We are all in imminent moral danger. Our brains and bodies have been saturated by nano technology.
Wireless external control can now be taken of our muscle movements. Wireless external control can be taken of our internal bodily functions.
Wireless external control can now be taken of our sexual function. Wireless external control can be taken of our appetite for food.
Wireless external control can be taken of our visual cortex and we can be forced to see disturbing visions.
Wireless external control can be taken of our audio cortex and we can be forced to hear voices which threaten to torture us.
Wireless external control can be taken of our peripheral nervous system and we can be forced to feel pain.
Wireless external control can be taken of us in order to torture us to death from four or five thousand miles away.
If and when 5G becomes fully activated then the bandwidth will be available to control everyone and all sentient beings at the same time. It is your moral duty to make sure all wireless enabling infrastructure is disassembled and banned now.
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