in the living moving human being so that we can be made to instantly forget some things and to believe that which is not true.   Our senior politicians and others are possibly victims of these brain weapon capabilities.   Covid-19 emergency use power and funding must be stopped immediately.   Every covid-19 product needs to be urgently banned and recalled. 
The central bankers need us to have vaccine passports in order to co-ordinate their control system.   Please stop the introduction of vaccine passports. 
We need to urgently take down all 5G technology because 5G towers are for our termination due to the fact that the central bankers plan to wirelessly eliminate up to 90% of the world's population on an incremental basis.   CRISPR Cas 9 is a gene editing capability which is being used for the purposes of turning us into a variety of new species over time.   The use of electromagnetic pulses is known to  destroy both the infrastructure which is now inside our bodies and brains and which is outside of us in the form of microwave transmitters and 5G transmitters.
The contents of this email is not new information because there is endless similar information about the activities of the central bankers who are also believed to be the new world order cabal online mainly on and and several other video platforms.   How come we never hear such information on the main stream media news. 
Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey aka Margaret Mary Fahey,  Newbrook,  Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560,  Republic of Ireland.
My landline home phone number is 094 9360901.
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