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Mind Control Steals Hope

Disbelief of Remote Mind Control Technologies
Is Enabling Lethal Crimes Against Humanity

Criminal use of microwave weapons, and remote mind control technologies, is a crisis that's having ill effects on increasing numbers of individuals, families and communities through the past few decades. What's happening is so outrageously inhumane that the natural response is to slip into shocked denial, overwhelm, or complete disbelief, but there is not time for this type of response. This situation needs our immediate awareness and attention.

There are all sorts of foolish "conspiracy theories" bouncing around the world. . .and the damaging outcome is that they lead us to disbelieve EVERYTHING that can be perceived as a "conspiracy." A similar thing is happening in Hollywood where existing technologies are being depicted in science fiction movies. . .leading us to believe that they are merely science fiction. And with the media ridiculing mind control "conspiracies" and discrediting "tin foil hat" people, its difficult to be objective.

Now, in order to face a few Truths, which deeply need our attention, we must break through the walls of doubt and let our Hearts realize the Truth - that there TRULY ARE genuine "conspiracies" - that covert organized crime DOES REALLY exist and even thrives due to our lack of awareness. . .and that there TRULY is the existence of technologies, which most of us have not been made aware of. The secrecy around their existence has enabled such wide spread misuse that this can be accurately called a technological holocaust.

It appears that there has already been a mass brainwashing against the belief that remote mind control is even possible, because most people seem unable to even think of the possibility of this devastating reality. The unusual part is that people seem to not even want to TRY to investigate it, although many books have been written about it. This sad scenario, on its own, can be proof of mass mind control, because there is scientific proof of such technologies and just a little bit of research and common sense can KNOW that they were created to be used.

Quote by (the late) Jim Kieth: "Brain-computer radio communication has long been considered impossible by the majority of people and has consequently been relegated to science-fiction, but the fact is that the technology had been developed into reality by at least the 1960s, during which time the initial experiments were being performed on unwitting subjects." Read more on:

When we cast aside other people's judgments, perceptions, projections and listen more closely to the Heart of our own instincts, we can FEEL what is or is not True. This is what we must now do, because, blind disbelief of the criminal use of things like Remote Microwave Mind Control Technologies is enabling lethal crimes against growing numbers of individuals, families, communities and even whole countries.

What are these technologies and how do they work? Microwave targeting involves the computerized manipulation of various radio wave frequencies, which utilize satellite surveillance systems in conjunction with other radio wave transmitters like HAARP and cell towers. . .and can remotely flood whole communities or target specific individuals with finer beams of radio waves directed into the brain or other organs. (Radio wave targeting, with harmful frequencies, can also be directed through technologies like cell phones and computers.)

When I listen to my instincts, it feels important for us to know that operators of radio wave technologies can easily target an individual, family, community or country from the opposite side of the world. Though many want to blame ONLY the USA government, it appears that countries like Russia, Britain and Germany were perfecting and successfully utilizing remote microwave mind control technologies long before parts of the USA government, and/or associated organizations, appear to have leapt into the pit.

Many are now saying that these technologies are only "on the horizon," but victims know different. And according to knowledgeable scientists and researchers, remote microwave - radio wave mind control programs have been operational, since at least the 1950s.

Scientists, authors and researchers like Jim Keith, Jerry E. Smith and Philip Coppens appear to have fought hard to expose and stop these crimes against humanity. The fact that most of them suddenly died as they began uncovering and exposing their hidden depths, gives their testimonies more credibility than those who now aim to inform (or misinform) the public. Many of us want to scream, "Would the WHOLE truth please be revealed!" But the main stream media is not yet doing so and this is enabling the continuation of uncountable numbers of psychological and physical deaths.

I believe that our own military and government personnel were the first victims of remotely inflicted mind control, after the success of initial experiments, and that it later swung onto the rest of humanity with many of those initial brainwashed victims being recruited into the program.

PLEASE THINK ABOUT THIS! DO NOT AUTOMATICALLY DISBELIEVE, because you will be sure to regret it later. I beg you to let your doubt research this with a Heart that aims to find absolute Truth and does not stop until you FEEL 100% sure of obtaining it.

Please start researching this and be aware that web searches on this subject can lead to an intentionally confusing array of misinformation. You will need to listen closely to the Heart of your own instincts. At this point in time it even appears that operatives of this Technological Holocaust are placing themselves in the front lines of a SLOWLY emerging publicity campaign that is claiming that these technologies are merely "on the horizon" and offering only tiny glimpses of what has already been exposed to the point of its inability to be effectively denied. It appears that the same technologies, which are used for mind control, are also being used for a eugenics based microwaving that INFLICTS LUPUS and is said to also be capable of inflicting Leukemia, tumors and other terminal illnesses, through lasering particular parts of our organs, effecting their functionality and/or causing cell structure damage...etc.

Symptoms of Microwave Targeting

In community or organization targeting, remotely directed radio waves can contain subliminal messaging or be set at frequencies which interfere with human functionality and technologies. Effects can range from mild brainwashing and unusual technological malfunctions to debilitating levels of mental fatigue/numbness, confusion.

Heavily targeted individuals can experience symptoms that range from mental confusion, fatigue, forgetfulness, sinus problems, unusual cellulite formations, unusual or repetitive thoughts and mood swings, a high pitched ring in ears, flu symptoms, giddiness, immune system problems, cataracts, eye damage, ear problems, body bloating, digestive problems, dehydration, unusual head and body aches, diminished eye sight and hearing, lung problems like asthma and COPD, misdiagnosis of mental illness and blocked emotions. . .to aneurisms, heart attacks, seizures, unusual neurological, mental or physical disruptions, stress, manic behavior, schizophrenia, nervous breakdowns, physical collapse, brain and nervous system damage, forced suicides, cancer, tumors, blindness, paralysis. . .and inconspicuous murders that are misdiagnosed as suicide, lupus, leukemia and other cancers...etc. (Severe angry victims can be remotely forced into things like lethal shootings at schools or navy yards.)

Thus far heavily targeted victims, who have become aware of what is happening, have not been able to obtain help or protection. We are almost steadily tortured in the worst kind of prison - a prison that is filled with people who appear to be brainwashed into disbelief. Can you imagine?

Quotes by Turan (Tim) Rifat:"Russian and American research has found that pulse modulated microwaves (as used for mobile phones) can, when modulated with ELF which mimics specific brain patterns, change the behavior of the victim with the flick of a switch."
"Precisely modulated microwave radiation is used to influence brain function. Human behavior and reactions can be entirely controlled by using pulse modulated microwave EM radiation" There is "a catalogue of every specific brain frequency for each mood, action and thought. . .there is one for anger, suicide, hysteria, trauma, serial killing, paranoia, lust...etc."

The most recent developments in Remote Microwave Mind Control Technologies, (now called "Psychotronic Weapons") which have mind reading capabilities, seem too outrageous and dangerous for most of us to even want to believe at this point. So, I'll not address them here. But PLEASE believe me when I say that this crisis can only get worse VERY quickly, until masses of people become aware of what is happening and take HUGE steps toward bringing it to an end. At this point in time it seems safe to say that MOST of humanity is being effected to some degree by criminal use of microwave/radio wave technologies. Our natural process of personal and spiritual growth is being blocked and the ramifications of only this part of it could fill a book or two. THIS IS SERIOUS! I urge you to at least give this the benefit of your understandable doubt, so that you can start taking steps to protect yourself and your loved ones as well as the rest of humanity. If you think you will not be effected you are sure to be proven wrong. Most of humanity is already being effected. And there is a desperate need for people to realize what is happening. . .and rise into a STRONG peaceful stand against it.

There are many valid witnesses to the effects of microwave targeting. (I am one of these witnesses, although those who target us have been dyscrediting/slandering me I feel that people will FEEL the truth instead of the manipulations.) However, through the past few decades, witnesses to this criminal operation have been either inconspicuously murdered or tortured into silence - heavily targeted with Microwave Weapons and organized stalking and harassment groups, (Hitler Style) with even our own family members being manipulated against us, in efforts to publicly discredit/slander us and either label us as "mentally ill," or frame us for crimes we did not commit. The targeting that is happening to cover the criminal use of Microwave Mind Control Technologies is as inhumane as inhumane can possibly get. This is a lethal holocaust, people! This is a covert war of the deadliest kind! I am being more heavily tortured and threatened for telling you about it. So PLEASE make good use of this information. Please do not let my suffering, and that of many others, be in vein.

Around the year 2000 my concern shared a prophetic dream, which showed criminal contamination of the Concord, NH public water supply. By May of 2001, most of my pets were dead or missing, my daughters and I were suddenly surrounded by at least 5 unusual deaths, unbelievable levels of chaos and a suspicious fire in my home, which destroyed most of my writings...etc. Pieces to this puzzle are now clicking together. . .

