Book “Twelve Years in the Grave - Mind Control with Electromagnetic Spectrums, the Invisible Modern Concentration Camp”, authored by Soleilmavis Liu, provides the sound facts and evidence about the secret abuse and torture with remote voice-to-skull and electromagnetic mind control technologies.


The Fact and evidence

Mind Control with Electromagnetic Frequency

Soleimavis Liu presented this paper at the E-Leader conference held by Fudan University (China) and Chinese American Scholars Association (USA) in Shanghai, January 5-7, 2015.

Soleilmavis was controlled by remote Voice to Skull technologies and Mind Control technologies, and she was brought inside US Embassy in Hong Kong


The Arguments:

Soleilmavis case summary of mind control abuses and tortures

An anonymous Survey for Mind Control Victims (result on 19 Dec 2009)

Some lawsuits filed by Soleilmavis

Some News articles about Soleilmavis


I have collected many victims stories and wish everyone could remember their sufferings.


Books published by Soleilmavis

The first, “Twelve Years in the Grave - Mind Control with Electromagnetic Spectrums, the Invisible Modern Concentration Camp,” provides the evidence of secret abuse and torture with voice-to-skull and remote electromagnetic technologies.

 The second, “The Struggles of an Ordinary Man - The Turbulent History of China Through a Farmer’s Eyes from 1900 to 2000,” is the true record of one hundred years of modern history in rural areas of the Eastern Shandong Peninsula from the 1900 to 2000.

 The third, “The Queen of the South in Matthew 12:42”,  is a strong and well-reasoned piece that demonstrates who the Queen of the South is, by using plenty of historical facts. 


Other Scholarly Papers Presented and Published by Soleilmavis.

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Oct 16, 2022
Jerome F. Jenny left a comment for rayirisma
"Dear and beloved patriots of our world.

I call them together for a modest dinner. If my dream comes true, they will become the witnesses of a new, true friendship of all humankind. This love from God will lead us all into an unprecedented…"
Aug 8, 2022
Jerome F. Jenny left a comment for rayirisma
I am being tortured daily by the CIA with MK Ultra and my life is in danger. My parents had contact with secret services before I was born. They don't tell anything and now they are slaves themselves, but they don't know anything. My genes are…"
Aug 8, 2022
Robin Yan and Jerome F. Jenny are now friends
Jul 18, 2022
Jerome F. Jenny commented on Robin Yan's event My fight is not only for myself, please send , share as soon as possible.
"hi I don't know if you realize the seriousness of the situation, but the CIA is located a few meters from me and controls everything : the net, my parents, the phone and my thoughts. The Internet is processed with Pegasus. So I can only help you if…"
Jul 4, 2022
Jerome F. Jenny left a comment for Jerome F. Jenny
"Sehr geehrte und geliebte Patrioten unserer Welt

Ich rufe sie zu einem bescheidenen Dinner zusammen. Falls mein Traum in Erfüllung gehen sollte, werden sie die Zeugen von einer neuen, echten Freundschaft der gesamten Menschheit werden. Diese Liebe…"
Jul 2, 2022
Jerome F. Jenny left a comment for Jerome F. Jenny
"Am 8. Juni 2022, 16:58, Jj192272 schrieb:

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren. Es liegt eine eindeutige Korruption vor den Füssen des Schweizer Staates. Niemand will etwas davon wissen. Bitte prüfen sie das Schweizer Rechtsystem. Es geht um Missbrauch…"
Jun 29, 2022







July 5

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  • Sehr geehrte und geliebte Patrioten unserer Welt

