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Follow the Virgin

Follow the Virgin


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Foto: Encontre esta foto en un libro sobre kosovo. Drets humans a kosovo 1989-1999 human itarian law center bel grade. de plataforma kosovo Esta tipa esta creando racismo y odio en mi psique. <a href=" />

this woman is my stalker psychic, and I can not report it because I would diagnose paranoid schizophrenia.

I found this photo in a book about kosovo.
Drets humans to kosovo 1989-1999
Itarian law center bel human grade.
kosovo platform
His photos have paragon.


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I have been researching some of the financial aspects of this whole operation, and have discovered some of the ways they have been destroying the foundations/regulations of our economy / financial system. Over the decades, they have been slowly & systematically weakening banking controls like the Glass-Stegall Act that was repealed in 1999. In addition, previously banks were prohibited from operating in a large, multi-state capacity, but now they have become too big to fail. Also, the variety of investment and loan products have increased, many of them on the risky side, and many which target the poor who have no other choices. What ever happened to the maximum usury rate of interest, it seems to have been forgotten about. All of these protections/regulations were supposed to protect the public from greedy, corrupt, psychopathic businesses, but these psychopathic people changed the laws, pulled the rug out from underneath society, and destroyed so much of our country (and the world because the same thing is happening all over the world).Is this the illuminat master plan, and does synthetic telepathy factor into the master plan?There are so many examples of items that need to be looked into and reformed so that the public can be protected from greedy, corrupt operations. These people changed the laws to destroy their own countries, does that amount to treason & sedition, or to Racketeering, Corruption, & Conspiracy on a world wide level?
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more irritation

I'm so frusterated today they watch me so prefusely I can barley read on here with out them getting ideas...I want to join a conference call but im too afraid of hearing my crap and everyone elses....developing ways to cope is getting so irritating.... 

ill finnish this blog later

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Drones & Tresspassing upon Private Property

