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Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation 


Prepare Your Life  !

 The 2012 Rites of Passage Begin Soon 

  • The Rites of Passage begin this September   
  • Prerequisites and Preparations       
  • Preparing the Body Temple    
  • Whenever we think of God, we ARE God 





gold key



Due to the planetary quickening from the closing of cycles, collective humanity has been granted Divine Dispensation for the fastest evolutionary development ever undertaken by a race of beings. We are witnessing a historical acceleration of human consciousness as we all advance upon Initiation's Path... at an exponential pace!  
Enlightenment, Self Realization and Christ Consciousness are words which describe a greatly expanded perceptual awareness that neutrally observes from a unified state of peaceful compassion, non judgmental love and the equality of all beings. This realization is available to all who consciously aspire to this new awareness as God Immanent.


It is by Divine Decree that we, who walk the Earth during these auspicious times, are the ones to fulfill the prophecy of "the Second Coming of the Christ".




The Rites of Passage begin this September


Children of the Sun Foundation has again been gifted with the responsibility to co-create a Rites of Passage Program for all Planetary Light Servers in which to guide a 12-week group initiation into levels of Christ Consciousness and the genuine perceptual and experiential awareness of the self as God.


Overlighted by the great host of Ascended Masters, the Foundation's ultimate goal in delivering the 2012 Rites of Passage is to guide people through an expedited process of back-to-back initiations. Our highest priority is to attain the level of purity required to emerge as a Christed Group Harmonic with the authentic power to bless and evolve the human race.


Through the 12 week Rites of Passage, our direct demonstration of a Christed group tone will ripple out through the planetary Crystalline Grid catalyzing a dynamic upshift in our level of unity consciousness thereby lifting off big pieces of the human framework and potentially foregoing, for the many, the long and difficult road to self-mastery.


Each of these 12 Rites is an initiation, whole initiations within themselves. It is going to be as a Cosmic Christ lightning round in preparation for our grand emergence. This has never been done before in such accelerated fashion.  













Prerequisites and Preparation Phase


To undergo these Rites, it is HIGHLY recommended that you have an advanced level of control and balance over your three lower bodies - the physical body, the emotions and the mind.


This entails a demonstration of physical purity, having brought the needs and wants of the body under the dominion of your soul. The astral/emotional body is limpid and calm, demonstrating the ability to maintain a state of harmony and balance in the face of adversity. In achieving control over the mental body, your thoughts are qualified by the Divine Presence within and demonstrate a high level of stillness and inner quietude.


In other words, these Rites are intended for those who are already awakened, that have been on the Path of purification/initiation for some time. These are Planetary Light Servers who clearly understand and are highly resonant to the group mission of Children of the Sun and the collective ideas behind the use of the Sacred Fire, the purpose of spiritual initiation and the evolution of the planetary race.

We are calling forth those souls who are authentically ready to resurrect their life into a completely new system of energy.


On a final note...

There are many paths to God Realization. Children of the Sun Foundation chooses to remain steadfast upon the Spiritual Path of Evolution from which to guide our efforts in these final missives. This is the human initiatory process created by Sanat Kumara and assisted by and through the divine radiation of the great host of Ascended Masters.













Upcoming New Moon Cycle and Continuing...   

Preparing the Physical Body Temple      



With only four planetary grid transmissions (two months) left before our grand initiation through the Rites of Passage, the call is going out to all Planetary Light Servers to PURIFY and PREPARE!


Begin now to fortify your body to receive nourishment from God as we place our full attention on the perfection that we are. During this New Moon, we highly recommend starting internal cleansing and major housekeeping on all levels; lightening up on what we are consuming materially and especially what we are putting into our bodies.


Preparation Recommendations:


The Yoga of Fasting


Long have the spiritual masters demonstrated the value of strengthening and cleansing the body through the yoga of fasting. During this practice, we greatly re-qualify our energy to be utilized for more divine purposes instead of the heavy workload involved in digesting and excreting. As we temporarily empty the physical body of any additional matter density, we are free to vibrate at a higher frequency with our thoughts focused upon the living-light nourishment available to us as particles of God.


The ability to fast also demonstrates a more advanced level of mastery of the needs of the physical body which is imperative to moving forward on the Path of Initiation.


Fasting on Sundays


We are greatly encouraging everyone to tune in to their inner guidance and ascertain whether or not you are ready to integrate a weekly fasting regime into your process of purification. It is our sincerest wish that those planning on participating in the Rites of Passage institute the practice of fasting one day per week with a preference towards Sunday as this is the traditional day of rest and spiritual communion. As with all recommendations, please do what works best for you in honor of your personal flow and bodily rhythms.


Communing with the Elements of Nature


While you are fasting, it is important to place your attention upon divine subjects and the presence of God, the eternal sustaining source. Immerse yourself in the kingdoms of nature as this is where true life-giving energies are at their highest. Allow the elementals and devic builders of form to assist you in your daily ablutions in the spirit of grace and gratitude.


Divine Nutrition and Lightening Up


As we prepare for the greater influx of light and physical plane mastery, we are being guided to consume that which is of the highest light quotient and food that is filled with vibrant life sustaining energies.

Eating fresh organic fruits, raw vegetables and sprouted legumes/seeds/grains is highly recommended during this preparatory time in order to receive the most abundant supply of God living sustenance through our food.


Slow and prayerful chewing/eating is also very helpful in assimilating the physical and etheric nutrients available within our daily meals.


In further support of lightening our physical load, reducing the amount we eat can prove highly beneficial. Reserve the mornings for a mini-fast and a greater alignment with the pranic energies of the Great Central Sun and Mother Earth.


Taking our meals sometime during the noon-day and setting sun may allow for a higher level of light absorption as we cultivate our ability to live on the God Force that pervades all things.


You may also wish to research proper food combining in order to assure your body is able digest and receive all the available nutrition from your meals to optimum capacity.


In closing, we would like to thank each and every one of you for coming this far with us as one Group Avatar. These upcoming Rites of Passage will lift us to levels of consciousness that have been merely conceptual until this turning point in our divine evolution.


Arm in arm, we stand at the Christine gates of the Kingdom, preparing for our collective entry as one Body of God. All we can say is... HALLELUJAH!














Resources and Support ~ Physical Body Preparation




1. Personal Sessions of Transference



Our Light Transmission team stands at the ready to assist any planetary light servers in transmuting any physical limitations during each moon cycle. If you are feeling the need for a greater level of support, please do not hesitate to contact us prior to transmission date to receive the gargantuan bolt of Divine Love and Perfection radiated by these dedicated transmitters.



2. Supporting Audios  

Mp3 audio download page

The following audios contain helpful guided meditations in purifying and preparing the body for increased levels of divine light:

The Amazon Transmissions

Building Our Light Quotient

Expanded DNA Code Activation



3. REVIEW!  
Rites of Passage 2011


We highly recommend the review of this outstanding program created for our 11-11-11 passage and presented as a gift of grace from Children of the Sun Foundation. These present the virtues of Christ (Unity) Consciousness in the form of 7 Rites, 7 Seals and  7 Gifts.  
















Summary of Our Focus for the Remaining Months of 2012


  • Keep the focus solely on God. Put God everywhere... before all, within all, around all, enveloping all, enfolding all. 
  • We are focusing our whole thought upon the goal, seeing nothing but the end result. (God Realization) 
  • God is our focus point upon which every thought and act is centered as this brings forth the Divine-Human Self.  
  • We have one objective to accomplish which is to have our will in complete focus with the Will of God, the pure mirror of our thought-force. 
  • When our desires are set forth in this way, it is always Divine. With our divinity always projected, our desire is conceived in Divine Order. 


All is Within 

We will conclude this focus with a final reminder that we must let God stand forth through us into full outer expression. It is no longer necessary to seek the Divine through any outside sources.

When we know that the source of all love, the spirit of all wisdom and the understanding of all truth is within us, we can tangibly experience the Divine Remembrance of our infinitely powerful God Self in physical form. 

By placing our focus upon God within and seeing God standing from us, inside out... we are placing our focus upon the Supreme Deity in the whole human family! To place our attention upon anything outside of that or to give our power over to outside sources is to maintain separative action. 
The new emanation is the one life that is in all and through all.  
Whenever we think of God, we ARE God. 




Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation, Inc. | |404 M. Mt. Shasta Blvd, Suite 320 |Mt. Shasta|CA |96067

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To You

I need to process this with someone who i know understands what is going on and is as disillusioned and fed up of it as i am.

I have been discovering a lot of things which I can now prove by virtue of collected evidence but the more I know what is going on the more I tend to clam up and not speak about it, beset by spiritual sadness too difficult to verbalize.

Faced with rhetorical questions only God or a kindred soul would want to process, I don't wanna mar its very essence with inane talk.

I hope I can process this with you.

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Solving the puzzle

I think I have finally figured this out. I'm finally starting to catch on. I think I may have been targeted since childhood. I think I may have been targeted since the age of 12. I did not start to notice the gang stalking until the fall of 2009. I did not start being electronically harassed until the 2nd quarter of 2011. I don't know if I was gang stalked back then, but I think I may have been under surveillance.

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Answer to Hate - Updated

The only reason why you are seeing this is because my life is in danger. They put criminals who created a  bad environment and spread that I was HIV positive since I arrived to this area. I have never been so humiliated in my whole life. Continuously and in an authorized manner. I almost died. My only resource was to go to live under a tree and process my trauma. When I described incidents of the attacks I was sent to the psychiatrist - later I found out that it was a routine followed with the victims. 

So the attackers were free to do whatever they wanted in the streets, buses, everywhere, nothing was going to happen. In 2010 I was forcibly internalized in a hospital, dangerous pills, mistreatment by employees and denial of what was going followed. It is a nightmare and many are living in it and have denounced it.

I almost die due to the effect of the pills and my memory still fails. As a way of comparison, I had installed the version 4.4 of Qt and with debugger, etc everything was on rails for development. Now I am trying to recover my memory by focusing on it - it has avoided that my mind be hurt much more due to the damage that the media distributed by criminals in the street has made to my life.

My whole world has changed due to these criminals, I will never forget it.

