Citizen’s War Crimes Tribunal to prosecute Transhumanist Agenda
Transhumanist Agenda War Crimes Tribunal
Public Announcement
Thursday Nov. 27, 2014
The Transhumanist Agenda War Crimes Tribunal is pleased to announce it is in formation and will be launching in Spring 2015.
Citizen’s War Crimes Tribunal to prosecute Transhumanist Agenda
Kevin Annett announced on Nov. 25, 2014 that he would be joining a Transhumanist Agenda War Crimes Tribunal announced on Nov. 20, 2014 at the Covert Harassment Conference in Brussels. The mission of the Citizen’s Tribunal is to prosecute, try, adjudicate, sentence, and enforce against perpetrators at all levels in the Transhumanist Agenda including the use of new physics torture and mind control/robotization weapons; the use of mind-control technologies in any and all human settings; and the robotization of humans.
Former Belgian Parliament MP Laurent Louis has agreed to serve as Prosecutor for the Tribunal.
Prosecutor, Former Belgian MP Laurent Louis
Judge Kevin Annett
Judge Alfred Lambremont Webre
Alfred Lambremont Webre, former Judge on the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal, has agreed serve as Judge on the War Crimes Tribunal.
This is unfair! Transhumaism is simply the belief that technology can make life better. We are All Transhumanist to some degree. We are using computers to communicate across the planet. We use vehicles to travel all around the world. We use medical advancements to stay healthy or treat illness.
This defining All H+ because some people, who May Not Even be Transhuman! Are using tech to abuse people. I know many, many Transhumanist tgat are no different tgan anyone else, they just want to use tech to adavance themselves.
Without researching these people who are putting this out, ill almost guarantee that they are fundamentalist Christian.
Does this court have any power to search or prosecute any of those responsible for all of this?
I hope its something official, not just another .org with 5 members.
Within the last year i tried contacting some of those people, simple questions, the never bothered to repply.
You didnt answer the question: What do You know about Transhumaism, and can you provide links?? And in, case you are ignorant, Christianity has a serious problem with science offering humans immortality as god, because this was Their ticket to offer. So, I find that almost always, its Christians behind anti-H+ tirades.
LaBrat said:
Deca, when you post a blog, you can choose the option of everyone seeing your blog, But only Friends can post on the blog.
This does two things. It keeps trools off your blogs, and if you make a notation that invites members to be friend you, and have access to the blog, then your list of positive friendeships grows.
Here are some facts about the Judge in this case;
Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission
Webre is a judge on the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission, which is an NGO organized in Malaysia to investigate alleged war crimes, particularly in the Middle East.[3] This body holds no official standing nor the ability to enforce its decisions.[citation needed]
Statements on Canada
In an interview with Iran's Press TV in December 2012, Webre stated that Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper is an "out and out Zionist" who is engaging in the “same repressive policies within Canada that Israel follows within its own territories against the Palestinian people.” Webre then described a conspiracy between Vancouver police and serial killer Robert Pickton "to commit ritual Satanic murders with high-ranking politicians" and claimed that the Queen of England abducted 10 Aboriginal children in 1964. Concluding his comments, Webre described Canada as “the ultimate Zionist state under the British Crown and under Israel.
----It seems that these guys putting on this tribunal have all had double lobotomies. Their claims are about as colorful as Labrats.
These people need to 'Try' people, not belief systems. Its not the belief that technology can enable humans to live better for much longer that has harmed people, its those humans who are motivated by greed and selfishness that need to be tried.
A Good person, Will do Good things with technological advancements. A Bad person will do Bad things with technological advancements. Its the Person, not the technology, that decides the affect.
DOT stop confusing people that believe in "transhumanism"
and the people behind it....promoting/driving it ....the agenda ....which is eugenics based