    Ich rufe sie zu einem bescheidenen Dinner zusammen. Falls mein Traum in Erfüllung gehen sollte, werden sie die Zeugen von einer neuen, echten Freundschaft der gesamten Menschheit werden. Diese Liebe von Gott wird uns alle in eine nie da gewesene Gemeinschaft führen. Ich sende diese Nachricht an alle Präsidenten und Premier-Minister die von Gott geleitet werden. Da ich Donald Trump immer noch als der Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten sehe, darf er natürlich auch nicht fehlen. Es wurden durch die Globalisierung (?) leider schwere Fehler begangen, die wir aber gemeinsam lösen werden. Wir müssen der Erde endlich den Respekt zollen, den sie schon immer verdient hat. Das Meer sollte mehrere Jahre (3) ruhen, nur die Einheimischen Fischer sollen sich für ihre Existenz daran nähren. Es wird es uns danken. In diesen 3 Jahren werden alle Länder dieser Erde ein Zusammenleben anstreben, dass es so noch nie gegeben hat. Das beinhaltet mit den Ressourcen die jedes Land zu Verfügung hat, sorgsam und bedacht umzugehen und seinem Nachbarland zu helfen, wenn es die Hilfe benötigt. Es werden nur noch Schiffe die Weltmeere befahren, wenn es dem Wohl aller Menschen dient. Die ärmsten Länder dieser Erde werden von diesem Vorhaben in nahester Zukunft mit allem Notwendigem zum Leben beschenkt. Meine Vision ist, dass alle Länder zu ihrer Tradition zurück finden und nur das beste und wirklich Nötige in Gemeinschaft, und wieder zusammen in Harmonie und ohne Gedanken an Profit auferstehen lassen. Jeder Mensch wird nach dieser Verwandlung der Bevölkerung seine Bestimmung in Bezug auf Beschäftigung erhalten und jeder und jede wird wichtig für dieses spirituelle Leben sein. Alle werden 3,5 Tage arbeiten, es sei denn sie möchten ihre Tätigkeit zum Wohl der Menschheit erweitern. Nach diesen 3 Jahren werden alle Länder ihre neuen wieder gewonnenen Tätigkeiten der Menschheit stolz präsentieren und sich gegenseitig beschenken. Es werden nur Produkte produziert, die von echtem Nutzen für die Allgemeinheit sind. Dies ist nur eine etwaige Beschreibung wie wir in Zukunft ein Leben miteinander und ohne Wachstum leben sollten. Der Kapitalismus muss beendet werden. Es müssen Kurse für Spiritualität angeboten werden. Die Menschen werden sie gerne besuchen. Alle Produkte und Maschinen sollten in Gemeinschaft und mit dem Glauben an diese neue Welt erschaffen werden. Das Interesse dieser Produkte sollte immer mit dem Gedanken an andere Länder und Gemeinschaften hergestellt werden. Nur das Beste ist gerade gut genug. Diese Erzeugnisse werden unter den Ländern getauscht. Jedes Land gibt seine gehüteten Geheimnisse endlich preis, sollten sie der Gemeinschaft dienen. Die Menschen mit besonderen Fähigkeiten werden nicht mehr unterdrückt, sondern gefördert. Sie werden an Technologien beteiligt, die nur dem Erhalt der Erde dienen.
    Mein Vorschlag an euch : Ein Treffen in Nordkorea, wenn der Präsident sich dazu verpflichtet fühlt zusammen in Harmonie und Frieden zu leben.
    Dies ist ein mögliches Szenario, wie es ablaufen könnte. Simon Parkes wäre für die Einzelheiten ein würdiger Vertreter.

    Ich sende diese Nachricht an :

    -Wladimir Wladimirowitsch Putin
    -Kim Jong Un
    -Donald Trump
    -Xi Jinping
    -Fumio Kishida
    -Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa
    -Tsai Ing-wen

    Ich schlage ein Schweizer Fondue für dieses Abendmahl vor. Kim Jong Un wird es mögen.

    Mit freundlichen Grüssen Jerome F. Jenny
  • Am 8. Juni 2022, 16:58, Jj192272 schrieb:

    Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren. Es liegt eine eindeutige Korruption vor den Füssen des Schweizer Staates. Niemand will etwas davon wissen. Bitte prüfen sie das Schweizer Rechtsystem. Es geht um Missbrauch an Kindern seit über 50 Jahren.
    Freundliche Grüße
    Jerome Jenny

    Gesendet von ProtonMail mobile

    -------- Original-Nachricht --------
    Am 8. Juni 2022, 16:47, Jj192272 schrieb:

    Ich habe folgende E-Mail von Fedpol erhalten dies nachdem ich die ebenfalls folgende Nachricht versendet habe. Meine Frage : wenn die Polizei offensichtlich involviert ist, bin ich genötigt, eben diese zu kontaktieren ? Oder ist dies eine Missachtung der Umstände ?
    Freundliche Grüße
    Jerome Jenny

    Unterirdischer, geheimer komplex in Wetzikon ZH. Ein Eingang war beim Kindergarten und führte weiter zur Feuerwehr. Vermutlich bis Migros. Tests an Menschen.
    Weiterer komplex in territet/Montreux. Führt vermutlich bis zum Schluss Chion. Tests an Menschen.

