danger (6)



We are all in imminent moral danger. Our brains and bodies have been saturated by nano technology.
Wireless external control can now be taken of our muscle movements. Wireless external control can be taken of our internal bodily functions.
Wireless external control can now be taken of our sexual function. Wireless external control can be taken of our appetite for food.
Wireless external control can be taken of our visual cortex and we can be forced to see disturbing visions.
Wireless external control can be taken of our audio cortex and we can be forced to hear voices which threaten to torture us.
Wireless external control can be taken of our peripheral nervous system and we can be forced to feel pain.
Wireless external control can be taken of us in order to torture us to death from four or five thousand miles away.
If and when 5G becomes fully activated then the bandwidth will be available to control everyone and all sentient beings at the same time. It is your moral duty to make sure all wireless enabling infrastructure is disassembled and banned now.

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Are journalistic scholars who work throughout the main stream media placing any of their resources in researching, investigating and writing about extreme and continuous advances in neuro science and neuro technology, and how they are being used in secret against all of us?
I am being psychologically tortured and physically manipulated by the use of extreme advances in neuro science and neuro technology by wireless technological means. Both because my adversaries are and remain unknown to me and because the methods that are being used against me leave no physical trace I am being disbelieved by some agents of the government that this is happening to me.
Also, because extreme advances in wireless weapons can and are being used to entrain the brains of the populace into states of happy apathy as well as inertia, despite repeated warnings, people are remaining unconcerned about the capabilities and abuses of such weapons when they should be in a state of extreme outrage.
We can do much to help ourselves in order to restore our clear thinking capabilities. We must consider how the technological infrastructure that is being erected all around us is effecting our ability to think and act. We must also consider that this technological infrastructure is being used as a weapons against us.
Many are claiming online that they have already been wirelessly connected to a computerized human control system from a variety of brain and body implants, which enables outside control of their limbs as well as also enabling outside manipulation to their brain capabilities, such as hearing voices, seeing visions, interference with what they conjour up in their minds eye and a variety of other outside manipulations. According to major science literature, all human beings as well as all other sentient beings are due to be connected up to this system which is being called the cerebral internet of things. This system is already up and running and many individuals who keep online blogs are claiming that they have already been connected to it and that they are experiencing outside control of their muscles, their alimentary canals, their limbs and their vocal cords among many other parts of their bodies and brains. Why have their not been any public discussions held on this extremely urgent matter?
My name is Gretta Fahey from Claremorris, Republic of Ireland. My website is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net.

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Artificial intelligence does not exist. What actually exists are preprogrammed computerized algorithms, nothing more. Computerized algorithms have been individually programmed by numerous computer programmers so that each individual can be tracked by many and varied means as they go about their lives. Each individual is given a permanent record. They are then tracked throughout their lives. Data analysts record each specific action of that individual and award or deduct merit points for that specific action. These preprogrammed actions are programmed into a possible situational analysis construct for each individual person.

Nano technology which now has been blended with our food, water, air, and all the products we purchase could send signals to computer networks which would allow us to be monitored inside our homes and even inside our bodies if the would-be controllers deemed it necessary.

In future years, if or when a social credit score system is rolled out throughout the world as has already happened throughout China then each of us will have tabs kept on all of our activities. This would be no better than abject enslavement. We would have no freedom.

These preprogrammed computerized algorithms have no ability to take into account such concepts as love, happiness, peace of mind, grief, the need for idleness, and many other concepts that human beings hold dear. As well as that, both the individuals who conceptualized this program and who wish to enslave their own equals in this manner and the programmers themselves appear to have a satanic mind-set of extreme cruelty and intolerance. Because of this, a million chinese people are being blacklisted because of this social credit score program each month.

