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The Freedom Files

i am David Lee Anthony thetorturedamerican the author of The Freedom Files i've been to Rome i've been to Salt lake City, The White House Numerous Times, Every Major News Paper in our Country. I know what happened to me and mind control ain't funny. You want Help help me and help yourself. That's What You Do! 

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The Real History of Satanism

Real History Of SatanismBy Lyndon LaRoucheLaRouchePub.com1-17-5Anglo-American SatanistsThe best-organized Satanist forces operating presently inside the United States include the following prominent organizations:THE LUCIS TRUSTThis is the leading, putatively respectable Britain-based Satan cult (it worships Lucifer). The Lucis Trust, which runs the only religious chapel at the New York United Nations headquarters, The Temple of Understanding, was originaly founded as the Lucifer Trust, in London, in 1923. The Lucis Trust associated with the UNO is the New York affiliate of the British organization. The name was changed from Lucifer Trust, to Lucis Trust, to make the nature of the organization less conspicuous.The Lucis Trust's leading sponsors include the following prominent figures:Henry Clausen, Supreme Grand Commander of the Supreme Council, 33rd Degree, Southern District Scottish Rite Freemasons Norman Cousins John D. Rockefeller IV The Rockefeller Foundation The Marshall Field family Robert McNamara Thomas Watson (IBM, former US Ambassador to Moscow) The United Lodge of Theosophists of New York City U. Alexis Johnson, former Undersecretary of State Rabbi Marc Tannenbaum, American Jewish CommitteeProminent front-organizations sponsored by the Lucis Trust, include the following:The Theosophical Order of Service (founded by Annie Besant in1908) The Theosophical Society (founded by Helena P. Blavatsky in 1875) The United Nations Association The World Wildlife Fund UK The Findhorn Foundation Greenpeace International Greenpeace USA Amnesty International The Nicholas Roerich Society (chief connection to Russian mysticism, spirituality) The Anthroposophs of Rudolf Steiner The Rudolf Steiner School [these could not be genuine followers of Steiner] UNESCO UNICEF The American Friends Service CommitteeTHE ORDO TEMPLI ORIENTIS (OTO)This is today's best-known of the hard-core, British-based Satanist cults. Like the Lucis Trust, the OTO is a direct off-shoot of the work of Britain's leading twentieth-century Satanist, Theosophy leader Aliester Crowley. OTO enthusiasts claim this organization is an offshoot of Templar freemasonry, and hint at very influential protection from among Templars very high in British freemasonry.THE WICCA CULTThe WICCA cult came to the surface early during the post-war period, as a legalized association for the promotion of witchcraft. It is the leading publicly known international association of witches in the world today.In the United States, WICCA's outstanding sponsor is the New York Anglican (Episcopal) diocese, under Bishop Paul Moore. Officially, New York's Anglican Cathedral of St. John the Divine has promoted the spread of WICCA witchery through its Lindisfarne center. The late Gregory Bateson conducted such an operation out of the Lindisfarne center during the 1970s.No later than the 1970s, and perhaps still today, the crypt of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, is the headquarters for solemn ceremonies of the British (Venerable) Order of Malta. Key figures, such as Gregory Bateson's former spouse, Dame Margaret Mead, associated with that British order, have been associated with projects in support of the Satanist "Age of Aquarius" cause.For obvious reasons, U.S. witches have chosen Salem, Massachusetts, as their national center. One of the most important operations of these witches is their coordination of the hardcore of U.S. astrology rackets.THE AGE OF AQUARIUSThe "Age of Aquarius," or "New Age," is the generic name adopted by the modern Satanist movement. The best-publicized among the founders of the Age of Aquarius movement include Fyodor Dostoevsky, Friedrich Nietzsche, Alex Muenthe (of Capri notoriety), and Aleister Crowley. Most Aquarians trace the origins of modern Satanism to Nietzsche and Crowley.Anti-Christ cultist Nietzsche announced that the twentieth century would see the end of the Age of Pisces, which Aquarians associate with the figures of Socrates and Christ; Nietzsche prophesied that the New Age would be the Age of Aquarius, which he identified with the Satanic figure Dionysos. Crowley announced himself publicly a devotee of Nietzsche's New Age cult in his Vienna Theosophy magazine, near the beginning of this century, and indicated as his preferred choice of name for Satan.Among hard-core insiders, the New Age models its dogma on the Magis' cult of Mithra, as Nietzsche did. The cult has notable affinities to the Bulgarian-Cathar Bogomil cult(from which the slang term "buggery" is derived). The New Age's most celebrated historical figure, its choice for the original "incarnation" of the Anti-Christ, is the Roman Emperor Tiberius who ordered the execution of Christ. [Some Roman emperors, most notably Caligula, became possessed by being initiated without being suitably prepared.] Adolf Hitler and Hermann Goering were among the notable figures who followed this cult.The best-known coordinating-center for the Age of Aquarius project in the U.S.A. today is Palo Alto, California's Stanford Ressearch Institute, whose Willis Harman is the relevant leading personality. See Harman disciple Marilyn Feruguson's 1980 Aquarian Conspiracy for a popular exposition of Harman's views and program for subversion of the United States. Ferguson is accurate when she reports that the Fabian Society's H.G. Wells (World War I boss of British intelligence) is a key figure of the Aquarian Conspiracy. Also key are Wells' ally, Bertrand Russell, and such Russell cronies as Robert M. Hutchins (Chicago University, Ford Foundation, Fund for the Republic, Aspen Institute, and the project).Both Margaret Mead and her husband Gregory Bateson were close collaborators of Russell and Hutchins from no later than 1938. The brothers, Aldous (Hollywood) and Julian (UNO) Huxley were collaborators of H. G. Wells, and were recruited to Crowley's Satanist cult during the late 1920s.SATAN ROCKSince the launching of the Beatles as an international project via TV in 1963, "rock" has been the most influential recruiter to Satanism. Rock was created, and is still coordinated by Crowley's followers and by the OTO network, in cooperation with WICCA. It is, not so incidentally, also the Satanist's biggest money-maker, and believed to provide the chief logistical support for deployments and other activities of the OTO-WICCA efforts world-wide.There is nothing spontaneous or accidental about "rock." It is a product of classical studies of the ancient Phrygian terrorist cult of Satan-Dionysos, the model for the Roman Bacchic cults of similar characteristics. Crowley's control of the "rock industry" has been documented by a team of [private] investigators, who have also noted, that in addition to the Satanist lyrics, Satanist messages embedded sublimally in rock recordings are a key feature of this subversive operation.The "rock rythm" itself is copied from the old Dionysian-Bacchic cults. Even without the drugs and sexual orgies which are characteristic features of hard-core rock affairs, repeated,frequent, hours-long exposure to constant repetition of "rock rythms" produces lasting, drug-like effects on the mind of the victim. Reducing sexual practices to the level of bestiality,is a crucial feature of Satanism in all historical periods studied, from Phrygian Cybele-Dionysos cult-period onward.From western continental Europe, among the threats to the U.S. from this quarter, the two leading open centers for hard-core Satanism today, are Turin, Italy (where actress ElizabethTaylor's "Live AIDS" project attempted to sponsor an aborted Satan-rock festival), and Lausanne, Switzerland.The Satanist MindSatanists already have numerous victims. Most of the sexual and related atrocities perpetrated upon "disappeared" infants and other children, are done as part of the rituals outlined in manuals of Satanist organizations. A leading police association has received expert estimate, that of all known murders, one in five is a ritual murder, like the ritual London assassination of Italy's Roberto Calvi, perpetrated by members of Satanist cults. The "Son of Sam" murders in New York, and the Cobb County-based cult operations in the so-called "Atlanta child-murders," fit into this pattern.Satanism is not "just another nutty occult fad." The mind of the Satanist is pure evil; the Satanist is a former person who has been transformed into something no longer human. It begins like drug-addiction; the prospective recruit to Satanism "gets into something" on a playful impulse, but then finds himself or herself gripped by compulsions which he or she can no longer control. Drugs and other special circumstances may be significant collateral features of the initiation, but not necesarily. The key is "letting oneself go," into the depths of acting-out impulses which combine sexual impulses and rage as a unity, and expressing this form of "pleasure" in the form of an act which violates an important precept of one's own conscience.Nietzsche's writings, especially toward the last period of life preceding his mental breakdown, address these special sorts of emotions, and refer implicitly to terrible obscene acts as the prospective fulfilment of such impulses. Nietzsche recognized these