According to experts the mind control parts of Microwave Weapons are most successful on people who are taking mood altering drugs, like anti-depressants. ( I have witnessed the Truth in this.) In 2008, news reports stated that these sorts of drugs were being found in around 24 major public water supplies in the USA.

Drugs found in 24 public water supplies
(The kind that aids success of remote mind control)

A secretary at a New Hampshire Environmental Protection Agency recently told me that these drugs are STILL being found in our public water supplies and I do not believe that its from "run off" and she was not apposed to my belief. PLEASE think about this and DO NOT STOP thinking about it until you feel/know the absolute Truth. Too much is at stake for it to be washed away with foolish assumptions or blind disbelief.

I can attest to the fact that microwave weapons have been used to either interfere with or destroy the lives of dozens of individuals in New Hampshire since 1974. Prior to becoming aware of the technologies, that are being criminally used on my family and I, I'd known that something was wrong but couldn't accurately label it. I had known that my mother's death in 1977 was NOT "meant to be," but with people assuming that I was just "not accepting it" and my own technological ignorance, I was not able to understand what had happened. I had also not realized what was happening when my sister and husband started behaving strangely around 1990 or when my little brother called me and said, "Something weird is going on around here. Pop's is acting weird..." a few months before he suddenly died in a mysterious accident. And the list could go one.

Since a private investigator opened a door that began helping me to realize this criminal targeting of humanity. . .pieces to a horrible puzzle have begun to click together. . .and I now believe that I was a witness to the effects of Microwave Weapons being used on unsuspecting victims, including myself, in 1974 when I worked at the original location of the Hillsborough County Nursing Home in Goffstown, NH. Among other things I'd experienced strange headaches and witnessed unusual things during my employment there. I now believe that occupants of this facility, which also included a small hospital and low security prison, were used for microwave mind control experimentation. A recent report of an unusual amount of cancer cases in long term employees has validated my belief. I believe that, since then, my family has been used for remote technological experimentation. . .and that I got singled out for heavier targeting for reasons that I am still struggling to understand.

I have also witnessed targetings of some original members of the Concord, NH area Spiritual Growth Network and original members of the Concord, NH Yoga Center. Some victims seem to have forgotten whole chunks of the late 1980s and early 1990s. I had also. My memories are returning, but they still show only a small fraction of these crimes, which surely extend into MANY communities, families and individuals WORLD WIDE.

It is imperative that you listen to the heart of your own instincts on this subject, because your mind is not going to want to believe it and your heart may ache so much that it aims to slip into denial or overwhelm. . .but there is not time for these types of responses. This situation is already at a critical point and needs to be exposed and stopped as quickly as possible.

One of the best articles I've read is "The Russian Woodpecker: Experiments in Global Mind Control" by Philip Coppens. Within it he writes, "In April 1953, CIA Allen Dulles gave a lecture at Princeton University, detailing Soviet developments in the field of mind control. He stated they were out to control the mind of free men, both individually and collectively. . . Dulles proclaimed that the Cold War was moving into a new era of psychological warfare, which Dulles characterized as the battle for men's minds. "We might call it in its new form brain warfare. . .In the 1970s, some of this "secret war for our mind" was exposed. . ." It appears that Phillip's site has been taken down but the article is on this link: 

In 1976 Time Magazine said, "Last month the U.S. confirmed that for some 15 years the Soviet Union has been beaming microwaves at the hulking nine-story U.S. Embassy..." More recently, researchers and scientists are finding out that this microwave energy is used for mind control and that this may have been what was happening to the embassy from around 1961 to 1976. This gives us an idea of how long these weapons have been in use. It would be foolish to assume that these technologies have not remained in use and have not been improved upon. The fact is that they have been unleashed on an unaware population and countless numbers of people are suffering the effects without even knowing what is happening to them. Find more on:,9171,911755,00.html

More recently, various sub media forums are starting to help expose this devastating reality: Gordon Duff - senior editor of Veterans Today stood up for Targeted Individual's mind control claims, At one time, we thought of all of them as "tin foil hat" conspiracy theorists. This was until we were able to break through the encoding with some mobile communications devices. . . and The concerns go well past simply a few thousand targeted "trouble makers" that the government wants to destroy. In reference to the general numbing effect of mass mind control, in whole communities, Gordon Duff says, Tens of millions have been turned into some of those who will. . . read these words and feel and think nothing. And I have experienced and witnessed the reality of this.

What will Become of Humankind if not allowed a Free Mind?

This is a question that deserves and needs immediate serious contemplation. Continued criminal use of microwave technologies is covertly harming humanity in many ways, but the mind control part is by far the worst, because it can be found at the roots of most of the other serious problems we face in our troubled world. . .and it has the devastating outcome of preventing us from freely living our own lives - preventing our natural process of growing and evolving into healthy functional human beings - preventing our natural process of personal and spiritual growth. The seriousness of this can not be over stated. ALL of humanity is in grave danger. This isn't a "cause" its a fight for our lives. Its not a matter of if you "believe it" - its a matter of if you are aware and if you can care to fight for our freedom.

Take COURAGE, wrap it around your HEARTS and rise
into a strong PEACEFUL stand to regain your FREEDOM.

Never, in the history of humanity has there been a more
devastating holocaust or a more crucial time for humanity
to rise into a peaceful fight for our freedom and well-being.

This is so outrageously inhumane that the natural response is to slip into shocked denial, overwhelm, or complete disbelief, but there is not time for this type of response. This situation needs our immediate awareness and attention. What's happening is NOT "meant to be" and is a criminal assault on an unsuspecting and defenseless populous.

What is the remedy? Aside from standing up in a strong and peaceful fight to stop criminal use of said technologies, we will be far better off when we more fully open and listen to our Hearts above what is being projected into our minds. . .and also do the following things: take as few pharmaceuticals as possible; drink only pure clean water; build or purchase radio wave detectors that do NOT have a filter, which prevents detection of the low frequencies used for mind control; build or purchase radio wave blockers, although I hear they are becoming illegal to obtain and use in many countries. I feel that we have a right to protect ourselves through creating and using radio wave blockers as long as it does not interfere with anyone else’s right to receive radio waves. I feel that this is what we must do until honest and uncontrolled parts of our governments begin doing something to end this holocaust and protect us. It also appears that water, lead and tin can help to interfere with frequencies that are used for mind control.

Names of radio wave technologies keep changing, which seems like a ploy to confuse the public and hide previous writings on the web. Among the labels are; behavior modification technologies, Bio-communications technologies, Radio wave mind control, Microwave Weapons, Microwave Mind Control, Bio-electromagnetic Technologies, Radio Wave Mind Control, Electronic Harassment, Directed Energy Weapons, Remote Neuro Monitoring, Brain Warfare, Bio-energetics, Electromagnetic (EMR) mind control, microwave mind control, Psychotronic weapons, Electroenergetics, Geophysical weapons, psychoneurological weapons, M.I.N.D. - Magnetic Integrated Neuron Duplicator, Psychic Warfare...etc.

Experiments Into Remote Mind Control Technology by Jim Keith:
The Russian Woodpecker: experiments in global mind control? by Philip Coppens
A History of Mind Control - Tim Rifat:
The Truth about Remote Influencing by Tim Rifat:
Mind Control by Anna Keeler:

Jim Keith Books (can be found on Amazon)
"Mind Control World Control" & "Secret Suppressed Banned History"
Jerry E. Smith books on Haarp Mind Control & Weather Modification: (or look him upon Amazon)
The Silent Massacre by Nicholas Kirkland:
Mind Control Patents:
Patent on Mind Control:
Hidden and Banned - Remote Mind Control:
Mind Control Experiment Evidence by Cheryl Welsh:

WARNING: Accurate writings on the web are sometimes interfered with through being altered, removed or blocked from public view. Also please be aware that writings and experiences of genuine victims may be plagiarized by criminal operatives who aim to have you trust and follow them into avenues that turn into disinformation.

FOLLOW ONLY THE HEART OF YOUR OWN INSTINCTS even with my writings, because they are sometimes interfered with. Your mind’s Freedom needs the Truth. Please search until you find it. Heart over Mind for Humankind

Komsomolskaya Pravda stated in this article that" In 1924, chairman of the academician council of the Animal Psychology Laboratory, brilliant animal trainer Vladimir Durov wrote a book on animal training and told about his experiments on hypnosis applied to animals. In 1932, the Bekhterev Institute of Brain named after the scientist was officially charged to conduct experiments on distant interaction. In 1965-1968, the Institute of Automatics and Electroenergetics based in Novosibirsk studied mental communication between humans and animals. The materials of the study were classified and were never published officially." (It would be foolish to assume that these technologies are not also being used on human beings within the same time frames. My experiences say this has been done since the mid 1970s, but it appears to have begun much sooner than this.) More can be found on http://english.pravda. ru/science/tech/14-08-2007/95965-psychotronic_weapon-1

For the sake of preserving the integrity of humanity please let your imagination take a glimpse into the forbidden atrocities that perverted criminals can perform with these secret remote technologies, which also encompass the capability of stimulating any nerve or organ in our bodies. . .including the ability to project recorded voices and/or images into or around unaware victims. . .or to instantly render a person unconscious. (Keep in mind that these technologies can see through walls and into a person's body in similar ways to that of cat scans.) Through satellite technologies, which appear to be linked to the mind control technologies, a perpetrator can be sitting at his or her computer in Russia while zooming in on victims in the USA.