The way to see this application is this:

Download Qt from Nokia

You can find the rest of the file that are needed to see the application in :

From Now Public:

My personal experiences indicate that this network is used as a tool of extra-legal control and persecution of those who are deemed a threat to the anti-democratic and authoritarian ideology they seek to impose on America, and for that matter, the world. 

I call it an anti-American Gestapo, a descent into a fascist police state.

The "real criminals" who rob, steal and assault and kill are processed though the judicial system. 

The "special enemies" get the gang-stalking and the domestic terrorism, including radiation weapons assault that results in physical harm, illness, and eventually, death.  

So these are "death squads."  In America 2008.

I come to this conclusion based upon what has been happening to me for nearly the past five years. 

Some commentators to my articles on the subjects of organized gang stalking and domestic torture have asked,  "Why would our own government harass and torture American citizens?"

I am not saying government people are the "doers."  I am saying that from circumstantial evidence and personal experience, based on the vehicles used to stalk me; the constant of all types; the use of directed energy weapons (they are really radiation energy weapons); and the reluctance of federal and local law enforcement to open a formal investigation despite my repeated requests; it appears that government, its funding resources, and personnel are aware of and involved in this activity to varying degrees.

I have sought justice for nearly five years and continue to be under physical assault and financial peril due to unjust, extra-legal "targeting," and I believe my family is suffering as well.  My communications have been subject to not only surveillance, but to interception, tampering and alteration.  I have been kept from making personal contact with those in a position to order a full and complete investigation of reports of extra-legal, unconstitutional harassment and torture of American citizens. These programs have denied me the right to fully pursue my career, and have diminished the quality of my life and the state of my health.

This is slow genocide, a monstrous crime against humanity.  I am not alone, I am certain. How many Americans are subject to this depravity?  The million-plus on the "terrorist" watch list?  Or even more?  Are political "enemies" targeted?  How about journalists who have "afflicted the comfortable and comforted the afflicted"?

It also appears to me that many of the posters to my articles on this subject are not merely readers, but are active participants in what is commonly known as "paid disinformation" trolling.  Their often telling comments -- at times, sadistic, with oblique references that only someone who is aware of my day-to-day life would know -- indicate to me that they may have personal knowledge of what I am enduring.  Some  appear by their comments to take a perverse sense of pleasure in my situation.

I ask them when they go to church on Sunday, to ask themselves, "What would Jesus say?"  Especially since Jesus endured the same sort of treatment at the hands of the Romans. 

Those engaged in this activity are anti-American felons and traitors who are guilty of crimes against the United States, humanity, and God.  Shame on you and may God have mercy on your depraved souls.

When you pray, remember my words.  That is my "neurolinguistic" wish.

(Certain "ops" people believe in "neurolinguistic programming," the implantation of propaganda by repeated use of key words and phrases; so I am trying the theory out on those involved in the gang-stalking "ops.")

And those who read the posts probably are smart enough to separate the truthful posts from the purposeful, determined and sadistic and harassing disinformation here. 

Have a nice day, and please think of me, my family and your other victims in your prayers.

-- Vic Livingston,

You can browse through data and find important info about electronic attacks and more.

It is FREE.

Qt is free Open Source C++ from Nokia.


Look for C:// Your Installation/Examples/4.7/Examples/Declarative/modelviews/listviews/expandingdelegates

In that folder look for a QML/Contents Folder , inside Contents substitute the script named RecipesModel with the script below:

Then in folder expandingdelegates

RecipesModel.qml with this one

/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). ** All rights reserved. ** Contact: Nokia Corporation ( ** ** This file is part of the examples of the Qt Toolkit. ** ** $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE:BSD$ ** You may use this file under the terms of the BSD license as follows: ** ** "Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are ** met: ** * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in ** the documentation and/or other materials provided with the ** distribution. ** * Neither the name of Nokia Corporation and its Subsidiary(-ies) nor ** the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote ** products derived from this software without specific prior written ** permission. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ** "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT ** LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR ** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT ** OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, ** SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT ** LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE ** OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE." ** $QT_END_LICENSE$ ** ****************************************************************************/ import QtQuick 1.0 ListModel { ListElement { title: "How to use the application" picture: "content/pics/virtual_data_logo.png" caracteristics: "

  • 1.- Check the text below thouroughly
  • 2.- Check the arrows that appear on the righ hand side.

" method: "

If you are using a desktop device please go to the bottom right corner, position your mouse on it and drag diagonally. It will increase the size of the screen at your will.
What follows applies to all devices. The application will have arrows on the right of the text when there is more text than the one that is shown in the screen. This is applicable to the main menu where you see the different clickable buttons or when you see the menu items in detail. You can browse the text by maintaing Ctrl key pressed and clicking on the arrow and then dragging up or down . Do not release the arrow that you click when dragging. You can go on dragging beyond the boundaries of the window of the application. Without releasing the mouse at any time. If you see two arrows in the bottom right corner it means that you are seing the main frame and an interior one. Take the inner one as reference. An arrow pointing downwards implies dragging upwards and viceversa.

Another way to drag the through the different topics is just to maintain the cursor on one of the topics and drag downwards without releasing the mouse.

" } ListElement { title: "Foreword" picture: "content/pics/virtual_data_logo.png" caracteristics: "

  • Why this book was created.
  • What you can find For you in this book.
  • Scientific projections of the book.

" method: "

This book was created in the beginning, as a way to concentrate my sanity in a nightmarish situation. Also in honor to the education that my parents and two countries gave me. All of them were under attack when I arrived to an airport and a climate of extreme violence was created around me. I was explicitly told that I was going to die while at the airplane. In the beginning, when I arrived to the airport it looked like too much, but when I suffered the sequel of the airplane at the airport - at a higher level - and I was attacked by psychotronic weapons as soon as I left the terminal, I changed my mind and regrettably, my normal world went away. I dived back to the terminal in complete panic.Other people under the same circumstances have died or are in a hospital now.

You can find a series of techniques which are currently applied over a wide spectrum of the population and not commonly revealed. Some of these methods are very dangerous for both the health of your body and your mind.

All the information of the book is based on real facts and scientifically proven. If the reader focuses on the information provided will understand that there are a number of factors acting upon him / her that can seriously affect the health that all human beings are entitled to. The problem is that all is invisible. In the kaos that is created, those who apparently attack in fact are sometimes helping. And those who apparently are helping are really attacking. There are two kind of firefighters, the ones who are brave and risk their lives and protect you. And the ones who start a fire or pay for a fire to start and then seem to be carrying out their job. This book, hopefully, will help you to know who is who.

" } ListElement { title: "Canada" picture: "content/pics/canada1.png" caracteristics: "

  • First Visit
  • My Life at Edmonton

" method: "

I first visited Canada invited by Val who at that moment was my girl-friend. We had been dating for about six months or more before , while she had been visiting the USA. At that time she told me that she was trying to open a .com company in Santa Monica and was looking for personnel for the company.

I was working in a hotel in Long Beach, which was for me a temporary job while I tried to get a foot into Long Beach University, where I applied for an Oracle Database position more or less at the time that I knew her. I had also visited the Department of Mathematics and explored the possibilities of job there, as well the Post-graduate department, where I wanted to spend a grant of $5,000 that I had earned while working for Americorps.

At that time, also I had attended a conference about Qt that took near the Long Beach Airport. In a way, my going to the conference served a dual purpose, First: what I had been developing in Debian, Second: The Department of Mathematic's chief had told me that the only thing he was interested in at that moment were people who knew embedded languages and the Qt platform was the nearest known thing that I had at hand to get into embedded programming.

In parallel with all this I had also focused in PHP/MySQL/Ajax/JavaScript and that is the technology that I showed Val as something that I could work for in the company. Apparently it was a good fit for her and she hired me as Vice Director of Technology. At that time we were not dating yet.

At the time of this first time arrival she had told me that there was a possibility that she were pregnant, according to the symptoms that she had experienced - she had like fainted at the airports sometimes.

I had several conversations with Pat, who would later would be my mother in law. She always behaved like a very polite and intelligent lady, very careful about the future of the family. It looked like a good environment and the character of the people of Edmonton was good. So I started to think of a new life with Val and her family. It made a perfect sense.

No wonder, in one of the trips that I made to Canada I brought books that I considered would instruct me about how the political situation was in the USA , there were many things in that area which I ignored. I knew that I was an extremely technical person and that I did not have knowledge of many things that were going on in the country. I strongly believe that these books were among the main reasons for me to be targeted when I came back to the States. Together with the fact that I also started to explore videos and literature informing about 9/11 that were not frequently found in the libraries of the USA, but were common information in Canadian ones. The books were Against All Enemies, The book of Al Gore about Global Warming and another book about how the extreme right church was influencing the political spectrum of the country.

An additional factor was that my computer was not returned to me when I came back in one of the trips. It delayed a considerable number of days. It happened to other passengers that were in the same flight that I had taken to Canada. It was a flight with a stop. It was in the stop where the stopping of the luggage of the passengers took place.

Important events

I asked Val's mother, Pat if a condition that she had was in the degree of extreme before marrying her. I simply said that if she reached that condition I would not marry her immediately. Did not say anything else. I was told that she did not reach the condition, that tests had been made and she had been told by the doctor that she did not reach that level. Two weeks after arriving from our honeymoon, Val took me to the doctor woman and she told me completely the contrary. The test had proven that she reached the extreme, that really shocked me. And I started asking myself questions. First of all - why was that happening?.

The doctor gave me a booklet in silence when I was leaving the office. The book explained the details of the extreme conditon and how it had transformed the lives of many couples. There was a conclusion to extract from the attitude of the doctor and the content of the book. I had to make a decision. I thought for about a week. I was just a matter of thinking about me and leaving the marriage or staying. I decided to love Val and stay. From that moment on I just tried to fix things and not read more about what the book explained. I do not think that I was wise.

Several events that took place before and after our marriage certainly can be explained through the explanations that the doctor gave me. As a matter of fact, it is the only conclusion to, what I am going to refer to as 'sudden changes' of behavior. Unfortunately, this condition can be inherited. One of the biggest pains in Val's life was to struggle with this fact. And I did not realize about that. From that moment on, practically, she fell into a state of dreaming at least 14 hours a day. I took care of the food and entertaining the kids until around 10:00 AM when she woke up. This was going to have specific consecuences that I do not consider proper to explain here.