impulses as Satanic --dionysiac-- in quality. [Dionysiac activity, or wild abandon, by itself leads to non-demonic possession. Becoming demonically possessed requires killing, torturing, or tormenting someone with a neutral or positive attitude.]Ordinarily we think of the criminal mind as representing a person whose goals are based on "normal human impulses," but whose choice of means is immoral. Doing something illegal is not necessarily immoral; the useful definition of the criminal mind, is the person inclined to prefer immoral means as short-cuts to some goal usually not inconsistent with normal human impulses. In the case of the Satanist, we touch upon something way beyond such a mere criminal mind.Imagine a criminal mind which has undergone a curious transformation. Perhaps, formerly, this fellow was an habitual thief, even of that sort of twisted mind which delighted in occasions he might have imagined he had pretext to exert the power of life or death over some chance victim on the scene of his crime. Yet, up to that point, robbery or kindred results were always the prompting of his criminal activity.Now, he has changed. Crime is no longer motivated by the impulse to employ cruel means for personal gain. Instead, the pleasure of the sense of power realized in employing viciously cruel means, becomes an end in itself. This form of criminal pleasure becomes a blend of rage and sexuality. Jaded appetites create the mental state in that man, that he must do something more monstrous than he has done before, to realize the desired level of orgiastic pleasure from the evil deed. Evil for the purpose of doing evil, has become for him, a goal in and of itself. This man has become a beast, a virtual Satanist.That is the state of mind which Satanism seeks to develop inits initiates. It might begin with an ordinary sexual act performed under the influence of an ugly state of mind. Soon, something much more degraded becomes a need for the prospective initiate's rapidly jaded appetites. In contrast to the healthy mind, which seeks always to become better in what is being mastered, for the initiate to Satanism, a sense of need develops, to seek to muster oneself to do something much worse than one has ever done before. Satanic cults organize that degraded process of self-degeneration. The potential for endemic incidence of individual bestiality within society, is transformed into an organized,institutionalized form of social behavior.The tradition of the "Black Mass," points to the mechanisms of Satanism as such. Nietzsche's instruction is much to the point. Perform some really monstrous act of blasphemy, and associate that blasphemous doing with some sort of degraded,orgiastic pleasure.Go back to ancient Mesopotamia, whence Satanism was transmitted to western Europe. The relevant figure of Satanism is not a male, but a female figure. The male figure --Satan, Baal, Lucifer, and so on--is a subordinate figure; the female principle of evil is pre-dominant. Hence, Satan's mother, the "Whore of Babylon,"known otherwise as the Chaldean Ishtar, the Caananite Astarte,Isis, Venus, or the Phrygian Cybele. The ritual of the priestesses of Ishtar was an obscene "religious service" which concluded with the priestesses' fornicating with the congregation. Hence, "Whore of Babylon," and the associated position of Ishtar, Athtar, Astarte, Isis, and Venus as the patron goddess of prostitution.This satanic cult-practice was introduced to Mesopotamia from pre-Aryan India [which was Inanna/Ishtar's assigned domain - see Sitchin's Wars of Gods and Men]. The so-called "Harrappan" culture, featuring the Earth-Mother and fertility goddess Shakti and her satanic male figure Siva, established a set of colonies in the Middle East. The Sumer established as a colony by what the local semites named "the black-headed people" (Dravidians), was a Harrapan colony. There, among the semites, Shakti became known as Ishtar. In the Harrapan colony of Sheba-Ethiopia, Shakti became known as Athtar. In the Caananite ("Phoenician") offshoot of Harrapan colonizing, she became known as Astarte. The Hellenic cults of Isis and Osiris, were offshoots of the Harrapan cult of Shakti-Siva, by this route. When the same cult spread to an Indo-european people, the Phrygians, Shakti-Siva assumed the Indo-european forms of Cybele and Dionysos (day-night). Apollo and Lucifer are variants of the name for Satan-Osiris-Dionysos. [Ishtar was ambitious.]Among the Caananites, for example, Satanism expressed itself in such forms as the worship of Moloch, with the included custom of making a human sacrifice of the first-born of each marriage. Notably, that Caananite tradition is featured in the modern Satanists' ritual sexual and homicidal rituals upon infants and children used as human sacrifices.By combining the means by which men and women are degraded into potentially satanic forms of beasts, as rituals associated with Satanism practised as an "anti-religion," large-scale Satanic movements are developed through systematic proselytzing.The result of this initiation, as we have already stressed,is no human being, but a former human being transformed into something which is not human.Modern liberals and others frown on reports of savage witch-hunts from earlier centuries. Usually, the special British COINTELPRO operation, run in Salem Massachusetts as a covert operation against the independence of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, is commonly referenced. A better comparison is the proliferating of Satanist movements during the fourteenth century; these witches were actually sub-human, Satanist beasts, who represented that sort of mass threat to the population of that period. So, the population, as its only defense against a genuine Satanic force of that sort, hunted them down and sought to wipe them out. Not for nothing, does the Old Testament warn, "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live." The witches of the old Middle East and fourteenth-century Europe were very real, very evil witches, no longer human, but murderous beasts.Modern WitchcraftThe modern spread of witchcraft in English-speaking nations, began during the sixteenth century, in the setting of imported cabalist and rosicrucan cults built up around Oxford and Cambridge. Francis Bacon and his secretary Thomas Hobbes were part of this movement. The endemic inculcation in Satanism which this prompted in seventeenth-century England, exploded after the accession of King George I, in the form of the Hell-fire Clubs which proliferated among degenerate English nobility during the long Liberal prime ministry of Hugh Walpole.During the Stuart Restoration period, the pro-satanic rosicrucean and cabalist cultism around the Stuart court siezed upon the case of Robert Bruce to reorganize the cult in a newform.Robert Bruce had been the leader of a group of Satan-worshipping (Baphomet) Templars, who had fled to Scotland, away from the angered justice of the Papacy and the King of France. What they brought with them, was the Templars' exploitation of the Cathar (Bogomil) tradition in the region of Toulouse and Albi, to build up the syncretic sort of Satanic worship the Templars had acquired in the Middle East. The Papacy had enough of this, and the King of France acted to shut down Templars by the means customary in those times. A group of Templars under Bruce fled to Scotland, and after some initial difficulties, made themselves the lords of the place.The character of the Stuart court is illustrated by the characterization of one Stuart government of that period as the "Cabal." In his history, Macauley offers an amiable description of the affair. During this century, when the chest of Isaac Newton's laboratory papers was opened and examined, the content of Newton's acutal "scientific work" turned out to be a selection of lurid and rather insane experimetns in "black magic." The circles around Francis Bacon and Hobbes were, as we say today, "a prize collection of real kooks."So, the Templar mish-mash of Bogomil Gnosticism blended into Hashishin Satanism, caused Bruce's Templar credentials to be viewed as suitable myth-building material for the taste of the Stuart kooks of the period. The Liberal aristocracy of Britain became a principal concentration of this filthy stuff. When the Liberals came to full power, under Walpole, this Liberal stuff came out in such form as the proliferating Hell-Fire Clubs. That tradition was cultivated under the Second Earl of Shelbourne's puppet prime minister, William Pitt the Younger, with Satanic figures such as the powerful Jeremy Bentham in the fore.Satanism gained new ground under the protection of Liberalism and Romanticism during the nineteenth century. In England,the more virulent new forms surfaced around Oxford University'sJohn Ruksin and the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. Out of this came theosophy, British "guild" socialism, the Fabian Society, Bertrand Russell, H. G. Wells, and Aleister Crowley -- Satanists all.This spilled over into the United States, notably in the circles of putative "Great Awakening" evangelist Johnathan Edwards, and his protege, Princeton Hell-Fire Club activist Aaron Burr. During the late nineteenth century, the sort of spoon-bending kookery associated with such figures as Oliver Lodge and A. Conan Doyle spilled generously among the wealthy anglophile liberals of the United States.In short, this sort of witchery has been endemic over the centuries. The difference is, that what was endemic has become epidemic.To Journalism on Satanism page:
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The Real History of Satanism

