(Virtual Data is linked to the use of Mind Control Techniques - Careful reading will allow you the connection between the different methods. Data is not paper or files anymore )
As soon as you enter a plane
As soon as you enter a ship
There is an index associated
With you wether or not you like it
Index is a matter of joy
Index can be be very sad
Depends on the one who indexes
And depends who stands behind
The one who indexes obey
Orders from some hidden minds
The hidden minds, everywhere
In planet Earth, air, space,
MOon, strange satellites, and Mars
They have quite different concepts
and sometimes well drunken minds
They think that for some strange reason
They obey the law of God
And God is beyond the galaxies
Analyzing human kind
And thinking why, at some point,
arrogance overrid clear minds
But lets get back to the indexes
And just to avoid bad style
I will only talk about indexes
That I came across in life
THere are indexes gold, platinum, silver, bronze
in formal class
Those indexes are very powerful because
They rank the whole real life
Of passengers in the ships, planes, tours and
above all in the yatch
A good example is Titanic, not superficial
Learn that
But most important are indexes
That are placed in darkest minds
Those are hidden to IT people
Even though they hint in life
That after leaving the place
Where their machines are
There are still other machines
Still more powerful, real life
WHich do with index and fake data
Virtual worlds, and virtual lives
They can make you a Robin Hood
They can make you a Hollywood Star
Indexes in the Other Machines
Have to do with other style
They can index you by color
Or the color of your mind
They assume everything
Predict and make it a fact
Not even "1984"
Can match them when they attack
Index are combined with field memo
Pictures, clips, movies and the like
Can be enhaced with subreptitious
Penetrations of your mind,
Allowed by drugs that you take
In your food - confident style
They went to the refrigerator
When you were at the club last night
After seeding two or three liars
With your mistakes and their tramps
Index can be qualifiers
Of the most careful design
It is not intelligent, it is evil
But they compose face and lies
Are presented as a truth
To the people who eat Mac's
The people who it Mac's are simple,
Good character and clear minds
They go to football on Sundays
Rarely go computer inside
History is something like strange
They live present and that is that
So when they present prepared indexes
Who could ever think they lie
There are guys with different covers
who enjoy cruelties of life
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All Rights Reserved "Virtual Data - The Darkest Threat " @2012