    Gesendet von ProtonMail mobile

    -------- Original-Nachricht --------
    Am 25. Mai 2022, 12:25, Jj192272 schrieb:

    Dear Sir or Madam

    I am monitored since 23.12.06 with chip in the tooth. Happened in a store that I had rented at the time, in Neubrunn 740, 8488 Turbenthal.The anesthesia with KO drops I got probably from a Daniele Silvestry.The reason is probably a detention of two acquaintances: Andreas Jansen and Roman Graber. Jansen worked in trade fair construction and committed thefts there. I can imagine that false statements by Jansen have led to this. He was my roommate in Wila before this crime. As far as I know, Roman Graber drove him with the car and the stolen goods. After the detention Jansen and probably also Graber had a new colleague. A civilian policeman. The shocking thing : Jansen already told me at that time : It is cool that he is corrupt. I was already pretty sure that Jansen knew about my implant. He was known to another friend of Jansen earlier. I think a Colombian. At another dentist, when I wanted to remove the chip, another one was immediately inserted during the treatment. The dentist asked the assistant if the gentleman with the envelope had already come by. When she nodded, she left the treatment room while I was still sitting in the chair with the drilled tooth. It happened in Pfäffikon ZH at the practice at the train station. The doctor was a Mrs. Wang. When I had an X-ray taken unannounced at another dentist's office, the assistant herself was amazed at the image. She informed the doctor. However, she only told me that she had never seen this before. I put the x-ray in a well-hidden place at my place. I thought it was the proof. After a few days it disappeared.
    I used to work for a hemp company as a plant mechanic in the Hierba company. The headquarters was in Wädenswil. The house part was already guarded before this time (23.12.06). A Mr. Mennet lived in the house before Egger. During the reconstruction of his part of the house, arrangements were already made for the guarding. He built 2 neighboring houses. One of Mennet's 3 residents was involved in a cocaine deal at the Falken restaurant in Rüti. To all appearances it is about corruption. I think Mennet and Egger know each other not only through the sale of the house part. One person who was involved with Egger in 2007 (and with these actions) was a man with a bald head and a bomber jacket. He drove a Hyunday Santa Fe, black with the number ZH 483 566. When I sent the news to Wikileaks, I realized that Martina and Marco Sommer were involved. Fröhlichs also have knowledge.
    Whats App is redirected if necessary, which means my acquaintances did not get the significant messages at all. I know when the phone was cloned (Bubikon cemetery, Muggli nursery). When I wanted to check with a call if the message arrived, another person picked up. UPC is probably involved. When I reported on Wikileaks about this action, I got a new subscription via Sunrise with a new SIM card.The original (UPC) SIM card had the code on a piece of paper. I bought the subscription through Maschinenring. The code was 0079.Get worked with scalar waves all night. I swear, did not do anything. They have all the codes of the bank cards, etc. During a spontaneous visit of a lawyer on May 4 (Di Roco,Wetzikon)this was ,presumably before I could talk to him already informed in advance. The material on Wiki Leaks contains information from over 20 years. These are only some hints. Especially about Neubrunn there are many more. No joke. No imagination. The truth. It must be made public.
    The hospital in Uster is involved. The investigators also showed up during the outpatient surgery of my ankle.
    Unfortunately years later also in Wetzikon, when I broke my collarbone during another KO-drop treatment at the medieval spectacle in Erlosen. A man and a woman were probably the culprits. Approx mid 30's.
    Please believe me : it can be researched and thus proven. I guarantee for X persons involved with names. The people had no idea of my knowledge. Thus I could establish unbelievable. I thought unfortunately at the beginning, if I continue to live my life normally, they stop with the madness. Unfortunately wrong thought.
    They go on and on. A work colleague brought them already into the psychiatry: Martin Mueller, machine ring. Therefore I try to share my experiences. Before I am no longer there.

    The operation on the ankle was probably used to implant another chip, probably GPS. The surgeon in Wetzikon became involved, I think, only after talking to me about the surgery in Uster. During the first conversation about removing the screws and metal, he saw no problem removing it all. "They don't work like we do in Uster," he said. The issue was a long screw. The surgeon from Uster Hospital told me at that time that the screw could not be removed. The doctor in Wetzikon saw it differently. But during the second conversation he suddenly corrected his opinion, although he already had the file before. Suddenly everything seemed familiar again. The chip in the tooth has two small feet, which are directed downwards. Good to see on the x-ray. Could imagine that the screw in the foot has to stay in for a similar reason.