While visiting FL, arriving from Bahamas, I went to South Beach briefly to say Hello to all people that I had known in the area and were accessible in a short period of time. I had planned to do it in about 2 hours. The next two hours were dedicated to buy a gift to Val. I bought something from an expensive brand.

Two things happened in that opportunity.

The checks that Val had given to me had no backing, my account had negative numbers for the first time since I had created it. Another thing that happened at that time I went to the Bank of America located at Lincoln Road and Washington Ave. The money that I had put in the bank as a result of the checks that Val had given me in payment as a subdirector of the company was not there. For the first time I had a negative balance in my account.

While going to join with Val and her mother at Alton Road a young man addressed me in Lincoln Road, on the way to Alton Road, and said that - we are going to kill you, he signaled to his neck and made a killing gesture, as shooting. He was white, tall, slender and had green pants. It was really graphic the way he acted. He was walking behind me and I stopped to let him pass by and take a good look at him. I spent days, after getting back to Canada, what was all about.

I had been out the area for about 2 years, I was wondering what kind of hate could have exist in someone against me after such a period of time. When I met Val and her mother at Alton Road, I was really concerned when I met them and from that moment on, one strange premonition in me remained associated to that threat. At the moment of this writing, I firmly believe that a hate crime was in progress. What really happened when I lived in that area is that I never knew how different groups worked, and I really did not feel belonging to any of them. I was friendly with some communities and viceversa. This man seemed to be a hater and did not make any effort to hide it. I had never had threats to my life before in such an explicit manner.

When we left Miami Beach, with me still thinking about the man who had threatened me, we were victim of a very racist action. I prefer to talk about this later. The area, though, was very well known for issues related to racial discrimination. In at least two occasions it had happened to me before. I realized then, only partially, that as we were an interracial couple we would have to face situations in several places. I do not think that I spent enough time and went deep enough into this. They did things that apparently drove the people out of their minds sometimes, so racist they were. At the moment that I am writing, I feel that I was not capable to perceive how racist some people and communities are in Florida.

While staying in Canada I received some pictures of my family. I was scared of what I saw. I had never seen my parents so thin. I had already been very concerned about the fact that they were not present in the wedding ceremony. As is usual in our island. So I decided that I had to take care of my family at that very moment. And I asked the person who had sent the pictures what was better, to go to Cuba immediately or go to the States and finish the citizenship. I was told that if I went back to Cuba maybe I would not be allowed to leave the country, so I started to make plans to be employed by a company in the States and comeback. I contacted and talked with different potential employers. When one company in Santa Monica offered an interview I came back and went to the interview. Val took me to the airport with the kids.

2008 - I came back

And what I found out was not agreeable. I landed in Fort Lauderdale and the fist strange thing that I experienced was that a man that had taken the plane in Atlanta did not stop talking bad things about me. He took all the sequence of buses that I took since srriving to the airport until arriving to Miami Beach. Not stopping trying to bias everybody against me, as if he had been paid for doing that. Also in the first bus that I took in Fort Lauderdale a black man that sat down near me told me that one day I was going to have an accident. My mind started to get even more worried - terrorized - than when I had left LA. And I think that it was the moment tha a sort of disbelieve entered me - very dangerous - I thought sometimes that they were not talking about me, some other times that it was a sort of television show created. In a way I was right, but it was creaed to kill me, I could not easily accept it in my mind. There was already, at that moment, a very serious attack of the media on me, I simply could not accept it in my mind. People were making money out of hate songs against me that instigated to my physical elimination.

" } ListElement { title: "Santa Monica" picture: "content/pics/santa_monica.png" caracteristics: "

  • Arrival.
  • Jobs.
  • Special Events.

" method: "

As soon as I arrived I went to the office of the company that was going to interview me. After the interview the person in charge - not the one that I was supposed to meet though - told me that I could take care a test immediately. I had been travelling for about 8 hrs. I told him that I preferred to take the test next day and eat at that moment because I was tired after the interview. He did not respond to my call the next morning and he did not respond to my emails from that moment on.

First place where I stayed in Santa Monica. Adjacent to it first job in the city. Also there I was stolen my suit and made a report to the police. They found the guy who had stolen the suit. Never got the suit back.


I decided that I was going to try with another company in the next days and that, in the meantime, I was going to apply for a job at the tour office adjacent to the Hostel. I got the job after talking with the owner. Four days after he told me that probably I was not the best fit for that job. He paid me and that was it. I was in the process of applying for other companies when I received a call from Val. We had been talking several times before on the phone. This time the call was different. Do not want to get into details here. I was surprised and started to ask me questions again. There were several people from Canada in the hostel. There was a Canadian girl, black, extremely well educated and brilliant in her behavior. She talked with me about the call and she explained me things that at that moment did not make too much sense too me. Very serious things.

" } ListElement { title: "Miami Beach" picture: "content/pics/miamibeach.png" caracteristics: "

  • Arrival
  • Reports
  • Jobs
  • Attacks

" method: "

Arrived to this place around 2001. Started to leave at 7955 Collins. This was a nice place near the beach. It was also the first place where I perceived something that I could not understand as possible. I felt that tbere were people like watching me from the adjacent room and commenting about my activities. At that time I considered it extremely unlikely to happen. I found out, in different occasions, that people had entered my room, under different pretexts. The manager of the building found an excuse, in two occasions - after the incidents . I consulted with the Surfside police about that.

I believe that at some point I made a police report in this department. After that I moved to different places and made numerous police reports always due to the same reason, home intrusion. In one opportunity I was able to see, while living at Washington street, how somebody left the room through the window - I made a report about this.

Another time I was able to record five men accessing my bathroom while reparing it. After that I remember that the flow of water in the shower was very thin - I was leaving across the Delano Hotel at that time. Years after this incident, I heard of people installing devices in showers and irregular work of devices after that. One more time while leaving in Washington - and renting a hotel room - I heard the voice of a man, Martin - who had been about to be arrested while I was a supervisor at Hispaniola Way due to sexual offense - making comments as if he were seeing me while at the bathroom. It was, again, something that was out of the boundaries of what I considered possible. No wonder I made a comment about this to a person that I do not want to mention here, exactly at the moment that it happened and in three other opportunities. it was just something too out of the ordinary.

In another unforgettable moment I was able to record five men accessing my bathroom while reparing it - I was leaving across the Delano Hotel at that time. One more time while leaving in Washington - and renting a hotel room - I heard the voice of a man, Martin - who had bean about to be arrested while I was a supervisor at Hispaniola Way due to sexual offense - making comments as if he were seeing me while at the bathroom. It was, again, something that was out of the boundaries of what I considered possible. No wonder I made a comment about this to a person that I do not want to mention here , when I occurred.

At this moment in my life I think that I should have followed up all these incidents in a more detailed and serious way. I was - and I am - unaware of the way criminal groups work. But blackmail seems to be one of their strong points. And long memory. I feel that all these events could be connected to the theats that I received from T. - you are going to commit suicide and A. - I will put your picture all over the world - in 2001 and 2000 respectively. I had heard of retailation but I had never suspected the ways it takes place. Both incidents were mentioned and documented in the records of recognized organizations in USA.

At that time consequently, I had been targeted by organized crime. There were people who - unknown to me - danced in the clubs, any kind of clubs you went to, mixed in the crowd. But they apparently were not dancers, but rather like enforcers of opinions. I wanted to be a DJ and visited a number of clubs, exploring the music and the environments, without any specific attachment to any club and without belonging to any specific group. Most of the time I spent in Miami Beach was living alone. My main concern were get deep into Linux, music, use my synthesizer to create music, etc. I was the perfect victim for this kind of people, who apparently entered in your room and monitored your life to create movies or something worse

It was a mixture of criminals and people who supplied them with means and devices that criminals usually do not have

It is obvious for me that I had been targeted by criminal groups. Documents disappeared from the room and there was a special emphasis in accessing my storage place and take away any pictures that I had taken of my life. Specially in New York. I was always curious about this. But it looked impossible, again, at that time, that your storage place was searched and robbed. But it happened. At some point, though, things reached an extreme and I made a report to the Fort Lauderdale office of Public Storage due to the strange behavior - and the robbing of a synthesizer in the premises - that I had suffered in 8/2005 while preparing my luggage to move to California. In this strange event the person that was apparently renting the space adjacent to the No 179, on the right, was present while I was packaging and made strange comments, while another guy located at the end of the corridor and seating on a small chair, an old man, laughed at the comments. The employees of the storage place also behaved disrespectfully. In a way I feel that I had been the victim of a group of criminals that I could not identify. The synthesizer dissapeared from the entrance of the building in two seconds. There was a suspicious individual seating at the entrance of the building too.


This image was taken from the video that I made at the Hotel Claremont, Miami Beach, 2008. The man at the chair did not stop talking about transsexual who had been shot here and there. The men in the back of the picture were part of the team of the lobby. There was another team at terrace, near the sidewalk, with the explicit mission of attracting the attention of every human being that passed by towards me and reinforce the notion that I was a person who belonged to this category. In the meantime, at the lobby they carried out the same task with the people inside of the hotel and, late in the evening the activated devices that produced real sounds of guns shot. Joshua was complicit in all this. He smiled.

I made calls to the police and to the FBI. When the police came, they talked to Joshua, not to me. Joshua smiled and told lies. He seemed to be in intimate knowledge of everything that was happening.

Hotel Claremont

First picture describes the position of team 1 and one of the guys who, at the lobby seemed to be in control of the situation there. He made jokes about sex and how certain people had been shot. Gerai, in the background , talked to him in the same direction. It was a very tense and dark situation.

Second and third pictures give an idea of where team 2 was located. Redirecting the attention of everybody who passed by the sidewalk towards me with hate comments and showing media in their phones.

Fourth and Fifth picture represent the places where harassment and beating took place.

These two pictures represent places where I was harassed and beaten in Miami Beach. In another document I will give details about the perpetrators of these actions.