These drones trespass upon private property. video he made was beautiful, but he trespassed upon private property in the process. The drone passed through some of the buildings so closely that a slight mistake would have caused building damage. That's why trespassing upon other people's property is illegal, the property owners need to protect themselves from potential harm in the air & on the ground."Bradley strapped a digital video camera weighing less than a pound to a 2-pound remote-controlled unmanned aerial vehicle to make the video “Tampa Aerial Drones.” He put the 2-minute, 45-second montage to music with “Love Letters” by Paper Route. It is posted at .He never flew any higher, he said, than 300 feet — well below the 400-foot limit the FAA places on model aircraft and drones. The agency also limits the weight of the devices to 55 pounds." StatesIn the United States, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has the sole authority to control all airspace, exclusively determining the rules and requirements for its use. The general rule is that airplanes must fly high enough that, in the event of an engine failure, the pilot can land the plane without undue hazards to persons or property on the ground. The exact altitude requirements (except for purposes of takeoff and landing) are as follows. In congested areas, airplanes must stay 1,000 feet (300 m) higher than any obstacle (building, antenna, etc.) within a 2,000 feet (610 m) radius of the aircraft. In non congested, sparsely populated areas, or over bodies of water, the pilot must remain at least 500 feet (150 m) from any person, vehicle, vessel, or structure.[1] Therefore, it appears to trump any individually claimed air rights, near airports especially. ownership of the air above your own property:Today, the federal government considers the area above 500 feet to be navigable airspace in uncongested areas. While the Supreme Court hasn’t explicitly accepted that as the upper limit of property ownership, it’s a useful guideline in trespass cases. Therefore, unless you own some very tall buildings, your private airspace probably ends somewhere between 80 and 500 feet above the ground.
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Based on some older posts, some people experience what they think are weird delusions like colors peeling off, etc. This is a multi-faceted targeting program, and your tap water has probably been compromised with CIA drugs added, so only drink bottled water, and brush your teeth with bottled water. The notes to the 1992 Akwei vs NSA lawsuit exposed how this program has a network of undercover plumbers that modify the plumbing to allow psychotic or other drugs to be put into the tap water. So always use bottled water to avoid fungal, bacterial, or psycotic drug sabotage.The CIA likes to create front operations, sometimes using religious organizations as a cover for their operatives. Always be cautious, and evaluate what they tell you using logic and reason. The CIA is extremely skilled in manipulation and subtle psychological warfare, and its done with a smile, so be careful.
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I hate to tell you this but Greg has been doing his lawsuit for over four years now, and has been on the scene fighting very publicly to end EH. He has over 10 websites dedicated to helping people end EH. He has had numerous groups to end EH and has led lobbying campaigns and many other efforts to end EH. Anyone who is not crazy and who is not a perp knows that he is not a fraud or a scam.Also, there was just a conference acll where this subject matter was brought up and they said that there is no proof that Greg has ever done anything wrong or scammed anyone and that not once has anyone lost moneyThere is nothing to the scam accusations other than the accusationsAnd why is everyone doing this to the one person who fights hard to end EHMultiple law firms?No, he has gone through seven lawyers for his lawsuit now all because each time he finds one he gives out the lawyers information to the victims in his suit and some of them turn out to be perps.People have called into the lawyers offices and have threatened to kill the lawyers for taking the case, there have been bomb threats to the lawyers, people calling into the american bar association saying this lawsuit was bogus and a scam all in a effort to get to not take the lawsuit people have told the lawyers that EH isnt real, that the victims are just mentally ill, and that this is part of some scam to raise moneyAlso, anywhere Greg goes the perps just pop upEver notice how wherever he posts something people come in swarms to discredit what he says and to discredit himEverytime he sends outa group email group emails go out to discredit himThe only reason for this is that the United States government does not want to lose their EH system nationwide and they know how to discourage others, these people are known to us as perpsIf anything, this serves to validate Greg and his efforts.He has multiple websites "such as" where he lists many ways of ending EH, of getting new laws, of heling victims.He figured out how to buiild a device that shows EH signals actually going to victims and let all victims know about it.He found a device that shows where EH signals are coming fromHe led an effort to have a class action lawsuit with these as evidence and with medical specialists to testify and with government officials to testify about EH being realHe has done this several timesHe got the law firm of Stein and Stein to represent victims of EH.Stein and Stein is the law firm that beat the CIA in court two times for MKULTRA experimentsThe second time they won 250 million dollarsAnd he got them to represent victims but perps ruined that, that was Dee Hardin that ruined it along with Pam Anderson "not the model"He led efforts to do nationwide petition drives in each state to get new laws against EH and he and his group lobbyed for new laws against EH and contacted every single federal politician in the USAHe has had six groups now to fight to end EH, his yahoo group when he first started, then three different groups, then several ning groupsDerrick from freedomfchs was going to make him head of an activism commitee before the two of them disagreed.He even found a politician who would take a donation in exchange for making a new law against eh., but perps went around saying this was bribery in an attempt to stop the effortHe also has filed 180 something court cases all to end eh, all were dismissed, anyone can research this just put greg gamache lawsuit or greg gamache plaintiff into any internet search engineOn his websites he tells you where to buy electronic weapons so you have proof of EHThese are not the actions of a perp or fraudster or scam artistThese are the actions of someone working very hard to end eh for over 4 years nowNot just that but he did his federation resistance newsletters for years and those went out to over 40000 victims, on these newsletters he tells people how to end eh and he encouraged them to work together to end ehThese are not the actions of a perp or scammer or fraudsterIf he was scamming he would have been arrested by the policeWhat is a shame is that the only one who was fighting to end eh has caught all of this trouble and noone defended him or even stopped what was going onAnd then Derrick from freedomfchs newsletters his members several times that greg was scamming people and that his lawsuit wouldnt work and he only did this because Greg jacked Derricks email list.Derrick did this to get back at himGreg only jacked the email list because Derrick wouldnt tell his members about the lawsuit and refused to give the list to Greg and Greg felt that it was victims rights to know about options to end EH and to be able to get in touch with each otherThere has never been any proof that Greg has done anything wrong, no proof at allThen ICCACT did the same thing derrick didPut Gregs name into the internet and see what pops upTons and tons and tons of stuff all about his efforts to end ehTake a look at some of his websitesendingehh.weebly.comfederatonresistance.weebly.commassfilinglawsuit.weebly.comthere are many more but these are the most popularon each of these sites he is telling victims how to end EH and trying to get them to work together to do soThese are not the actions of a perp or scammerThere is nooen out there who has done more to end eh than him, noone at allDerrick does nothing but lies to victims about planned efforts that freedomfchs has and strings them along for years on things that never happenNo other group does anythingIcaact scans victims then refuses to give them the scan resultsScanning doenst do anything to end eh and wont help anyoneGreg is the only one out there working to end ehYou guys need to contact this fella "at" and offer him some something to get him back to fighting again and do something so that when people perp him or accuse him of something you tell them enough to make them stopAnd further more whats even wiered is that Greg hired a private eye who found out that the lawyer that derrick from freedomfchs raised fourty thousand dollars for then was jacked out of the money by that attorney, this lawyer was actuallya corporation registered to derrick robinson himself, Thats right, Derrick stole the entire 40 grand and Greg exposed the whole thing and noone said anythingYou guys need to do something to get Greg back on the scene and to stop all of this perping of him when you see it and contact Greg and tell him something is being doneHe is where the mass filing idea comes from, we need him back, email him
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they don't leave me alone....

