"Hong Kong Justice And Microwave Beam Radiation" VERY EXTRAORDINARY PHENOMENON and ALL COMPASS IN HK DISORIENTED in URGENT Appeal and Petition to WHO on 'Google/Yahoo'. Recognizing and Precautionary for the NEUROSCIENCES Radiating Technologies 'BIO-EFEFCTS'(US Patent: 4877027; 5800481; 6011991; 6167304; 6488617)in X-Hi Radiation with lowest 1,300 mSv/Hr(65Folds Ove the Absorbtion Limit for Human Per Yaer)coupling satellite intrusions PRIVACY in anywhere effectings DEEP LIVELIHOOD, SAFETY and HEALTH of complete population in HK AND the NEUROTransmittings Effects of anywhere from HK effectings others Territories in Pacific Region and far to North America. The NeuroTechnologies irradiaitons Effects in have the Humans BIO-PHYSIOLOGICAL Health depletions("Neurological Effects of Radiofrequency Electromag-netic Radiation.Dr,Henry Lai on 'Internet'), and the Lesionings of Immunological Reactivities, Neuophysiology disarrays, Celluous Lipd and Proteins Sugars Enzymes Interpretations irregularities, Hormonal pathology Dysfunctions, and DNA Strands damages of its profound Repairing Functions and Health Gens incoporates, and of ENDURE exogenous SURGING POWER resonances bioelectric pulses-trains irritations of Bio-Celluous dynamics impairments of CANCER INCIDENCES("EMF Effects on Cencer, Melatonin and Tamosiffen"), and the modulated stimuli-impulses-trains frequencies in of VITAL direct Intrsuive STIMULATINGS of Humans BRAIN and of NEUROLOGICAL Disruptive Mental Health("Microwave Bioeffect Congruence with Schizophrenia")in which BLIND can SEE, DEAF can HEAR, Biophysical-Physio Abnormalities, Hallucinations phenomenon, and in subtle various morphologies, EEGs, Neural Activities Resposnses, Intra-Cortexes and Memories functioning and cognition, emotions, Stupefy, neurasyphilis, and of non bio-physio functional bindings mechanism of BRAIN producing interferings, to 'Blood-Brain-Barrier' in impairments, Dreams manipulation, Specializig PSYCHIC-PSYCHO Effects instatings. EXTRAHarm Effects towards PREGNANCY-FETAL development and Motherings("World Health Organization(WHO)Pandemic Phases"), of insist Predisposed the HIGHEST vulnerabilities to Diseases and Faulties Growths, with later-on developing, AGED of the depletings Biofunction and NEUROendocrine-Fribil Degenerative, IMPAIRED Brian Blood-Flow with Extensive Calcium Effluxes, and MULTIPLIED Oxidations, of High Increases Brain Diseases with early Ages Tracking, SICKED patients and DISABLES of Bio-Physio Negative, the inequality, and of the Co-Morbidity, in the Absoulte discriminating Pateints RIGHT to LIFE. Decaying effects to Structures ATOMIC materials infusings, YEASTS baterials Logics, and BIO-ECOLOGICAL environmental, the Drugs interacting effects, and Extreme Effects to Electric Over Hazardous and Gas Fumes hazards, and Metallurgy Fatique("High Power RF weapons A Threat to Stealth and Cruise"/"The Effects of Microwave to the Wildlife and Trees"). MULTI-Damagings of populations' Re-Interactings and the Social Justic and Standard Values and of progressions. GLOBE Regions POPULATIONS with of Damagings BIO-NEURO-PHYSIO noxious effectings and FREE MIND of Mind Effected, substantiate unfathomable Malaise; Concentration Impairings; fatique; Physical Abnormalities; vertigo; Sleep Deprivations; Dysphoria; neurasthenia; Apraxia; Sleepiness; FEARS and Aversions and Impulsions and Unrest sensations, emotions disorders and volatile; MEMORIES lost and distortings; chaotic and fractured and slow-processings THOUGHTS; Distress; consciousnesses impairings; and of MENTAL HEALTH morbidity, and in the deteriorated damagings of Jobs, and Works Cognitive and inspirations, Efficiencies and Effectivenesses, daily Works Livings and Health energo, and of Productivities. BE in the Light when HK of the consistent of SHARP Increases of, Accidents, Wildlife and Poultries and Trees Health deteriorations and Deaths, INEQUALITIES-BIRTHS-DEFECTS, BREAST CANCER of to Male and Female early ages incidences, Thyroid Cancer in with Young Ages and Cancerous Diseases with young ages onset, Heart-Vascular-Blood Diseases, Diabetes, Obesities, Hypertensions, High Fats and Choleaterol, Brain Hemorrhage and Defects, Flu and Pneumonia and Tuberculosis infections diseases with Yougn ages as severe compromising of Immune System, Premature Aging syndromes of Healthy Adults and Mental-Brain Health morbidity, Aged of Brain Diseases with young ages Trendings in Alzheimer and Dementia Mortalities, Psychiatric-Psycho Illnesses with YOUNG ages, irreparable Involuntary Suicides grounds of with young child and Youngs(Suicide Among Childern and Adolescents in HK"/"A Psychological Autopsy Study of Suicides in HK"), Sicknesses, HighCrime Incidents, professionals and Hospitals erronous, Drugs and Sex Offences and Thuggish Brutalities, youngs pupils with ADHD prodromes and Asperger/Autism syndromes and Social Un-Corporate Attitudes, Domestics Abuses Violences and Child Negligences, and so on. ("Clinical Monitering Areas" & "Long-Term Effetcs of RF Range EM Fileds Expsoures"/"Mnestic Disorders caused by UHF-Fields and their pharmological corrections"). WORLDS Regions population esentailly have in forcefully INVOLUNTARY depletings WELL-BEINGS, SOCIAL and ECONOMIES, and PERSONALS Securities SUFFERINGS conditions, and the Theorizing of unconditioning SECURITIES and JUSTICES of Society Circumstances, in of continuous-crossings-effects of undue HIGH LOADINGS and ILLimited Efficacy of Social-Health-Care Functionings and instituting, and SOCIETY, and in of the distinctive Damagings of Social Harmonious, Rmifications and Affluences. And VERY IMPACTS toward Society in of the growings Stamina Social-Conetndings and Intensities, to the undeniable of DEBILITAINGS HUAMNS HEALTH GROWTH geneis of population, and particular the severe underminings and degradations of the growings Ultimate VALUES of individuals and popualtion Health-Schemings-Cares of its necessarilies, and the derogations from Highest sustainable HEALTH GROWTHS of population and of the International Society. ("High Frequency EM Fields Effects--Biophysical Actions of Microwave"). The Perpetual of the HKSAR Govt. Exercisings in of the Microwave Neurosciences Radiatings Technologies 'Bio-Effects' toward FEEBLE population, WITH the CLOCKLESS profound TOXICITY contexts Exposures to Oceans-Contenients conditions situation, where deserve International Community, NGOs, professionals and law bodies, and others govrenments of High CONCERNS, and adequate measures of its imminent, with grave CONSIDERTIONS of Citizens RIGHT, SAFETY and HEALTH developments, investments and Universal Basic Livings Standard, and of the Social Interests to the supreme national interests, and the worldwide recognized Health Risks Scare Adversary HUMANS HEALTH GROWTH genosis of the growings problems worldvice, wouls be in the course of International Justice and Worlds Health Development. WISH ALL POPULATIONS worldwide in HEALTH and HAPPY always. Thanks.