The last one represents the place where a man who was sleeping - or pretending to sleep - near me while homeless, beat me and broke my glasses. There was another man, apparently very sick, sleeping nearby. Next morning a group of people, who were not homeless, were talking about the incident as if they had seen it - including the moment that my glasses were wroken . The men, young ones, were walking by Lincoln Road.

There was an atmosphere of fear and threats against me all the time that I spent in Miami Beach during this period. The intensity was strange, as if somebody were extremely interested in my discredit and humiliation to the extreme. The songs were extremely aggressive and directed to be violent against me. The people of the cultures that were associated with this enjoyed everything that was happening to the maximum.

And everybody knows the kind of music that I am talking about.
There was also a strange and direct coordination of people whose function should have been to protect me with the criminals. These people, in one occasion, instigated the guys who were attacking me and let them know where I was trying to get a break. They did it without any kind of remorse or cover. It was an evident hate conspiracy at that moment. I could give exact details of the places where these issues took place. And it happened in more than one opportunity


There was so much money invested in the campaign against me that it was evident. Even kids had been promissed money if they got violent against me. One good example of this was an incident outside of the Lowe's. In the pathway of sand between the hotel and the beach a group of kids looked at me in a calculated manner and despite the protection existing in that area followed me. I heard them comment : 'Those guys would give a lot of money if we kill this guy '. They were enthusiastic with the music and all the atmosphere that had been created around me. They chased me until the moment that I went to the beach. Once there they did not dare going on with the same. But then, to my surprise, there were people who were 'singing while they were training and running on the beach' songs related to me. In a derogatory way. Then I realized the extent of what being done.
At the appartment that I had rented. Everytime I went to the bathroom there was a group of people near that area saying things in a loud level of voice. As if they wanted that the neigbors knew about me. So the objective was to have me constantly covered with the campaign of harassment and intimidation. All day. Even when I was walking by the street there were specific spots where the people already had put their attention on me. These places were before very quiet and friendly. Something had turned them against me. I felt as if a picture and clips campaign had been implemented against me for the first time in my life I felt a very strange sensation of fear to the unknown. Later, much later, like three years after this, I heard some names. So there were many people knew who had created all these atmospheres against me.

At the moment of this update I have a better idea of what they were doing, planning and who was paying for the show. And even what was behind the show. So if you read carefully you will get into knowledge of methods and technologies that are not frequently mentioned. Even though they are part of the public domain and have many victims concerned about their use. It would also of your interest due to the particular intensity and disregard for the human life with which they are used in that area.


" } /***********/ ListElement { title: "San Francisco" picture: "content/pics/san_francisco.png" caracteristics: "

  • Arrival at the Airport
  • Living in South San Francisco
  • Going to San Francisco.
  • Working at parking lot and office

" method: "

  1. Some additional information can be found here
  2. Individuals trying to make my life misserable previous to arriving to the airport.
  3. 2008. A mixture of people carrying out all kinds of harassment while at the terminal.
  4. Use of different kinds of audio devices - hi tech - for desorientation as soon I tried to leave the terminal.
  5. Frightened by these actions I get back to the terminal and stay there for a week. Starts my desorientation.
  6. I strongly feel that the guys responsible for all these actions were not from San Francisco but, at that time, I thought that all aggressions were local. It is impossible to describe the effect that the cold temperatures, when you do not have the proper clothing, has on you. It is like an ongoing torture that little by little starts dominating all of your actions. The only thing that you think of, when it is getting cold, it is how to protect yourself from the temperature, since you do not have the proper resources, you start inventing things like changing the position of the body, going to unprotected places that look as if they could protect you even though it were a little against the wind and the cold. All of the time you spend thinking about that. Add the fact that they have made you believe that your parents are dead and that you are HIV positive.
  7. Spent some time out in the terminal's shuttle area - around 15 days - and then moved painfully to South San Francisco.
  8. In the meantime, a lot of people were making money singing hate songs about me.

" } ListElement { title: "The Kidnapping" picture: "content/pics/kidnap.png" caracteristics: "

  • 1.- Immobilized at the airport.
  • 2.- Change of behavior.
  • 3.- Criminal distraction.
  • 4.- Frozen in the area

" method: "

Immobilization at the airport was achieved by using GangStalking outside, plus the cooperation of a massive number of employees and people with special skills biasing them against me. In different opportunities there were death threats.

My behavior changed while taking into account what had happened in the other airports and adding the new set of situations created in the last one.

The criminal distraction was used when, adding to the sexual subject that was being developed, they started to spread around false information about my family and my attitude towards the family. From this moment on, they have used my family in a number of occasions to disrupt my thread of thoughts. Perhaps I should have written about this a long time ago, to give a better picture about the nature of those involved in all this.

The effect of all the methodologies used in the above described sections had the effect of freezing the person who was submitted to this treatment. I ended up wandering about the whole airport. First the shuttles, I took one shuttle after the other; then the stairways, where I started to sleep. When I asked if there was any shelter around I was told that only in San Francisco. When in fact the Bay Harbour shelter was near the airport. Apparently this was done due to the sex attacks.

I spent like seven days inside of the terminal and fifteen around the airport before being told about the Bay Harbor shelter. Sleeping in the stairways was difficult. In many occasions they placed a car, usually a small truck near the place where I tried to sleep and then they played hate songs, mostly hip-hop at that time. Later other type of musical movements joined the campaign, but this was long after the airport events.

Once they have you immobilized, they start to work with the criminal groups to harass you to the point of desperation, where anything can happen to your mental stability or your health. Money is of paramount importance at that moment, that is why people who do not have the support of their family or are not wealthy become homeless. Nobody would like to live the life of a homeless, there it is easier for the guys that want to destroy you access you, your property, etc. And they can influence the people in places like dormitories and where you get your food in such a manner that your life becomes very misserable. And then your whole world dissapears and you enter the world that they have created for you.
At the time that I was attacked in this way, there were practically no regulations in what refers to sex in important sectors of the life of the society. So people in those sectors thought they could abuse freely of people accused or perceived as belonging to the LGBT.

To make the matter still more complicated, I have seen and heard LGTB people collaborating with those who want to destroy me. Others have been very polite and have warned me and explained about the way that the different layers of the society interact. Something absolutely unknown by me. I realized that since most of my life was spent in big and liberal areas, there was a lot of misperception about what the rest of this country was. Besides, the country itself changed so much that even the citizens were stranged at the things that were and are happening. I feel, again that I have been selected as a Target of Opportunity in the context of a political revenge.

As soon as I arrived to the airport my first thought was, how do I figure out a way to join to my family, which was the objective that I had when I arrived from Canada. I called a religious person from the airport and started to figure out the way to get some money to survive until I could get a ticket and go to New York. When I saw what was happening at the airport I decided not to stay in San Francisco that is what happened after that was to force a person to stay in the area. Mastering communications in total way during the interactions of that person with the environment. People included. Everything was distorted and manipulated at the will of those who wanted to retain me there and destroy me with methods absolutely unknown to me. These methods were applied alongside the whole Bay Area.

At that airport I felt 'like sold as a commercial object' to the media. Who did it I did not know. But it was obvious that some people were going to take advantage of my arrival to that area in the worst possible way. There was a woman who took pictures of me while I was laying on the floor. Exactly as if she were taking pictures of an object. And something that I will never forget is 'how she smiled' .

Later there were employees commenting about how much the criminal groups were offering for me 'literally'. There were aggressive songs against me as soon as I put a foot out of the airport. From the parking lot. Everything was staged in careful and horrible way to make me feel frightened. That, together with the rumors of me as a HIV positive, made impossible any normal communication. On the contrary, negative attitudes were found everywhere. And this was one of the pre-conditions for me to go to live under the tree.

And another big advantage they had was that I absolutely ignored who my enemies were and thought that everything that was happening to me in different places was local.

From the moment that I was forced to stay in this area on, I have represented business for different groups with different agendas. Always using superior monitoring, they have been able to destroy everything that I want to construct. Including my health. It is the first time in my life that I am afraid of going to a hospital to take care of my health, due to multiple bad experiences.

From the moment that I left the airport on, there was going to be a lot of electronic attacks. And it was a big component of the destruction of my life.

" } ListElement { title: "South San Francisco" picture: "content/pics/south_san_francisco.png" caracteristics: "* Go to live Under a Tree" method: "

Before moving out of the area of the aiport I make an effort to make sense out of what was happening to me. I started to faint on the floor and remain there motionless, whatever happened. First time this happened outside of the airport was at Burlingame. There I spent the night near a hotel at the coast, outside. In the evening the water system rained on me and I could not move - so tired and frightened I was - and the employees laughed at me while observing. One of them said that the water was poisoned and I, completely frightened, went the next morning to see the administrator. He told me that the water was bad but not poisoned.

At the time that I am writing this - 2012 - I believe that there was a complot orchestrated, somewhere before I arrived to these areas. And by very powerful people, to create a fictitious persona of me. And that many people, for one reason or another, were synchronized with that. They way that the whole thing affected me was this: an immense psychological attack .

During that evening several guys were around me saying that I made their task of killing me easier by staying outside of the hotel.

Next thing I did was going to the Westin nearby and ask for some help to verify if my parents were dead or not. I asked to see somebody in the hotel who could help me with that. Next thing that happened was that they called the police. The officer did not pay any attention to what I was saying, said that he had a friend that could help me and, all of the sudden a car came and I was told that I had no choice, that I had to get into the car . They took me to the hospital to undergo a drugh test and be analyzed by a psychiatrist. There I heard things that gave me the impression that, for some reason, they considered me some sort of sex problem, they mentioned Europe and looked at me really weird. From that moment on, during a long time, any complaint was directed to the psychiatrist, the guys who were harassing and attacking me in many places, sometimes using very sophisticated devices and techniques, did not exist. The songs instigating to my death, widely disregarded, I was leaving in one world and they were living in another.

There were several things that most of the population of the area believed when I was there

  • I was HIV positive.
  • I was a person who had had some sort of sex career.
  • My parents were dead and I had laughed when they had died. This was continuously reinforced by the criminals with songs and street theater.
  • There were more lies orchestrated - as far I could see at that moment - at the Hotel Claremont, where there had been such attacks that I had to take the decision of leaving the hotel and the area.

