Solor flares or geomagnetic storms can cause great power outages. It is theorized that a large enough one voukd take out our electrical power structure altogether.
This phenomena may afvord us at tge least, a short window of absolute seperation fro
Примерно 20 лет назад на постсоветском пространстве – в России, Казахстане, Литве, Латвии, на Украине и в других ставшими независимыми странах возник и активно развивается новый вид преступности – психотронный террор. Показать полностью..
Well, another sleepless night as I am tortured with foot cramps. She's drunk again with her Psychotic Break. Worst episode in many months. Sure sick of this implant abuse. She's lost her 2 children taken from her horrific abuse of them. I feel like a
Please dimiss any previous thought that I had about my targeting because at least now I know where it stemmed from and from whom. Without going into much detail because of the many disinformation puppets that watch these sites, and mainly because of
I haven't been on this site for a while...I posted about a month ago and didn't even want to get into the discussion it is, quite honestly, not healthy. In the months before I stopped reading and posting, I was doing well, but now I am