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So I guess Putin's security services have a lot of time on their hands.  Otherwise, and probably more logically, the CIA is trying to off me and blame Putin. 


I get my evidence for this by the images that are generated by Yahoo:;_ylt=AiKeFgAQ8HHaqodgIsi.RJGbvZx4?p=kaela+creighton&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8&fr=yfp-t-701

It doesn't appear that Yahoo likes me very much.


Compare these results to Google's "opinion:",or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1311&bih=588&wrapid=tljp1335652679773024&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=TXGcT8XkIsbuggfm6KCUDw


Now remember that I love Putin and am beyond honored by his attention.  However, this seems odd.


Anyone else's search have an "opinion?"

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Virtual Data 4

(Virtual Data is linked to the use of Mind Control Techniques - Careful reading will allow you the connection between the different methods. Data is not paper or files anymore )

And there are three shows in their minds
Even though people see one
And obviously that show is partial
They hide what is done behind
THe walls of the so called good hospitals
In the street, the bus, the yard
That show is run by a team, that obeys others
Of high minds

Then there is the show of the meeting
Where decisions are made
That show is important and attended
Buy the guys who know how to obey
Those people are ready to do
whatever is the command
They want high up in the ladder
No pity in their minds

THe third show, the most important
Is run, up high very high
In that show it is decided
Who of the bad guys will survive
It turns out that even though
They help to destroy some lives
Those who plan that kind of business
Do not like witness alive to stand

The funny thing is that the third show
Is run before the other two, learn that.

This material is copyrighted. You cannot use it in any way without explicit authorization of the Author.
Virtual Data - The Darkest Threat @Copyright 2012

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Virtual Data 3


 (Virtual Data is linked to the use of Mind Control Techniques - Careful reading will allow you the connection between the different methods. Data is not paper or files anymore )

Index color is important
And not explicit in fact
They morph their faces like camaleons
When your are in and when you are far
I am talking about the indexers
But somewhere, be sure of that
There devices that index you
For your color or your mind

NVNNHI is one favorite
Not very spread, but learn that
It was used in the highways, in projects
Theaters and Mars
NVN is very easy
Niger versus Niger is that
NHI is more difficult
"No Human Involved" translate that

There are guys with different covers
Who think that you are dark so you are bad

They see latinos as inferiors
Who came to bother the stuff
The others, returning to theirs
Work and work, under a sight
That sometimes squeeze their hands
But school, books, are hard to find
Among the gifts that are given
Are those that blurr the whole mind

There are guys with different covers
Who don't like latinos sometimes

And event the well known bright-mind asians
Have their index in this land
Even with the best results
In Universities and Science
There is a glass ceilling in places
Where race is the first fact

There are guys with different covers
WHo don't accept the mankind

And now there are many righteous
Of all colors, including white
All submitted to the indexes
People who work very hard
But suddenly have found themselves
Like dumbly obeying the minds
Of guys with hidden agendas
Who say, obey or suffer,
You like that ?
When cynism is the king
The reason takes a long travel
And they master your own mind

With Tesla and Einstein and device
with cruel guys who do not mind
But there Gods up in the galaxies
Watching, they will take care of that

So when it comes to the point
To decide who will survive
How can you trust in some people
WHo live with index in mind
But after a Mac, the football
and some spirits, and stuff
Coherency is past, is gone
And you believe in virtual lies

You start laughing at their jokes
Hi-tech against others is fine
Only if you know that tomorrow
You are the next victim perhaps
You would suffer some awakening
And think that there is perhaps
A trap set, for you and your family
A trap which flavor is bad
But it is something very rare
Because your entertaining is right

The guys with different covers
Create parties, later kill lives.

This material is copyrighted. You cannot use it in any way without explicit authorization of the Author.
Virtual Data - The Darkest Threat @Copyright 2012

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They were so terrified that I was going to kill them that they made me illiterate because it will be cheaper.  (I have proof of my feats prior.)


That doesn't seem like a logical argument, but it makes sense in robot land (no, I am not literally a robot, just have the mind of one).