The location of the tree was near a power plant. I stayed there, isolated, most of the time. Thinking of how I had been contaminated with HIV. How it was possible. Was it my wife?. She looked very healthy. I had had no sexual contact with anybody else . When had it happened?
I spent so much time thinking about this that my mind practically left this world. Everyday was waiting for a new symptom. I guess that this is the moment in which my behavior changed radically

Obviously I made attempts to leave the area. Only to be rejected by the population in ways very aggressive. Sometimes before arriving the area there were people that somehow, knew that I was arriving and screamed for me not to reach their neighborhood.

The only solution that I had was to leave this country, and that was my next move.

What I found was blocking of communications and of money going to the bank. Because of the sensitivity of this information I will be very short. But it happened and I documented it timely. My perception at this moment is that, with a variety of methodologies, all unknown to me, the main objective was not let me leave the country and submit me to different tactics to destroy me in character and physically. It is only due to a miracle that I can write these words, they have orchestrated everything so well, and I have been so isolated and attacked, that at this moment, according to their plans I would be taking dangerous medicines in a hospital. I felt so bad taking those medicines that I sent myself into research. And that is how I explain what is happening to me now. But they were able to deteriorate me so much that physically I still suffer a lot.

It is only After certain time that you start thinking why there was so much interest in destroying you as a person. I think that I was taken as a proxy for a sex campaign and that my status as immigrant helped the attackers, since I was going to be used to deter people from doing certain things, attending certain places, and they were going to dehumanize me to the extreme. I felt that, somehow, my privacy had been violated, but when I requested information I was never informed. It happened several times. It was also remarkable from those moments on, the actions of 'Vigilantes' making my life misserable. This happened in different counties..

And one of the most disagreeable aspects of the whole thing is that they make money out of the disgrace of the people. They have songs 'I have figured this out due to repetition of the subject by different individuals that I come across with' that talk about the time that I spent under the tree. They present themselves as brave people and then they name me 'chicken'. I wonder which is the number of suicides from 2008 on about similar subjects and if those who committed suicide were victims or chickens . And above all, why do they want to consider the whole thing normal? In other people human beings are not treated like this.

" } ListElement { title: "San Mateo" picture: "content/pics/san_mateo.png" caracteristics: "

  • First steps. Inquiries.
  • Living in the Parking Lot
  • Creating Applications
  • Staying at the Hospital.
  • Returning to Parking Lot
  • Leaving the parking lot

" method: "

  1. Painful arrival. Very thin. Nobody would have stood seing me. The bad and the good guys knew it. I think that was the moment that some of them decided to make a plan that allowed me to get partially on my feet, but not to get paid or make money.
  2. Asked in several places about what was going on with me. Went to the airport, police, called the FBI, called Department of Justice.
  3. The same as when I arrived and talked about the people harassing me. All times I was sent to the doctor- psychiatrist - as if I were out of my mind.
  4. When I went to the hospital - forced to stay - they gave me Risperdal And Geodon. Things did not get better. Memory and health deeply affected. Now diabetes took a toll on me.
  5. It was not only the memory. Ones feels really bad, desoriented, static.
  6. My teeth started to torture too. Spent around seven months to get Medical. First registration to Medical was missing three months after doing the registration at the hospital.
  7. The building was bombarded by sounds - stating that I was HIV positive among other things, the machines promoted what the operators wanted to be my sexual orientation. This happened a lot of time. So I believed that I was really sick and there was not much time left in this world.
  8. When I returned to the parking lot they ignored what had happened at the hospital. So I was worse than when I left but I could not explain them the reasons. Not in the state I was .
  9. I have described in several places what happened at the parking lot with the microwaves or whatever kind of technique that was used on me. In particular I was curious about the fact that the intensity of the attacks was greater after the labour hours. At the time of this writing 05/21/2012 I realize that the intensity can be strongly associated with how I felt, and the the tireness that I felt, together with very rigid sensation in the extremities , was nothing casual or imagined by me, but the result of the attack to which I was submitted. But there is another detail important about variation of intensity; in the first days that I spent at the parking lot, when I slept in the cars, I was practically forced to leave a car because of the extreme intensity of the attack, that day I slept on the open air to avoid been practically cooked inside of the car.

" } ListElement { title: "San Jose" picture: "content/pics/san_jose.png" caracteristics: "

  • It was hard when I came to this area. Very pretty and I did not know anybody.
  • Hard looks or curious looks from the people.
  • Some people help.
  • Some people were intrigued. Not more than me.

" method: "

  1. In this period of time it was very difficult for me to walk. Even that was painful.
  2. Some people looked at me with some sort of curiosity and despise. Other were troubled by my presence. I started to feel that there was a consensus in not treating me good.
  3. So the plan was to make me look like a guy did not know how to do anything.
  4. Weak, and with that kind of background behind of me I started to ask questions. Probably an african - american woman gave me the best answer. I cannot write down here what she said. She did not say any dirty word. She was a very educated woman.
  5. I recycled at Los Gatos and surrounding areas. Felt so frightened and weak that even though I was walking by buildings that hosted companies where I could have applied according to my curriculum I felt frozen .
  6. At this time in my life I had spent a number of months without taking a bath.
  7. I realized that I had to do something to get a better look. Went to the Home Depot and waited, with other people, for work over there. The food in San Jose is very good. And cheap in many places. I recycled again.
  8. I went to a beatiful small city - do not remember the name - and there I made a decision to go to Santa Cruz. I had heard a lot of good things about the place. But the most important thing was that it was in the mountains and I love nature.

" } ListElement { title: "Santa Cruz" picture: "content/pics/santa_cruz.png" caracteristics: "

  • Arrived to Santa Cruz after three days walking in the mountains.
  • Went to live near the river.
  • Worked at a computer store.
  • Build websites.
  • Lived as a homeless again. No work for some time.

" method: "

  1. Spent some time walking in the mountains before arriving to Santa Cruz. It was cold, very cold, I did not have the adequate clothing and suffered a lot. I assume that it was dangerous too. Big trees. Great forest.
  2. Even in the mountains I was harassed. The guys insisted on saying that I was dead. So I spent all the time controlling my fears. That calls for a lot of energy. I am sure that the guys knew about this. And enjoyed it.
  3. I managed to survive and get the adequate clothing when I arrived to Santa Cruz. First place was Boulder Creek. I liked the culture of the town, but it was also the first place where I heard something so horrible and misguided in reference to me that I realized that I was seeing by many people as a person that definitively I am not. My economic condition apparently was responsible for all this. But my health was really bad, and I took the things as they came, step by step. I had a terrible pain in my bones and they were very rigid. Boulder Creek was also the first place where a person - a couple - went to the place where the place where I was sleeping with a dog and let the dog wonder and run around me at 2 AM in the morning. I found that odd, the dog woke me up, but it did not attack me. It is a very artistic city. Heard some interesting comments about the hate groups that you can find in there.

" } ListElement { title: "The Next Victim" picture: "content/pics/virtual_data_logo.png" caracteristics: "

  • They carefully analyze data at the different places to select the victims.
  • Once the victim is selected they contact the criminals, the musicians, the street players and more.
  • They talk with their partners in the media.
  • Hi-Tech, criminals and providers.

" method: "

First method that was applied on me - with overwhelming negative results - was to make me believe I was HIV positive - at an airport - is that normal? Second method that was used was to make me believe that my parents were dead. They really enjoyed that. I still remember the International Fligts Floor at San Francisco International Airport and me asking to the man who is in charge of the only stand there: Sir, they are saying that my parents are dead. And he saying, go to the police and then, when I turn my back, he is saying to other person: He is crazy , everybody knows that his parents are death.
That was something that happened frequently afterward. They played with my mind and they were successful in taking me to another mentall state.

They select the tecnologies that will be applied.

Criminals - Musicians get into the scene and make money with songs that instigate murder. Ordinary people act in most cases as if nothing were happening. It seems to be the normal attitude when a person is targeted. This individuals, in most of the cases, do not know anything about music, but just repeat rhythmically what they have been paid for. Like robots paid to sing deadly rythms. The next step is real crime and they are ready to enjoy it. I will never forget is when, walking by a street in San Francisco, 2009, a black man gets near me and says: Wait till they tell Us to get mad. Who were - they - the ones that were going to tell him to get mad?

Can you sleep normally after that when the other elements that were played at the airport are still in your mind? What is the time of recovery for that? This is an important element. Because they try to slow you down by shock. Or you die with what they are doing or the doctor prescribes pills that turn you into an idiot and consequently you lose the battle, or you recover when it is too late. They enjoy that.

It is a perfect methodology that has been repeated again and again. And it also total corruption in many occasions. With not an angle overlooked. That is why the guilty ones are always the same kind of people. Victims have been selected taking into account their economic status since the beginning it is assured that there will be no serious consequences. Maybe that is why I am trying to find the truth in all this. Not every day you convert into a homeless a nuclear engineer.

There are might be other reasons for the selection of the victim.

  • They talk with their lawyers to see how they can get away with what they are doing. After all, it is all business.

    But this time they have extended the range of victims too much. The next victim is you. Why? Even a kindergarten kid would understand that with all the information that is going to be known about a person in this country anybody who has access to it can destroy you completely.

    It turns out that now if a former boss - that did not like you - had send Miguel, for example, to a club to set you up in different ways and then make a drama of it and then tell his version of the set up and document it, THAT is going to be legal and accepted. At some point I worked in a place where ther was a guy like this and was warned that I had to act against him. I did not do it. Do not make the same mistake if you are reading this.

    At the time that I interacted with this individual that was criminal and was blackmail and conspiracy to destroy a person. This kind of people only enjoy destroying and controlling through innuendo. And they are dangerous. I cannot add more - for the time being.