If anybody ever tries to convince you that artificial intelligence now exists and has become sentient please be assured that they most likely belong to a secret society which aims to enslave their fellow human beings and they wish to misdirect the blame for the attempt at enslaving us on to a dead piece of equipment called a super-computer so that we would be distracted from seeing who our real enemy is. We must fight back by urgently disassembling and banning all wireless enabling capabilities and returning to the use of hard wired devices.. This is now our only option for future freedom in this world. Please raise awareness of this one and only solution to our problems.  We are in clear and present danger.

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If a criminal neuro operative is able to obtain a sample of your DNA and a copy of your unique brain signature and is also able to implant you with a biochip, all of these things in conjunction with  neural dust which you may have been inhaling and ingesting and may  already be in your brain, spinal cord and body can then be used to link you to a remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation network and you can never escape from it again unless you receive a strong pulse of magnetic energy which is capable of destroying all of the internal settings of the neural dust.

We have all been inhaling and ingesting neural dust for the past few decades , which has lodged in our brains, spinal cords and throughout our bodies.   This neural dust is being sprayed on us by chemtrail spraying of the sky.   Neural dust particles in the bodies of a random selection of individuals are being individally linked by a two way stream of electromagnetic energy to a computer network.

Over many years a human being can have their brain, spinal cord and sub groups of their muscles intertwined with a computer network so that computer operators can move sections of their muscles totally against their wills and without their permission.

Energy weapons in combination with Neural dust particules in the brain in combination with biochips are being used to transmit voices, visions, and sensations into the brains of targeted individuals.     Many of these individuals are forced to have virtual reality experiences without the need to wear a virtual reality headset.   Energy weapons can be used to transmit imperceptable voices into the brains of human beings.  These imperceptible voices  are being used to subliminally influence largely unaware members of the public to vote a certain way in elections or to cut their own children out of their wills and instead leave their money to questionable works of charity.  These new technologies can also be used to remotely influence couples to divorce each other.  Energy weapons can be used to  burn down your home by remote wireless means.   They can also be used to cause organ failure in any human being also by wireless remote means.

This neural dust  can be used to entrain a human being to feel any emotion.

We must urgently disable, disassemble and ban microwave transmitters now as well as all related paraphernalia,  so as to disable wireless weapons throughout the planet.  We aught to purchase a non-smart mobile  phone which is devoid of  a screen which is being marketed for blind people.   Search online under the phrase "screenless phone".   We use this non-smart screenless mobile phone every day to try and detect digital signals.   It is imperative that each street in each and every town purchase their own community owned electromagnetic spectrum analyser.  Do not register it to any occultist controlled government because if you do that the dark occultists could claim ownership of it and confiscate it. Use the electromagnetic spectrum analyser to detect what transmitter the digital signals are coming from.  Disable, disassemble, destroy,  ban and outlaw said digital  transmitter and receiver.

It is obvious that government officials are being electronically mind controlled through no fault of their own.  Individuals are being tortured inside their own homes to the point of force suicide  by the use of advanced technology for many decades and government officials have done nothing to help them because they appear unable to comprehend advances in science and technology which enable this situation to be taking place in their own environment.  We must now take back the power that was taken from us at our birth by the dark occultists who have been controlling information, weapons and wars for thousands of years.

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Ok I recall In 2006 Paul Frances wanting to use the chips to spread AIDS through chiped people someone asked me a question i recall Paul Frances haveing this idea. i had totaly forgotten but if chipped girls or guys want to come up to you and offer to do stuff head my warning. see i had forgotten and Dennis Smith may have had the same idea to do this to people i was talking to some one that has been harssing me for years i do recall them doing this to people. sorry i forgot but it is a part of the whole sex thing they started with the rapist
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Ok I recall In 2006 Paul Frances wanting to use the chips to spread AIDS through chiped people someone asked me a question i recall Paul Frances haveing this idea. i had totaly forgotten but if chipped girls or guys want to come up to you and offer to do stuff head my warning. see i had forgotten and Dennis Smith may have had the same idea to do this to people i was talking to some one that has been harssing me for years i do recall them doing this to people. sorry i forgot but it is a part of the whole sex thing they started with the rapist
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