Posted by Darius Mockus on January 14, 2010 at 5:30am
1. What is brainwashing?In psychotronic assault the technical means used by perps with which it is possible to control all brain functions are very often complemented by the traditional method called brainwashing. The reason of using this traditional method is possibly the following: total fabrication still causes some discomfort (at least in EU) and the perps want to transfer responsibility from themselves to TIs, pretending that the TI him/herself is acting, therefore the responsibility being not with those who use psychotronic weapos, but with the TI. Despite of this unwilingness to totally fabricate, there is the desire to control the person‘s behavior, and to achieve this goal not only technical means are used, but also traditional brainwashing.The purpose of brainwashing varies and the perps employ an entire arsenal of methods. The purpose ranges from mass ideological propaganda using mass media to interogation tactics. In any case the goal is to achieve the desired behavior and the way of thinking. The techniques range from information/disinformation control, to causing unpleasant experience, for instance, resorting to torture. There is a clear difference between brainwashing and simply informing, with which one also may wish to influence behavior, as in brainwashing the information is usually misleading, fabricated, while simply informing, it is taken from experience. Second, in brainwashing the person is not free, while simply receiving information he/she is free and can assess the information critically and choose.2. Types of brainwashingThe purpose of brainwashing is behavior control, which is widely used by secret services, when they want to ruin and remove someone. For this purpose both psychotronic control and simple brainwashing is used, the purpose of which is to "hook" somebody so that it was possible to control his/her behavior. Therefore the TI "has to do something" and do it so that he/she was "responsible for it". Since, if the TI is controled like a zombie with implants, the resposnibility is with the perps who control him/her.The situations of brainwashing may be different, as was mentioned before starting with a) mass propaganda, the purpose of which is to control a large mass. Going to b) psychotronic brainwashing when the person is still „free“, so that he/she could „do something“, and they had the pretext to „react“. Finally, c) interogation in detention, when, in addition to usual brainwashing, physical violence and torture are used, since the person reacts more to contact and pain then to words.3. Neurolinguistic programming (NLP)In this post I will review the psychotronic brainwashing used by perps when the TI is still free, and he/she has the freedom to act and realize their aim. The main means that will briefly be discussed is called Neurolinguistic programming (NLP). NLP tries to control mind/brain through language, and through mind/brain to control behavior. Since brainwashing is used to control behavior, NLP is very often used by perps as the main method. NLP use various techniques, but I am not going to discuss them here. It will be enough to show the principle, so that people knew and were able to resist.It is common knowledge that behavior is guided not only by free will, but also is influenced by the environment and context. This principle is used in Neurolinguistic programming which is called framing, the essence of which is the replacement of context, so that the usual behavior in the old context became inadequat after having realized the new real context in which for instance destructive behavior became acceptable. For this purpose various tales are used for brainwashing about the „real laws“ in the „real world“, which is different from the world of the brainwashing victim.This trick is simplistic and does not affect critically thinking people. However, secret services and mafia select sitting ducks, belonging to lower class, who live in the bubble of illusions and are illusory EGOs. Showing the capabilities of psychotronic weapons, "openning the eyes", making an example that one can do „whatever one wills“, this sort of brainwashing may make an impression and affect the behavior of the target.4. The control of illusory EGOA person's behavior is governed by two systems: dynamic and static. The dynamic system is active cognitive process, which processes information and cognizes the reality. This system shapes the static system, which is the persons world view, affecting the behavior. Using brainwashing with the aim to control behavior, the purpose is to affect the static system, only affect it or totaly replace erasing the old one, i.e. to reshape the person in order to achieve the desired goal. But the static system can be influenced only by the dynamic system, if the psychotronic weapones are not used. This is done by isolating the person from reality, trying to cause disbelief in the environment. Then pumping the disinformation into the brain by Neurolinguistic programming, for example, employing the technique of framing.This kind of brainwashing can continue several years, while the person is free, so that he could „realize“ his/her knew personality and start behaving inadequatelly and it was easier to remove him/her from society by showing what sort of persong he/she is, and that he/she cannot remain free and in society.5. SummaryOf course, if the person understands the world and him/herself, does not let isolate him/herself from reality, has a sharp mind, and whose dynamic system does not give in to external influence, the TI cannot be fooled by brainwashing. However, this does not save him/her from the terror of the state organization, since it has other methods as well: torture, terrorrization, fabrication, libel and has the capacity to ruin life or simply remove.However, it is easy to withstand to such brainwashing simply not believing any word of the criminals, paying no attention to the efforts to make impression with new psitechnologies – thought and imagination control, fabrication of memory and intimidation. Critical mind (dynamic system), community and reality are the things that help.
