HiedaK's Posts (4)

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Books on these weapons

An Assessment of Non-Lethal Weapons' Science & Technology National Academy of Sciences

Safeguards in a World of Ambient Intelligence by Springer

A Note on Uberveillance by MG & Katina Michael

Terrorism and Mental Health by Amin Gadit

Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate Psyops 2010 - How to create suicide victims and mass murderers.

Army Psyops Manual of 1956

BioChips and Torture - the National Sciences Academy

Demonstration of the pain of the Active Denial System - Joint Non-lethal Weapons Expeditiary Langley-Eustis

Lasers and Electrical Outlets - networkworld.com

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Amber lense aids sleep deprivation

Amber lenses to block blue light and improve sleep: a randomized trial.


University of Toledo, Ohio, USA.


All light is not equal: blue wavelengths are the most potent portion of the visible electromagnetic spectrum for circadian regulation. Therefore, blocking blue light could create a form of physiologic darkness. Because the timing and quantity of light and darkness both affect sleep, evening use of amber lenses to block blue light might affect sleep quality. Mood is also affected by light and sleep; therefore, mood might be affected by blue light blockade. In this study, 20 adult volunteers were randomized to wear either blue-blocking (amber) or yellow-tinted (blocking ultraviolet only) safety glasses for 3 h prior to sleep. Participants completed sleep diaries during a one-week baseline assessment and two weeks' use of glasses. Outcome measures were subjective: change in overall sleep quality and positive/negative affect. Results demonstrated that sleep quality at study outset was poorer in the amber lens than the control group. Two- by three-way ANOVA revealed significant (p < .001) interaction between quality of sleep over the three weeks and experimental condition. At the end of the study, the amber lens group experienced significant (p < .001) improvement in sleep quality relative to the control group and positive affect (p = .005). Mood also improved significantly relative to controls. A replication with more detailed data on the subjects' circadian baseline and objective outcome measures is warranted.

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Health Effects

Have you read any of the BioInitiative Report 2012.  All the adverse health effects that these weapons cause.  I have already had one lymphoma tumor removed from the site of the implant of the microchip.  According to this report I will be lucky to make it another year.  Newport News Police and Virginia State Police are such criminals.  They got keys twice from Shorty Wallin Lock Shop.  I guess it's okay for locksmiths to give out keys to criminal police.  Then, I took my 11th laptop to Hampton Roads Computer to be fixed specifying that the network and blue tooth stay removed and just to fix my hard drive.  He stole my hard drive out of my computer and reinstalled the bluetooth and network cards.  They commit insurance fraud, health care fraud and perjury.  I am trying to get to the supreme court, but the conspiracy to obstruct justice goes not only to the Police, but to the commonwealth attorneys office, the governor and the attorney general for Virginia.  The corruption in this state is so wide spread and abusive.  Pray that I make it to the Supreme Court to get help and get the torture stopped.

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case law

I am headed to the supreme court next week.  I am trying to get information of the case of David Larson v. Alfred Mann Foundation in the 9th circuit court of appeals.  The case number is 09-56091.  They are tampering with my computer.  They actually broke into my home and physically destroyed the seventh laptop now.  Trying to get justice from these criminal law enforcement is a tough road, but I am committed.  I wonder what would happen if we all went to the airport and just thought bomb.  Civil disobedience - it would cost millions.  thoughts are not actionable offenses. 

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