Can you imagine what kinds of abuses will continue to increase if the general public remains unaware of being held under satellite surveillance by criminals who use psychotronic weapons - mind control technologies and laser weapons on unsuspecting citizens? Aside from those who use these technologies in perverted and torturous ways, there are those who aim to control the minds of others.

I believe that many government, military, media and law enforcement personnel are unaware victims of remote mind control and are, at this time, being used to accomplish a silent takeover of the USA and ultimately all of humanity.I have noticed that the perpetrators of this holocaust are masters at deceptive set ups for blame to be placed on innocent people or nations. . . and that we must be VERY careful to not continue falling into their traps. Though PARTS of our own governments may be involved in the higher levels of this atrocity, it appears to have roots in communism, secret societies, the UN, satanic occults, the global "elite"...etc. I think that this crime has run so far out of control that there are different groups who hold the controls. It appears that the general numbness, the growing lack of care and growing levels of discord in the world are mostly due to the effects of wide spread remote mind control. Many of the criminals who hold the controls of these technologies appear to be sadistically aiming to cause chaos, pain and suffering. The rise in crimes are being blamed on economic difficulties. But the truth is that, by nature, human beings tend to pull together during tough times - letting our Hearts help each other through.

What is now happening is not natural, not normal,
not meant to be and is a criminal assault on an
unsuspecting and defenseless populous!

It is difficult, to say the least, to face these facts and realize that such sinister forces are ALREADY taking control of our minds, our lives, our countries. . .our world. However, we must not only face this, but also rise up and do all that we can to stop it as quickly as possible.
The ultimate remedy is to fully prosecute the criminals who are leading such atrocities and/or completely disable their technologies. But until these crimes are believed and stopped, by either a united public or agencies that are supposed to be protecting us. . .the only protection we have is to help bring these crimes into public awareness and quickly develop technologies that can protect us from microwave weapons. There are technologies, which can detect and block the radio waves that humanity is being attacked with, but they are ironically becoming illegal or altered in ways that do not detect the frequencies that are being used for mind control. Sometimes it is difficult to hold onto the hope that this will be stopped, because its secrecy has enabled it to grow and remain hidden for too long. But we must.
A Few More Symptoms of Remote Mind Control
Many victims will only experience a faint high pitched ringing in their ears, which they may not even notice. Others may experience symptoms of mental illness (even hearing voices) and/or any number of the following symptoms and some that are not listed here. The symptoms may come on suddenly and then disappear as quickly. They may slowly increase, come and go, or continue almost constantly. There are many variables.

High pitched ringing in ears (Can be very faint) - Light headedness or dizziness - mental fatigue - Forgetfulness - Sinus Problems - Faint sharp pains shooting into head - Periods of numbness in face or limbs - Burning sensation in mouth - Unusual head aches - Interrupted thoughts or speech (including forced speech) - Diminished hearing or eye sight - Unusual decrease or increase in memory - Unusual depression or anxiety - Unusual thoughts - Unusual swings in emotions - Slow or sudden altered belief systems - Slow or sudden change in personal preferences - Slow or sudden change in personality - Slow or sudden change in values or morals - Aneurysms - Migraine Head Aches - Lupus...etc.

Unaware mind control victims tend to become disconnected from their hearts and natural instincts, which is perhaps the worse symptom of all, (although its not immediately noticeable) because this blockage of our Hearts - the blockage of our ability to feel and heal. . .is a SERIOUS hindrance to our natural process of growing and evolving into healthy, functional human beings.

Some people seem less susceptible to being completely controlled. (I'm glad to be one of these.) People who are taking mood altering drugs, like anti-depressants, are VERY susceptible to being completely controlled. In 2008 there were news reports of mood altering drugs being found in around TWO DOZEN major public water supplies in the USA. I believe that this is not a coincidence, no matter what excuse is made. This is HUGE people. This is not just a few criminals targeting a few people! ALL OF HUMANITY IS IN CRITICAL DANGER AT THIS POINT IN TIME. Our own hearts and natural instincts can override SOME of the remote manipulations. BUT if we are not AWARE of what is happening we can easily confuse them with our own thoughts, feelings and instincts, and this can be devastating. . .to say the least. Through awareness and a strong will that we can avoid manipulations that are alien to our own nature. But when issues or feelings, that already have roots inside us, are triggered it is more difficult to resist.

It is critical that we quickly unite into an awareness that can form a peaceful stand to end these crimes and protect the Freedom and free will that enables our inner growth.

Perhaps the saddest part of this atrocity surrounds those of us who have figured out the full scope of what is happening. . .and have been heavily targeted, in order to discredit us and prevent our testimonies from reaching or being believed by the public. These targeted individuals have been put on a 'hit list' in a program that aims to literally destroy us in ways that are not obvious to the general public. Many are victims of remote weapon attacks and Hitler-style harassment programs (gang stalking groups). For decades now, they have been crying out for help that has not been there for them, due to our own lack of awareness. Many have died. Many have been falsely labeled with "paranoid schizophrenia" and sometimes even institutionalized. Many have been framed for crimes they did not commit. Many have been driven to commit suicide. Many have been murdered with microwaves that produce Lupus, Leukemia and other forms of cancer. Many are now fighting for OUR lives in a world that does not even acknowledge the crimes that are being committed against them.

Jerry E. Smith - HAARP & Mind Control

Jim Keith - Mind Control, World Control

Jerry E. Smith - Jim Keith's death and Conspiracy research

Weapons of Mass Destruction

CNN: Electromagnetic Mind Control Weapons (1 of 2)

CNN: Electromagnetic Mind Control Weapons (2 of 2)

Dr. Patrick Flanagan on Electromagnetic Frequency Mind Control Weapons

Science Channel Admits Microwaves Used in Mind Control

Dr John Hall - ELF Technology and Microwave Based Mind Control

CBS News Admits Navy Yard Shooter Possibly a Victim of Mind Control

Mind Control with Jerry E. Smith & Jim Keith

The host of this documentary had originally declared that his research found the mind control parts of HAARP "true". This section has recently been cut out. Is this proof of another TRUTH seeker being mind controlled against mind control or something else? Your guess is as good as mine. But there sure are a lot of cover ups happening.

Note to medical, media and law enforcement personnel:

PLEASE investigate this for your own sakes. . .and do not blindly judge or label a Targeted Individual. Please care to at least have them scanned for microchips, tested for cell structure and brain damage, overdoses of microwave energy...etc., instead of making them have to prove their sanity (which is an impossible task with anyone who does not realize what is REALLY happening) on top of everything else that they are being hit with.


What kind of world can my weary eyes see -
What kind of world need grow to be?
A world where Love fills the void of hate
And freedom is delivered by hands of fate.
A world where everyone picks up paces
To lift broken people from wounded places.
A world where all is in a state of repair
And none are left in deep despair.

No matter how difficult life is today -
no matter how much is torn away
The sun will rise on all of humanity
As we embrace our hearts and set Love free.

I am a targeted individual. I am being slowly murdered with microwave weapons - I am being held under surveillance, stalked, threatened and attacked with remote technologies for witnessing, for knowing, for writing. . .and perhaps even for being a decent independent human being who had perfect credit and owned my own home and businesses prior to being heavily targeted. My birth name was Sharon Yvette LaBree.. My Married name: Sharon Y. Buck. My pen name was Namatari Neachi. I was born and raised in New Boston, NH USA and I believe that my family and residents of the Hillsborough County Nursing Home had been being used for remote technological experimentation since the 1970s. Please help this statement be recorded in the event of my death. My legal name is now Sharon R. Poet, PO Box 383, Mont Vernon, NH 03057 USA.

My websites are sometimes tampered with so please do your own research if they become unviewable or filled with questionable content. Authors Jim Keith, Jerry E. Smith, Tim Rifat, Nicholas Kirkland, Philip Coppens and Anna Keeler offer many references to documented proof of remote mind control technologies and their use on both military personnel and civilians since at least the 1960s. I believe that Jim Kieth, Jerry E. Smith and Philip Coppens were inconspicuously murdered when they began figuring out that remote mind control technologies have been being used on an unsuspecting populous for DECADES now. Lets not let their deaths be in vein. You can also do web searches and see what you find. But remember that many accurate sites have been taken down. And there are sites set up to intentionally misinform and confuse the public. So, please let the heart of your own instincts do the searching. And please help spread the word as quickly as possible.