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Posted by Darius Mockus on January 12, 2010 at 5:57am
1. Information controlHaving at least a general idea about the technologies of control, everyone understands that to control a knowing person is difficult and unknowing easy. Aware of this principle, it is easy to see why information control is a part of the people control. A person who has information and has adequate orientation in the world can assess a situation better and make decisions, while lacking information it is much more difficult. This is exactly what those in power are seeking - to make understanding, assessment and decisions more difficult, thinking more limited and action paralyzed, especially at the bottom of social hierarchy.This information control can be illustrated by information pyramid, which is opposite to the social hierarchical pyramid. The social pyramid usually stands on its broad foundation, while the information pyramid is turned upside down on its peak. This shows the suggested idea that the lower the social status of the controlled people, the more confined is their knowledge and orientation in the world is less adequate. A person at the bottom almost has no real information about the state organization in which he/she lives, about how he/she is controlled and the fate that is chosen for him/her.A person grown in a dense social environment has a habit of relying on information he/she gets from others and therefore is naturally detached from reality. Linguistic and visual information from mass media is more realistic to him/her and he/she is accustomed to trust it. Information control is based on several moments: the narrowing of information going down the pyramid, reaching its minimum at the bottom; replacing the real information with disinformation, isolating the social bottom in the world of illusions; and using the natural detachment form reality, creating an illusion that this mass media information is everything, even when this information is useless, having nothing to do with important and essential things in life. This is what those in power take advantage of.This information pyramid has two extreme states – at the top it is all, while at the bottom it is none. This means that a person at the top can react and being at the bottom and having no information, it is event impossible to react. This situation can be illustrated by information about the use of psychotronic weapons to control people. It would be meaningful to think, from which step of the pyramid it is allowed to know this information and why at the bottom of the social pyramid „there is no evidence“. It is enough to apply the overturned information control pyramid and everything will fall into its places. The lack of information is the highest at the bottom and here there is the greatest number of skeptics. Also the work of disinformation is the most strenuous here, and everything is done to hinder those who dare speak the truth about psicontrol of society.This disinformation system replaces the reality and becomes a medium in which people feel themselves as fish in the pond. Despite that this medium is the medium of illusions. This information medium shapes the "new person". The lower a person is in social pyramid the more likely that he/she is shaped by this misinforming information. The higher the social status, the more information about society corresponds to reality. Therefore we have a person of illusions at the bottom, a skeptic, and a person without illusions. And a TI in between of them.In language the exact meaning of the word depends on the context. The relation between words and the context is reciprocal, which means that words create the context and themselves are formed by it. This principle is true also in the social, cultural and informational medium. Controlling the information medium, informational context, it is possible to form the meaning of events appearing in this context, because this meaning comes not from reality, it is not rooted in it, but is artificially manipulated by the context, which controls them. At the social bottom the information about psychotronic control is allowed to be interpreted only as "science fiction" or "hallucinations of a schizophrenic". These are the phrases that you almost always hear from "skeptics“, when conversation touches upon psychotronic weapons. This skepticism shows two things: a) the place in social pyramid and limited information or b) intentional disinformation willing to control, speaking about people who are higher in social hierarchy, but who „have to keep the secret“.2. A possibility to reconstruct the real systemWe saw that at the bottom of the pyramid the information is limited most, however this does not mean that it is impossible to reconstruct the whole system of control. At the bottom of hierarchy nobody has the right to know about psychotronic weapons, therefore it is possible to reconstruct the system only indirectly. There is an important point: it is impossible to use it without the knowledge of the TI. Of course, there are mild forms of control, when a person is controlled and directed only „mildly“, but there are people who even at the bottom of social pyramid experience a psychotronic attack and know how this weapon functions and thus can reconstruct the system of psychotronic control of the people.The fact that it is possible to reconstruct the system, does not mean that it is easy and that it is easy to convince people. Because of the specificity of such influence there are no solid evidence and you have to face „skeptics“ from your environment, and with disinformers from higher rank, who even knowing what is going on, pretend that nothing is going on, that is behave according to the disinformation instructions for servants of organization.Psychotronic control is carried out secretly, which means that from the bottom of the pyramid all information concerning it is removed. To mislead people such methods are used: a) removal of evidence from the possible common reality of experience of people, when both the groups using psychotronic weapons and the technical means are concealed; b) the transfer of all influence to the „inner“ world , which cannot be made the place of common experience of people and communicated to others. Such experience always remains personal and subjective experience and it can be externalized only by language. c) Finally, the tactics to discredit language, when from above intentional disinformation is spread, and the people in the environment, living in the bubble of illusions are „skeptics“. And the state organization resorts to psychiatric