    If anyone reads this, please share. I've noticed that my emails aren't coming through, despite VPN. No wonder with my neighbor. But this way it works every now and then. It is a
    huge story in the so clean Switzerland.

    Friendly, radiated greetings
    Jerome Jenny

    Telegram : Mindcontrol in Switzerland

    Gesendet von ProtonMail mobile

    Gesendet von ProtonMail mobile

    -------- Original-Nachricht --------
    Am 8. Juni 2022, 11:06, schrieb:

    Dear Mr Jenny

    Thank you for your e-mail.

    Unfortunately, we are not in a position to improve or change your personal situation. As the federal police authority, we are, as mentioned, responsible for co-operation between the police in Switzerland and abroad.

    We thus cannot be of assistance to you. If you have been the victim of a crime and wish to lodge a complaint with the police, you should contact your nearest police station.

    We hope this information is of help.

    Yours sincerely

    Federal Office of Police fedpol

    Von: <>
    Gesendet: Montag, 6. Juni 2022 10:30
    An: _FEDPOL-Info <>
    Betreff: Illegal guarding with RFID chip until today, Mindcontrol, corruption at authorities (federal government), CH
  • Dear and beloved patriots of our world.

    I call them together for a modest dinner. If my dream comes true, they will become the witnesses of a new, true friendship of all humankind. This love from God will lead us all into an unprecedented fellowship. I am sending this message to all presidents and prime ministers who are guided by God. Since I still see Donald Trump as the President of the United States, of course he cannot be absent. Unfortunately, serious mistakes have been made through globalization (?), but we will solve them together. We must finally give the earth the respect it has always deserved. The sea should rest for several years (3), only the local fishermen should feed on it for their existence. It will thank us. In these 3 years all countries of this earth will strive for a coexistence that has never existed before. This includes using the resources that each country has at its disposal carefully and thoughtfully and helping its neighboring country when it needs help. Only ships will use the world's oceans if it serves the good of all people. The poorest countries of the world will be provided with everything they need to live in the near future. My vision is that all countries find back to their tradition and only the best in community and really necessary again together in harmony and without thoughts of profit resurrect. Each person will receive his or her destiny in terms of employment after this transformation of the population and each and everyone will be important for this spiritual life. Everyone will work for 3.5 days, unless they want to expand their activity for the benefit of humanity. After these 3 years, all countries will proudly present their new regained activities to humanity and give gifts to each other. Only products that are of real benefit to the community will be produced. This is only a possible description of how we should live a life together and without growth in the future. Capitalism must be ended. Courses for spirituality must be offered. People will gladly attend them. All products and machines should be created in community and with faith in this new world. The interest of these products should always be made with other countries and communities in mind. Only the best is just good enough. These products are exchanged among countries. Each country finally reveals its guarded secrets should they serve the community. People with special abilities are no longer suppressed, but encouraged. They will be involved in technologies that only serve the preservation of the earth.
    My proposal to you : A meeting in North Korea when the president is committed to live together in harmony and peace.
    This is one possible scenario of how it could play out. Simon Parkes would be a worthy representative for the details.
    I am sending this message to :

    -Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin

    -Kim Jong Un

    -Donald Trump

    -Xi Jinping

    -Fumio Kishida

    -Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa

    -Tsai Ing-wen

    I suggest a Swiss fondue for this supper. Kim Jong Un will like it.

    Yours sincerely Jerome Jenny
  • Illegal guarding with RFID chip until today, Mindcontrol, corruption at authorities (federal government), CH
    Hello beloved victims
    I experience your things since my birth, however, these experiences were erased after my kindergarten. Again and again. The kindergarten where this happened is in Wetzikon/ZH. The kindergarten teacher worked with a governmental Stasi agency. The underground facility is under this kindergarten and goes in the direction of the fire department, probably on to the Catholic church. There are such facilities all over the country. Conspicuous children with green or blue eyes are used for tests. It is about our ancestors who are aliens. The state wants to create a god-like person in order to abuse them for its own interests. Unfortunately, these persons are manipulated and observed in their later life in order to carry out their own crossbreeding as they see fit. Criminal organizations are brought in to fund these abuses. The state gives these organizations a free hand. All actions of the victims are influenced to their liking. Child abuse is the order of the day. It is always Zionists/Freemasons. They are represented in all state institutions and have all medium and large companies already in their hands. Worldwide. Share my story. It's about your ass !
    Telegram :