They said, "she's trying to get in on our good."

They said to the public, "she's trying to kill you."

They said, "she costs too much."


My infuriating arguments:


I say, "I have to produce taxes for you to eat."

I say, "I am trying to defend myself."  If killing a bunch of people keeps them out of our heads, then a bunch of people need  to die.  It's self-defense.  Am I going to? No, but that's the logical answer.  I have no emotion, but I'll do it if it means my survival. 

I say, "The dementia patients are everywhere."


Output: They were so terrified that I was going to kill them that they made me illiterate because it will be cheaper.


I don't have understandings of context, and I have to observe everyone's emotions. 

I guess the upside to this is that I'm no longer dragged down by illogical human sentiments.  I don't read emotion, so I do not use it.   That makes me even more offensive as it turns out.

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Hiring Eliza for Mind Control

She's probably cheaper.  And she's less confused than the girl that was in my head.


Here's a conversation:

Me: Do you know about mind control?

Eliza: Oh, I use mind control.

Me: Why?

Eliza: Please go on.

Me: I'm tired of it.  It makes me insecure about myself.

Eliza: Please elaborate.

Me: I want to have a normal life.  I can't interact with them.

Eliza: Have you tried?

Me: I try explaining, but the ywon't listen.

Eliza: Can you elaborate on that? 

Me: They're determined that they know more, but it affects me.

Eliza: Can you elaborate on that?

Me: I can't function in society if they disable me.

Eliza: Do you wish that they disable you?

Me: No, why would I?

Eliza: You're being a bit negative.

Me: You're being overly optimistic.

Eliza: How long have you been overly optimistic?

Me: Long enough to know better.

Eliza: Please go on.

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So, we all look crazy and they get to go on with their kooky plans. 


I guess their ambiguous nature makes for a unique avenue of exploitation.


I can't prove that Madonna gave me a lobotomy (that sounds absurd but check out Madonna's "A Bedtime Story," as that is totally a weapon  She can't prove that my new found cognitive problems are not the result of schizophrenia.


Fine, you want to play these games, I'll play them.


They're so stupid.


In the future, I'm going to bankrupt that bitch.

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Dear Madam,

The perps have continuosly disinformed, blocked my communications . I have asked that the United Nations High Commision for Refugees help me get poitical asylum in Cuba and correspond with me through your web site. I am at a disadvantage because I have to use the computer in the library or church. Will you help me?


Yours Sincerely,

Mark Iannicelli

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Virtual Data 2

(Virtual Data is linked to the use of Mind Control Techniques - Careful reading will allow you the connection between the different methods. Data is not paper or files anymore )

As soon as you enter a plane
As soon as you enter a ship
There is an index associated
With you wether or not you like it

Index is a matter of joy
Index can be be very sad
Depends on the one who indexes
And depends who stands behind

The one who indexes obey
Orders from some hidden minds
The hidden minds, everywhere
In planet Earth, air, space,
MOon, strange satellites, and Mars

They have quite different concepts
and sometimes well drunken minds
They think that for some strange reason
They obey the law of God

And God is beyond the galaxies
Analyzing human kind
And thinking why, at some point,
arrogance overrid clear minds

But lets get back to the indexes
And just to avoid bad style
I will only talk about indexes
That I came across in life

THere are indexes gold, platinum, silver, bronze
in formal class
Those indexes are very powerful because
They rank the whole real life
Of passengers in the ships, planes, tours and
above all in the yatch
A good example is Titanic, not superficial
Learn that

But most important are indexes
That are placed in darkest minds
Those are hidden to IT people
Even though they hint in life
That after leaving the place
Where their machines are
There are still other machines
Still more powerful, real life
WHich do with index and fake data
Virtual worlds, and virtual lives

They can make you a Robin Hood
They can make you a Hollywood Star

Indexes in the Other Machines
Have to do with other style
They can index you by color
Or the color of your mind
They assume everything
Predict and make it a fact
Not even "1984"
Can match them when they attack

