I really can't understand how people can be so depraved of rational thinking they seek to justify their actions with self-righteous, evil , justifications.
I am in a net cafe infested by perps.
One of them said: That's what we should do to make her write. Feed her, make her angry.
Darn you.
The writing that you have now is so different from the writings I would have done if I still believed in the inner goodness of all men.
The writings I do now is so different from what I was doing before.
Darn you to hurt me just so you get your fodder fix.
One perp even said to his compatriots, in arrogance: "I was the one who started it," seemingly proud "he was the reason I am writing".
The reason I am here at this time is because I decided to write about this before I came in. I already know I would write about this even before. That's the reason why I set up my website way before, duh!
I was just trying to weigh a lot of things.
Get over your ***** selves
No worries, Scott.
Well don't get involved with that No Name I'm sure you won't be careful and write of the things you have gone thru, Take care Scott
I will never get involved in such an evil game.
The only involvement if you can even call it that is that I am the ONE they are toying with. I have done everything I can to tell them to stop, I am trying to research on what they are doing, trying to explain to the perps how they are harming not only me but others who will be affected by their nefarious ways but they keep on doing it still.
They continue to help those who are doing this by granting them access and playing the manipulator's game.
I am doing the best I can to document how they are doing it so I can protect myself.
Nope. They are being ego-massaged, being made to believe they are good hacks when in fact their task is to grant access to the ones who are actually controlling the PC.
As an analogy, they are the insiders who will open the door for the burglars.
I posted some articles here before about how kids are being lured to perp and to harass with the promise of money or weapons or levels.
Here are the links:
I know two people who told me these things:
1. A rich person who owned a popular company/shop for artists exchanged a real car (SUV) for a weapon. In games, these weapons allow them to hack into accounts of people they wanna hack.
2. Somebody's classmate was paid 10,000 for user name and access for an account the buyer wanted.
In the various net cafes, I heard them say these:
1. The attendant here and in another cafe talked about being paid P1.500 for every access granted. P1,000 goes to the handler, 500 for the attendant.
2. The kids get points when they "defeat me" (The main manipulator uses this to dupe them into "playing", when the turth is , they're being asked to commit the crime for the brains behind this).
Will write this here to document what's happening.
They're playing "C. of T." now, an online game.
Such an apt name.
Steve's Prison.
The attendant is trying to hit me with words now.
Taunting me about pictures.
Along with the ones he said he started here.