. So the cousin of Miguel, when you arrive to an airport, is going to negotiate your information with criminals and your are done, next day you are what Miguel and his cousin want you to be in the STREET. And who is going to know, if everything has happened a long time ago and now it is a party with music, clips, joy for the lynching and street theaters to reinforce? And to reinforce, the use of non-acknowledged technologies to spread and use the sound and consequently manipulate the minds of the audience - which correspondingly will be victims at the right moment too. In the meantime they think that you are ONLY under the effect of the sound, when in fact different technologies are focused on you and act over your health, getting you tired in a minute, making you walk at random and then making the audience believe that you are healthy and acting strange on purpose. Some other times they - the audience - does not hear the subject of the hate songs that you are listening or are partners in behavior and thinking of the haters - anyways, you are a foreigner.

Especial attention is given to not let you recover at the hospitals They have been granted permission to enter the hospitals and harass you. I want to believe that the personnel in the hospitals ignore that they activate devices that can hurt you. But that would contradict my experience at the San Mateo Hospital, where, in 2010 I heard a detailed description of special weapons that are used by criminals to kill you without leaving any trace. Abou and Ryad were the ones who made these comments, as well as some patients. So from that moment on I started to research and being more worried - scared - than when I entered the hospital. It was the moment that I realized that my life could be in real danger. It added to the fear of HIV that I had at that moment and that only dissapeared when one of the doctors at the hospital ordered a test.

It is the perfect business of the XXI Century - as far as now . The information is sold and manipulated as if it were a poison, a candy , life, death. Even phones are hacked and information that you never thought that existed - in your phone - is going to be placed there. And if there is not even a law avoiding the exchange of pictures with criminal purposes, how is it going to exist a more sophisticated one avoiding that criminals, sent by someone that is supposed to protect you from them, put wrong information in your devices to change your whole world in seconds? It is crime, data and technology. All together and all dangerous. But the real Gods are watching Us and US.

" } ListElement { title: "The Hospitals" picture: "content/pics/virtual_data_logo.png" caracteristics: "

  • How you enter.
  • What you expect.
  • After the hospital.

" method: "

Well, you enter a hospital because you do not feel well. And then, you receive the most traumatic experience of your life and, in different occasions you leave the hospitals worse than you entered. Why? Because of Virtual Data. The employees, the patients, seem to recognize you from sort of media sometimes. They start talking about nicknames that you do not understand and talking about what happened or will happen to the person of the nickname and then laughing or threatening. Always doing something. Your discomfort increases when they start talking about death. It is not normal to talk about death in a hospital in the middle of cruel and cynical scenarios. That is what I found. So at the moment of this writing I am afraid of going to hospitals My first experience was at a Hospital One. Either they staged it very well or they were going to reallistically kill me. I spent probably the most horrible night of my life seeing how people made derogatory comments and threats. When I asked for help I found indiference.
Outside of the hospital there were cars playing aggressive songs that everybody could hear inside of the hospital. There was an old lady, with white hair, dark skinned, who said that she represented some sort of media and that the guys who were outside knew how to use their weapons. People listened carefully sometimes to her comments and other knowing what was going on and disliking it, pretended not to notice what was going on. At some point she was insisting so much in the kind of weapons and the violence that one of the security people of the hospital asked her what she was doing there. Since she was not ill and it was an emergency room she was asked to leave. I will never forget this woman, I think that I saw her again when I was forcibly internalized, two years later.

My Second Experience was at Hospital Two. Here, while I was entering a guy that seemed to belong to a criminal group made explicit comments how how a piece of metal was going to be used to kill me. Less than a minute after that a police from the hospital appeared as if to deter him. When I went looking for treatment one of the guards talked about how he would proceed to let other people kill me. and he was talking about it with another guard . I had gone to the hospital for a test of HIV. They could not do the test at that moment, so they monitored my pressure and other parameters and told me to come back the next morning. Left the hospital without finishing the test the next morning due to what I remember of the previous night.

Third experience was being consulted by a doctor and having people listening to the contents of the conversation through the adjacent wall and not even disimulating that they were there. As if to coerce the doctor that he had to do what they wanted him to do.
So you can imagine yourself information to a doctor and knowing that there are people listening what your talking about and that the doctor knows about this situation and can do nothing about it.

Fourth experience is when they use electrical devices from locations near to the room where you are at the hospital - while forcibly internalized - the pace of your heart increases and the pill that you are taking let you in a deplorable state of coherency. Then they beat the patient next door like in an infernal movie and then the next morning, referring to the beating they say smiling 'Here is your call to New York'

The fifth experience is when you are out of the hospital thinking how everytime you refer to an episode of harassment or attacks at the bus or in the street the dosage of the medicine is increased and why it is always impossible to start an investigation about that and why sometimes there is hypochresy in those who treat you because they refer to you with nicknames almost in your presence and suddenly, to add to all that, while you are waiting in the parking lot of the hospital, an employee - a woman - passes by your side and says 'I am sorry it is nothing personal, it was an order, and then mentions the name of a famous criminal singer.

There is more. But I hope that this gives an idea of how happyy I should be going to those centers after being treated nicely in some of the best hospitals in the world. Having someetimes worked for them.

" } ListElement { title: "Conclusions 1" picture: "content/pics/conclusions.png" caracteristics: "

Please read carefully what is stated below:

" method: "

Some important moments here

  • The person who said - A este negro le van a dar un pase diario - In a group that was around me when was homeless is the one who triggered the first step of total terror in my mind. This was 2009 and it was a multirracial group. I was trying to sleep in San Francisco near the Canton Restaurant. In my blurred mind I think that they were around me and joked and made comments, usually during the evening.
  • The woman that , around 2009-2010 said: I am going to empty my gun in this nigger . When I was taking care of the cars and sleeping at the parking lot was probably the one that trigger in me the determination to fight against whatever ideology defended by this kind of people. As I remember she was white, slender and the hair semi-red.
  • There were guys standing across the parking lot or near the place where they sell yogurt. They were singers who assigned me nicknames and said a lot of things about me.
  • There were frequently guys near where I made my phone calls to listen or bother. The public phones started to dissapear around and beyond the parking lot. Also when I took the bus they were frequently harassing. Always the same type of people. A culture had been created around me.
  • I felt so much fear that I seldom left the parking lot.
  • Among the people who have been watching me and destroying my life there are at least two women. They are white and cruel. Enjoy making me suffer when I am sleeping as homeless. They play with the word death in their comments to frighten me and to let the audience know the fate that they have prepared for me. I would like that an International Investigation on Human Rights found out who these women were.

" } ListElement { title: "Conclusions 2" picture: "content/pics/conclusions.png" caracteristics: "

What follows is very important:

" method: "

  • The fictitious scenario of equal opportunity created after spreading so much negative information - in a way that contradicts the principles of the United Nations - should also be investigated. It is refined cynism to say that a person can work properly when the people can exchange pictures, songs and clips instigating to his death. That person should be allowed to leave the country as soon as possible.

    My attempts to return to my country were blocked since I arrived to San Francisco. In a way not perceived by those who were watching -

    the show

    - the extreme surveillance that was used allowed them to block my communications in the bank and stopped money from reaching there. Also I was blocked in my phone communications and completely destroyed mentally with false information about my health and my family. Communications that I tried to establish to get back my money from the apartment that I rented - the deposit - were blocked continuosly. It was total control over me in a none declared way. All this terrorized me in a deep and difficult to describe manner. Those responsible for all this are laughing now. Many people have committed suicide from that moment on, due to the exchange of pictures in the way described. I have stood much more punishment since then. Maybe somebody had to explain what is going on and God chose me.
  • A factual analisis of the period in which the actions against me took place is necessary. First of all the kind of sexual attacks that I suffered is very difficult to be repeated and people more protected currently could try to disregard all what happened to me as something exaggerated. It is not. At that time there was no goverment policy considering the issue of the transsexualism and it was still implemented the - Don't Ask, Don' Tell - policy. Since there was an evident desire to make an example with me, all the weight of the lack of regulations in these two different fields fell on me. It should also taken into account that there was an evident desire to make all what happened with me a political issue too.

  • There is an evident conspiracy in not acknowledging my skills in software. It has happened in several occasions. In Daily City a man saying that I did not complete a project for him in Wordpress. I feel that somehow this guy was serving somebody because I found him in suspicious circumstances in Redwood City, did not want to accept any option that I gave him and followed me with his wife in a car up to Palo Alto. He behaved as if he had been paid for it. Later on in Watsonville, my evaluator did not know Joomla and discovered that it was written in JavaScript and said that he was testing me; besides he like to play songs with sexual content when I was present. I have the title of the songs in the Internet. The use of music - in different languages - has been one of the weapons that the haters have been using against me.
I feel that dangerous people had targeted me since a long time ago and that I was not capable of finding out on time. A had a mental collapse and only recently recovered.

Not taking the pills was one factor. I have to find out about this, and I have talked to some lawyers about that. But I don't event know how to start. Until recently I was still forgetting things.

I have to find out about who spread the false news at the airport and in the subsequent days - events that transformed my whole life. Also all the false atmospheres created by the media and other people.

Not a single day of my life I have practiced a sexual act in exchange for money. I strongly believe that these people will try to eliminate me to leave no trace of their wrongdoing. They have done it before.

All points to very powerful people, retailation and treason.

My health has been seriously impacted. Physically and in what refers to side effects, the memory and some sort of static behavior that only recently started to fade off.

It has been particularly damaging the use of non-lethal weapons. Sometimes they made me scream of pain in the evenings. They can damage your ears and accelerate your heart, I suffered that. These are dangerous individuals. And they have constantly promoted violence around me.

Since it is constantly denied the use of electronic weapons - despite the claims of many people who have suffered its effects - research on the subject is exhausting and necessary. As a result of that I have found out that there are individual versions of the systems that have been used from the space. It would explain why, from the area where I heard individuals near me, a very piercing sound emerged. Also why the signals that came from the space were reinforced from those areas, above all during the evening. When I was along, without many people in the neighborhood, it was always worse.