Real History Of SatanismBy Lyndon LaRoucheLaRouchePub.com1-17-5Anglo-American SatanistsThe best-organized Satanist forces operating presently inside the United States include the following prominent organizations:THE LUCIS TRUSTThis is the leading, putatively respectable Britain-based Satan cult (it worships Lucifer). The Lucis Trust, which runs the only religious chapel at the New York United Nations headquarters, The Temple of Understanding, was originaly founded as the Lucifer Trust, in London, in 1923. The Lucis Trust associated with the UNO is the New York affiliate of the British organization. The name was changed from Lucifer Trust, to Lucis Trust, to make the nature of the organization less conspicuous.The Lucis Trust's leading sponsors include the following prominent figures:Henry Clausen, Supreme Grand Commander of the Supreme Council, 33rd Degree, Southern District Scottish Rite Freemasons Norman Cousins John D. Rockefeller IV The Rockefeller Foundation The Marshall Field family Robert McNamara Thomas Watson (IBM, former US Ambassador to Moscow) The United Lodge of Theosophists of New York City U. Alexis Johnson, former Undersecretary of State Rabbi Marc Tannenbaum, American Jewish CommitteeProminent front-organizations sponsored by the Lucis Trust, include the following:The Theosophical Order of Service (founded by Annie Besant in1908) The Theosophical Society (founded by Helena P. Blavatsky in 1875) The United Nations Association The World Wildlife Fund UK The Findhorn Foundation Greenpeace International Greenpeace USA Amnesty International The Nicholas Roerich Society (chief connection to Russian mysticism, spirituality) The Anthroposophs of Rudolf Steiner The Rudolf Steiner School [these could not be genuine followers of Steiner] UNESCO UNICEF The American Friends Service CommitteeTHE ORDO TEMPLI ORIENTIS (OTO)This is today's best-known of the hard-core, British-based Satanist cults. Like the Lucis Trust, the OTO is a direct off-shoot of the work of Britain's leading twentieth-century Satanist, Theosophy leader Aliester Crowley. OTO enthusiasts claim this organization is an offshoot of Templar freemasonry, and hint at very influential protection from among Templars very high in British freemasonry.THE WICCA CULTThe WICCA cult came to the surface early during the post-war period, as a legalized association for the promotion of witchcraft. It is the leading publicly known international association of witches in the world today.In the United States, WICCA's outstanding sponsor is the New York Anglican (Episcopal) diocese, under Bishop Paul Moore. Officially, New York's Anglican Cathedral of St. John the Divine has promoted the spread of WICCA witchery through its Lindisfarne center. The late Gregory Bateson conducted such an operation out of the Lindisfarne center during the 1970s.No later than the 1970s, and perhaps still today, the crypt of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, is the headquarters for solemn ceremonies of the British (Venerable) Order of Malta. Key figures, such as Gregory Bateson's former spouse, Dame Margaret Mead, associated with that British order, have been associated with projects in support of the Satanist "Age of Aquarius" cause.For obvious reasons, U.S. witches have chosen Salem, Massachusetts, as their national center. One of the most important operations of these witches is their coordination of the hardcore of U.S. astrology rackets.THE AGE OF AQUARIUSThe "Age of Aquarius," or "New Age," is the generic name adopted by the modern Satanist movement. The best-publicized among the founders of the Age of Aquarius movement include Fyodor Dostoevsky, Friedrich Nietzsche, Alex Muenthe (of Capri notoriety), and Aleister Crowley. Most Aquarians trace the origins of modern Satanism to Nietzsche and Crowley.Anti-Christ cultist Nietzsche announced that the twentieth century would see the end of the Age of Pisces, which Aquarians associate with the figures of Socrates and Christ; Nietzsche prophesied that the New Age would be the Age of Aquarius, which he identified with the Satanic figure Dionysos. Crowley announced himself publicly a devotee of Nietzsche's New Age cult in his Vienna Theosophy magazine, near the beginning of this century, and indicated as his preferred choice of name for Satan.Among hard-core insiders, the New Age models its dogma on the Magis' cult of Mithra, as Nietzsche did. The cult has notable affinities to the Bulgarian-Cathar Bogomil cult(from which the slang term "buggery" is derived). The New Age's most celebrated historical figure, its choice for the original "incarnation" of the Anti-Christ, is the Roman Emperor Tiberius who ordered the execution of Christ. [Some Roman emperors, most notably Caligula, became possessed by being initiated without being suitably prepared.] Adolf Hitler and Hermann Goering were among the notable figures who followed this cult.The best-known coordinating-center for the Age of Aquarius project in the U.S.A. today is Palo Alto, California's Stanford Ressearch Institute, whose Willis Harman is the relevant leading personality. See Harman disciple Marilyn Feruguson's 1980 Aquarian Conspiracy for a popular exposition of Harman's views and program for subversion of the United States. Ferguson is accurate when she reports that the Fabian Society's H.G. Wells (World War I boss of British intelligence) is a key figure of the Aquarian Conspiracy. Also key are Wells' ally, Bertrand Russell, and such Russell cronies as Robert M. Hutchins (Chicago University, Ford Foundation, Fund for the Republic, Aspen Institute, and the project).Both Margaret Mead and her husband Gregory Bateson were close collaborators of Russell and Hutchins from no later than 1938. The brothers, Aldous (Hollywood) and Julian (UNO) Huxley were collaborators of H. G. Wells, and were recruited to Crowley's Satanist cult during the late 1920s.SATAN ROCKSince the launching of the Beatles as an international project via TV in 1963, "rock" has been the most influential recruiter to Satanism. Rock was created, and is still coordinated by Crowley's followers and by the OTO network, in cooperation with WICCA. It is, not so incidentally, also the Satanist's biggest money-maker, and believed to provide the chief logistical support for deployments and other activities of the OTO-WICCA efforts world-wide.There is nothing spontaneous or accidental about "rock." It is a product of classical studies of the ancient Phrygian terrorist cult of Satan-Dionysos, the model for the Roman Bacchic cults of similar characteristics. Crowley's control of the "rock industry" has been documented by a team of [private] investigators, who have also noted, that in addition to the Satanist lyrics, Satanist messages embedded sublimally in rock recordings are a key feature of this subversive operation.The "rock rythm" itself is copied from the old Dionysian-Bacchic cults. Even without the drugs and sexual orgies which are characteristic features of hard-core rock affairs, repeated,frequent, hours-long exposure to constant repetition of "rock rythms" produces lasting, drug-like effects on the mind of the victim. Reducing sexual practices to the level of bestiality,is a crucial feature of Satanism in all historical periods studied, from Phrygian Cybele-Dionysos cult-period onward.From western continental Europe, among the threats to the U.S. from this quarter, the two leading open centers for hard-core Satanism today, are Turin, Italy (where actress ElizabethTaylor's "Live AIDS" project attempted to sponsor an aborted Satan-rock festival), and Lausanne, Switzerland.The Satanist MindSatanists already have numerous victims. Most of the sexual and related atrocities perpetrated upon "disappeared" infants and other children, are done as part of the rituals outlined in manuals of Satanist organizations. A leading police association has received expert estimate, that of all known murders, one in five is a ritual murder, like the ritual London assassination of Italy's Roberto Calvi, perpetrated by members of Satanist cults. The "Son of Sam" murders in New York, and the Cobb County-based cult operations in the so-called "Atlanta child-murders," fit into this pattern.Satanism is not "just another nutty occult fad." The mind of the Satanist is pure evil; the Satanist is a former person who has been transformed into something no longer human. It begins like drug-addiction; the prospective recruit to Satanism "gets into something" on a playful impulse, but then finds himself or herself gripped by compulsions which he or she can no longer control. Drugs and other special circumstances may be significant collateral features of the initiation, but not necesarily. The key is "letting oneself go," into the depths of acting-out impulses which combine sexual impulses and rage as a unity, and expressing this form of "pleasure" in the form of an act which violates an important precept of one's own conscience.Nietzsche's writings, especially toward the last period of life preceding his mental breakdown, address these special sorts of emotions, and refer implicitly to terrible obscene acts as the prospective fulfilment of such impulses. Nietzsche recognized these impulses as Satanic --dionysiac-- in quality. [Dionysiac activity, or wild abandon, by itself leads to non-demonic possession. Becoming demonically possessed requires killing, torturing, or tormenting someone with a neutral or positive attitude.]Ordinarily we think of the criminal mind as representing a person whose goals are based on "normal human impulses," but whose choice of means is immoral. Doing something illegal is not necessarily immoral; the useful definition of the criminal mind, is the person inclined to prefer immoral means as short-cuts to some goal usually not inconsistent with normal human impulses. In the case of the Satanist, we touch upon something way beyond such a mere criminal mind.Imagine a criminal mind which has undergone a curious transformation. Perhaps, formerly, this fellow was an habitual thief, even of that sort of twisted mind which delighted in occasions he might have imagined he had pretext to exert the power of life or death over some chance victim on the scene of his crime. Yet, up to that point, robbery or kindred results were always the prompting of his criminal activity.Now, he has changed. Crime is no longer motivated by the impulse to employ cruel means for personal gain. Instead, the pleasure of the sense of power realized in employing viciously cruel means, becomes an end in itself. This form of criminal pleasure becomes a blend of rage and sexuality. Jaded appetites create the mental state in that man, that he must do something more monstrous than he has done before, to realize the desired level of orgiastic pleasure from the evil deed. Evil for the purpose of doing evil, has become for him, a goal in and of itself. This man has become a beast, a virtual Satanist.That is the state of mind which Satanism seeks to develop inits initiates. It might begin with an ordinary sexual act performed under the influence of an ugly state of mind. Soon, something much more degraded becomes a need for the prospective initiate's rapidly jaded appetites. In contrast to the healthy mind, which seeks always to become better in what is being mastered, for the initiate to Satanism, a sense of need develops, to seek to muster oneself to do something much worse than one has ever done before. Satanic cults organize that degraded process of self-degeneration. The potential for endemic incidence of individual bestiality within society, is transformed into an organized,institutionalized form of social behavior.The tradition of the "Black Mass," points to the mechanisms of Satanism as such. Nietzsche's instruction is much to the point. Perform some really monstrous act of blasphemy, and associate that blasphemous doing with some sort of degraded,orgiastic pleasure.Go back to ancient Mesopotamia, whence Satanism was transmitted to western Europe. The relevant figure of Satanism is not a male, but a female figure. The male figure --Satan, Baal, Lucifer, and so on--is a subordinate figure; the female principle of evil is pre-dominant. Hence, Satan's mother, the "Whore of Babylon,"known otherwise as the Chaldean Ishtar, the Caananite Astarte,Isis, Venus, or the Phrygian Cybele. The ritual of the priestesses of Ishtar was an obscene "religious service" which concluded with the priestesses' fornicating with the congregation. Hence, "Whore of Babylon," and the associated position of Ishtar, Athtar, Astarte, Isis, and Venus as the patron goddess of prostitution.This satanic cult-practice was introduced to Mesopotamia from pre-Aryan India [which was Inanna/Ishtar's assigned domain - see Sitchin's Wars of Gods and Men]. The so-called "Harrappan" culture, featuring the Earth-Mother and fertility goddess Shakti and her satanic male figure Siva, established a set of colonies in the Middle East. The Sumer established as a colony by what the local semites named "the black-headed people" (Dravidians), was a Harrapan colony. There, among the semites, Shakti became known as Ishtar. In the Harrapan colony of Sheba-Ethiopia, Shakti became known as Athtar. In the Caananite ("Phoenician") offshoot of Harrapan colonizing, she became known as Astarte. The Hellenic cults of Isis and Osiris, were offshoots of the Harrapan cult of Shakti-Siva, by this route. When the same cult spread to an Indo-european people, the Phrygians, Shakti-Siva assumed the Indo-european forms of Cybele and Dionysos (day-night). Apollo and Lucifer are variants of the name for Satan-Osiris-Dionysos. [Ishtar was ambitious.]Among the Caananites, for example, Satanism expressed itself in such forms as the worship of Moloch, with the included custom of making a human sacrifice of the first-born of each marriage. Notably, that Caananite tradition is featured in the modern Satanists' ritual sexual and homicidal rituals upon infants and children used as human sacrifices.By combining the means by which men and women are degraded into potentially satanic forms of beasts, as rituals associated with Satanism practised as an "anti-religion," large-scale Satanic movements are developed through systematic proselytzing.The result of this initiation, as we have already stressed,is no human being, but a former human being transformed into something which is not human.Modern liberals and others frown on reports of savage witch-hunts from earlier centuries. Usually, the special British COINTELPRO operation, run in Salem Massachusetts as a covert operation against the independence of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, is commonly referenced. A better comparison is the proliferating of Satanist movements during the fourteenth century; these witches were actually sub-human, Satanist beasts, who represented that sort of mass threat to the population of that period. So, the population, as its only defense against a genuine Satanic force of that sort, hunted them down and sought to wipe them out. Not for nothing, does the Old Testament warn, "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live." The witches of the old Middle East and fourteenth-century Europe were very real, very evil witches, no longer human, but murderous beasts.Modern WitchcraftThe modern spread of witchcraft in English-speaking nations, began during the sixteenth century, in the setting of imported cabalist and rosicrucan cults built up around Oxford and Cambridge. Francis Bacon and his secretary Thomas Hobbes were part of this movement. The endemic inculcation in Satanism which this prompted in seventeenth-century England, exploded after the accession of King George I, in the form of the Hell-fire Clubs which proliferated among degenerate English nobility during the long Liberal prime ministry of Hugh Walpole.During the Stuart Restoration period, the pro-satanic rosicrucean and cabalist cultism around the Stuart court siezed upon the case of Robert Bruce to reorganize the cult in a newform.Robert Bruce had been the leader of a group of Satan-worshipping (Baphomet) Templars, who had fled to Scotland, away from the angered justice of the Papacy and the King of France. What they brought with them, was the Templars' exploitation of the Cathar (Bogomil) tradition in the region of Toulouse and Albi, to build up the syncretic sort of Satanic worship the Templars had acquired in the Middle East. The Papacy had enough of this, and the King of France acted to shut down Templars by the means customary in those times. A group of Templars under Bruce fled to Scotland, and after some initial difficulties, made themselves the lords of the place.The character of the Stuart court is illustrated by the characterization of one Stuart government of that period as the "Cabal." In his history, Macauley offers an amiable description of the affair. During this century, when the chest of Isaac Newton's laboratory papers was opened and examined, the content of Newton's acutal "scientific work" turned out to be a selection of lurid and rather insane experimetns in "black magic." The circles around Francis Bacon and Hobbes were, as we say today, "a prize collection of real kooks."So, the Templar mish-mash of Bogomil Gnosticism blended into Hashishin Satanism, caused Bruce's Templar credentials to be viewed as suitable myth-building material for the taste of the Stuart kooks of the period. The Liberal aristocracy of Britain became a principal concentration of this filthy stuff. When the Liberals came to full power, under Walpole, this Liberal stuff came out in such form as the proliferating Hell-Fire Clubs. That tradition was cultivated under the Second Earl of Shelbourne's puppet prime minister, William Pitt the Younger, with Satanic figures such as the powerful Jeremy Bentham in the fore.Satanism gained new ground under the protection of Liberalism and Romanticism during the nineteenth century. In England,the more virulent new forms surfaced around Oxford University'sJohn Ruksin and the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. Out of this came theosophy, British "guild" socialism, the Fabian Society, Bertrand Russell, H. G. Wells, and Aleister Crowley -- Satanists all.This spilled over into the United States, notably in the circles of putative "Great Awakening" evangelist Johnathan Edwards, and his protege, Princeton Hell-Fire Club activist Aaron Burr. During the late nineteenth century, the sort of spoon-bending kookery associated with such figures as Oliver Lodge and A. Conan Doyle spilled generously among the wealthy anglophile liberals of the United States.In short, this sort of witchery has been endemic over the centuries. The difference is, that what was endemic has become epidemic.To Journalism on Satanism page:
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Characteristics of the False Prophet

