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Now they are talking about implanting a microchip in the brain of a scizophrenic person to help their scizophrenic attacks. I do not agree with this at all microchips cause cancer what do they want to do kill us all even those without mental problems. This stuff needs to be stopped who's next all of the people all over this planet earth!

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How are they dealing with me, an innocent victim of torture?
1) Destroy me mentally, physically, and economically
2) Back me into the corner ( an impasse)
3) Subdue the “enemy” without fighting
4) If I get any help, then they will created something out of nothing ( out of thin air)
Regarding item 4, I have lots of evidence from me and media.  What can I say?  I hope you have courage to fix the mafia with this way.
Canadian torture victim
Robin Yan
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You torture innocent victim, like me. You wanted to obtain some information from me. You realized you were wrong. So, you tried you best to force me and induce me to admit something that does not exist. Moreover, you play so called political games. Of course, you can do anything you like. But, “Out in the street, you'll pay it back later! (出来混, 迟早是要还的) . How can you pay back? You can’t realize and decide it.


Tracy, female, Toronto, night shift. She pretended to be injured so that foreign companies couldn’t fire her. Meanwhile, she hardly does anything. She has successfully finished her first job and second job. This is her third job. She almost finished this job. But, she failed. She conducts a series of …  

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This is the aftermath after I filed complaints against Toronto Police, Canadian torturers!


I must specify the way how they torture me or other victims economically.


Whatever I did in one company and no matter how happy my boss was with me, in the end, I was fired or forced to quit my jobs within 2 ,3 or 4 months. They fired me without any written reasons. When I went for job interviews, Toronto police parked their cars not far from my car. When I began to work, police arrested some employee of this company and released him 4 hours later. And local government checked this company’s account for a long time. I worked for another company as sales manager. When I visited my customer, police car just parked at the customer’s entrance... And all my telephones have been hacked and interfered. ( One technician confirmed.) I can hardly use my own phones.!/photo.php?fbid=677972065603442&set=a.150339425033378.34750.100001719652877&type=1&theater




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I ass raped in Almeria (Spain)

"The Red Footprint " received notice very alarmed teachers because their students were staying after school to go kill for a burrito , so I quickly gathered and requested assistance Seprona .

Upon arrival they found Captain lying in a field unable to move, staring . He had a rectal prolapse due to kick in the stomach and the possible introduction of an object, was malnourished and dehydrated. He was dying .

Thanks to the rapid response , Captain is recovering and

much better. From Gaia Shrine Seprona and thank the Red Footprint to save him, and those teachers for giving notice.
These children will be future abusers to work psychically raping enpisos neighborhood residents as people canceling psychotronic .
Would have to see that families are and identify them publicly so that people were not protected and we relacionaramos them not to suffer.
I as a citizen want to see the face of these children, if they have been raping and abusing adults are adults to go to jail and out the tv.


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Why did The Scarborough Hospital refuse to disclose my complete medical record?  It is disaster for The Scarborough Hospital, Toronto Police and Canadian torturers.



From The Scarborough Hospital psychiatrist’s letter to the investigator , you can see how The Scarborough Hospital and its psychiatrist conspired with Toronto Police, Canadian torturers to commit torture, “medical torture”.


I filed a complaint against this doctor who fabricated my medical record, refused to provide my full medical record with The Scarborough Hospital. In fact, they got involved in medical torture.  The College’s investigator asked the doctor to explain why he fabricated my medical record and why there were significant conflicts between his handwritten notes and his formal report. However, this doctor wrote to the College and stated:



“ As there is no signed consent from Mr. Yan, my response is understandably restricted.”



They lied to the investigator regardless of the law and fact. Is it logical? I refused to sign the consent after I filed a complaint against him. The College dismissed my complaint based on doctor’s lie.








In addition, this psychiatrist stated: “ Mr. Yan also wrote to different level of management of “our hospital”. He was given appropriate response including from the top level.” What did he express? It had something to do with what the College asked him to do? For whom did he do this? Obviously, this was a conspiracy. Please see so called “appropriate response.”



I list two letters from The Scarborough Hospital regarding my complete medical record.


In its first letter, they stated:


  1. “…your request for your complete medical record pertaining to      the visit paid to you by our Mobile Crisis Program…”
  2. “ I would like to inform you again that it is standard and      legal practice for mental health professionals to destroy such notes…”


In its second letter, they changed the way , removed “ legal practice” and stated:


  1. “You have received all documents from medical file at the      Scarborough Hospital.”
  2. “ It is standard practice to take handwritten notes during a      mental health interview and then transcribe to our computerized system the      handwritten notes subsequently destroyed and ,as much, not available for      everyone to review.”










This is their appropriate response! They destroyed the most important part of my medical record, handwritten notes; they refused to provide voice recordings of mental status examination ( Both one medical expert and  the College stated they must have them. ).  They refused to provide the recording of telephone between Toronto Police and The Scarborough Hospital.



