Aaron Stanley's Posts (51)

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My perps are extreme assholes

They are calling me fake and said that I'm pretending to be a goth and that it is sick because of the profile photo I had a while ago. I don't dress goth and I picked this photo simply because I liked it. I am not pretending to be a goth. I hate my life. People are the cause of my problems. Even though my electronic harassment will end soon, I think I will eventually suicide in the future because of the pain.

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How sick and evil these people are

I have been assaulted sexually along with my voice to skull and electronic harassment. I have been fondled many times while asleep. They even had a dog lick my private area while I was asleep. While the dog licked my private area one of the perps laughed while saying "he acts like a 3 year old". I believe a human female has had intercourse with me while I have been asleep a few times. I have also been sodomized in my sleep.

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Thinking about suicide

I am thinking about ending my life. My voice to skull just keeps getting more and more severe. I understand we have to wait on Greg, but I don't think I can wait much longer for ending my electronic harassment. I am forced to stay alive. I hear the voices while I'm in the car, through all the air conditioners in the house, through all the air conditioners in the car, in the garage, when I flush the toilet stool, when I turn on the sinks in the house, while the TV's are on, while I'm outside, etc. There is no escaping the voices, I hear them everywhere.The only type of relief I get from the voices is by wearing my ear phones and listening to music or noise. Why do we have to wait so long for ending our electronic harassment?

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Jail and prison (everyone please read)

My perps tell me through both of my v2k and when I'm in public around them that I am going to jail and they say that I am going to be a faggot. Do your perps tell you through your v2k that you are going to jail or to prison? Also, do your perps say that you are going to jail or to prison when you are around them in public?

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They accuse me of everything

First, they accuse me of being a punk because I don't want to go to jail. Second, they accuse me of being a fake and a goth wannabe. Then they accuse me of being a pervert because they thought I was looking at porn. Then they accuse me of being a faggot because they think I like men. Now they are accusing me of liking poop just because I was cleaning off the toilet stool. Does this happen to anybody else? Do your perps accuse you of everything and call you everything? My perps are starting to drive me crazy. I've been thinking about suicide because of this stuff.

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The World

I'm sick of this world. The world thinks that its the one thats "RIGHT", and that I'm the one thats sick. They (the perps) think that whatever I think about (my thoughts) and my desires (what I want) are sick and twisted and they think that what they think and desire is "RIGHT" and "JUST" and not sick and twisted. Here lately I have been thinking about suicide to end this torture and pain. I am very desperate. I know that if I leave this earth I will not want to come back.

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Letitia Peters and Opting Out

Does anybody know when Letitia will be getting an investigation going on all of our cases? I heard that there is going to be an international investigation and that all of us who opted out will be going to International Criminal Court. When will she be getting investigations on all of our cases? Who will be investigating? And will this end our stalking and electronic harassment?

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During my voice to skull, I also hear fictional cartoon character's voices. I think my perps are trying to fool me into thinking that cartoon characters are real and that they are involved in my electronic harassment. I want to know who it is that is doing this stuff to me. How do they do this? Does anybody else get fictional cartoon character voices with their v2k? I would like to hear other peoples opinions on this. Who or what people do you think are doing this to me?

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My situation (Please read or reread)

When I first went to the hospital I got angry and lashed out but I did not try to hurt anyone. The second time I went to the hospital I was asked by the people that were working at the hospital if I had thoughts about harming myself or anyone else and I told them yes that I had thoughts about harming myself and others. My perps are still talking about me going to jail or prison and being a faggot. I don't understand why they keep talking about me going to jail or prison. Last year back at the hospital I stated that I was a danger to myself and others and my perps know about this. If I stated that I am a danger to myself and others could that land me in jail or prison? Am I threatening anyone if I said that I had thoughts about harming myself or anyone else? Soleilmavis told me that I will go to jail unless I write to the government and congress to investigate my case immediately and declare that someone used voice to skull and remote electromagnetic mind control technologies to control my brain, and wanted me to do something bad, and that I urge the government to investigate who is harassing and torturing me. Please guys, I am very desperate and do not want to go to jail or prison. If I go to court, I don't know how this will all pan out. I could spend up to one year in jail or in prison. And I will be severely harassed if I go to jail or prison and I might even commit suicide while I'm in jail. Please, somebody help me. I have been contemplating suicide because of this. And don't sit there and tell me that I am not going to jail or prison. I need literal help. I need someone to help me write to the government or something else to get me out of this situation. A phone number or anything would help. I need to get out of this situation. I need someone who is very serious about this to help get me out of this situation immediately. I live in Kentucky, in the United States.

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Desperate for death

Last year I stated that I was a danger to myself and others at the hospital. The V2k is severe and my situation is hopeless. I am trapped and looking for someone to kill me. I am begging for death. I either die or go to jail. I do not want to face the torture and terror that awaits me. I'd rather die. My perps are right. I am going to jail. There is no way out of this situation, except to die. I'm looking for assisted suicide so I can go to Heaven. But before I do so I want to make sure I'm right with God. I give up. I heard assisted suicide is legal in Oregon, but I can't afford that. I live in Kentucky and I can't afford to move. I want someone to kill me now.

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Losing trust

No one truly cares. I'm starting to think everyone on here is a perp. No one cares about what I've been through. I came on this site to share what has happened to me, and find comfort and care. I guess there is no such thing as love, peace, and care. I think won't cave is a perp. He claims to care about what I go through yet he turns around and disrespects me. I've lost trust in everyone. I'm thinking about calling it quits on this site. I don't trust anyone anymore.

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The perps and the people I know

Everybodies hoping that I kill myself, including all of the people I know, such as classmates. All of the people I know have turned against me except for some family members. I think one of my aunts are involved in my harassment. All of the famous people that are involved in my harassment treat me just as harsh as my perps do.

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In the future, I think I will eventually get assisted suicide so that I can end my mental suffering. I might be able to rebuild or fix my life a tiny bit but the pain and agony of the life that I wanted in the past that was exploited will be lost forever. It's the only way to end this nightmare and suffering. I'm sure this is what I want.

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Whats the point?

Whats the point in me listening to the same music when these people have exploited and insulted me about every type of song and every music genre I listen to. Whats the point in me dressing goth when everyone knows my business. Whats the point in continuing, living a life that has been exploited at every angle and completely trashed. Everything is pointless. Whats the point?

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I wanted to become a goth but thanks to the gossip my life is ruined. These people have been gossiping about my personal life and about me wanting to become a goth. Everyone knows about my life, including all of the people from my past who know me. According to my perps, I am not goth. They have said stuff like "he ain't goth", "he's a fake goth", or "he's ain't no goth". I still want to become a goth, but at the same time I think to myself whats the point of me becoming a goth when your told the same thing by a whole bunch of people that your not goth and also whats the point of me becoming a goth when a bunch of rumors and gossip are spread around about me wanting to become a goth? Back in November of last year I was at the hospital. While I was at the hospital I got harassed. One night at the hospital one of my perps who was at the hospital was having a conversation with another perp about my personal life. He told the other perp that I'm not goth and that I could dress normal or dress goth and that there would be no difference because I'm a fake bitch. Another perp also had a conversation with the other two perps that were in the room with me and he said "he's not goth", "he doesn't get it", "its not registering in his head", and the other two perps knodded their heads in agreement with him. He said this while having a grin on his face.


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