December 2013 while I was in court for trial I was being attacked all day.It was strange when the judge said to take a break everyone left the court room and went straight to the bathroom I mean everyone.There was a line all the way down the hallway,ladies and men.The only thing they could hit was my head,they did not attack my body with pain but they sure attacked my eyes and ear’s and my head was so foggy and I could not concentrate at all.So I believe everyone in the court room was being hit with Microwaves because the microwaves did effect everyone Kidneys. I have never seen so many people using the bathroom at one time in my life and I had been in the court room a lot just watching trials before my court date. I was defending myself that day and was sitting in front roll right behind the DA table. The Judge made eye contact with me for ten to fifteen seconds at one time while I was sitting there in the court room and he to had a blank stare without a blink. They were at least fifty people in the court room that day, so if everyone there was to be scanned at that time I believe they would have emitted radiation using frequency scanner. When being attacked with microwaves the body electric goes up .When being hit with these different frequency’s it does effects the kidneys. You can always tell when people are being hit in this manner by just looking into there eyes and they lose all concentration. The RFID chips is old technology but many people still have these, most people that they chipped all they do is torcher them for long and then make them run back to the hospital and they would take them out with out their knowledge of ever being chipped or they just murder you and take them out after your death without your knowledge. The Judge look and stared at me as if he thought I was causing the mind control. Everyone to be tried in court when they stood up one by one the Judge told them the max sentence that they were facing in jail. Some was facing sixty days some ninety days and some one hundred and twenty days and when I stood up the Judge said three years and I have no priors at all. My experience in the court room people do not have to have Implants to be mind controlled by Microwaves. If you have implants you will know that you have them if you have not been over medicated like I was for fourteen years. I had to sleep in a recliner chair for almost a decade because of back pain, come to find out this was because of implants attached to my spine. Thanks And God Bless!

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