Book “Twelve Years in the Grave - Mind Control with Electromagnetic Spectrums, the Invisible Modern Concentration Camp”, authored by Soleilmavis Liu, provides the sound facts and evidence about the secret abuse and torture with remote voice-to-skull and electromagnetic mind control technologies.


The Fact and evidence

Mind Control with Electromagnetic Frequency

Soleimavis Liu presented this paper at the E-Leader conference held by Fudan University (China) and Chinese American Scholars Association (USA) in Shanghai, January 5-7, 2015.

Soleilmavis was controlled by remote Voice to Skull technologies and Mind Control technologies, and she was brought inside US Embassy in Hong Kong


The Arguments:

Soleilmavis case summary of mind control abuses and tortures

An anonymous Survey for Mind Control Victims (result on 19 Dec 2009)

Some lawsuits filed by Soleilmavis

Some News articles about Soleilmavis


I have collected many victims stories and wish everyone could remember their sufferings.


Books published by Soleilmavis

The first, “Twelve Years in the Grave - Mind Control with Electromagnetic Spectrums, the Invisible Modern Concentration Camp,” provides the evidence of secret abuse and torture with voice-to-skull and remote electromagnetic technologies.

 The second, “The Struggles of an Ordinary Man - The Turbulent History of China Through a Farmer’s Eyes from 1900 to 2000,” is the true record of one hundred years of modern history in rural areas of the Eastern Shandong Peninsula from the 1900 to 2000.

 The third, “The Queen of the South in Matthew 12:42”,  is a strong and well-reasoned piece that demonstrates who the Queen of the South is, by using plenty of historical facts. 


Other Scholarly Papers Presented and Published by Soleilmavis.

man v machine

Hi, Magnus, How are you? I hope you are well. I saw the europe ti video and you were in it.  I just wish I can get you to safer place.  Can you get out to the country where you are? Or can you get to USA?  I would take my mom and just get away from cities. Can we talk? We have so much in common. Please try some innovative ways to deal with this atrocity, won't you contact me and work with me?
Read more…





June 24

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  • this is the new website for the foundation
  • I have copy of the results and yes my phones are listened nto and my compuer hacke frequently..but i do not have anything to hide
  • Carlos? I dont understand your reference to horses because I am a human being I would assume the same for you and the rest of your comment makes no sense and maybe your brain was under attack when you wrote it so I forgive you. I know what its like to have my mind taken over and the words I say and thoughts I think dont belong to be, not in the least and things I feel or dont feel dont belong to me or they do but they have been stolen and your experience must be entirely different than mine because you appear to have a solution and your very fortunate and Love is a great solution it is how it started with love im sure because suddenly there is none to be found or felt at the same time its all around right? I mean you love humanity right? cops they are just people too with families and children right. There is no reason for ANY human under ANY circumstances to experience the horror myself and my family has experienced. For all the days I tried to find a reason and behaved accordingly, I regret but its what they made me here was not the solution because its always been and Id like to be that naive cause Ive been accused of that before. Maybe the big picture is about love but I guess thats evolution at least I thought so, only i think humanity is off track and our brains are getting bigger and our hearts shrink technology makes men impotent.Every member of my family isnt themselves anymore and neither am I and Im not sure who I am or who I was suppose to be. I cannot erase this mess and I cannot think, remember things, wake, sleep, organize or be a good friend to anyone because I cannot pay attention and then my thoughts are not mine and they are stolen and exchanged for someone elses while someone speaks to me longer than a minute and I feel sick inside always and my brain hurts and there are the sounds of a million ugly people in my brain and I am trapped inside.People are dieing this isnt a poem.

  • from energy of light and the shadow
  • unless you are a miracle in mens clothing than i doubt there is much help for me.. i know i need to push thru and save my self even if i end up by myself in the end ... i know i have made a diference in making my children who they are today..
  • Hey Carlos, I live in a house. The photo that you see on the screen was taken of me at my sister's house. But I am a country boy. The City of Birmingham is about thrity miles from where I live.
  • Hi Carlos, thanks for sharing that psychic defense with me.
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