Read more…
Mind Control Steals Hope

Disbelief of Remote Mind Control Technologies
Is Enabling Lethal Crimes Against Humanity

Criminal use of microwave weapons, and remote mind control technologies, is a crisis that's having ill effects on increasing numbers of individuals, families and communities through the past few decades. What's happening is so outrageously inhumane that the natural response is to slip into shocked denial, overwhelm, or complete disbelief, but there is not time for this type of response. This situation needs our immediate awareness and attention.

There are all sorts of foolish "conspiracy theories" bouncing around the world. . .and the damaging outcome is that they lead us to disbelieve EVERYTHING that can be perceived as a "conspiracy." A similar thing is happening in Hollywood where existing technologies are being depicted in science fiction movies. . .leading us to believe that they are merely science fiction. And with the media ridiculing mind control "conspiracys" and discrediting "tin foil hat" people, its difficult to be objective.

Now, in order to face a few Truths, which deeply need our attention, we must break through the walls of doubt and let our Hearts realize the Truth - that there TRULY ARE genuine "conspiracies" - that covert organized crime DOES REALLY exist and even thrives due to our lack of awareness. . .and that there TRULY is the existence of technologies, which most of us have not been made aware of. The secrecy around their existence has enabled such wide spread misuse that this can be accurately called a technological holocaust.

It appears that there has already been a mass brainwashing against the belief that remote mind control is even possible, because most people seem unable to even think of the possibility of this devastating reality. The unusual part is that people seem to not even want to TRY to investigate it, although many books have been written about it. This sad scenario, on its own, can be proof of mass mind control, because there is scientific proof of such technologies and just a little bit of research and common sense can KNOW that they were created to be

Quote by
(the late) Jim Kieth: "Brain-computer radio communication has
long been considered impossible by the majority of people and has
consequently been relegated to science-fiction, but the fact is that the
technology had been developed into reality by at least the 1960s, during
which time the initial experiments were being performed on unwitting
subjects." Read more

When we cast aside other people's judgments, perceptions, projections
and listen more closely to the Heart of our own instincts, we can FEEL what is
or is not True. This is what we must now do, because, blind disbelief of the
criminal use of things like Remote Microwave Mind Control Technologies is
enabling lethal crimes against growing numbers of individuals, families,
communities and even whole countries.

What are these technologies and how do they work? Microwave targeting
involves the computerized manipulation of various radio wave frequencies,
which utilize satellite surveillance systems in conjunction with other radio
wave transmitters like HAARP and cell towers. . .and can remotely flood whole
communities or target specific individuals with finer beams of radio waves
directed into the brain or other organs. (Radio wave targeting, with harmful
frequencies, can also be directed through technologies like cell phones and computers.)

When I listen to my instincts, it feels important for us to know that
operators of radio wave technologies can easily target an individual,
family, community or country from the opposite side of the world.
Though many want to blame ONLY the USA government, it appears that
countries like Russia, Britain and Germany were perfecting and
successfully utilizing remote microwave mind control technologies
long before parts of the USA government, and/or associated organizations,
appear to have leapt into the pit.

Many are now saying that these technologies are only "on the horizon," but
victims know different. And according to knowledgeable scientists and
researchers, remote microwave - radio wave mind control programs have
been operational, since at least the 1950s.

Scientists, authors and researchers like Jim Keith, Jerry E. Smith and
Philip Coppens appear to have fought hard to expose and stop these crimes
against humanity. The fact that most of them suddenly died as they began
uncovering and exposing their hidden depths, gives their testimonies more
credibility than those who now aim to inform (or misinform) the public.
Many of us want to scream, "Would the WHOLE truth please be revealed!"
But the main stream media is not yet doing so and this is enabling the
continuation of uncountable numbers of psychological and physical deaths.

I believe that our own military and government personnel were the first victims of remotely
inflicted mind control, after the success of initial experiments, and that it later swung
onto the rest of humanity with many of those initial brainwashed victims being recruited
into the program.

it later. I beg you to let your doubt research this with a Heart that aims to find absolute
Truth and does not stop until you FEEL 100% sure of obtaining it.

Please start researching this and be aware that web searches on this subject can lead to an
intentionally confusing array of misinformation. You will need to listen closely to the Heart
of your own instincts. At this point in time it even appears that operatives of
this Technological Holocaust are placing themselves in the front lines of a SLOWLY
emerging publicity campaign that is claiming that these technologies are merely
"on the horizon" and offering only tiny glimpses of what has already been exposed
to the point of its inability to be effectively denied.
It appears that the same technologies, which are used for mind control, are also being
used for a eugenics based microwaving that INFLICTS LUPUS and is said to also be capable
of inflicting Leukemia, tumors and other terminal illnesses, through lasering particular
parts of our organs, effecting their functionality and/or causing cell structure damage...etc.

Symptoms of Microwave Targeting

In community or organization targeting, remotely directed radio waves can contain subliminal messaging or be set at frequencies which interfere with human functionality and technologies. Effects can range from mild brainwashing and unusual technological malfunctions to debilitating levels of mental fatigue/numbness, confusion.

Heavily targeted individuals can experience symptoms that range from mental confusion, fatigue, forgetfulness, sinus problems, unusual cellulite formations, unusual or repetitive thoughts and mood swings, a high pitched ring in ears, flu symptoms, giddiness, immune system problems, cataracts, eye damage, ear problems, body bloating, digestive problems, dehydration, unusual head and body aches, diminished eye sight and hearing, lung problems like asthma and COPD, misdiagnosis of mental illness and blocked emotions. . .to aneurisms, heart attacks, seizures, unusual neurological, mental or physical disruptions, stress, manic behavior, schizophrenia, nervous breakdowns, physical collapse, brain and nervous system damage, forced suicides, cancer, tumors, blindness, paralysis. . .and inconspicuous murders that are misdiagnosed as suicide, lupus, leukemia and other cancers...etc. (Severe angry victims can be remotely forced into things like lethal shootings at schools or navy yards.)

Thus far heavily targeted victims, who have become aware of what is happening, have not been able to obtain help or protection. We are almost steadily tortured in the worst kind of prison - a prison that is filled with people who appear to be brainwashed into disbelief. Can you imagine?

Quotes by Turan (Tim) Rifat:"Russian and American research has found
that pulse modulated microwaves (as used for mobile phones) can, when
modulated with ELF which mimics specific brain patterns, change the
behavior of the victim with the flick of a switch."

"Precisely modulated microwave radiation is used to influence brain function.
Human behavior and reactions can be entirely controlled by
using pulse modulated microwave EM radiation" There is "a catalogue
of every specific brain frequency for each mood, action and
thought. . .there is one for anger, suicide, hysteria, trauma,
serial killing, paranoia, lust...etc."

The most recent developments in Remote Microwave Mind Control Technologies,
(now called "Psychotronic Weapons") which have mind reading capabilities, seem
too outrageous and dangerous for most of us to even want to believe at this point.
So, I'll not address them here. But PLEASE believe me when I say that this crisis
can only get worse VERY quickly, until masses of people become aware of what is
happening and take HUGE steps toward bringing it to an end. At this point in time
it seems safe to say that MOST of humanity is being effected to some degree by
criminal use of microwave/radio wave technologies. Our natural process of personal
and spiritual growth is being blocked and the ramifications of only this part of
it could fill a book or two. THIS IS SERIOUS! I urge you to at least give this
the benefit of your understandable doubt, so that you can start taking steps
to protect yourself and your loved ones as well as the rest of humanity.
If you think you will not be effected you are sure to be proven wrong.
Most of humanity is already being effected. And there is a desperate need
for people to realize what is happening. . .and rise into a STRONG peaceful
stand against it.

There are many valid witnesses to the effects of microwave targeting.
(I am one of these witnesses, although those who target us have been
dyscrediting/slandering me I feel that people will FEEL the truth instead of the manipulations.)
However, through the past few decades, witnesses
to this criminal operation have been either inconspicuously murdered or tortured
into silence - heavily targeted with Microwave Weapons and organized stalking
and harassment groups, (Hitler Style) with even our own family members being
manipulated against us, in efforts to publicly discredit/slander us and either
label us as "mentally ill," or frame us for crimes we did not commit.
The targeting that is happening to cover the criminal use of Microwave Mind Control
Technologies is as inhumane as inhumane can possibly get. This is a lethal holocaust,
people! This is a covert war of the deadliest kind! I am being more heavily tortured
and threatened for telling you about it. So PLEASE make good use of this information.
Please do not let my suffering, and that of many others, be in vein.