Our LibraryDictionariesBaker's Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical TheologyFalse ProphetFalse ProphetFalse ProphetEven though the Old Testament does not use the term "false prophet, " it is clear that such "professional prophets" existed throughout much of Israel's history and that they were diametrically opposed to the canonical prophets. Scripture, however, regarded them as mere imitations of the genuinely appointed prophets of God.Distinguishing Marks of False Prophecy and False Prophets. It was the Septuagint translators who introduced the term pseudoprophetes [yeudoprofhvth"] ("false prophet") ten times where the Hebrew text simply used the generic term nabi [ayib"n] ("prophet") ( Jer 6:13 ; Jeremiah 26:7-8 Jeremiah 26:11 Jeremiah 26:16 ; 27:9 ; 28:1 ; Jeremiah 29:1 Jeremiah 29:8 ; Zech 13:2 ). But the Hebrew text nevertheless still made the same point with the whole battery of negative descriptions.False prophets prophesied lies ( Jer 6:13 ; 27:14 ; Zech 13:3 ), deceived the people with their dreams ( Jer 29:8 ), prophesied by the alleged authority of Baal ( Jer 2:8 ; 23:13 ), threatened the lives of the true prophets ( Jer 26:7 ), and dared to speak when they had not stood in the council of Yahweh and received a word directly from the Lord ( Jer 23:18 ). Typically, their prophecies promised peace when there was no peace to be had ( Jer 6:14 ; 8:11 ; 14:3 ; 23:17 ; Jeremiah 28:2 Jeremiah 28:11 ; Ezek 13:10 ; Micah 3:5 ), for their visions were drawn out of their own hearts ( Jer 14:14 ; 23:16 ; Ezek 13:2-3 ; 22:28 ). Some false prophets used magic ( Eze 13:17-23 ), others appeared to use divination, soothsaying, witchcraft, necromancy, and sorcery, which were all forbidden arts and practices in the classical passage that set forth divine revelation in contrast to such practices ( Deut 18:9-13 ). The false prophets gave the people what they wanted to hear and thereby placed "whitewash" ( Ezekiel 13:10-12 Ezekiel 13:14-15 ; 22:28 ) over every situation, no matter how adverse it appeared.The fullest discussion of charges that could be brought against false prophets can be found in Jeremiah 23:9-39. Jeremiah condemns the pseudoprophets on four grounds: (1) they are men of immoral character (v. 14"they commit adultery and live a lie"); (2) they seek popular acclaim with their unconditional pledge of immunity from all imminent disasters (vv. 17-22); (3) they fail to distinguish their own dreams from a word from God (vv. 25-29); and (4) they are plagiarists who steal from one another words allegedly from the Lord (vv. 30-39). Rather than having a "burden" from the Lord, they themselves were another burdenboth to the Lord and to the misled people!The Theology of the False Prophets. The false prophets were zealous to maintain the inviolability and invincibility of Zionfor all times and for all occasions. They stressed the permanence of David's dynasty, the temple, and the covenantas a guarantee that operated for every generation! They were overly dependent on promises made at Sinai that God would be Israel's God and Israel would be his peoplethereby allowing more leeway than one would ordinarily think permissible. Any and all new revelations that would predict judgment, doom, and disaster were, from the false prophets' standpoint, contrary to their list of immutables; therefore, they preached that all such negative declarations were wrong, treasonous, and unnecessary.Thus it was the false prophet Hananiah who predicted in the name of "the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel" ( Jer 28:2 ) that the exiles would be restored to their homeland and Jehoiachin and the temple vessels returned (vv. 3-4). At first, Jeremiah was startled by this apparent reversal in the revelation of God (v. 6), but he recovered sufficiently to add: "From early times the prophets who preceded you and me have prophesied war, disaster and plague against many countries and great kingdoms. But the prophet who prophesies peace will be recognized as one truly sent by the Lord only if his prediction comes true" (vv. 8-9).This is what makes the discernment of what constitutes pseudoprophecy so difficult, for many of the false prophets also subscribed to some of the same theological traditions as did the canonical prophets.The theology of the false prophets was characterized by the following: (1) a selective appeal to the Davidic/Zion and Sinaitic covenants as a type of fire insurance against any threatened calamity; (2) an exclusive teaching of hope/salvation with no attention given to any potential adversities for lack of obedience to God's Word; and (3) a constant appeal to what the masses wanted to hear as a basis for promoting their own power and the status quo. This list is very similar to the four charges that Jeremiah brought in 23:9-39.The Criteria for Testing False Prophecy. The loci classici for determining true from false prophecy are Deuteronomy 13:1-5 and 18:15-22. These texts teach five tests for a true prophet: (1) he must be Jewish ( Deut 18:18 ); (2) he must speak in the name of the Lord ( Deut 18:19-20 ); (3) what he says must come to pass, the most proximate fulfillments being the validators of the more distant predictions ( Deut 18:21-22 ); (4) he must perform signs, wonders, or miracles that accompany his words ( Deut 13:1-2a ); and (5) his message must conform to what God had revealed previously ( Deut 13:2b-5 ).More often than not, the false prophets prophesied in the name of one or more false gods while they also syncretistically appealed to Yahweh's name ( Jeremiah 23:13 Jeremiah 23:17 Jeremiah 23:25 ; 26:27 ). Such teachers easily exposed themselves as frauds. But there were also times when it was exceedingly difficult to determine if the prophecy were true or not. For example, the man of God from Judah was a true prophet, for what he said came to pass, both in his immediate and distant predictions (1 Kings 13). Nevertheless, when he disobeyed the command of God, he was deceived by a false prophecy. Remarkably that same false prophet who deceived him later delivered a true prediction ( 1 Kings 13:20-22 ). Thus, not everything a prophet said was divinely inspired. For example, the prophet Nathan told David to go ahead and build the temple to the Lord ( 2 Sam 7:1-2 ), but that night God informed Nathan that this was not his plan. Thus Nathan had to reverse his advice to David the next morning! Accordingly, a prophet's words could be false if: (1) they were his own and not God's; (2) they were wrongly applied at a wrong time and to a wrong audience; and (3) they were not backed up by a life and character that one would expect from a servant of the Lord.False Prophets in the New Testament. False prophets continued to make their presence felt well beyond the days of the Old Testament; indeed, Jesus warned his disciples, and through the apostles, he warned the early church about the character and teachings of such frauds.As was characteristic of false prophets in the Old Testament, their New Testament counterparts were also motivated by greed ( 2 Peter 2:3 2 Peter 2:13 ), exhibited arrogance ( 2 Peter 2:18 ), lived immoral lives ( 2 Peter 2:2 2 Peter 2:10-13 ), and generally could be described as ungodly persons (Jude 4).The classical encounter between true and false prophets of God in the New Testament is Paul and Barnabas's rebuke of the Jewish magician Bar-Jesus on the island Paphos ( Acts 13:6-10 ). The Holy Spirit informed Paul that Bar-Jesus was full of deceit and a false prophet. Bar-Jesus belonged to the same line of pseudoprophets as the prophetess Jezebel from the church of Thyatira ( Rev 2:20 ).Nor does the danger stop in the New Testament, for present-day believers are warned to test persons who make prophetic claims. For example, if anyone denies that Jesus has come in the flesh, that person is not a true prophet from God ( 1 John 4:1-3 ).In the endtimes, false prophets will attempt to deceive the world's populace into following the false prophet, the beast, and Satan himself ( Matthew 24:1 Matthew 24:24 ; Rev 16:13-14 ; 19:20 ; 20:10 )even by performing miracles and signs. But this will be the last time false prophecy is seen, for Christ's return will destroy the whole institution of false prophecy along with its sponsors: Satan, the beast, and the false prophet.Walter C. Kaiser, Jr.See also Prophet, Prophetess, ProphecyBibliography. R. E. Manahan, Grace Th J 1 (1980): 77-96; T. W. Overholt, The Threat of Falsehood: A Study in the Theology of the Book of Jeremiah; J. T. E. Renner, Rev Th R 25 (1966): 95-104; H. W. Robinson, Inspiration and Revelation in the Old Testament; J. A. Sanders, Essays in Old Testament Religion and Theology, pp. 21-41; G. T. Sheppard, Essays in Old Testament Religion and Theology, pp. 262-82; G. V. Smith, ISBE, 3:984-86; A. S. Van der Woude, VT 19 (1969): 244-60; W. Van Gemeren, Interpreting the Prophetic Word.Baker's Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology. Edited by Walter A. ElwellCopyright © 1996 by Walter A. Elwell. Published by Baker Books, a division ofBaker Book House Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan USA.All rights reserved. Used by permission.For usage information, please read the Baker Book House Copyright Statement.[J] indicates this entry was also found in Jack Van Impe's Prophecy DictionaryBibliography InformationElwell, Walter A. "Entry for 'False Prophet'". "Evangelical Dictionary of Theology". . 1997.
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Satan's kingdom