For two Years these people were transmitting through these devices that I was HIV positive. Had ample knowledge of the places where I was going to take the tests and increased my fears there. Then they changed the nature of the message. Also, somehow, they activated special equipment in the buses that transmitted the sound and their criteria. At the moment that they did this most 2009 and 2010, the theme was that the criminals were going to kill me because I was HIV positive. This maintained the tension in the communities where I lived to the maximum. I was not accustomed to all this so I was getting worse and worse everytime I took a bus. And they knew it and I did not even knew why they were capable of knowing my whereabouts. So they had all elements of success in their hands, a nervous person, whirling around, whithout knowing whose his attackers were.

" } ListElement { title: "Conclusions 3" picture: "content/pics/conclusions.png" caracteristics: "

It is really out of the ordinary what has happened?:

" method: "

I am in doubt that it is really our of the ordinary what has happened to me. I have read about a lot of cases where Virtual Data destroyed life by missusing information. It looks like a plan, in certain minds, to conform the way according to their desires. And there had to be a pretext to access the info of people and do business with it. And the pretext was the war. For the young people, who do not know how their country was seen before I have only one expression : Everybody Wanted to come to the States and few, very few people, had a different opinion. Probably the main point here is that people who do not handle data has NO CLUE about the way information is processed. But it is already time that all people be more responsible about this - and avoid suffering as I have. Do not let everything to the ACLU, but read their website. It might save your life. Do you, for a second, have thought in the number of blackmails that can be structured if information from 40 years ago falls into the wrong hands. Better wake up.

They first put up a show in which you laugh at somebody. Then, in record time and with the same methodology they will make some other people laugh at you - cruelly.

Another good reason for my insisting in following up with programming is that my health was really bad and that I did not want to let them say - with some reason - that latinos and negro programmers are a matter of science fiction. And besides they managed to create a terribly negative environment in every single place that I tried to have a beginning.

I loved my wife, I was happy with her and the kids and thinking that I was going to introduce them to my family. But Virtual Data had other plans. They enjoy more cruelty than the happiness of other human beings. As a matter of fact, happiness is a word almost forbidden in their world. You the readers are smart. Think wether I am right or not and give yourself the answer. I am providing you this information FOR FREE. But it could save your life.

Everything that happened from the moment that I went to Ocean Five Hotel on is criminal. Those people were blatantly destroying my life with a powerful authorization. They were simply spreading information and authorizing mistreatment and death threats. And they are doing the same now 2012, after a period of tense relative calm

When I arrived I had clear objectives. To have a job related to my specialty and be useful to this country and my family. It is impossible to have done something different from what I have done. I focused my mind in programming to avoid getting crazy and to get back to normal after the pills. A lot of people, in the meantime, have committed suicide for similar reasons, as Tenkasi promissed. Good times for people like him. Now it seems to be that every single intrigue and lie that they created will be allowed. Not for ever though. The real God is watching Us

" } ListElement { title: "Bibliography" picture: "content/pics/conclusions.png" caracteristics: "

This covers books, articles, reports, websites and papers that will give you an idea of what is happening . If you love mother Earth, read. If you care about contamination of atmosphere - including electromagnetic one - read.

" method: "

The content of the sources is not Virtual Data. It is real data about what is happening now. So read careful and fast, because the weapons that they are using act at the speed of light. It is new concept for your mind, which is accustomed to cars - Classic Physics - wake up soon for your own good. It is XXI Century, what you learn at school is only part of what is happening, even though you had gone to the University.

- Senator Glenn's Office - Mary Dufresne - 1997 . She worked for and received volumes of mail from victims alleging illegal experimentation.

This author has other equally valuable books. Recommended.

- Mind Manipulators - Alain Sheflin - 1995

- Non-Lethal Weapons - Article - Robin M. Coupland - 1997

- The Zapping of America - Paul Brodeur

- Anti-personnel Weapons - Stockolm International Peace Institute

- The Soft Cage - Christian Parenti .
This book is a must if you want to understand what really happens in the world of data at this moment. It was written at the moment that the big changes were taking place. The author is a clever man.

- Against All Enemies - Richard Clarke
You Must read this book. Otherwise you do not understand anything of what is happening in your current life.

- Non-Lethal Weapons - Neil Davidson. From the technical viewpoint a classic book.

- Globalization of Crime . High Level Group - 2004 . United Nations . Important if we want to know how money is flowing.

" } }


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Dying With Dignity

9143057288?profile=originalWhen the time comes for me to die. I wish to die with dignity. 8 Years of Hell, 2 years chronic pain, all this pain and suffering is really hard to deal with. I wish to die peacefully like Bruce Lee in his sleep. Everyday I pray for Death but it never comes. I choose death because I want to be free from my perps. Living a life under control, abuse, and violation is a life not worth living. The best analogy I could use is I am a tiger trapped in a human zoo. I'm here physically but my spirit died a long time ago. Each day is misery! I am not content because what has transpired against me. Human beings were born free and I believe I have that right to end my life if I choose it. It's like telling God I quit! I had enough BS everyday. Getting mocked and ridiculed. Once they targetted me my life was over. The feeling of being a rape victim almost. I have no trust. The stupid thing is I can't even get assisted suicide in my country. My perspective is I am defeated. I throw in the towel because I can't overcome these impossible obstacles. I put up a good fight but in the end it wasn't enough.

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Mad As Hell

I am mad as Hell and I'm not going to take it anymore. I know the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we consume is unfit for humans. I am human being and my life has value. Enough Is Enough!


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%2834%29Bushs%20decade%20of%20brain%20DARPA-Cyberkinetics-new%20technology%20for%20Mind%20control.jpgI am sorry but my case is a little differnt from most,They have harm my grandcheildren with their techology and i am angry about this.My commumications eqipment is suposed to go down today.I have att&t but i gess they don't want to shut down my eqipment for i am paying them to hurt my family and have been for many years.I have a document that says ATT&T Bell Labs and GTE Labs Advanced Commications R& D equiment is part of Bush's decade of the Brain here is a document that states this.Every month we pay these people to harm and kill our familys in the worse way,please understand that i know how everything is being done to the people from A to Z but it seems that no one cares about this or they are afraid of the Truth.This document is hand writing but i have all documents about this.I am going back in time where they can't harm my family anymore, this includes commumications equipment and Smart Meter.I will post what happens when all my commuication eqipment goes down.  Thanks and God Bless!!

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Average perp don't know how DEW works.

The was a thought I had and typed in the main room may be I should write it on blog instead. In my case the DEW is mainly directional but it could also apply to those who has neighbours that is perp using some direct DEW.


If the device emits microwave on the target. The device itself will create a EMF field too. So that it is hazardous to the perp on the ground who uses it. I have experienced the portable version of such device many times.


Just like the radar gun used by the police, it is not like they will have health and safety in their organisation to cover their own medical expenses. 

Especially they can't sue their handler nor the organisation that ask them to use the device. When they get sick from these devices they are fuck in the butt.

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ENG Version) What happens when a typical, upper-middle class man from a respectable American family becomes the target of a covert organization bent on controlling both mind and body? When that secret organization is armed with high-tech weaponry which includes microchip technology aimed at controlling the minds and actions of its victims, all the rules get thrown out and terror reigns.
In this chilling true-life account, writer Michael Fitzhugh Bell is drugged, abducted, raped, and surgically implanted with microchips that strip him of his very freedom to make the choices each of us take for granted. Tracked and tortured, Michael's predators can even read his thoughts. In this battle of man versus technology turned against us, Michael must prove his case to the police before his attackers not only eliminate Michael's memory -- but eliminate Michael.
"Michael Fitzhugh Bell's debut book is a compelling and gripping narrative of a dangerous world and violent subculture bent on mind-control and human domination," said Kathie McGuire, director of Brighton Publishing. "Bell's frenetic pace will keep readers turning the pages, while his tragic personal experiences combined with landmark research will amaze and terrify."
Organized stalking and tech-stalking is increasingly well-documented by experts, including the world renowned Dr. John Hall. This personal account goes further than ever before in print. From the terror of being electronically stalked to the horror of surgical microchip implants and mind control, Michael Fitzhugh Bell's experiences as a victim will leave you checking and rechecking your locks at night.
Michael's uphill battle with doctors, lawyers, police, Government, F.B.I. and C.I.A. and a secret criminal underworld begins in Hollywood, races into and through the North Carolina backwoods, and then back to California. As you experience Michael's journey on each horrific page, you will see actual medical photos, X-rays, ultrasound and MRI images, all showing non-therapeutic/tracking/torture devices.
These devices are available to anyone on the Internet, including criminal organizations like those which targeted Michael Bell. His battle for survival continues today. Are you prepared?


ITA Version) Cosa succede quando un tipico uomo di classe media di famiglia rispettabile americana benestante, diventa il bersaglio di una organizzazione segreta piegata sul controllo della mente e del corpo? Quando questa organizzazione segreta è armata con armi ad alta tecnologia, che include la tecnologia microchips mirati al controllo mentale e alle azioni delle loro vittime predesignate, tutte le regole vengono buttati fuori e regna il terrore.
In questo account agghiacciante autobiografia di vita reale, lo scrittore Michael Fitzhugh Bell è drogato, rapito, violentato e chirurgicamente impiantato con microchip che lo spogliano della sua stessa libertà di fare le scelte arbitrrarie che ognuno di noi diamo per scontate. Tracciato,mappato,taggato e torturato, i predatori di Michael possono anche leggere i suoi pensieri. In questa battaglia dell'uomo contro la tecnologia avversa a noi, Michael deve dimostrare il suo caso alla polizia prima che ai suoi aggressori, non solo ma anche prima che elimino la memoria di Michael o che elimino Michael stesso.
"Il libro d'esordio di Michael Fitzhugh di Bell è una narrazione convincente e avvincente di un mondo pericoloso e piegato a sottocultura violenta sulla mente-controllo e di dominio dell'uomo", ha affermato Kathie McGuire, direttore del Brighton Publishing. "Il ritmo frenetico di Bell non mancherà di tenere i lettori avvinghiati alle pagine, mentre le sue tragiche esperienze personali, combinate con la ricerca storica stupiranno e terrorizzaerrano il lettore".
Lo stalking organizzato (ganstalking) è da sempre ben documentato da esperti, anche di fama mondiale come il Dr. John Hall. Questo account personale va al di là di ciò che spiega la stampa. Dal terrore di essere perseguitato elettronicamente e tecnologicamente fino all'orrore degli impianti chirurgici di microchip e al controllo mentale, Michael Fitzhugh Bell immette le esperienze come vittima.
La battaglia in salita di Michael con i medici, avvocati,la polizia,il  governo, FBI e C.I.A. e un sottobosco criminale segreto che inizia ad Hollywood, corse dentro e attraverso i boschi della Carolina del Nord, e poi di nuovo in California. Come si verifica il viaggio di Michael in ogni pagina orribile,dove potrete vedere le foto reali con i documenti medici, le radiografie positive, ultrasuoni e immagini della risonanza magnetica , che mostrano tutti i dispositivi non terapeutici per tracciare una persona, vessarla e torturarla a distanza.
Questi dispositivi sono disponibili a chiunque su Internet, incluse alle organizzazioni criminali di potere come quelle che hanno colpito Michael Bell. La sua battaglia per la sopravvivenza continua ancora oggi. Siete pronti?




