Juan E's Posts (2)

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Unless what it was told in some ocations and for the first time in a while, I've talking to the perps in my garden. I could confirm they hear to us. I was, for example, talking about nacism and I heard in my head they saying something like 'so you are the jew' (I write in english, but the actually talk in spanish, my native language). There was also a comment they made days ago, also in night. They talked to my head saying 'This time he doesn't speak'). I am also sure they said something as they were from DARPA. 

Listening to me and talking to my head is not the only thing they are doing. They also send electro-shocks to my muscles and torturing my spine with rays all day long. 

I will follow the advice of you people and not talking to them anymore in the future. Talking to them is a waste of time. I only sing the national anthem sometimes and pray out loud for the promt liberation of the damnifies. I hope God listens.

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Hola, mi nombre es Juan Estrella. soy de Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina. Desde hace tres años comencé a ser experimentado con un segmento de rayos que provienen de un satélite en el espacio. Sufro de acosos electromagnéticos en todas las partes de mi cuerpo, voces en mi cerebro, depresión sexual e incluso de cambio de olores y gusto. Actualmente no se como salir de esta, las 24 horas del día los 7 días de la semana estoy siendo observado y expermientado por estos sujetos de los cual desconozco el paradero. Es una sensación perturbante y desmotivadora. Realmente es una apropiación injusta de mi cuerpo para el uso de aparatos de experimentación por criminales que lo único que quieren es estropearlo todo. Me gustaría saber si alguien en Sudamérica está sufriendo lo mismo. Puede tener que ver con experimentaciones en otras partes del mundo? Me gustaría escuchar de otros que estén padeciendo lo mismo a ver como se manejan con la situación e intercambiar experiencias e información.



Hi, my name is Juan Estrella. I'm from Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina. Three years ago I started to be experimented with a bunch of rays coming from a satellite in space. I suffer of electromagnetic abuse all over my body, voices in my head, sexual depression and chages of smell and taste. I actually don´t know how to get out of this, all day long I'm being watched and experimented for this peopole I don't know where they come from. It's a really disturbing and bodering situation. It's an illegal apropation of my body for their use. I would like to know if someone in Southamerica is suffering the same. Is there a conection with others experimentations around the world?? I'd like to hear fromm people handle with the same to share how we manage the situation and exchange information.



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