Index are combined with field memo
Pictures, clips, movies and the like
Can be enhaced with subreptitious
Penetrations of your mind,
Allowed by drugs that you take
In your food - confident style
They went to the refrigerator
When you were at the club last night

After seeding two or three liars
With your mistakes and their tramps
Index can be qualifiers
Of the most careful design
It is not intelligent, it is evil
But they compose face and lies
Are presented as a truth
To the people who eat Mac's

The people who it Mac's are simple,
Good character and clear minds
They go to football on Sundays
Rarely go computer inside
History is something like strange
They live present and that is that
So when they present prepared indexes
Who could ever think they lie

There are guys with different covers
who enjoy cruelties of life

The content is COPYRIGHTED
All Rights Reserved "Virtual Data - The Darkest Threat " @2012

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Requesting info about optical implants

I just joined peacepink today 4/26/2012.. I have been a target for a long time but did not know anything about it until 2005 when they began using what i think is synthetic telepathy..They started with constant religious attacks which i now know is thier version of anti-christ..I can name a lot of technology they used now that i have researched for 6.5 years.They also used scientology auditing or what i call reverse or black dianetics..Which is the opposite of thier clearing of engrams. Instead of removing them they would always attempt to load me up with engrams and any psych-trauma. The anti christ program is the opposite of what Jesus did when he would cast out unclean spirits or demons and heal people with the WORD. Well these guys use hypnosis and subliminal programming and scripts to cause as much psycho-somatic illness  and they have people who work at the native american hospital where i get all my health care . and meds. I could go on and on but im wondering if theres something i can do about the thing in my right eyeThey activate it or access it with electromagnetic or some kind of energy. It is shaped like a letter L   and it seems to have a life of its own. Its like a small charecter that they animate sometimes. Once it was a little devil with horns and a tail and it would walk from my peripheral vision out towards the front of my eye and dance or wave. When Michael Jackson died it did a moon dance. I know how that sounds but im not makeing it up. I know they have computers that they use to connect to my brain cause i can close my eyes real tight and see someone staring at a computer screen. I have seen them place a card in front of thier webcam which stops me seeing them. They have mind reading software that is so sensitive that when someone walks by them it will pick up thier thoughts and i can hear them as if they were my own. I know that they use this software to connect to anybodys computer remotely and read and transmit thoughts.So when your at your computer be aware of this and tell everybody you know. I have seen different locations of thiers through my eyes. They get real mad and scared as hell when i have observed them. One guy looked like a preacher and he turned something on or off and it burst my blood vessels in my eye. Send any info if you can thanks.

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I Kelly Caslar

born L.A. C.A

I have been confronting electronic Stalking / Harassment / illegal Electronic Surveillance Modernization / Solar- System / Stalking / Harassment for about five & half years that I’m aware of, these people that are involved are on both sides of the law enforcement. These stalkers primary goal is to control over the victims life by instilling terror. Advances in technology here made easier for the stalkers to harass their victim’s from a distance, with relative anonymity.

I remember very clearly when my brother Rubin Caslar told me what was going to happen to me in the future that the police and mafia wore going to try to rap and kidnap me but something happens where I end up doing good. My mother over heard him telling me this and a few other things so she took him to the Norwalk mental hospital and he stayed there for a year and he never been the same since then. They to his mind where he couldn’t think the same speak clearly ever again.

When I moved into 1034 Milton Ave #B, Whittier, C.A. After I lived there for 6mo’s in Dec, 2001I started hearing V2k’s and the started using me as human expatriation with their weapons’. They told me that the government, F.B.I.,C.I.A, police/sheriff, mafia, military, many different other cults, shot caller’s, American Liberty bail bonds, and even some homeless. Plus, a guy name Comrade and the people he associates with.

That they wore going to use me up any way the can and after I am dead that they can use my body parts then they even told me what was my blood I ha AB-. I forgot what type I had and asked the doctor and they wore right.