I need to vent and i need to vent badly, It all started before I knew about this technology and ive been dealing with V2K for a year and 3 months it was all over my internet I was obviously hacked by 3 people and there followers that decided that I was some how a threat to them I hadn't talked to one of them since junior high and the other 2 at least 15 years has past nothing I had done ever could ever have amounted to this never have I been a b*tch or even done anything in private to another that could have turned this on myself. They did everything to hit people off me using what ever they could grab acting like I don't deserve friends so they could frame me and blame me for things they did. I delt with sleep paralylsis for years horrifying nightmares and screaming to wake up....the police laughed at me and told me I was crazy when I phoned about what was going on online and I ended up hospitalized the first month or so when I started figureing out what was happening....before I knew it was said three people I just thought everyone was against me. I have the most vivid of dreams every night I've been picked apart by these vultures they don't shut up 24/7 we can't get rid of them, I can't barley get in a car its dangerous I can barley leave my house to take the garbage out I'm on ear plugs 24/7 I'm lucky I can still run a bathtub and get in it. I lost my job. I've developed such a sensitivity I cant stand within like 20 meters of a microwave without wanting to throw it out a window, I'm over weight now and I can barley move off this couch. They are sick and they want me to die. I've done everything to keep at my hobbies and I will continue to fight for my life.

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aurea divine proportion

We can and must make a joint effort for human behavior understood ways. Only if we know who we are and where we come from as a species we're free. But we are afraid to be horrible ignorant monkeys.
We want to be loved as "ignorant precious." To be free is to be know that mind control is something sacred. And we are what we are thanks to him, all remained fixed on the golden ratio, where a sacred number is fixed to contain half spirit and half animal matter.
We have accelerated particles with nanotechnology, radiation and operating telecommunications.
We are now slaves of an aura monitored to study epigenetic, behavioral and psychiatry,
As obgetivo; create avatar 2045 draft.
A virtual artificial intelligence program to create artificial ideas reality.
Mind control will expire if we do a common effort to learn.


gala y el numero aureo

The Dali painting, Leda Atomica, painted in 1949, synthesizes centuries, especially Pythagorean mathematics and symbolic tradition. This is a watermark based on the golden ratio, but made ​​in a way that is not obvious to the viewer. In 1947 the sketch thoroughness geometric analysis by Dalí based on the mystical Pythagorean pentagram warns.



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The interface linking the human being with the machine in the astral or virtual space, it is the arm that extends their will to another human being who does not know you are manipulating with MIND CONTROL.
Imagine the vision of a monkey with a stone to eat offline walnut meat. This we can imagine that this in light of our physical look.
Now imagine a person with the brain "Snowbound sensors" that connect their "cognitive system" with the RED.
The uniqueness of each person is given by the cognitive system that is like a COURTHOUSE where LITIGATION against EXTERIOR true.
The cognitive system is the hard drive of our consciousness, is the order of our conscience, which is spinning around giving orders to the body cells.
If this great judge connect to a personal computer and headed to another human being, we will do the same. Our consciousness parasitara one AVATAR-human and do our astral or virtual slave.

The uniqueness of our way of being is made of small mice, and the mice are video.Todos the musical notes of some our appearance, and together create a EPIFANIA in our consciousness.

Or otherwise of EPIPHANY WORSHIP is HATE.


It is the glory and power KNOW WE CAN THANK.
It is celebrated on January 6 with the arrival of the Magi to find Jesus.

There are people who live in a state of deficiency and empty From LOVE HATE.

Depends on who you place in your psyche create a consciousness of LOVE or HATE.

That is so severe that any parasite human, it has to be SPIRITUAL SPIRITUAL FATHER AND MOTHER for that.

A father and mother want the best for their children and have no selfishness.



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Hello sir, I am a victim of psychotronic mind control. Barcelona, this is killing us with neurolinguitica programming professionals. For banks to recover their homes and developable area., This has a name. Gentrification.
I'm old Europe that has the answers to the topic: psychiatry and psychology and philosophical classic.
Only uniting knowledge can resolve the situation.
And Egypt has all the answers to mind control,
The school of the mysteries of Egypt was the cradle of the psychic world domination rapists.
Pythagoras, Plato etc ... went through there.
A pleasure to be of utility.

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Greg gamache, aka governmentalienrobotgod, has been identified by multiple agencies as a TI who preys on other TIs for monetary reasons. He uses bogus petitions as a basis for eventually asking for money in order to proceed.  