Around the year 2000 my concern shared a prophetic dream, which showed
criminal contamination of the Concord, NH public water supply. By May of
2001, most of my pets were dead or missing, my daughters and I were suddenly
surrounded by at least 5 unusual deaths, unbelievable levels of chaos and a
suspicious fire in my home, which destroyed most of my writings...etc. Pieces
to this puzzle are now clicking together. . .

According to experts the mind control parts of Microwave Weapons
are most successful on people who are taking mood altering drugs,
like anti-depressants. ( I have witnessed the Truth in this.)
In 2008, news reports stated that these sorts of drugs were being
found in around 24 major public water supplies in the USA.

Drugs found in 24 public water

(The kind that aids success of remote mind control)

A secretary at a New Hampshire Environmental Protection Agency recently told me that these drugs are STILL being found in our public water supplies and I do not believe that its from "run off"and she was not apposed to my belief. PLEASE think about this and DO NOT STOP thinking about it until you feel/know the absolute Truth. Too much is at stake for it to be washed away with foolish assumptions or blind disbelief.

I can attest to the fact that microwave weapons have been used to
either interfere with or destroy the lives of dozens of individuals in New
Hampshire since 1974. Prior to becoming aware of the technologies, that are
being criminally used on my family and I, I'd known that something was wrong but couldn't
accurately label it. I had known that my mother's death in 1977 was NOT "meant to be,"
but with people assuming that I was just "not accepting it" and my own
technological ignorance, I was not able to understand what had happened.
I had also not realized what was happening when my sister and husband
started behaving strangely around 1990 or when my little brother called
me and said, "Something weird is going on around here. Pop's is acting weird..."
a few months before he suddenly died in a mysterious accident. And the list could go one.

Since a private investigator opened a door that began helping me to
realize this criminal targeting of humanity. . .pieces to a horrible puzzle
have begun to click together. . .and I now believe that I was a witness to
the effects of Microwave Weapons being used on unsuspecting victims,
including myself, in 1974 when I worked at the original location of the
Hillsborough County Nursing Home in Goffstown, NH. Among other things
I'd experienced strange headaches and witnessed unusual things during
my employment there. I now believe that occupants of this facility,
which also included a small hospital and low security prison, were
used for microwave mind control experimentation. A recent report of
an unusual amount of cancer cases in long term employees has validated
my belief. I believe that, since then, my family has been used for remote
technological experimentation. . .and that I got singled out for heavier
targeting for reasons that I am still struggling to understand.

I have also witnessed targetings of some original members of the
Concord, NH area Spiritual Growth Network and original members of the
Concord, NH Yoga Center. Some victims seem to have forgotten whole
chunks of the late 1980s and early 1990s. I had also. My memories are
returning, but they still show only a small fraction of these crimes,
which surely extend into MANY communities, families and individuals WORLD WIDE.

It is imperative that you listen to the heart of your own
instincts on this subject, because your mind is not going to want
to believe it and your heart may ache so much that it aims to slip
into denial or overwhelm. . .but there is not time for these types
of responses. This situation is already at a critical point and needs
to be exposed and stopped as quickly as possible.

One of the best articles I've read is
"The Russian Woodpecker: Experiments in
Global Mind Control" by Philip Coppens. Within it he writes,
"In April 1953, CIA Allen Dulles gave a lecture at Princeton
University, detailing Soviet developments in the field of mind control. He
stated they were out to control the mind of free men, both individually
and collectively. . . Dulles proclaimed that the Cold War was moving into
a new era of psychological warfare, which Dulles characterized as the
battle for men's minds. "We might call it in its new form brain warfare. .
.In the 1970s, some of this "secret war for our mind" was exposed. .
It appears that Phillip's site has been taken down but the article is on this

In 1976 Time
Magazine said, "Last month the
U.S. confirmed that for some 15 years the Soviet Union has been beaming
microwaves at the hulking nine-story U.S. Embassy..." More recently, researchers and scientists are
finding out that this microwave energy is used for mind control and that
this may have been what was happening to the embassy from around 1961 to
1976. This gives us
an idea of how long these weapons have been in use. It would be foolish to
assume that these technologies have not remained in use and have not been
improved upon. The fact is that they have been unleashed on an unaware
population and countless numbers of people are suffering the effects
without even knowing what is happening to them. Find more

More recently, various sub media forums are starting to help expose this devastating reality:
Gordon Duff - senior editor of Veterans
Today stood up for Targeted Individual's mind control claims,

At one time, we thought of all of them as "tin foil hat" conspiracy theorists. This was until we were
able to break through the encoding with some mobile communications devices. . . and The concerns go
well past simply a few thousand targeted "trouble makers" that the government wants to destroy.
In reference to the general numbing effect of mass mind control, in whole communities, Gordon Duff says,
Tens of millions have been turned into some of those who will. . . read these words and feel and think nothing.
And I have experienced and witnessed the reality of this.

What will Become of Humankind if not allowed a Free Mind?

This is a question that deserves and needs immediate serious contemplation.
Continued criminal use of microwave technologies is covertly harming humanity
in many ways, but the mind control part is by far the worst, because it can
be found at the roots of most of the other serious problems we face in our
troubled world. . .and it has the devastating outcome of preventing us from
freely living our own lives - preventing our natural process of growing and
evolving into healthy functional human beings - preventing our natural process
of personal and spiritual growth. The seriousness of this can not be over stated.
ALL of humanity is in grave danger. This isn't a "cause" its a fight for our lives.
Its not a matter of if you "believe it" - its a matter of if you are aware and if you can care to fight for our freedom.

Take COURAGE, wrap it around your HEARTS and rise
into a strong PEACEFUL stand to regain your FREEDOM.

Never, in the history of humanity has there been a more
devastating holocaust or a more crucial time for humanity
to rise into a peaceful fight for our freedom and well-being.

This is so outrageously inhumane that the natural response is to slip
into shocked denial, overwhelm, or complete disbelief, but there is not
time for this type of response. This situation needs our immediate
awareness and attention. What's happening is NOT "meant to be"
and is a criminal assault on an unsuspecting and defenseless populous.

What is the remedy? Aside from standing up in a strong and peaceful
fight to stop criminal use of said technologies, we will be far better
off when we more fully open and listen to our Hearts above what is
being projected into our minds. . .and also do the following things:
take as few pharmaceuticals as possible; drink only pure clean water;
build or purchase radio wave detectors that do NOT have a filter,
which prevents detection of the low frequencies used for mind control;
build or purchase radio wave blockers, although I hear they are becoming
illegal to obtain and use in many countries. I feel that we have a right
to protect ourselves through creating and using radio wave blockers as
long as it does not interfere with anyone else’s right to receive radio waves.
I feel that this is what we must do until honest and uncontrolled parts of our
governments begin doing something to end this holocaust and protect us.
It also appears that water, lead and tin can help to interfere with frequencies that are used for mind control.

Names of radio wave technologies keep changing, which seems like a ploy to
confuse the public and hide previous writings on the web. Among the labels
are; behavior modification technologies, Bio-communications technologies,
Radio wave mind control, Microwave Weapons, Microwave Mind Control,
Bio-electromagnetic Technologies, Radio Wave Mind Control, Electronic
Harassment, Directed Energy Weapons, Remote Neuro Monitoring,
Brain Warfare, Bio-energetics, Electromagnetic (EMR) mind control,
microwave mind control, Psychotronic weapons, Electroenergetics,
Geophysical weapons, psychoneurological weapons, M.I.N.D. - Magnetic Integrated Neuron Duplicator, Psychic Warfare...etc.

Experiments Into Remote Mind Control Technology by Jim Keith:

The Russian Woodpecker: experiments in global mind control? by Philip Coppens

A History of Mind Control - Tim Rifat:

The Truth about Remote Influencing by Tim Rifat:

Mind Control by Anna Keeler:

Jim Keith Books (can be found on Amazon)

"Mind Control World Control" & "Secret Suppressed Banned History"

Jerry E. Smith books on Haarp Mind Control & Weather Modification: (or look him upon Amazon)

The Silent Massacre by Nicholas Kirkland:

Mind Control Patents:

Patent on Mind Control:

Hidden and Banned - Remote Mind Control:

Mind Control Experiment Evidence by Cheryl Welsh:

WARNING: Accurate writings on the web are sometimes interfered with through being altered, removed or blocked from public view. Also please be aware that writings and experiences of genuine victims may be plagiarized by criminal operatives who aim to have you trust and follow them into avenues that turn into disinformation.

even with my writings, because they are sometimes interfered with.
Your mind’s Freedom needs the Truth. Please search until you find it.
Heart over Mind for Humankind

Komsomolskaya Pravda stated in
this article
that" In 1924, chairman of the academician council of the Animal Psychology
Laboratory, brilliant animal trainer Vladimir Durov wrote a book on
animal training and told about his experiments on hypnosis applied to
animals. In 1932, the Bekhterev Institute of Brain named after the scientist was
officially charged to conduct experiments on distant interaction. In 1965-1968,
the Institute of Automatics and Electroenergetics based in
Novosibirsk studied mental communication between humans and animals.
The materials of the study were classified and were never published
officially." (It would be foolish to assume that these technologies are not also being used
on human beings within the same time frames. My experiences say
this has been done since the mid 1970s, but it appears to have begun much sooner than this.) More can be found
on http://english.pravda.