Characteristics of Satan’s kingdomGeneral CharacteristicsIn rebellion against God (Daniel 10:13, 20)God is preparing Satan's kingdom for final destruction (Revelation 20:10,14)Inferior to God's Kingdom: Jesus demonstrated this by casting demons out (Matthew 12: 24-30).Mission objectivesMaintain Satan's rule of the earth (John 12:31, Revelation 12:3-17,16:14, 20:7-8)Oppose God's kingdom and the redemption of people (Revelation 12:17)Promote rebellion against God (sin) (Ephesians 2:2)Steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10)Draw worship, devotion and service from people to assist in mission accomplishment (Luke 4:7, Revelation 13: 1,3-4,8,11-12,14-15)Command StructureRuler: SatanFormerly Lucifer (Isaiah 14:12), who was the covering cherub angel for God's throne (Ezekiel 28:14-16). (See Ezekiel 10 and Ezekiel 1:5-26 for description of the cherubim angels)Served in the midst of the fiery stones before the throne of God (Ezekiel 28:14,16)Created perfect in beauty, adorned with precious stones and full of wisdom (Ezekiel 28:12-16)Established by God with tremendous power (Isaiah 14:9-11, Ezekiel 28:14)Sinned by pride (Isaiah 14:13-14, Ezekiel 28:17)Is/was a destroyer of nations and cities (Isaiah 14:12,16,17,20)God cast him out of heaven (Isaiah 14:12, Ezekiel 28:16-17, Luke 10:18)Became Satan ("the adversary") and accuser of the brethren (Zechariah 3:1-2)Current status:Satan is the ruler of the earth (Luke 4:5-6, John 12:31). He is also referred to as the "prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience" (Ephesians 2:2 NKJV)Has authority, power and a throne (Revelation 13:2), and may give his authority over the earth to whomever he wishes (Luke 4:5-7). He will ultimately give his throne, his power and great authority to the beast (Revelation 13:2).Primary tactics: steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). He also uses death (Hebrews 2:14), deception (Revelation 12:9), lust (Proverbs 11:6, 2 Peter 1:4, Ephesians 2:1-3) and pride (1 John 2:15-17) to rule the earth.He is stealthy, seeking opportune times to attack (Luke 4:13)Asks for God’s permission to afflict certain people: Peter (Luke 22:31); Job (Job 1:11-12).He is the father of lies and there is no truth in him (John 8:44)He is a murderer (John 8:44)Powers:Has the power of death until both he and death are destroyed during the establishment of God’s everlasting kingdom on earth (1 Corinthians 15:24-26, Revelation 20:10,14)Able to supernaturally move people (Luke 4:9) and project temptation into the mind (Luke 4:5, John 13:2).Strong deception powers to deceive individuals (2 Corinthians 4:4) and nations (Revelation 20:3, 8,10).Can transform himself into an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14)Can travel back and forth on earth and also to heaven (1 Peter 5:8, Job 1:6-7, 2:1-2)His power and rule are limited (Revelation 12:9, 20:1-3)Not omnipresent (Luke 4:13)ForcesForces include principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this age, spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12)With the exception of people used by evil, Satan’s forces are spiritual, not flesh and blood (Ephesians 6:12)Evil Angels:Satan deceived a third of the angels in heaven and them to serve himself (Revelation 12:3-9). Since there are "myriads and myriads" of God's angels, it follows that a third of them is also a large number (Hebrews 12:22, Revelation 5:11)Fight with God's angels over matters involving human events. Daniel 10:13,20 depicts warfare between good and evil angels.Will fight God's Archangel Michael and other angels and will be cast out of heaven with Satan (Revelation 12:9).Will ultimately be tormented in everlasting fire (Matthew 25:41)Imprisoned forces: Some rebelling angels were imprisoned just before Noah's flood and now await final judgment. They rebelled by taking human wives and produced offspring (Genesis 6:1-6). They helped draw the human race into continual evil. God sent the flood to wipe out this corrupted race, and imprisoned the guilty angels in Hell (2 Peter 2:4, Jude 6). Jesus Christ proclaimed his victory over all evil to these imprisoned spirits during His resurrection, sealing their destruction (1 Peter 3:18-20).Demons/Evil SpiritsCharacteristicsDwell on the earth and seek bodies to inhabit. (Revelation 18:2, Matthew 12:43-44, Mark 5:12)Know they will suffer at the hands of Jesus at an appointed time (Matthew 8:29)Recognize Jesus Christ as the Son of God (Mark 1:24-26, Mark 5:10-13). They also recognize those operating under the authentic authority of Jesus Christ (Acts 19:15).Communal. When re-inhabiting a former host person, a demon will take 7 spirits more wicked than himself and reoccupy the person (Matthew 12:43-45). Examples of multiple demons inhabiting a person are found at Mark 16:9 (Mary had 7 demons) and Mark 5:9 (Gadarenes man had a legion of demons). Also, in James 3:16 NKJV, James confirmed their communal traits, "where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there."Have intellect and will (Matthew 12:43-45)Vary in level of wickedness (Matthew 12:43-45)Description: Job’s friend, Eliphaz, described an encounter with an evil spirit in Job 4:12-21. The spirit was characterized by fear and disquieting thoughts. Eliphaz saw the spirit’s form but was unable to discern it’s appearance.CapabilitiesLimited power; they require rest (Matthew 12:43-44)Can travel (Matthew 12:43-45)Can affect the "state" of their host person (Matthew 12:43-45) ranging from total possession (Mark 5:2-8) to periodic influence (Mark 9:17-18). They are able to influence the emotions, thoughts and actions of their host toward destruction. Examples include the Gerasene demoniac cutting himself in Mark 5:5 and the boy who was being thrown into the fire in Mark 9:22.Vary in power level. Some are only routed through prayer and fasting (Matthew 17:21, Mark 9:29).PeoplePeople can be used by evil powers to accomplish satanic purposes. Examples include Judas betraying Christ (John 13:27), Elymas thwarting Paul’s ministry (Acts 13:8-10) and David numbering Israel's army (1 Chronicles 21:1).Can be used as false apostles and deceitful workers (2 Corinthians 11:13-15).Satan's forces can speak through Christians (Matthew 16:22-23). Satan spoke through Peter, tempting Jesus to avoid suffering and death.Satan may enter people to influence them directly (Judas - Luke 22:3, Ananias – Acts 5:3)Sin nature: Our own sin nature can be our worst enemy. Evil powers may try to manipulate us by appealing to our sin nature and use sinful desires to war against us (1 Peter 2:11-12, James 1:14-15).Communication:Native kingdom language is deception. Satan is the father of lies (John 8:44).Forces are able to communicate individually and as a group. This is illustrated in the examples of the legion of demons in the Gerasene demoniac (Mark 5:2-8) and the demon returning with 7 other demons to his host in Matthew 12:43-45.Evil words: Can be used to promote destruction, fear, doubt, blasphemy and curses (James 3:6,10-12). One example of how evil forces can use evil words is found in Ecclesiastes 10:20. Solomon talked about how a "bird of the air" could reveal a person's evil thoughts and words spoken privately to other people. The Amplified Bible refers to a "winged creature," which could suggest a fallen angel or demon that intercepts thoughts and words.Idle words: can provide a foothold for affliction and judgment of the speaker (Matthew 12:36-37)Blocking: Evil angels attempted to block God's angel from bringing the answer to Daniel's prayer in Daniel 10:13,20.Counterfeit spiritual gifts: evil forces may use counterfeit spiritual manifestations to accomplish their purposes. Divination, necromancy, witchcraft, fortune telling, palm reading and sorcery are all examples of manifestations of evil power (see occult sin page for more info and refs).Future: Jesus Christ will crush Satan's kingdom completely, and the last enemy to be destroyed will be death (1 Corinthians 15:24-26). The Archangel Michael will defeat Satan and hurl him down from heaven (Revelation 12:9). Next, he will be bound by an angel and thrown into the pit for 1000 years (Revelation 20:1-3). Finally, Satan and his forces will be cast into the lake of fire permanently (Revelation 20:10,14-15). Jesus Christ will then triumphantly hand over the kingdom to God the Father (1 Corinthians 15:24-25).Home
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Characteristics of the son of satan

