Janine's Posts (4)

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Do's and dont's for TI's


Step 1: Start soon as possible to shield your sleeping place, dont make it to small, make it comfortable in size. Use HF and LF reflecting materials, use HF and LF absorbing materials, use magnetic absorbing materials.

Step 2: Try to jam their signals

Step 3: Try to locate your Perp via radio direction finding

Step 4: Place an Bounty on the head of your Perp

Step 5: Try to stay healthy, get enough vitamins and minerals


1. Dont give them any attention

2. Dont stay arround doing nothing in the hope they will stop

3. Dont talk with the wrong peoples about your experience, you dont want to get any psychiatrics

4. Dont believe what they say, it's just crap.

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ELF, VLF, LF Orgonite

Hey peops,

this will be my blog where i post my works and ideas to build an driven Orgonite.

At the moment i'm not sure how big the Orgonite gets. It is still under construction.

Im going to use different Crystals.... Amethyst, Mountain Crystal, Hämatit, Rose quartz and red Jaspis.... Hämatit and Jaspis containing an naturally high amount of Ferrum.

I will use just Iron shavings.

Further i will build it with different Copper coils and Ferrit cores, just to make it able to create different strong magnetic fields and to get different frequencys. I will build it to drive it with an mximum of 35 Watts.

I will build an Frequency generator to create different waveforms and frequencys from 1 Hz to 5 Mhz, after that i need to build an white noise generator and different LF amplifiers starting with 5 Watts.

It will take some time because it wont be that cheap, and it needs to be good overthinked. As soon as i got some procced i will post here some Pics and a little explanation.

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pulsed radio signals and magnetic fields

Weißes Rauschen
und Elektrosmog


Amerikanische Wissenschaftler haben die Effekte von pulsierenden Funkwellen und Magnetfeldern untersucht und dabei festgestellt, dass menschliche Zellen pulsierende Funkwellen und Magnetfelder mit körpereigenen Steuerungsimpulsen verwechseln können, sobald sie mehr als 2.000 Impulse erhalten. So hat man z.B. bei Krebs im Kopfbereich festgestellt, dass dieser bei häufigem Gebrauch des Handys vermehrt an der Kopfseite auftritt, die beim Telefonieren bevorzugt wird.
Es wurde auch festgestellt, dass die pulsierenden Funkwellen oder Magnetfelder keine biologische Wirkung mehr haben, wenn Sie durch ein chaotisches Magnetfeld überlagert werden. Zur Erzeugung dieser chaotischen Felder nutzt man Rauschdioden, wie sie auch in QUANTEC® Verwendung finden.

White noise
and electromagnetic

American scientists have studied the effects of pulsating radio waves and magnetic fields and found that human cells can be confused pulsating radio waves and magnetic fields with endogenous control impulses, once they get more than 2,000 impulses. So you have, for example, for cancer in the head region found that this occurs commonly with frequent use of mobile phones on the head side, which is preferred when making calls.
It was also found that the pulsating radio waves or magnetism have no biological effect more if you are overlaid by a chaotic magnetic field. To generate this chaotic fields one uses noise diodes, as you will find in QUANTEC ® use.

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We all should make an information booklet about RNM und MK, we should take this booklet an visit Scientists, Technology Labs and Industries. We should go to their Boss and make him or her believe, they  could get a victim of this technological holocaust, we should make them believing and knowing that they need an fully working countermeasure device and that there will be an market to earn millions and milliards of Dollars and Euros, because there will be soon a time where everyone needs one of this device's.

Just a little food for thought, what do you think about it?

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