What Twisted Reasoning!

I really can't understand how people can be so depraved of rational thinking they seek to justify their actions with self-righteous, evil , justifications.

I am in a net cafe infested by perps.

One of them said: That's what we should do to make her write. Feed her, make her angry.

Darn you.

The writing that you have now is so different from the writings I would have done if I still believed in the inner goodness of all men.

The writings I do now is so different from what I was doing before.

Darn you to hurt me just so you get your fodder fix.

One perp even said to his compatriots, in arrogance: "I was the one who started it," seemingly proud "he was the reason I am writing".


The reason I am here at this time is because I decided to write about this before I came in. I already know I would  write about this even before. That's the reason why I set up my website way before, duh!

I was just trying to weigh a lot of things.

Get over your ***** selves

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