- What Christians Want To Know - -Ten Characteristics of the Anti-Christ According to the BiblePosted By Jack Wellman On July 16, 2012 @ 5:00 am In Bible,Miscellaneous | 28 CommentsWhat are the characteristics of the anti-Christ? Are there some people alive that have these characteristics already? How can we identify the anti-Christ by his attributes?What is an Anti-Christ?The word “anti” means to be opposed to or to be the opposite of. You could say that anything that has the prefix “anti” on it is against what it is attached to. The word “anti” literally means to be opposed too. Like the word antibacterial means that the substance attacks bacteria or is against bacteria. So the anti-Christ attacks anything about Christ; His message, His person, His character. There are many anti-Christ’s out there today and there always have been since the time of Christ on earth. This is nothing new today. The fact that there are anti-Christ’s, lower-case “a”, has nothing to do with the Anti-Christ, upper-case “A.” There are many anti-Christs but there is only one Anti-Christ.[1]The Differences between the Anti-Christ and an anti-ChristThe apostle John, among other writers in the New Testament, mentions certain characteristics of the anti-Christ. In the first place, there is the Anti-Christ with a capital “A.” There were also many anti-Christ’s in the world at the time of the New Testament church with a lower-case “a.” What is the difference between these two? Did the writers of the New Testament make a mistake in their choosing between a lower-case “a” and an upper-case “A?” No, they were simply pointing out that anyone that opposes, for example, the divinity of Christ is an anti-Christ. There are many out there today who are anti-Christ’s in that they deny the deity of Jesus Christ who is God (John 1). Unbelievably, many who graduate from seminary deny that Jesus was fully God and fully man. These, by definition, are anti-Christ’s. Atheists could be said to be anti-Christ because they do not believe in God and thus Jesus Christ as God and so they stand condemned (John 3:18 [2]). The anti-Christ is not one person but a spirit of anti-Christ and so we know that there are many anti-Christ’s but it is the spirit of anti-Christ that lives within humans and not a specific person (2 John 4:3).In 1 John 2:18 John makes a distinction regarding the anti-Christ as he wrote, “Children it is the last hour, and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come. Therefore we know that it is the last hour.” Here John states that there are many anti-Christ’s and that “you have heard that anti-Christ is coming.” John continues in verse 22, “Who is the liar? It is whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a person is the antichrist-denying the Father and the Son.” Here again the identity of the lower-cast anti-Christ is anyone who denies that Jesus is the Christ. The Christ means the “anointed One of God.” As John says, whoever denies Jesus as the Christ, or as the Messiah, denies the Father and the Son and this person and these people are the anti-Christ’s.” There are many anti-Christ’s out there today just as there were in John’s day. But the anti-Christ is not the same as the Anti-Christ, upper-case “A.”The characteristics of anti-Christ’s are whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ, that He is the Messiah or that He is fully God. The world has no shortage of anti-Christ’s. Their characteristics are that they also deny His virgin birth, His resurrection [3], His living a sinless life, and that He will return again to judge the world. For the believer, He will come as their King. For those who reject His gospel, He will come as their Judge (Rev 20). Either way, everyone will bow the knee and acknowledge Jesus Christ as a condemned sinner or a resurrected or glorified saint (Rom 14:11, Phil 2:10).The Characteristics of the Anti-ChristPaul spoke of one man as being the man of lawlessness (2 Thes 2:3-4). Since we know the difference between the many anti-Christs and the Anti-Christ, let’s look at Scripture to identify ten characteristics of the Anti-Christ. Some theologians say that there are up to 37 characteristics of the Anti-Christ’s so we know that there are more than ten but we will only look at the most obvious of these ten, although you may think of different ones other than those mentioned here.He Will Blaspheme GodMany of these same characteristics of the one Anti-Christ are also held by the many anti-Christ’s. One of the greatest of these characteristics is that he will blaspheme the holy name of God. In Revelation 13:6 it says, “And he opened his mouth in blasphemies against God, to blaspheme His name and His tabernacle, that is, those who dwell in heaven.“ Many who are unbelievers blaspheme God too when they use God’s name as a swear word. This includes the vain use of Jesus’ name as it is written in Exodus 20:7 (and several other places), “You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.” In fact Jesus warned that every idle word that men and women speak they will have to give an account for in the Day of Judgment. Let that sink in.every idle word! That includes every word that is used with God’s name in useless, vain or even casual speaking like “Oh my God!”He Claims to be God and is WorshipedA strong characteristic is that the Anti-Christ will seek to be worshpped like God is as Paul writes, “Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God“ (2 Thes 2:3-4). This Anti-Christ is identified as the “man of lawlessness” and will not appear until the “rebellion” occurs (Rev 17). This man is supposed to come to power during the Tribulation and he will set in the temple of God to proclaim himself as God.He Will Display Miraculous PowersPaul knew that this man of lawlessness would dazzle those who are deceived and that is why many will worship him. In 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 Paul writes that “The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.” The sad fact is that people will be so far removed from knowing Jesus Christ that they won’t recognize the true God from the false one. These powers are also mentioned in Revelation 13:13 as he “performed great signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven, to the earth in full view of the people.” The difference is Jesus never performed miracles to draw attention to Himself but to glorify God. The Anti-Christ will try and draw glory to himself with miracles (John 4:48).The Anti-Christ Comes Back to LifeJust like Jesus Christ died on the cross and was resurrected, the Anti-Christ will recover from what was considered a mortal wound. After this happened he “ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived“ (Rev 13:14). What a feat that will cause many to be motivated by the sight of this “fatal wound [that] had been healed“; so much so that many will worship him (Rev 13:12). This is imitating Jesus Christ again for even the disciple Thomas doubted that Jesus could recover from the death at His crucifixion but when he saw the resurrected Christ he confirmed that Jesus was Lord and God (John 20:28).The Anti-Christ Rules in Full AuthorityThe Anti-Christ, again mimicking Jesus sovereignty, will rule for 42 months over the earth. For three and a half years he “was given authority to continue [literally "make war"] for forty-two months” (Rev 13:5). In fact the Anti-Christ “was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation“ (Rev 13:7). Christians know who actually reigns supreme for Jesus is Lord of all and has been given all authority in heaven and on earth. The Anti-Christ thinks he has power but he is given only as much power as God allows him to have. All this mans power is within the sovereign plan of God as God can even use evil for good.The Anti-Christ Will Control the World’s EconomyWhoever rules the world’s goods rules the unsaved world. This man will have “forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name“ (Rev 13:16-17). When people start getting hungry, they will do almost anything to keep from starving. Even submit to an ungodly ruler. He causes everyone to receive a mark so that they can’t even buy food or any goods at all unless they have his mark upon them. This is also mimicking the sovereign God who gives to all, great and small, the sustenance to survive. The Anti-Christ makes everyone receive his mark but this mark comes with a great price.The Anti-Christ Desecrates God’s TempleDaniel 11:31 mentions this abomination of desolation as his “armed forces will rise up to desecrate the temple fortress and will abolish the daily sacrifice. Then they will set up the abomination that causes desolation.” The “daily sacrifice is abolished“ (Dan 12:11). He can not be trusted because “He will invade the kingdom when its people feel secure, and he will seize it through intrigue. Then an overwhelming army will be swept away before him; both it and a prince of the covenant will be destroyed. After coming to an agreement with him, he will act deceitfully, and with only a few people he will rise to power. When the richest provinces feel secure, he will invade them and will achieve what neither his fathers nor his forefathers did. He will distribute plunder, loot and wealth among his followers. He will plot the overthrow of fortresses-but only for a time“ (Dan 11:21-24). He is a liar and a thief of thieves. He makes an agreement and promises peace but then breaks his promise and deceives many.Jesus spoke about this saying, “Therefore, when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place’ (whoever reads, let him understand), then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, Let him who is on the housetop not go down to take anything out of his house. And let him who is in the field not to back to get his clothes. “But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days! And pray that your flight may not be in winter or on the Sabbath, For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no nor ever shall be“ (Matt 24:15-21)The Anti-Christ’s Attempted Destruction of IsraelSatan and all of those under his rule have always sought the destruction of the Jews. The end times see this brought to fruition. In Daniel 11:40-41 is says, “And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over. He shall enter also into the glorious land [Jerusalem], and many [countries] shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, [even] Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon.” This happens after another treaty is broken. At first he promises to help be Jerusalem’s savior but he, as always, is a liar and the truth is not in him (Dan 9:27). He breaks one treaty after another and makes one promise after another, breaking them all. It is obvious that his power comes from the father of lies, the Devil.Causes Earth’s Armies to Fight Against ChristThe Anti-Christ makes an unwise decision, showing that pride comes before the fall.and what a great fall this is. John records that he “saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to wage war against the rider on the horse and his army“ (Rev 19:19). He is so deluded by power and by pride that he actually believes that he can even defeat Jesus Christ but he sorely miscalculates (Rev 19:20-21). Power not only corrupts but it also blinds a person to logic and common sense. What makes this man think that he can destroy God Almighty in the Person of Jesus Christ!?That will be the last decision that Anti-Christ makes and it will be a fatal one for he is cast alive into the lake of fire where he can deceive the nations no more.All Anti-Christ’s Final DestinyAll of the little “a” anti-Christ’s and the Anti-Christ are ultimately headed to one place; the lake of fire. If you are denying Jesus Christ is God and that He came in the flesh and lived a perfect, sinless life, that He died for sinners, and was raised again and today sits at the right hand of God, and that He is coming again to judge [4] the world in righteousness, then you are also an anti-Christ (little “a”). There is nothing that is not forgivable except not believing in Jesus Christ as the Son of God (1 John 1:9). If you do not believe in Jesus Christ then you are an anti-Christ and you stand condemned unless you repent (John 3:18).There is still time to repent if you are reading this. If not, I hate to tell you the bad news of your and the Anti-Christ’s final destination. It is found in Revelation 20:19-20, “And I saw the beast, the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against Him who sat on the horse and against His army. Then the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who worked signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image. These two were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone.” Notice that they were cast into the lake of fire alive! Now, the good news means nothing unless we tell you the bad news first. So now the good news (Rom 10:9-13). You don’t have to go there (Acts 4:12). Since Christ has not yet returned, He is still waiting for some to repent. He is not willing that any perish apart from His saving grace (Acts 16:30-31). I beg you to come to Him and place your trust in the Savior, but if not you will face Him as Judge. My prayer is that you trust Him today with your eternal destiny and place your faith in the only one Who can save you. Jesus Christ who died for you.
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A Song of Inspiration

