Aaron Stanley's Posts (51)

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My music tastes are trashed (please reread)

Guys, this is really bothering me. Back in October or November of last year is when they really started getting into my personal life. My perps got on the internet and looked up the music that I listen to and insulted me about my music. All of this was done to me through electronic harassment and voice to skull. They listened to most, if not all of the songs that I listen to and harshly insulted me about it. They did this for days. They started doing this by reading my thoughts. They had no right to do this to me and I gave them no permission to do this to me. One night I was having a conversation with my grandmother and she asked me what music I listen to and a thought about a bands name popped up in my head and thats what got these people started. As for the insults, they called me many names. One of my perps said "your songs ain't shit". Thanks to my asshole perps, my musical tastes are trashed. Now everybody knows all the artists, songs, and types of music I listen to, thanks to these douchebags. Thanks to them, now I have to find new and different music to listen to. They know everything about my personal life. My life has been trashed. The music I listen to is no surprise to anyone now. Has this happened to anybody else? I have had thoughts about suicide because of this. They even knew I wanted to become a goth, but thanks to them I'm not going to become a goth because of the gossip and rumors that they have spread about me. Now everybody knows that I wanted to become a goth but its too late now thanks to the rumors and gossip, my personal life is trashed. My life is no surprise to anyone. My life is trash now. Is there anyone who can relate to this?

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My perps and the world

The whole world hates me. What have I done to deserve this. In my head, sometimes I will think to myself and say "I don't deserve this", and then my perps will respond to my thought and say "yes he does". My perps tell me that I deserve this type of treatment. They have threatened to get me arrested if I go out by myself. I hate this world.

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Tired of all this

The worst part of the harassment is the mind reading and the voices. I wish to die. But the thing is the people who love me won't let me get assisted suicide. They would block me of any chances of getting assisted suicide. Why would the people who love me want me to keep on fighting 24/7 in a defenseless situation when I can end the suffering? If they really love me why would they want me to continue being tortured and tormented? I'm worn out and most of the time I avoid getting out of the house and going to public places because of the gang stalking and harassment. I am painfully waiting on Greg to get the electronic harassment lawsuit started. He said that the electronic harassment lawsuit will be starting this fall, but to me that means that I will have to wait for a long time. This harassment feels like an eternity and to me it is pointless to keep on fighting and waking up everyday hearing voices and dealing with the mind reading. I am blocked and trapped in a defenseless situation that feels like forever. For me, there is no way out but to suffer. If only my loved ones helped and allowed me to get assisted suicide.....

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My perps and jail

My perps seem to be so sure of themselves that I'm the one thats going to go to jail. My perps keep saying stuff like, "he's going to be a faggot", or "he is going to jail". I'm not sure who's going to jail. Can someone help me out to find out who is really going to jail? What will happen if laws are passed on gang stalking and a worldwide investigation takes place? Will they then be the ones who are going to jail?

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Will I really go to jail?

Last year back in January, I was at the hospital. The perps gang stalked me in the hospital and taunted me the whole time they were there. They stayed there for a little while and then they left. After they left I got angry and lashed out but did not try to hurt anyone. I did not say anything to threaten anyone, I tried to find the people who were harassing me. I just tried to escape the hospital but the police stopped me and wrapped me up and took me to a shrink. Do you think I will go to jail? Hopefully some laws will get passed and hopefully they will be the ones going to jail. My perps constantly talk about me going to jail. I'm starting to think that I'm really going to go to jail. I think they have won the battle. Either I go to jail or I suicide. I want assisted suicide instead. Is there anyone that can help me get assisted suicide. Please, I am desperate and need someone for assisted suicide.

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Greg and filing

I got an email from Greg and he said we can do whatever we want with the filing. I don't get it. Do we have to do something with the filing? Or do nothing with it? If we don't do anything with it, will we not be able to end our electronic harassment? Will Greg's mass filing suit and Magnus's suit still be starting this fall? Will we be able to end our electronic harassment this fall?

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God has failed me

What was the point of me being raised a Christian all my life? I don't see the point of me believing in God when he has done absolutely nothing to help me out of this situation. It is all pointless. Praying does not help. Whats the point in living through this torture and torment with an uncaring and unloving God? I am on my own.

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The days are going by very slow

The days are going by very slow and the torture gets worse each day that goes by. I deal with V2k and mind reading everyday. I am exhausted by this harassment and tired of arguing with my perps for everything they say about me and to me. I am unpatiently waiting for this electronic harassment lawsuit to get going.

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No way out

There is no way out of this torture, except death. It feels like an eternity dealing with this electronic harassment. Even when I put my ear phones in, I still don't get much relief from the V2k. I don't think I can survive this harassment much longer. I wish I had a gun so I could end this, but I prefer assisted suicide.

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Everyone knows my business

Everyone knows my business, including all of the people who know me. Everyone knows everything about me, thanks to my perps spreading all the gossip and telling everyone about my business. Everyone knows about my past, present, and future. Whats the point in living? Everyone has talked about, shared, and spread rumors about all the secrets and details of my personal life. This is a life not worth living.

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Assisted Suicide

I live in the United States. Does anyone know if they allow assisted suicide in the U.S.? If so, how much does it cost? I don't think I can deal with this electronic harassment any longer. I have put up with it long enough. There is only one way to end this. Does anybody know of a person that does assisted suicide?

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Solving the puzzle

I think I have finally figured this out. I'm finally starting to catch on. I think I may have been targeted since childhood. I think I may have been targeted since the age of 12. I did not start to notice the gang stalking until the fall of 2009. I did not start being electronically harassed until the 2nd quarter of 2011. I don't know if I was gang stalked back then, but I think I may have been under surveillance.

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If the famous people and musicians don't get caught will I at least find out whether they were involved or not? When the FBI and FCC investigate will I at least get to know what famous people and musicians were involved by getting to see every name of a person that was involved? In other words, if they show me a list of names of people who were involved will I be able to at least see the famous people's and musician's names on this list? Or what about if I tell the FBI and FCC to ask the perpetrators if any famous people or musicians were involved to get the perpetrators to spill the beans?

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Is karma real?

I'm not sure about this. Most of the times I think these people, and the famous people who are involved will never get back for what they have done to me. Will all of them get away with what they have done to me? If it is real, where is the proof?

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The EH Lawsuit

Does anybody know what day Greg will be handing out the filing? I'm so desperate to end this and I'm getting impatient. Will he be handing out the filing this month or will we have to wait until the fall? I have tried contacting Greg but I never got a response. Can anyone get in contact with Greg for me and ask him what day or month he will be handing out the filing?

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This has been bothering me lately and I wonder if famous people are involved. I know that it does not matter, because all of the people that are involved in doing this to another person should be held accountable for their actions. But I'm just curious and want to know if famous people (celebrities) are involved. Do famous people join and participate?

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