Maser beam is similar to a laser beam, but it does It consists of coherent microwaves, the same wavelengths, directed in a thin line, according to the goal, if I have correctly written this.
So, how and with what to detect or record arrival and shor
This text says how to make a simple EMP device but does not write the length of the wire and the length of the iron pipe. What length and thickness of the wire should and how much coil is needed for a spool on an iron core? Which length of the iron p
In part V2K proof and electronic harassment, says that it is necessary to use a strong magnet in the shape of a horseshoe that neutralize chip. I pray that someone says, if knows, that strength should be a magnet to neutralize the chi
Good evening.Would youbein homemakingofhandyresources, partsof old appliances,transistorradio, cdplayer, monitors,wires,batteries,and do not knowwhat elseyettobe madeas simple as a conditionfor the defenseof,electronicattack.
Greetings to all the people on site, everyone, health, salvation, happiness.
For a long time, persecute me, and for several months, I find, under the effect of an electronic remote weapon. I'm in isolation, a life and health, called into question. Th