If you are tired of getting messages from Greg,  go to his profile page and find the Block Messages button on the left side not far down from his avatar picture.

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9143149885?profile=originalThis is the image of "symbolic hermeneutics" of our sons and daughters living dead. Working in the astral, the world of telecommunications, in the business of 20th and 21st century: human trafficking living dead corpses by a remotely controlled electromagnetic aura or a microchip nanochip inoculated sometime birth.
Trafficking in human flesh in the underworld.
Traffic of scientific information in the cloud.
Operatives are psychotronic and quantified bioresonance working in dirtier there, they threaten people without giving a sinister face.
These men and women work in neighborhood homes as a group, and have placed an "electromagnetic inhibitor" to the sound of their presence is not noticed in the neighborhood.
EL jackal is the slave of the ruling families Pouch world economy. Are these people with their payroll who are holding the imperialist capitalist economy that uses us as human cattle for a macabre plan, the absolute mind control of humanity and the planet.
Need to master epigenetics and human behavior.
And they are holding the strut that desire, the avatar 2045 project want to get the domain of human reason with a program VIRTUAL ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE.



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Dont trust Vicki Burnett's onevoice.hipchat !

First, this site has alotof member accounts that range from obviously fake to mildly suspicious and way too many in between, that i get the feeling most people signed up arent actual victims

The obviously fake member accounts are your typical spammers: almost all seem to be hawking the same coctails of discount pharmaceuticals, and get banned once a moderator like AtlantiTeo notices. But for all other suspicous activity, moderators cant or wont intervene, so were left to put up with all the idiocy and scams they can bring to the table

If Vicki Burnett is a scammer, shes one of the less obvious ones, staying mostly beneath my bullshit radar as she doesnt write alot, but as ive been browsing peacepink in the last fortnight, noticed shes been heavily advertising a non-descript 'chatroom for TIs' on dozens of peacepink member pages, and in blog posts

Idk if any actual TI's have signed up to her onevoice.hipchat but several people have left comments on here wall or elsewhere thanking her for the suggestion. Ive left a wall post asking what its benefits are, but havent recieved a response, even tho shes been back online since

But heres the catch. Ive now seen here message posted on the walls of TWO obviously fake spam account members, the first accounts been deleted now so can only tell you i did see it, and that the account name was "Nate Chansavang" but just now, spotted a second message posted on the wall of another (yet to be deleted) spam members page: JoeHumphrey, and even more telling, she wouldve HAD TO post that message with full knowlegde they were a spammer, both from the list of latest activity showing nothing but spam, and from the only other wall post from another member saying "fuck you spammer".

So its clear that Vicki has no interest in promoting her TI's chat room as a safe place for TIs, probably isnt a TI herself, and even more probably, is just an A.I. bot. How else does she not notice who shes inviting? And at the VERY LEAST if you wanto promote an alternate meeting place for TI's, you dont advertise it on the walls of EVERY new member page you find, ive seen her post on the walls of at least a dozen brand new members, so she wouldnt have had the faintest clue if those members were real TI's or not. Does that sound like someone interested in saftey and community??

Also considering the account linked above will be deleted if/when its noticed by AtlantiTeo etal, heres a webpage archive as an .mht file which can be opened by any webbrowser the same as a url: Joe Humphrey's Page

You get a sense of the number of messages with her latest activity devoted to just last Saturday, so many i cant coun and if she does it again this saturday or whenever, theyd surely be replaced, so heres an archive of it today: Vicki Burnett's Page

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Wolves on Facebook

Wolves on FacebookListen Brothers and Sisters, there exist a bunch of wolves in sheep's clothings trying to fleece us by using our compassion for others. Please be on alert and be careful. They would lie to us and try to solicit money from us.Originally dated July 23, 2014 at 04:27.
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Wolves on Facebook

Wolves on FacebookListen Brothers and Sisters, there exist a bunch of wolves in sheep's clothings trying to fleece us by using our compassion for others. Please be on alert and be careful. They would lie to us and try to solicit money from us.Originally dated July 23, 2014 at 04:27.
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Please I need likes

"The gosadera has no paragon" is a new page in which I want to split hairs about how it affects the mind control. I have named "GOSADERA" for being a Latin word that speaks of sexuality, Gozo, taste, pleasure, satisfaction, fruition, intense pleasure.
And I have chosen because that joy is created in the cognitive system. It is there where the IDEA submitted to us via TELEMETRICA is created.


We are like biological computers and if we send a wave with information we changed our universe.