Thank you for you update Michael, you are a good friend. I hope in the future, to speak with you again on skype. I had a nice conversation with you. Even your webcam has good resolution. Is the same thing, to be together in the same room. Skype and webcam, when used with maturity, people of different national approach. With it, we beat the time zone of the twoo Continents. A good time together. Thanks Mike :) Thanks for the help, advice and tips that you gave me.
A hug. :)

Your friend ][\/][att from Italy :)

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Secretary of coommerce resigns

He resigned do to the fact that he was seeing prostitutes (asian non english speaking ones) that are provided to him by a prostitution website owned by mormon(google's creator) in exchange for getting a free pass in using spy satellites illegally.

He did two hit and runs in the san gabriel valley on his way back from a asian brothel... He must have been extremely nervous and cock eyed!!

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Here is a powerful 7/7 Meditation: Divine Mother and the Templates of Elemental Perfection

© 2003 - 2012 Nasrin Safai - Waves of Bliss


I hope you enjoy

Peace & Many Blessings

Esta Lior


Time Stamp:

0:00 Waves of Bliss Intro

3:58 Grounding

Uluru [Earth Element] & Niagara Falls[Water Element]

Connecting Amber Cosmic Life Force Energy from Pool of Creation to Mother Earth

Pillar of Light

Earth Core crystal with Sacred Fire


10:00 Grid Invocation

Group Energy: Together we magnify our energies and potency

Divine Mother emanating Copper Gold Light of Love to us

Great Silent Watcher emanating Turquoise Blue Light to us, with the energies of Protection, Fearlessness & Divine Power

Great Silent Watcher beaming, with her huge sceptor of light, Turquoise Blue Light to the 8th Star Chakra & Earth Crust Chakra to energize a 7-pointed star in each chakra now spinning and receiving

Turquoise Blue Light filling a column created between the Two Stars: clearing & cleansing our bodies & chakra systems

Great Silent Watcher beaming Turquoise Blue Light from her Cosmic Heart to your Cosmic Heart

Quan Yin beaming Pure White Light to us

Quan Yin Pouring Layers of the energies of Compassion

The Bandwidth of Compassion: Dusty Pink Colour, Vibrant Pink, Fuscia Pink, Golden Pink

Cocooning in the Amber Life Force Energy

Goddess Victory beaming Lemon Yellow with Streaks of Pewter Platinum Golden, with 7-aspects of Victory in 7-directions overlighting us

Stepping Energies down to be more palpable to Earth & Human-Kind:

144,000 Silent Watchers, with their sceptors of power, amplifying the Great Silent Watcher's energies

10,000,000,000 Angelic Watchers, creating a huge cocoon bubble of Turquoise Blue Light

[Reinforce as many times as you wish]

~17 Around the Sacred Fire

with Goddess Venus, Lady Veyga, Cosmic Mother of the Universe, Cosmic Mother of the Cosmos

Cosmic being venus radiating Cobalt Blue

Lady Veyga radiating Citron Green, Light Green, Emerald Green to Jade Green

Cosmic Mother of Universe radiating Vibrant Pink Light

Cosmic Mother of Cosmos radiating Amber Light


Restoring Earth to her Purity & Innocence

Preparing us to fully clear & cleanse to be restored to the Divine;

Removing corruption & negativity

In time for portals of 21.12 when the energies become heightened.. & beyond...


19:55 Calling forth Divine Mothers to assist in the amplification

Mother Mary, Goddess Pele, Goddess Hecate, Goddess Athena, Lady Nada, *Goddess Aphrodite*, Goddess Saraswati, Godddess Lakshmi, Goddess Durga, & Goddess Kali

Inviting Goddess Gaia

Helping with all the earth changes as we move through this season

Each Goddess, stepping forward, with throngs and throngs of angelic beings, from all directions in support of the Divine feminine, the Divine Mother, & cosmic beings who have offered, with great sacrifice, to support the Earth & the Goddesses who deal with Earth & Human Kind

21:55 Sanat Kumara

Dressed in Fucia pink ceremonial robes

To purify earth and accelerate earth and human kind, to the portal and through the portal, of 21.12

With the wish and intention that we reach new heights of consciousness & evolution

Sanat Kumara as our Planetary Logos, can bring his energy closer to earth, the people of earth and reach out to assist the divine feminine

Sanat Kumara can raise our consciousness


23:15 Setting Personal & Global Intentions, Prayer & In Thanks to the Beings in Service to Earth & Human Kind

Thank You, So It Is


23:44 Nasrin: portal day of 7/7

we offer our intentions for the healing of earth and all human kind, especially the 5 element

All Beings called forth now offering their signature energy & specific quality to the sacred altar in front of us, for earth & on behalf of earth

Envisioning a miniature aspect of planet earth suspended in the air above us, now glowing golden fire light from the energies being sent

Focussing on clearing the 5 elements

27 Earth Elemental Angels

Creating a Template to perfect the element of Earth

Asking the Great Silent Watcher to bring the highest aspect of Cosmic Source to create the new template element of Earth

Asking Goddess Victory to imbue her energies of Victory

Asking Cosmic & Earthly Goddesses to add their own signature, to purify and cleanse the element of earth and to establish the perfected aspect of the element of earth

Envision the new perfected template replacing  the old corrupt template

we will replace this same sequence for the 5 elements

administering the template upon the grid-matrix of earth, illuminating the crossing points of the grid matrix

28:54 Water Elemental Angels

Asking Goddess Gaia & the aspect of planet earth to fully receive the perfected template

thereby, clearing and cleansing the element of earth, and element of water

huge aspect of goddess gaia, towering over the globe above us, and the angelic forces swirling around, receiving the blessing as we administer the perfected template of earth and water

Asking Sanat Kumara to add his own signature light & energy & quality

Planetary Logos, bringing the consciousness of perfection to earth: his job to shift the vibration of earth, so that the cnosciousness of souls

is raised to the perfection of their divine plan.. every creature.. everything upon the earth..

in its current corrupt state, we retreave the perfect template to restore..

32.00 is it and simple and easy as this?

dependent upon the emphasis upon amount of people, and how many times it is repeated .. strengthened.. until permanent..

we are using every shortcut to magnify the impact exponentially

to accelerate the restoration to perfection from 1000s of years, to a few years.. few months, few days..

focus on choosing love & light

sending transmutation of violet flame, to contain the fires.. and ask for perfected template to restore

you may call upon the great silent water, goddess victory to assist in the process.. in earthquakes etc..

37:44 Empowering the Grid Matrix

38:23 Fire Elemental Angels

additional prayer to leave forests intact, leave people's homes' intact

raise the vibration for element of fire

etching the fabric of the perfected template of the element of fire in the place of the corrupted element

enabling the element of fire to withold from taking the forests, taking the houses, giving riot

with the perfected template.. that will prevent the wild fires.. prevent the fires that go awry!!

callin on angelic foreces and elements.. to constantly watch over the element..

41:54 The Importance

"..while it will be decades before the karma that has been released can then be replaced with beautiful wildlife, flora and fauna..

and the rebuilding of people's homes, and removal of shock and trauma, and grief.. from those who lose their lives and those that

remain in sadness and grief for losses of people places and things.. the shock.. & a shock to goddess gaia, mother earth.."

43:13 Closing Requests

Asking the Great Silent Watcher to abate the wildfires, to protect people, places & things

Asking Goddess Victory for her energies & qualities to raise the vibration of the base elements, to remove corruption; transmute before the elements become rampant and take over forests & people's homes.. before water & land becomes poisonous

We ask aspects of the Earthly & Cosmic Goddesses & Sanat Kumara who's conscionsess protects and shields this planet..

We Ask Him



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I need support

I am having a really tough time trying to keep things together. My electronic and biological harassment has been going on for 8 years now and I can only take so much as a human being. I ask the perps to step up like real men and talk it out like mature adults but I think I'm dealing with a bunch of cowardly immature cockroaches. I just want to settle this once and for all so I can move on with my life. It's been such a long rollercoaster ride where it's no longer fun for me. It's a pointless waste of time.

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Radiator reflector

Having watched the Barrie Trower interview I want to find material that can block EMF. Sheet metal certainly but it is dificult to handle and hard to shape.  So I went and bought some radiator reflectors and see if it helps. I know in my case when I am in the house the EMF is directional.

I have also constructed a card board panel with 3 layers of tin foils and compare it with the radiator reflector. The test conditions were. There are patches of the house with unknown EMF, the RF scanner scale when maximum even at lowest sensitivities.  When I move the reflect toward the windows direction the signals drops. Hence I can tell that particular EMF field comes from opposite, from the window. 

The 3 layers tin foil works ok too, but not as good. I think 1 layer is too thin and Barrie say there are holes in them, worse of all tin foil is known to react to other acidic substance and corrode.

Please don't all go out and but lager number of radiator reflector. This is just a preliminary test. It is not the solution to all cases. 

Microwave can travel through walls so, it is hard to block them all. but if there are specific area you find it is viable to block then I would recommend the radiator reflector if you don't want to use sheet metal.

I know they are not exactly cheap, so if on a tight budget. find a large piece of cardboard and stick 4-5 layers of tin foils and see if it helps.

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