For the sake of preserving the integrity of
humanity please let your imagination take a glimpse into the forbidden
atrocities that perverted criminals can perform with these secret remote
technologies, which also encompass the capability of stimulating any nerve
or organ in our bodies. . .including the ability to project recorded
voices and/or images into or around unaware victims. . .or to instantly
render a person unconscious. (Keep in mind that these technologies can see
through walls and into a person's body in similar ways to that of cat
scans.) Through satellite technologies, which appear to be linked to the
mind control technologies, a perpetrator can be sitting at his or her
computer in Russia while zooming in on victims in the USA.

Can you
imagine what kinds of abuses will continue to increase if the general
public remains unaware of being held under satellite surveillance by
criminals who use psychotronic weapons - mind control technologies and
laser weapons on unsuspecting citizens?
Aside from those who use these
technologies in perverted and torturous ways, there are those who aim to control the
minds of others.

I believe
that many government, military, media and law enforcement personnel are
unaware victims of remote mind control and are, at this time, being used
to accomplish a silent takeover of the USA and ultimately all of
I have noticed that
the perpetrators of this holocaust are masters at deceptive set ups for
blame to be placed on innocent people or nations. . . and that we must be
VERY careful to not continue falling into their traps. Though PARTS of our
own governments may be involved in the higher levels of this atrocity, it
appears to have roots in communism, secret societies, the UN, satanic occults, the global "elite"...etc. I think that
this crime has run so far out of control that there are different groups
who hold the controls. It appears that the general numbness, the growing lack of care and
growing levels of discord in the world are mostly due to the effects of
wide spread remote mind control. Many of the criminals who hold the
controls of these technologies appear to be sadistically aiming to cause
chaos, pain and suffering. The rise in crimes are being blamed on economic
difficulties. But the truth is that, by nature, human beings tend to pull
together during tough times - letting our Hearts help each other through.

What is now happening is not natural, not normal,

not meant
to be and is a criminal assault on an

unsuspecting and defenseless

It is difficult,
to say the least, to face these facts and realize that such sinister
forces are ALREADY taking control of our minds, our lives, our countries.
. .our world. However, we must not only face this, but also rise up and do
all that we can to stop it as quickly as possible.

The ultimate remedy
is to fully prosecute the criminals who are leading such atrocities and/or
completely disable their technologies. But until these crimes are believed and
stopped, by either a united public or agencies that are supposed to be
protecting us. . .the only protection we have is to help bring these
crimes into public awareness and quickly develop technologies that can
protect us from microwave weapons. There are technologies, which can
detect and block the radio waves that humanity is being attacked with, but
they are ironically becoming illegal or altered in ways that do not detect
the frequencies that are being used for mind control. Sometimes it is
difficult to hold onto the hope that this will be stopped, because its
secrecy has enabled it to grow and remain hidden for too long. But we

A Few More Symptoms of Remote Mind Control

Many victims will
only experience a faint high pitched ringing in their ears, which they
not even notice. Others may experience symptoms of mental illness (even
hearing voices) and/or any number of the following symptoms and some that
are not listed here. The symptoms may come on suddenly and then disappear
as quickly. They may slowly increase, come and go, or continue almost
constantly. There are many variables.

High pitched
ringing in ears
(Can be very faint) - Light headedness or dizziness - mental fatigue -
Forgetfulness - Sinus Problems - Faint sharp pains shooting into head -
Periods of numbness in face or limbs - Burning sensation in mouth -
Unusual head aches - Interrupted thoughts or speech (including forced
speech) - Diminished hearing or eye sight - Unusual decrease
or increase in memory - Unusual depression or anxiety - Unusual thoughts -
Unusual swings in emotions - Slow or sudden altered belief systems - Slow
or sudden change in personal preferences - Slow or sudden change in
personality - Slow or sudden change in values or morals - Aneurysms -
Migraine Head Aches - Lupus...etc.

Unaware mind control victims tend to
become disconnected from their hearts and natural instincts, which is perhaps the worse symptom of all,
(although its not immediately noticeable) because this blockage of our Hearts - the blockage of our ability to
feel and heal. . .is a SERIOUS hindrance to our natural process of
growing and evolving into healthy, functional human beings.

Some people seem less susceptible to being
completely controlled. (I'm glad to be one of these.) People who are taking mood altering drugs,
like anti-depressants, are VERY susceptible to being completely
controlled. In 2008 there were news reports of mood altering drugs being
found in around TWO DOZEN major public water supplies in the USA. I
believe that this is not a coincidence, no matter what excuse is
made. This is HUGE people.
This is not just a few criminals targeting a few people! ALL OF
TIME. Our own hearts and natural instincts can override
SOME of the remote manipulations. BUT if we are not AWARE of what is
happening we can easily confuse them with our own thoughts, feelings and
instincts, and this can be devastating. . .to say the least. Through
awareness and a strong will that we can avoid manipulations that are alien
to our own nature. But when issues or feelings, that already have roots
inside us, are triggered it is more difficult to resist.

It is critical that we quickly unite into an awareness that can form a
peaceful stand to end these crimes and protect the Freedom and
free will that enables our inner

Perhaps the
saddest part of this atrocity surrounds those of
us who have figured out the full scope of what is happening. . .and have
been heavily targeted, in order to discredit us and prevent our
testimonies from reaching or being believed by the public. These targeted
individuals have been put on a 'hit list' in a program that aims to
literally destroy us in ways that are not obvious to the general
public. Many are
victims of remote weapon attacks and Hitler-style harassment programs
(gang stalking groups). For decades now, they have been crying out for
help that has not been there for them, due to our own lack of awareness.
Many have died. Many have been falsely labeled with "paranoid
schizophrenia" and sometimes even institutionalized. Many have been framed
for crimes they did not commit. Many have been driven to commit suicide.
Many have been murdered with microwaves that produce Lupus, Leukemia and
other forms of cancer. Many are now fighting for OUR lives in a world that
does not even acknowledge the crimes that are being committed against

Jerry E. Smith - HAARP & Mind Control

Jim Keith - Mind Control, World Control

Jerry E. Smith - Jim Keith's death and Conspiracy research

Weapons of Mass Destruction

CNN: Electromagnetic Mind Control Weapons (1 of 2)

CNN: Electromagnetic Mind Control Weapons (2 of 2)

Dr. Patrick Flanagan on Electromagnetic Frequency Mind Control Weapons

Science Channel Admits Microwaves Used in Mind Control

Dr John Hall - ELF Technology and Microwave Based Mind Control

CBS News Admits Navy Yard Shooter Possibly a Victim of Mind Control

Control with Jerry E. Smith & Jim Keith

The host of this
documentary had originally declared that his research found the mind
control parts of HAARP "true". This section has recently been cut out. Is
this proof of another TRUTH seeker being mind controlled against mind
control or something else? Your guess is as good as mine. But there sure
are a lot of cover ups happening.

Note to medical, media and law enforcement personnel:

PLEASE investigate this for
your own sakes. . .and do not blindly judge or label a Targeted
Individual. Please care to at least have them scanned for microchips,
tested for cell structure and brain damage, overdoses of microwave
energy...etc., instead of making them have to prove their sanity (which is
an impossible task with anyone who does not realize what is REALLY
happening) on top of everything else that they are being hit with.



What kind
of world can my weary eyes see -

What kind
of world need grow to be?

A world where Love fills the void of hate

And freedom is delivered by hands of fate.
world where everyone picks up paces

To lift
broken people from wounded places.

world where all is in a state of repair

And none are left
in deep despair.

No matter how difficult life is today -

no matter how much is
torn away

The sun will rise on all of humanity
As we embrace our
hearts and set Love free.