Quantified bioresonance acts as a drop of water in the continuous time / space.


Please, I need likes on this page, I hope to do a good job by all and for all.

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Born in 1952, youngest daughter of David Rockefeller, Eileen Rockefeller and Rockefeller's husbands and relatives who are above 60 years old and mind control others are evil source. Without these elderly evils, secrets of remote Surgery and Remote Mind Control had been exposed long time ago.


Internal Problem can only be solved by Internal People. It is CIA employees’ job to kill the elderly evil bosses who do not allow the whole world know Remote Surgery and Remote Mind Control.


At least 30 or 50 years later after the nature death of current elderly Rockefellers who mind control others, humankind will make the whole world know Remote Surgery and Remote Mind Control. Humankind would dig out what really happened today. It would be harder to hide secrets with the development of technologies. Bad people and bad behaviors like yours’ will be discouraged. That is how humankind survive.


After the whole world know Remote Surgery and Remote Mind Control, no one dare to do bad things and no one even dare to think about doing bad things because they can’t hide anymore. How many good things would happen when everyone have to do good things and think about doing good things only? Only Rockefeller family and their helpers did not want the whole world know Remote Surgery and Remote Mind Control because they killed 2 presidents: President Kennedy, President Johnson, and nearly 1000 Americans in Jonestown in 1978.


After the whole world know Remote Surgery and Remote Mind Control, no one worry about job, no one worry about money because humankind could afford free education, free medicine, free accommodation long long time ago. There would be no death penalty and even no prison, because humankind could prevent bad things from happening using technologies long time ago. Only Rockefeller family and their elderly helpers did not allow the whole world know Remote Surgery and Remote Mind Control because they killed 2 presidents: President Kennedy, President Johnson, and nearly 1000 Americans in Jonestown in 1978.


Rockefellers want to kill every CIA who know secrets about mind control. Rockefeller family long history of killing everyone who know secrets after using them. Over 180 CIAs were killed after helping to kill President Kennedy. President Johnson was also killed after helping to hide secrets, although he helped Rockefellers earn lots of money in Vietnam War.


Rockefeller family had been repeating same killing process for over 35 years: killing in name of education; Killing in name of waking up the public. Nearly 1000 Americans in Jonestown were killed by Rockefeller family using excuses of Sacrificing 1000 and Waking up a Whole Nation  in 1978, 35 years ago. Rockefeller family had been repeating the same killing process for over 35 years.


Eileen Rockefeller, born in 1952, the youngest daughter of David Rockefeller, 62 year old in 2014 had over 30 years’ experience of killing with mind control. She is likely the queen described in Movie <Dangerous Liaison> , who is good at manipulating CIAs to kill each other and making male CIA kill females. She admitted the Lesbian and Gay were created because they had to make the CIAs busy at night. Rockefeller family members had died thousands of times by killing targeted individuals and other innocent people in name of killing themselves. They had killed thousands of “clothes” of themselves.


After the whole world know Remote Surgery and Remote Mind Control, no one dare to do bad things and no one even dare to think about doing bad things because they can’t hide anymore. How many good things would happen when everyone have to do good things and think about doing good things only? Only Rockefeller family and their elderly helpers did not allow the whole world know Remote Surgery and Remote Mind Control because they killed 2 presidents: President Kennedy, President Johnson, and nearly 1000 Americans in Jonestown in 1978.


Please tell the whole world to remember the victims outside and inside CIA mind control FIRM for 30 years, in case the two secret technologies can not be exposed successfully in time. Please help us who might have been killed physically or turned into sleep walker like robot when the CIA electromagnetic remote surgery and remote mind control secrets being exposed, to do 3 things:

 [1] Ask for doing the same surgeries on those who enabled electromagnetic remote surgeries on innocent people, especially on those who made decisions. Death penalty is not necessary anymore. Without enough punishment, remote surgery abuses could not possibly be prohibited.

[2] Build memorial buildings in every country to memorize the heroes killed or disabled due to exposing the CIA secrets. Engrave stories of heroes on walls to encourage youngsters to do the right things.

[3] Delete the names of those who did bad things to humankind. Use numbers to replace bad peoples names (e.g. use Evil 123 in the 2nd World War to replace Hitler. Use Evil 001 in CIA mind control and EM weapon anti-humankind crisis to replace Rockefeller in every history record if Rockefeller family is really the controller of CIA mind control FIRM) to discourage people from doing bad things to leave names in history.


When CIA asked me “What do you want?” I said “I want over 80% population of the world knowing the secret REMOTE

SURGERY and REMOTE MIND CONTROL two technologies and what had been done with the two technologies.”




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