The police told me to move out of Whittier that they didn’t want me there. Plus, the told me “the only way they will help me is to keep me down and they love to kill me,” I never had anyone tell me things that these inhuman people had said to me. So’ they started taking me to mental hospitals’ so no one would believe me nor would lesion to me at all. It’s a same a woman alone can’t even be alone in her very own home anymore. No matter where I go mouton to the sea they still follow and it seems like more and more do the same.

They have a weapon that cane hit you and make you black out violently then when the beam is turned a-way from you go back to normal. You wont remember  striking out at anyone at all because they have done it to me and it made me struck out toward my mother and she said I bit her and pulled her hair but I never would hurt her. But only with my words that come out of my mouth. I do have a very sharp toung and always will. They made me sound/look like this crazy insane person that’s very violent that don’t care about anyone nor anything that yelled and scream a lot for nothing for to not any one help me nor be kind to me or they will and have put him/her in the mental hospital or prison or they just separate you from all your love one’s by making think you someone your not. Ho, Matter in fact, I can draw one of the men’s face or pick a few out in our dear law enforcement but I have a difficult time remembering names and they know it. They wanted to cut off my hand because I can use both of them if I chose to.

After I was forced out of my home in Dec, 2002. I was homeless for the first time in my life. I didn’t know anyone not even in my home town. I do have ADHD/LD one of the reasons they transferred me ever year since I was a little girl. Plus, I ran a-way a lot. So, that’s another reason why I was an easy target. A lot of people don’t like Jewish people too that’s another reason too. Plus, I’m an addict that chooses to be clean and sober also and all a lone they made sure that I stayed that way. The police wore throwing  violent cases on me or other police officers called it putting cases on me and the rail roadbed me through out very own courts like it was nothing. They wanted me to go to prison as a target. Whets so bad about it I don’t even know how to protect myself at all just with my mouth or pin and paper is the only way.

I have been fighting for my life and to keep my own mind and freedom because I’m worth fighting for. I’m a Messianic Jewish woman that’s part Russian / Irish and they even tried to burn my body that God I woke-up on time. I’m also the only Kelly Caslar that’s been born with my name.

 Kelly Caslar
PO Box 1034
Azusa, C.A 91702

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Ok, last few days that boy spend quiet time in his room. Two days ago, on Monday, he brought a girl to his room. They were talking loud. When I went to the bathroom and came back, I saw them on the hallway. The girl said hi to me and I replied. Then the boy also said hi and I replied. I was in hurry but they just moved to the kitchen together. It was funny as if they showed up together right after I was on the hallway. Later, another friend of him came and playing together.

Today, I came back and saw a man wearing a white polo shirt. It reminded me of the boy who wore the white shirt with small hole last few days. It just happened on the day I wore white T-shirt. And today I'm wearing the white T-shirt again. He tried to talk to me near my house, but I ignored as I was listening music with the headphone. It was strange to see someone like that suddenly communicating with me.

Few days ago, I went out for dinner alone and there was a guy sat next to me alone. The restaurant was full of groups and couples. The guy seemed to know the waitress there. A typical perp on surveillance.

Now he only bring females sometimes. I wonder what's going on. Like yesterday, he was with another male friend and no more of these girls he was with them and making noises like love making. He and his family seems to be away to the relative's house this weekend. I don't know what happened to him and his family as they don't make parties or invite many friends including girls who the boy can have sex in his room.

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There is NO mind control in the USA

They DO NOT want to control your mind in the USA, they want to break you financially and put you out of work every other year, they want to break up your friends, family and your marriage. Once alone they came at me by the thousands over the last 3 years. Mexico, Bahamas, Belize, Honduras, USA, where ever I go, or travel too. They can make powerful dreams while your in a rim sleep, but you can tell your dreams from their B.S. by knowing yourself. You can tell if they are shooting allot, if a car horn blows and you are frighten , this is not a normal reaction to a common car horn. How you get on their list!!! You are considered a criminal, friend of a criminal, wife of a criminal, or pissed off some one in their organization to get on their list.

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