I am a targeted
individual. I am being slowly murdered with microwave weapons - I am being
held under surveillance, stalked, threatened and attacked with remote
technologies for witnessing, for knowing, for writing. . .and perhaps even
for being a decent independent human being who had perfect credit and owned
my own home and businesses prior to being heavily targeted. My birth name
was Sharon Yvette LaBree.. My Married name: Sharon Y. Buck. My pen name
was Namatari Neachi. I was born and raised in New Boston, NH USA and I believe
that my family and residents of the Hillsborough County Nursing Home had
been being used for remote technological experimentation since the 1970s.
Please help this statement be recorded in the event of my death. My legal name is now
Sharon R. Poet, PO Box 383, Mont Vernon, NH 03057 USA.

websites are sometimes tampered with so please do your own
research if they become unviewable or filled with questionable content.
Authors Jim Keith, Jerry E. Smith, Tim Rifat, Nicholas
Kirkland, Philip Coppens and Anna Keeler offer many references to documented proof of
remote mind control technologies and their use on both military personnel
and civilians since at least the 1960s. I believe
that Jim Kieth, Jerry E. Smith and Philip Coppens were inconspicuously murdered when they
began figuring out that remote mind control technologies have been being
used on an unsuspecting populous for DECADES now. Lets not let their
deaths be in vein. You can also do web searches and see what you find. But
remember that many accurate sites have been taken down. And there are
sites set up to intentionally misinform and confuse the public. So, please
let the heart of your own instincts do the searching. And please help
spread the word as quickly as possible.


Experiments Into Remote Mind Control Technology by Jim

Mind Control and the US Government by Martin Cannon

The Truth about Remote Influencing by Tim

Microwave Mind Control by Tim Rifat

The Secret Uses Of Microwave Mind Control... By Tim

Extracts From Mind Control Books by (the late) Jim Keith

Haarp: The Ultimate Weapon of the Conspiracy. .
.Jerry E. Smith

 Hidden and Banned - Remote Mind Control
Read more…

The Heart Bud is a little news paper that is exposing our plight. Please help support it through donations. The following link is a free download of the intro to the next printing.


Please send donations with a note that says, "FOR HEART BUD" to:

Poetic Publications

PO Box 383

Mont Vernon, NH 



Other information can be found on

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A little Privacy PLEASE!


If a micro cameras is accompanied by IR for night/low-light viewing, they are relatively easy to find.  There are two types of IR LEDs commonly used with mini cameras - one is 850nm which is visible and emits a dim red light - the other is 940nm LED which is higher in the IR wavelength range and can not be seen.  However, if you take out your digital camera and shut off the lights, a thorough search should detect both the 850nm and 940nm - immediately take photos of the camera in situ and upload them to a "private" youtube evidence account for posterity - once documented, take a hammer to the camera and destroy it (keep pieces if you want, but they will probably disappear).

The devices which are sold for locating hidden cameras are nothing more than mini strobes.  You put your eye next to the strobes (in the hole of the device) and as the light flashes all around the hole, it hits the glass on the hidden camera lens and reflects light back at you so you can locate the camera.  These devices work on cameras which do not have IR LEDs.  Bcz the spy cameras are usually very small, the reflected lens' light will be very small, and the closer you are to the camera, the easier it will be to locate.

Temporary privacy

- pick an empty corner or hallway and surround yourself with temporary hanging screens;  this can be as easy as buying a spring loaded curtain tension rod which is long enough to span the distance between walls, and threading an old sheet onto the rod;  this will give you some privacy; check out DIY hanging room dividers on YouTube for more ideas
- for floor screens, use 2' x 7' panels of rigid styrofoam, masonite, OSB, etc and hinge together accordion style w/lengths of cord to span the desired distance around you; the panels can be covered w/aluminum foil, fabric or painted;  Lowes will cut masonite and OSB for you;  you can even make low cost easy panels by making frames from lengths of pvc pipe (& elbows) and covering them with fabric or yard sale sheets (pined on or sewn to fit)
- just make sure that the area you choose to cozy down in only contains the items you carry into it, like your chair or you may be defeating your purpose by carrying the spy camera in with you

Rise to the occasion and if you can't stop them, you certainly are capable of putting up some road blocks to thwart their efforts.

Read more…

CIA technical garbage, who can give feelings of remote brain surgery and remote mind control to everyone but did not, you deserve being killed, although you are killed only because you know too many secrets. CIA technical garbage, you can kill your sub-boss and other administrators who did not allow you to give feelings of remote brain surgery and feelings of being remotely mind controlled to everyone on earth but you did not. You deserve being killed. Without garbage like you the tycoon family, such as Rockefellers, would not be able to kill anyone remotely. Without garbage like you the two secret technologies: EM Remote Surgery and Remote Mind Control, had been exposed to everyone on earth.


CIA technical garbage, you did not risk your own life to make everyone know EM remote surgery and remote mind control, which is everyone’s responsibility to humankind. You are harmful to humankind and harmful to everyone, including yourself, because you are making tens of thousands innocent people killed everyday by conflicts created by mind control, by diseases on purpose created by electromagnetic scissors remote surgery and by accidents created with electromagnetic energy.


After everyone knows remote surgery and remote mind control, no one dare to do bad things. No one even dare to think about doing bad things because they can’t hide any more. Only Rockefeller family, which was estimated to have around 200 family members, do not want everyone know remote surgery and remote mind control, because Rockefeller family had killed two presidents, including President Kennedy.


The <ROCK & ROLL> and <ROCK YOU> in robot songs were all related to the tycoon family who had been controlling CIA mind control FIRM for tens of years. The WTC twin towers collapsed in NY 911 attacks were sponsored by David Rockefeller and Nelson Rockefeller, which could be a soothing trick to the being bullied and tortured slaves in CIA mind control FIRM, as what was described in TV series <DOLL HOUSE>. Mind controlling brain damaged human robots to do bad things to justify killing them would benefit humankind is a traditional trick of the tycoon family controlled CIA mind control FIRM. Nelson Rockefeller started to run for president after the assassination of President Kennedy. Eileen Rockefeller (born in 1952), the youngest daughter of David Rockefeller, had been studying mind control related techniques, such as emotion and behavior interaction. Nelson Rockefeller died suddenly the second year after nearly 1000 Americans being mind controlled to commit massive suicide in Jonestown on Nov. 18, 1978, where some of the victims bizarrely left wills of giving money to that time enemy country- Soviet Union. All these indicated that the Rockefeller family is directly related to the CIA mind control FIRM. That might be the reasononly low ranking employees were killed in NY911 when the so called terrorists hated the American government rather than the poor people in America.

Read more…

From the bio page of William Goodman, Esq., principal and founder of Goodman & Hurwitz, P.C. "....Between 1998 and 2007, Goodman was Legal Director at the Center for Constitutional Rights in New York, where he spearheaded many of the legal and political efforts to hold back the excesses of the Bush Administration against the Bill of Rights. These, in particular, included taking leadership in the fight against indefinite detention at Guantanamo and unconstitutional electronic surveillance."

Currently, Attorney Goodman, represents families and individuals who have been the victims of police and other governmental misconduct.

[LEARN MORE HERE:] and please share with your network.  We're COMPILING  a list of legal professionals around the world.  Do you know someone to recommend, please contact me.  ~Debra (djgTheMediaLady) USA

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Rand Paul: “We will go’ to the Supreme Court on NSA Surveillance

By Brian Fung
January 28 at 12:50 pm 

(Gage Skidmore)

(Gage Skidmore)

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) will be plastered all over television tonight giving responses to President Obama's State of the Union address. But Tuesday morning, Paul had a different agenda.

Asked at a Washington conference whether a legal challenge to the NSA's phone records collection would reach the Supreme Court, the Kentucky libertarian said, "Yes, I think we will go."

"I'm suing the NSA," said Paul. "I would love anybody that supports that fight to sign on to my class-action lawsuit. ... The next step is, 'Is it constitutional to collect, with a single warrant to Verizon, can you collect 100 million people's records?'"

Paul's lawsuit is not the only one to tackle the NSA's surveillance program. Two high-profile federal cases have also come to differing conclusions about the legality of the spying. Some expect the Supreme Court to weigh in on the issue in order to resolve the contradiction.


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Users Should Be Able To Sue Tech Companies Over Spying”, Says Sen. Rand Paul

Posted Jan 28, 2014 by Gregory Ferenstein (@ferenstein)


Libertarian hero and presidential hopeful Senator Rand Paul tells me that tech companies should not be granted legal immunity from consumers suing them over government spying. The Patriot Act infamously gave telecommunications companies immunity from being sued for allowing Intelligence agencies to tap phone and Internet lines.

NSA head General Keith Alexander is pressuring Congress to extend even more vague protections for tech companies, but Paul hints that Google, Facebook and Twitter should have to pay for any illicit programs. “I don’t like immunity. I think, really, you should honor your contract,” Paul told me at the State of The Net Conference at the Newseum in Washington, D.C.

Paul did not offer more details about how exactly this opinion could enter legislation. Tech companies are often compelled to turn over data and gagged from speaking about the coerced cooperation. In other instances (if they are to be believed), tech companies were unaware of surveillance of undersea cables.

Still, in other instances, tech companies could be more cooperative with agencies on activity that is eventually deemed illegal. The immunity of telecom companies was upheld in Hepting v. AT&T, but both Paul and the NSA feel there isn’t sufficient coverage for this latest spying scandal.