    Another underground complex for these experiments on humans (Cern) is located under Chion Castle. An entrance is located in a school building in Territet. Please act accordingly. My life is in the highest danger and I am tormented here in Oberdürnten by the whole quarter. The entire Huebweg in besieged Oberdürnten is being used by intelligence agents to destroy my parents (slaves) and me. My parents have been fitted with RFID chips. They don't know anything. My brother is involved in this. They all belong to this secret society (Freemasons) I have written to them several times and hope they take this seriously.
    I assume that the state has provided funds to the families if the children are provided with my genes. The following families are likely to be affected. But there will be many more.
    -Martina and Marco Sommer(Oberdürnten)
    -Christoph Häberle(Oberdürnten)
    -Jürg Raths(Bubikon)
    -Judith(formerly in Oberdürnten at Huebweg) and the stragglers in the same house.
    - possibly Micaela, who stole the seed.
    -Family Halbheer(Linda,Tiziana,Lätizia,Yannick) My brother has a relationship with Linda, the child,also affected,is called Aline. Sandro, from the Lindegger company, Corinne Wolf, Veronique Baumberger etc. The army tried to take me out with a flash, probably by helicopter, after the semen was recovered.
    A neighbor (Deuber)on Huebweg had a sexual assault on his daughter. The daughter had no idea, similar to me. When she was grown up, she remembered something. A former friend of Deuber sits today in a prison(Thailand). His name is David Morf. I think wrongly. Deuber is probably a freemason. I was anesthetized and raped until a few weeks ago. Our house can be prepared with anesthetic gas. I'm closing my room door now, but these actions were done for decades.
    Sincerely Jerome F. Jenny
  • Hello beloved victims
    I experience your things since my birth, however, these experiences were erased after my kindergarten. Again and again. The kindergarten where this happened is in Wetzikon/ZH. The kindergarten teacher worked with a governmental Stasi agency. The underground facility is under this kindergarten and goes in the direction of the fire department, probably on to the Catholic church. There are such facilities all over the country. Conspicuous children with green or blue eyes are used for tests. It is about our ancestors who are aliens. The state wants to create a god-like person in order to abuse them for its own interests. Unfortunately, these persons are manipulated and observed in their later life in order to carry out their own crossbreeding as they see fit. Criminal organizations are brought in to fund these abuses. The state gives these organizations a free hand. All actions of the victims are influenced to their liking. Child abuse is the order of the day. It is always Zionists/Freemasons. They are represented in all state institutions and have all medium and large companies already in their hands. Worldwide. Share my story. It's about your ass !
    Telegram :

    Another underground complex for these experiments on humans (Cern) is located under Chion Castle. An entrance is located in a school building in Territet. Please act accordingly. My life is in the highest danger and I am tormented here in Oberdürnten by the whole quarter. The entire Huebweg in besieged Oberdürnten is being used by intelligence agents to destroy my parents (slaves) and me. My parents have been fitted with RFID chips. They don't know anything. My brother is involved in this. They all belong to this secret society (Freemasons) I have written to them several times and hope they take this seriously.
    Kind regards
    Jerome F. Jenny

    Translated with (free version)

    God be with you!
  • God is and never was a man !
    The Vatican with its missionaries has removed all tools and middlemen from God or misused them for its own interests. Until today. It has created a cheap copy according to the races to be in power. Until today. He, the Vatican, decides on wars, yes, ignites and finances them even. As long as his interests are protected. He is the beast that must be fought. For this purpose, its heart must be bled dry. It is located in Switzerland. Switzerland made the second world war possible and already decided in advance on the humiliation of Germany. radiated greetings from God. He is with you.
  • Dear Sir or Madam
    I am being tortured daily by the CIA with MK Ultra and my life is in danger. My parents had contact with secret services before I was born. They don't tell anything and now they are slaves themselves, but they don't know anything. My genes are from different star beings. I have had extraterrestrial contact for 12 weeks. One being does not leave my side. Others are on the roof of the house. These tests on children are done by Satanists/Freemasons. My grandfather(Raymond Jenny) was involved, as well as family Stützenberger and Kühberger from Germany. Quite a few murders have already been committed. Ukraine has to do with these crimes. Nothing must happen to my parents. I have to leave the country, but I have no way. Please help me.
    Kind regards
    Jerome F. Jenny
    Huebweg 3, 8635 Oberdürnten.
    Telegram : Mindcontrol in Switzerland :
    God is with you.
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