Why did The Scarborough Hospital refuse to disclose my complete medical record?  It is disaster for The Scarborough Hospital, Toronto Police and Canadian torturers if my complete medical record was disclosed to the public.



As a victim, what can I say and what can I do ?







Canadian torture victim




Robin Yan

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Dr. John R. Hall,
D.O. 5282 Medical Drive # 200,
San Antonio, Texas 78229, USA
tel: 210-614-6432



I am writing you on the behalf of victims both in the United States and abroad. As you are aware, many revelations surrounding the National Security Agency’s extensive electronic dragnet have recently come to light through released records by the intelligence insider Mr. Edward Snowden. During the course of the LIBE Committee hearings even more first-hand testimony was heard from other former NSA insiders regarding the extent of NSA privacy invasion and lack of oversight regarding their methods of data collection. Their statements begin to come very close to an issue that those of us in the medical community in the United States and abroad have been keenly watching for several years now.

Over the last decade we have seen a sharp rise in the number of people coming forward with complaints of non-consensual experimentation with electromagnetic weapons designed to target both electronic hardware and the human central nervous system. While this was typically disregarded as mental illness in the past, the total global population voicing these identical complaints has exponentially grown to numbers that can no longer be attributed to delusional disorder, schizophrenia or any other described mental illness. You may be unaware that the safeguards against experimenting on the public without their consent in the United States are very lax and are included in legislation referred to as The Common Rule which is the Federal Policy regarding human subjects protection. It is written with several loopholes for the allowance of non-consensual experimentation, mostly by intelligence agencies. Hence, we have seen the necessity for the Bioethics Commission hearings in the United States after it was brought to light that Guatemalan prisoners were experimented on with contagions by the National Institutes of Health. During the course of the Bioethics Hearings, their directive was to determine if any other non-consensual experimentation was ongoing in the United States or abroad. At each of the four meetings there was included a public forum for the committee to address concerns by the public at large. Over one hundred individuals were in attendance at each of the four meetings voicing complaints of exposure and experimentation with electromagnetic weapons technologies. The effects of these technologies on the human body can only be described as torture.

Several years ago another National Security Agency insider, John St. Clair Akwei, described in detail the frequencies used by the NSA and other intelligence agencies to access and influence the human body and nervous system in his civil action against the NSA. His descriptions of technologies used to track, monitor and alter a subject’s perceptions, moods and motor control are similar to the complaints we are hearing today from victims alleging non-consensual experimentation and torture. Moreover, Vladimir Putin, in a speech in 2012, admitted that Russia is following suit in funding development of weapons that will attack the human central nervous system. His defense minister, Anatoly Serdyukov, described the weapons as directed energy weapons, wave energy weapons, genetic weapons and psychotronic weapons based upon new physics principles. Obviously, Russia intends to go down the same path of directed energy weapons research that the United States has long been on. The unfortunate truth regarding this type of technology is the ease with which it can be used remotely and non-consensually on the public without the recommended safeguards of an Institutional Review Board or any appreciable ethical oversight. In the United States this research is typically done clandestinely under the guise of national security concerns just as the NSA electronic data mining was done which is currently being covered in the LIBE Committee.

Over the last decade I have consulted with thousands of people in the United States complaining of exposure and experimentation with electromagnetic weapons technologies which include, but are not limited to, complaints of mood alteration, heart palpitations, involuntary body movements, severe headaches, blurred vision, burns to the skin, non-consensual micro-chipping and neurocognitive perturbation. It is my belief, based upon former and current publically released government research documents as well as victims complaints of torture, that this technology is being used in a non-consensual manner on the global public.

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to you for meeting with our representative from the International Center Against Abuse of Covert Technologies and taking the time out of your busy schedule to hear these complaints and read my letter. On behalf of the whole of humanity, I sincerely hope that these technologies will eventually be addressed in the Subcommittee on Human Rights of the European Parliament, as the use of these currently can only be described as torture and dehumanizing.

Thank You,

Dr. John R. Hall, D.O. 5282 Medical Drive # 200,
San Antonio, Texas 78229, USA
tel: 210-614-6432


Yours in the search for openness and respect for universal human rights

John Finch, 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627


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Our Beloved Bridegroom

Our Beloved Bridegroom Our Beloved Bridegroom YAHUSHUA is so dearFor He wipes away our tearsAnd He casts away our fearsHe came to save us from damnationAnd to offer us salvationTo all the hearty people in all nationsSo long as we follow His teachings faithfullyAnd obey His commandments obedientlyWe will live with Him in Heaven for eternityThat is the destinyOf those who strive to be HolyOf those who strive to be GodlySo let us hold on to our faith steadfastlyLet us love one another continuouslyAnd seek to do His will in our lives unconditionallyAs for those who love meKnow that I embrace you all wholeheartedlyI pray in the Name of YAHUSHUA that you all will become part of the bride eventuallyFinallyThank you for believing in me
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