“This is something they [tech companies] may not like me for, but we made a mistake in the Patriot Act by saying that we immunize the telephone companies and Internet people from being sued. I want a contract with Google and I want them to adhere to that contract.”

Notably, if either Paul’s bill to end bulk collection passes, or his lawsuit against the NSA is upheld, this might not be much of an issue.

Interestingly enough, however, Paul said that there should not be any government restrictions on the way tech companies collect personal data, so long as users agree to it. Google especially has come under intense scrutiny for changing the way they treat user data, despite notifying users. Paul, it appears, will be a friend to the big tech companies when it comes to privacy regulations.

We’ll have more on our interview with Senator Paul on Libertarianism and Silicon Valley soon.

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"Suicide of Europe"

News and stories from around the globe

Euromediterranien - Euromediterranean - Euromediterranien - New World Order - Neue Weltordnung - Klima - Climate - Chemtrails - HAARP - Religion

I found that this is the Rockefeller/ Brzezinkski Trilateral Commission´s plan, the EU being the actual model for the elite´s one-world government, which is Agenda 21, adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2013. Its terrible urbanization was praised by EU Council President, the Jesuit and Bilderberger Hermann van Rompuy. The EU project incl. the euro was launched and initially paid for by the Rothschild/Rockefeller Council on Foreign Relations in collaboration with Nazis, as a corporative EU Ltd. with the Nazi- IG Farben as its model. For many years, the EU was financed with recovered Nazi money and was planned in 1944 by the Gestapo as the 4. Reich: A German financial superpower under supranational umbrella (The Trilateral Commission´s men from Rothschild´s Goldman Sachs) for Europe´s New Order.

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In TV series , the brain damaged human-beings (called DOLLs) were forced to feel the feelings of killings and do other bad things. If you are an administrator of such an institute whose responsibility is to keep the orders, you should only follow orders and rules that do not damage the interest of majority human-beings on the earth. Otherwise, you must be an evil or evil’s helper, as damaging humankind would damage everyone including yourself. Majority human beings are humankind. Following rules without considering whether those rules are harmful to humankind would damage everyone and yourself in the long run. Hiding secrets from majority human-beings is damaging the interests of majority human beings. Everyone should do everything for humankind only. Anyone who did things for individuals only must be an evil or evil’s helper, who are harmful to humankind and harmful to everyone including oneself.

The tycoon family educated their children to learn from animals rather than learning from human-beings, that is why the tycoon family in charge could take damaging majority human beings as a glorious thing. That is why they live for their own sensational satisfaction and power rather than living for the betterness of humankind.

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In TV series <DOLL House>, the brain damaged human-beings (called DOLLs) were forced to feel the feelings of killings and do other bad things. If you are an administrator of such an institute whose responsibility is to keep the orders, you should only follow orders and rules that do not damage the interest of majority human-beings on the earth. Otherwise, you must be an evil or evil’s helper, as damaging humankind would damage everyone including yourself. Majority human beings are humankind. Following rules without considering whether those rules are harmful to humankind would damage everyone and yourself in the long run. Hiding secrets from majority human-beings is damaging the interests of majority human beings. Everyone should do everything for humankind only. Anyone who did things for individuals only must be an evil or evil’s helper, who are harmful to humankind and harmful to everyone including oneself.

The tycoon family educated their children to learn from animals rather than learning from human-beings, that is why the tycoon family in charge could take damaging majority human beings as a glorious thing. That is why they live for their own sensational satisfaction and power rather than living for the betterness of humankind.


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The US Department of Homeland Security has begun field testing new technology which it thinks can identify people who intend to commit a terrorist act, just by looking at them.

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Class action plaintiffs say NSA is spying on them



WASHINGTON (Legal Newsline) – A class action lawsuit has been filed against the National Security Agency for allegedly conducting surveillance and intelligence-gathering programs that collected data from American citizens.

President Barack Obama; U.S. Attorney General Eric Himpton Holder Jr.; Keith B. Alexander, the director of the National Security Agency; Roger Vinson, a judge for the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court; James Clapper, the director of National Intelligence; John O. Brennan, the director of the Central Intelligence Agency; James Comey, the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation; the U.S. Department of Justice; the Federal Bureau of Investigation; and the Central Intelligence Agency were also named as defendants in the suit.

Larry Klayman; Charles and Mary Ann Strange; Michael Ferrari; and Matt Garrison claim the NSA began a classified surveillance program to intercept the telephone communications of American citizens and on June 5, The Guardian reported the first of several “leaks” of classified material from Edward Snowden, a former NSA contract employee, according to a complaint filed Jan. 23 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.

The leaks revealed, and continue to reveal, multiple U.S. government intelligence collection and surveillance programs, according to the suit.

The plaintiffs claim Vinson, acting in his official and personal capacities and under the authority of Obama, Holder, the FBI, the NSA and the DOJ, ordered that the Custodian of Records “shall produce the production of tangible things from Verizon Business Network Services Inc. on behalf of MCI Communication Services…to the NSA and continue production on an ongoing daily basis thereafter.”

The U.S. Government – on the orders of the president, the attorney general, the DOJ and the NSA -obtained a top secret court order that directs Verizon to turn over the telephone records of more than 100 million Americans to the NSA on an ongoing daily basis, according to the suit.

The plaintiffs claim Vinson ordered access to electronic copies of all call detail records or “telephony metadata” created by Verizon for communications between the United States and abroad.

Telephony metadata includes “comprehensive communications routing information, including but not limited to session identifying information (e.g. originating and terminating telephone number, International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) number, International Mobile station Equipment Identity (IMEI) number, etc.) trunk identifier, telephone calling card numbers and time and duration of call,” the complaint states.

The plaintiffs claim to date, the defendants have not issued substantive and meaningful explanations to the American people describing what has occurred.

“Rather, on information and belief, the NSA, under the authorization of President Obama, continues to engage in a systematic program of warrantless eavesdropping upon phone and email communications of hundreds of millions of individuals, including American citizens and permanent legal residents, both within and outside of the U.S.,” according to the suit.

The NSA surveillance program collects not only the identities of people’s communications with the targets of surveillance, but also the contents of those communications.

Such intrusive and illegal surveillance have directly impacted each and every plaintiff, according to the suit.

“The revelation that the government has been carrying on widespread warrantless interception of electronic communications has impaired plaintiffs’ ability to communicate via telephone, email, and otherwise on the internet, out of fear that their confidential, private, and often privileged communications are being and will be overheard by the NSA’s surveillance program.”

The plaintiffs claim the risk and knowledge that the plaintiff’s telephonic and internet conversations may be overheard, undoubtedly chills speech, in violation of the plaintiff’s First Amendment rights.

The defendants violated the plaintiffs’ First, Fourth and Fifth Amendment rights and caused them damages, according to the suit.

“PRISM” was an internal government computer system, authorized by Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. It c0llected records from all communications companies, including Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, Google, Yahoo!, Facebook, Skype, YouTube, AOL, Apple and PalTalk.

“PRISM” began after the passing of the Protect America Act in 2007.

The plaintiffs are seeking compensatory and punitive damages with pre- and post-judgment interest in an amount in excess of $20 billion. Klayman is representing himself and the rest of the class.

The case has been assigned to District Judge Richard J. Leon.

Klayman could not be reached for comment.

In the 1990s, Klayman was known for filing dozens of lawsuits against President Bill Clinton. He founded Judicial Watch and a government watchdog group called Freedom Watch. He has also brought legal action against former Vice President Dick Cheney, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia case number: 1:14-cv-00092

From Legal Newsline: Kyla Asbury can be reached at

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6. stop all pollution and chem trails by eating only spirulina and natural health foods that do not fear "droughts!!"

Here you go!!!!

Wi-Fi Signals Capable of Conversion: The
Case for Comprehensive Conversion:

peace and love


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Is this organized stalking?

Is this organized stalking?


When I begin to sit at my computer desk, this Chinese couple, organized stalkers, hit, or stab our neighboring wall to shock me. Or, after I “work” on the computer for a short period of time and focus on something, they suddenly hit, or stab our neighboring wall to astonish me. I wrote to the administration office several years ago. But, this Chinese couple keep going. Now, some questions are coming as follows:


1) How can they locate me in their apartment?

2) Is this organized stalking?

3) This Chinese couple with 2 cars, they don’t work all the time, do they?

4) Who are encouraging them to commit this crime?




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Snowy White lyrics

I don't mind if you put me out
Just like a candle flame
I don't mind if you slam the door
Leave me in the rain
You can cheat me blind, you can lie

But you can't break my heart
No, you can't break my heart
It's still broken from the time before

I don't mind if you cut me down
And watch me die
And I don't care if you shop around
Find yourself another guy

That won't break my heart
No, it won't break my heart
It's still broken from the time before

You can't break my heart
No, you can't break my heart

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