With your head held up high, hold your own and stand your ground. We have been violated in a most complete and superlative way and left to wander in the wind with no one out there tasked with protecting our interests, rights and welfare, seemingly having enough guts to stand up for us, and everyone else pretending that we are either crazy or that we do not exist as they choose the easy but cursed path of complicit acquiescence. So let's be proud that we are fighting back even as they do everything to destroy our bodies, minds and our name. Most importantly still, let us all know at all times that we are not alone. I have you. And you have me.

Good music is deep. It heals. It speaks. It transcends. It re-energizes. It empowers. It renews and recharges. It is carthatic of all vice. And antethical to all evil. I love music. It carries me through my toughest days. Here is some music I'd like to share. It's by a young South African lady that really moves it on. Her name is Latoya Buthelezi (goes by Toya Delazy). Enjoy. Dance to it. Or do your aerobics while she plays on.

 Here are the inspirational lyrics of the song: "Pump It On" .
Pump it on - Toya Delazy (LYRICS)

Ten toes walked me through some heavy blows
I roam, the more I know the more I grow
Cause life is beautiful I don't regret this road
I've lived to know one life, one love, one flow
You just gotta know ..
You know this life can crush your goals
You gotta know you're not alone
It's in your mind you jail your soul
Fly free and live life

With my head held high
I'll buck alone if it breaks my body or breaks my bone
Why live to die when you can live to soar
Although, some of them will love you
And some of them wont
High and low we all one
We're marching on, we're striving on
So come on everybody

Pump it on pump it on hey pump it on x 4

I've lived to know that life is just one show
As the clouds flow, pumping high phenomenal
Be original, don't make it dismal
It's just one show, one shot one time one blow!
You just gotta know
You know this life can crush your goals
You gotta know you're not alone
It's in your mind you jail your soul
Fly free and live life

With my head held high
I'll buck alone if it breaks my body or breaks my bone
Why live to die when you can live to soar
Although, some of them will love you
And some of them wont
High and low we all one
We're marching on, we're striving on
So come on everybody

Pump it on pump it on hey pump it on x 4
I'm sick of hypocracy
Tearing down our families
Economies and policies
Sh*t hiding behind democracies

Authorities dressed to please
Sapping our necessities
Spreading death & disease
Sent by god, f^% it

Cause if God is water I'm a beach
And if he is air I'm the gentle breeze
And if he is love love love
I'm the little beat pumping in your sleeve

 You know this life can crush your goals
You gotta know you're not alone
It's in your mind you jail your soul
Fly free and live life


With my head held high
I'll buck alone if it breaks my body or breaks my bone
Why live to die when you can live to soar
Although, some of them will love you
And some of them wont
High and low we all one
We're marching on, we're striving on
So come on everybody


 Pump it on pump it on hey pump it on x 4
Why live to die, when you can live to soar!
Why live to die, when you can live to soar

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There are so many gov't agencies and private contractors / private security firms / mercenaries with the skills and equipment to target us, and DARPA who wants to experiment on people for military purposes. This is beginning to sound like an organized crime ring, similar to how the Mafia terrorized people a few decades ago. Where is the money for this organized crime ring coming from? Is it Black Budget, is it illuminati, or is it corporations? How many new "Mafia" organizations are out there?
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i was harrassed by a celebrity last night some are cool some aren't for about three or four hours i found this websight and another now i'm constipated again. i was constipated for seven weeks after a letter i sent to the white house. i think houston is trying to kill me.