repressions against such an inadequate language eliminate the person from social life and make a slave of psychiatrists having no rights.But people speak and a lot of what they speak is true even though hardly believable. It is difficult to believe the psychotronic control for naive people, who think that the bubble of illusions at the bottom of the pyramid is the real world, reality and that in mass media imposed information is true and show the real world. However, the principle of overturned pyramid of information refutes this. The longer one lives the clearer is the illusion of „the rule of law“ and „democracy“, and the real system becomes evident, in which people are only string puppets and slaves.Even if in principle it is possible to find the groups persecuting a TI, or to get examples of psychotronic weapons, for example, implants, it can be done only by the state organization; but if a person is persecuted by the state organization itself, it will not provide any information about secret operations, will not betray their people and find their own implants, if no smarter technologies are used. For instance, who can get inside a control centre of SSD, where the group controlling a TI by implants sits? It is pretended that they do not exist and a person has „hallucinations“. The prosecutor 's office cannot even check the neighboring flats used by conspirators and pretend that there are no objective information and that nothing is happening, everything is „inside your head“. But it is true about the psycotronic weapons that they are real even though they are inside your head.3. Will you be left alone?Having reconstructed such a system of dictate, a question may arise if it will leave anyone alone, since such a calamity, it seems, until now have not troubled you. It is easy to answer this question. It suffices to see how the state organization behaves in general. It never „leaves alone“ anyone, everybody is counted and everybody has to submit the dictate. It will not take long when everybody will have to have an implant, exactly as now one has to have a passport. At present you cannot be a normal person without a passport, but time will come when you will not be able to live normally without an implant. Therefore the hope that you will be left alone is naive and it shows disorientation in the world. It is evident that at first it will be an ID implant, and next they will put in you anything they want.This question is closely related to the question of power. Every territory has its government, the property of which is people and land. People are needed or not needed as property. Needed people are controlled and exploited; they serve the system, having the right without permission to anything. In any case the right of power is the highest and it can do whatever they want. Not needed are those, who themselves pretend to be the power, even though their pretention is limited to their person and life. That is, a person who is a slave has no right not only to things that are beyond their person and life, but event to themselves. Therefore such a question is naive, because it is asked by someone who is in the territory which is the property of someone else, he/she is in someone else’s property, he/she him/herself is someone else’s property, because he/she is in the influence sphere of another power, and being someone else’s property asks a question Will they leave me alone? Won't control me, won't implant me won’t exterminate me in the case of resistance...This system is created and tried out, at least it may seem so, since those who come under attack are isolated cases. If the masses are silent, it shows that psychotronic control is rather mild, and for entertainment of higher classes only single individuals are chosen. They are implanted by the state organization which "has fun" by making people into zombies, who after that are exterminated by imposing the matrix of "a criminal“ on them. Those in power have fun, and the society of slaves is contented. It is something like a telescreen of entertainment transferred to reality.We have an opportunity to observe organizations that try to get in their possession the whole globe and create the global system of this kind. The described system will be as described - the whole globe as their property, and others as tenants and subordinates, who can act only on their behalf. Not any state organization will be left alone by CIA and USA, not to speak of a single person. The picture is horrible - one cannot resist the system and dictate to the state organization in the state of three million (Lithuania), one can imagine the situation when one individual will have to face billions, the global system of the planet. Mafia will be able to realize its any whim, hallucination and there will be not any group able to withstand this.There can be no two powers that could live peacefully along each other in one territory. This territorial thinking reaches so far that the mass of people is also only a „territory“. There can be no two powers in a person too. We will have a chance to watch if a free individual will be able to oppose the onslaught of the system in this final stand and territory, when psychotronic weapons are taken up into an arsenal and the very brain is attacked. The aim of the state organization is to control not only the territory, but first of all the mass of people, which is subdued by taking hold of the territory, in which you are let to live only at the kindness of those in power. Therefore the hope Will they leave me alone? is very naive. The slave will be left alone, as long as he is useful, but the free people will have to fight for their freedom.4. What can be done?My aim is not to spread pessimism and impose an opinion that it is impossible to do anything and there are no chances to resist. I am for resistance. But first one has to break out of the bubble of illusions and try to understand what is going on in the world. Skepticism, indifference is a very inadequate tactics. The first step is the knowledge and its dissemination. The second is to get organized and strengthen the ties, not allowing the provocateurs and disinformers to infuse doubt and disorientation. It is necessary to follow the information, trying to distinguish what is just propaganda and what is true and be ready for anything. The mafia of state organizations is not kidding; therefore it is necessary to be as serious as possible, because the aggressors are going to go till the very end at any cost, heedless of anything. And when someone abuses law or constitution there is only one answer...
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