This text says how to make a simple EMP device but does not write the length of the wire and the length of the iron pipe. What length and thickness of the wire should and how much coil is needed for a spool on an iron core? Which length of the iron pipe and the diameter of the pipe for the iron core on which the copper wire is placed? Thanks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Gather your materials. The construction of your handheld EMP device will go most smoothly if you have all the tools and components required for construction on hand. You will need: AA battery AA battery holder Copper wire Cardboard Disposable camera (with flash) Electrical tape Iron core (circular shaped preferred) Rubber gloves (recommended) Simple electrical switch Solder and soldering iron Walkie-talkie antenna[12] Image titled Make an Electromagnetic Pulse Step 10 2 Remove your camera circuit board. Inside your disposable camera, you will see a main circuit board that controls the functions of your camera. Remove the batteries first, and then remove the circuit board, taking note of the position of the flash capacitor.[13] Wearing rubber gloves can save you from getting an electric jolt while handling your camera circuit and flash capacitor. Capacitors generally look like cylinders attached to the circuit board with two prongs. This will be a necessary component for you EMP device. Expend the charge in your capacitor by engaging the flash after removing the batteries from your camera. Any stored charge in your camera can result in an electrical shock. Image titled Make an Electromagnetic Pulse Step 11 3 Wind your copper wire around your iron core. Be sure that you have an adequate length of copper wire; your wrap should evenly and completely cover your iron core. You should also wrap your wire tightly, as a loose winding will negatively impact your EMP.[14] Leave some excess copper wire at the ends of your winding. You will need this to connect the rest of your EMP device to your electromagnetic coil. Image titled Make an Electromagnetic Pulse Step 12 4 Insulate your walkie-talkie antenna. You walkie-talkie antenna will serve as the stock onto which you fix your electromagnetic coil and camera circuit board. Wrap the base end of your walkie-talkie antenna with electrical tape as a preventative measure for being shocked. Image titled Make an Electromagnetic Pulse Step 13 5 Affix your camera circuit to a sturdy piece of cardboard. Your cardboard will serve as another insulator to prevent any unpleasant electrical shocks. Use your electrical tape, taking care not to cover any of the electric pathways of your camera circuit, and attach it to your piece of cardboard. You'll want to attach your camera circuit face up so that the capacitor and its connection pathways aren't interfered with by the cardboard. Your cardboard mount for your camera circuit should have some additional space for your AA holder. Image titled Make an Electromagnetic Pulse Step 14 6 Attach your electromagnetic coil to the end of your walkie-talkie antenna. Since current will be running through your coil to create your EMP, it's a good idea to double insulate your antenna by putting another small piece of cardboard between your coil and the antenna. You can then use your electrical tape to attach your coil to the cardboard. Image titled Make an Electromagnetic Pulse Step 15 7 Solder your power source. Find the battery connector tabs on your camera circuit and connect them to the corresponding positive and negative ends of your AA battery holder.[15] This can then be attached to a free space on your cardboard camera circuit mount with electrical tape. Image titled Make an Electromagnetic Pulse Step 16 8 Connect your coil to your capacitor. The excess wire that you left at the beginning and end of your copper wire winding will need to be soldered to the electrodes of your flash capacitor. To control the flow of electricity between your capacitor and electromagnetic coil, you should tie in your electrical switch between these two components.[16] You should wear rubber gloves during this portion of your EMP device assembly. Any remaining charge in your capacitor could shock you. Image titled Make an Electromagnetic Pulse Step 17 9 Attach your cardboard mount to your antenna. Use your electrical tape to firmly attach your cardboard mount and its component to your antenna. You should attach your mount above the base of your antenna, which you should have already insulated with electrical tape. Image titled Make an Electromagnetic Pulse Step 18 10 Find a suitable test object and location. A simple, inexpensive calculator is ideal for testing your handheld EMP device. Depending on the materials and technique you used in the construction of your device, the range of your EMP field may include only the immediate vicinity of your coil, or it may reach up to several feet around the coil. Any electronics caught in your EMP could be permanently damaged. Make sure you have chosen a location far enough away from electronics that you don't inadvertently do harm. You could be liable for any damage you cause with your EMP. Image titled Make an Electromagnetic Pulse Step 19 11 Test your handheld EMP device. Check that the switch for your device is set to off, and then install your batteries into the AA battery holder on your cardboard mount. Grasping your EMP device by the insulated base of the antenna, like a Ghostbuster Neutron Wand, hold your electromagnetic coil toward your test object and flick your switch to the "On" position. If you are not confident in your knowledge or construction of electrical components, you may want to wear a pair of rubber gloves when operating your device, as an added precaution. If your device has successfully worked, your test object, and any other electronics caught in your EMP field, will not turn on. Depending on the kind of flash capacitor you have used, the voltage required to charge your capacitor will be variable. The approximate capacitance for a disposable camera should be between 80-160 microfarads, and the voltage will likely be between 180-330 volts.[17] Thanks
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