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At the dollar general store and the police officer that arrested me Aug 17 pulled in this officer is Kings Mountain city police and dollar general store is in the county ,he was out of his jurisdiction he waited for me too pull off,he flagged me down ln the parking lot,he stated that it shows that my drivers license had been revoked.The officer stated that he was not going to mess with me this time.i asked him did he won't to see my drivers license and he stated no,he said park the car and call someone to come and pick you up an I said yes wife came pick me up in my Van ,mile down the road my wife got pulled over by county police.i will have to call my lawyer about this.
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Brain to Brain link at Harvard and Washington Universities

The first rat pressed a lever, anticipating the tasty reward it’d been trained to expect. An implant in the rat’s brain converted its neural activity into an electronic signal and beamed the impulse to the brain of the second rat, which leaped forward and pressed a lever in its own cage. But rat #2 had never been trained to press the lever. Its movement impulse came not from its own brain, but directly from the brain of rat #1 – despite the fact that the two were separated by thousands of miles.

What we have created, said lead researcher Miguel Nicolelis, is “a new central nervous system made of two brains.”

That advance happened in 2012, and other labs were quick to one-up Nicolelis and his team. In the summer of 2013, a team of Harvard University researchers engineered a brain-to-brain interface between a rat and a human, enabling the human to control the rat’s tail movements simply by willing them to happen.

Finally, in August 2013, University of Washington scientists Rajesh Ro and Andrea Stocco succeeded in making one leap everyone was waiting for: A human-to-human brain-to-brain interface. By strapping one person into a non-invasive EEG helmet, and strapping the second into a transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) helmet, the researchers mind-melded themselves – for the sake of science.

Mind-Meld Gaming

The experiment went like this: Rao and Stocco sat across campus from one another, watching the same video game. Rao, wearing an EEG helmet, was at the controls – but instead of using his hand to hit the spacebar to fire, he simply imagined moving his hand.

Every time he did this, with near-instantaneous speed, a computer converted Rao’s brain signals into a digital signal and beamed it to Stocco’s TMS helmet. That helmet converted the signal into a burst of magnetic stimulation delivered to the precise region of Stocco’s motor cortex that controlled his right hand. Stocco’s hand would then twitch involuntarily, tapping the spacebar and (sometimes) scoring a hit in the game.

Researchers Rajesh Rao, left, and Andrea Stocco, right. Credit: University of Washington

Researchers Rajesh Rao, left, and Andrea Stocco, right. Credit: University of Washington

What did this feel like? “The two of us had very different experiences,” Rao says. “For me, it was only after the action had occurred that I had the chance to reflect upon what had happened – that it was Stocco’s hand, stimulated by my brain signal, that had caused the action. That realization was both exciting and a bit eerie.”

Stocco, on the other hand, reports that he simply felt an involuntary muscle twitch, which caused his hand to move and hit the keyboard. There was no conscious “need” to flex the muscle, he says, since the entire sequence of events from stimulation to movement happened within just a few tens of milliseconds. And what’s more, Rao says, “I don’t think he can resist the movement once he’s received the stimulation, since it operates at the subconscious level.” Eerie indeed.

But even with this subconscious level of connectivity, the process wasn’t flawless or error-free. And in fact, the system’s flaws and errors reveal some interesting truths about how our brains process information.

Technological Hurdles

The EEG device that Rao used to send outgoing signals is based on technology that dates back to 1875. Though today’s devices are far more precise than those nineteenth-century models, they still operate on the same basic principle: Electrodes distributed across a person’s scalp pick up patterns of electrical activity that oscillate at specific frequencies within that person’s brain. Because EEG electrodes sit on the surface of the scalp, they can’t pinpoint this activity to a specific three-dimensional point within the brain. But with a little calibration, they’re very handy for tracking large-scale brain phenomena such as mood swings, shifts in attention and movement impulses.

TMS is a more recent technology – and, because it works by disrupting activity deep within the brain, more controversial. Numerous researchers have reported that TMS triggered sizures in some of their patients – although most experts now agree that the risk of seizure is extremely low for subjects not already prone to epilepsy. Meanwhile, experimenters throughout the 1990s and 2000s have succeeded in using TMS to trigger involuntary movements, to temporarily increase working memory, and even to treat depression.

On top of all that, TMS is non-invasive – so when it Rao and Stocco set out to design their brain-to-brain interface, TMS stood out as the clear choice for the output end. “I realized that, in EEG and TMS, we had noninvasive technologies for both recording from and stimulating the human brain,” Rao says. “So I approached Andrea Stocco, who had just arrived at UW and was using TMS for his cognitive psychology experiments. Andrea and I got really excited about the idea, and we started brainstorming.”

Brain Training

One thing that quickly became clear was that Rao’s EEG wouldn’t always send a clear signal. “EEG signals are quite hard to use for controlling devices,” he explains, “because the signal is a weak, noisy, filtered version of the underlying brain activity.” Movements of the eyes, face or body – or even stray thoughts – can interfere with the signal. Such stellar concentration took months of practice for Rao.

“In the early sessions,” Rao says, “we had several false positives, where Andrea’s hand would hit the ‘Fire’ key even though that was not my intention.” But as the trials wore on, Rao learned to control his EEG output more precisely – until, in the final session, Rao and Stocco achieved close to 100 percent accuracy (in their signals, though not in the game itself). “The only miss after that,” Rao says, “happened when Andrea’s hand moved but didn’t hit the key with sufficient force to fire the cannon.” A small bug indeed, in light of the team’s overall ambition.

Sign Me Up

Perhaps the most exciting thing about this project – aside from the “mind-meld” aspect – is the fact that it’s built on technology that’s rapidly entering the consumer marketplace. Although TMS remains confined to medical facilities and laboratories, groups of indie engineers around the world are hard at work building their own TMS devices. Home EEG kits, meanwhile, are widely available from companies such as Emotiv and NeuroSky – that is, if you wouldn’t rather build your own from scratch.

And though Rao’s initial tests transmitted mere movements, future iterations could theoretically transmit perceptions, concepts, or emotions. Then we truly would be talking about a mind-meld – allowing two people, through technology, to communicate directly via their brains.

For as long as we humans have felt curious about the world around us, we’ve struggled to communicate our thoughts to others clearly and to understand them in turn; to “get inside their heads.” But it hasn’t been until the last couple years that each of us can put on a little plastic helmet and watch what’s happening inside our own brains – and the brains of our friends – right at home. What’s next but to truly get inside each others’ minds and see what we find there?

Technologies like these might seem to have the potential to make robots of us all – but they also hint at a future of empathy more direct and immediate than any we’ve experienced before.

Here is the Link to the main article:

Here are the links to the mentioned researches:

Brain-to-Brain links between the two rats:

Brain-to-Brain links between the two humans:

Brain-to-Brain links between the human and the rat:

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I think i have been bugged with microchip/RFID humann implant/radio transmitter/ICT implant/cohelar . I don't exactly whicch one is implanted. Most common is RFID implant.

I bought 4 EMF/RF detectors to detect any RF emission of RFID(Radio Frequency Identification Device) implants that may probably implanted in my body. I tried QuWave defender, schumann resonance device, orgone blaster , Personal Polarizer, CellSensor EMF Detection Meter , 3-Axis Gaussmeter but no luck

I followed some of shielding tips published in internet,

I tried ,EMF shielding products from lessemf to block or reduce emf exposure. I bought GPS jammer, cellphone jammer, nothing work.

what is successful way of detecting RFID microchip. I read somewhere that passsive RFID can't be detected using above devices. Only active RFID devices which have their own power source can be detected. passivee RFID need to detect using RFID reader which will chanrge device while scanning . but i don't know frequency or location this device implanted .

some suggestions from other users is like this, "It's not as simple as holding a RF detector up to the body and getting a reading. There is background RF noise that has to be taken into account. The implant may not read out (transmit data) until it is first activated by an external interrogation signal, which may itself be coded in some fashion. When activated, the implant may read out for just a few brief seconds, making detection difficult. The implant's output may be of a 'spread-spectrum' nature, making it very difficult to capture with a typical RF detector or even with a RF spectrum analyzer.

For close to the skin surface implants, a scan with a Infrared imaging camera might show up 'hot spots' where the implant had been recently activated and its components are warmer than the surrounding tissues. In some cases, even small but strong magnets may physically influence an implant near the skin's surface."

Can you suggest me best method to detect passive RFID human implant?


my blog

Victim story

How the implants look like

see other victims

Search these words in Google for more information gang stalking ,

Satellite neuro technology, rfid human implants, verichip human implant, mind control victims,

A Brain Implant Victim Speaks Out - Branded by the Thought Police , Memorials of Mind Control and Directed Energy Weapon

There are many web sites listed below educating people whats technologies they are using but none are not
telling how to get out of this human implant. I tried with rf scanners, emf detectors none are working, i tried thermal imaging, non linear junction detectors used in professional bug detecting services. How exactly to get rid of this passive implant.

Does spectrum analyzer or frequency counter  help me?

Can you suggest , how to remove passive radio implants,;wap2

how the implants look like

, Introduce V2K (Voice to Skull) -

Tags: detection, implant, microchip

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When I went and talked to my power company and explained too him that I had implants and ask how my smart meter work he said said the meters communicate with many other meters and every night at 12 00 they send data to the computer room of what light was on or appliances ran in everyone's home.These signals ran around the electrical wire with lighting speed.The man stated that the lights in his office was like living under the high voltage power lines back in the .He stated that they went from 110 voltage to 115 voltage to voltage today.There was suspicion back in the day that living next too high voltage power lines would cause cancer of all kind. THANKS AND GOD BLESS.
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