To all Victims,Friends and the Public.......we have to fight this unimageble crime.. "Invading someons Brain is the worst crime in history of Mankind"...I am a innocent TI by the Swiss Government/Town of Zuerich/Churches of Zuerich/my own Family (Aebi,Stamm,Schaetti) and there friends a well none Homosexual Group of Zuerich/Schaffhausen with bestialic record and never investigated (covert by the Swiss Government/Town of Zuerich)...they have law free slaughter territory...they ar all on the Swiss Governments/Town of Zuerich/Taxpayers payroll....
The Swiss Government and the Swiss Press use often and happily arrogant the Term "Schurken Staaten/Criminal Countrys" when it reports on 3erd World Countrys/Muslim Countrys.....but i have catch them with there Pantys down,,redhanded...and we will use the term "Schurkenstaat Schweiz".......Psychosickos/Homosexuals/Torturers/Mengele-Nazi-Gestapo followers have reached the highest ranks in Swiss Politics...look at the 7ens carefully!!!???!!!.....they lost reality,they lost credibility in the Land of the RED CROSS and UN HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL....they torture there own citizen ! ! !In the Schurkenstaat Switzerland big avoidable scandals today on the daily menue: Swissair,UBS Bank/Credit Swiss Bank/ Airplanes full of unwanted refugees (To Black) sent back to Africa but the Swissplanes not get landing permit.."To white...Bitch" was the answer....then the Killing contract to the Swiss Authority by the former White South African Government (covert up by the Swiss Government)(Killing,sickening/manipulating the black people)...etc..etc...SWITZERLAND YOU LOST LONG AGO YOUR REALITY/CREDIBILITY in the Eyes of the World...they dont even understand you anymore,you simply speak a language which the World not have taken
They fried me alive with Microwave Weapon...they dehydrated me close to dead with Microwave....they separated my Brain (Mindcontrolcommand) from my Body and try to realise there pervert/sicko fantasy....they tried to make a homosexual (Tunta) out of me...they tried to make a criminal out of me...they tried to force me in to suicide over months (no escape from the Pain inside me/outside me)....they tried to activly kill me 13 times....they made a never seen Gangstalking/killing rampage for 8 Month while i was held/kidnappt/imprisond in an appartment of the Triemli Hospital Zuerich (2008) with hunderts of Gangstalkers/Tortures/Deadsquad including : Police,Churches,Town of Zuerich/Agencys,Public Transport,social Welfare,Immigration,Customs,Swiss General Athorny ,Federal Police,Foreighn Affairs Ministry......and they made a Gangstalking Rampage...and they made a Gangstalking lasted 8 Month while i was held/kidnappt/imprisond, while i felt the seconds like years and the years never ended......SHAME ON YOU TOWN OF ZUERICH....SHAME ON YOU SWISS GOVERNMENT....SHAME ON YOU SWITZERLAND , YOU LOST REALITY...YOU LOST CREDIBILITY.....
On the 7.sept.2011 while i was on my way to Europe to deliver for the 3erd time my Courtcases (the Swiss Terrorist/Gangstalkers snappt twice bevor my Courtcases (100 Anklagepunkte)from the Postdelivery to the ICC International Criminal Court and the European Court for Human Rights) , the highest Swiss Government Minister Michelle Calmy Rey resignd her post over my case, the fear of what will come up to the Swiss Government convinced her to this step.....good Girl.......but it dose not aware of my case/situation for over a have refused to investigate/help/ ar guilty.......
SWISS GOVERNMENT>>>>>I JUST MAKE IT BIGGER...MUCH BIGGER THAN YOU EVER THOUGHT......and it will cost you Money...plenty claims will be astronomic.....
News from Michael Aebi
Dear Friends
I am nonstop tortured by the Swiss Governement/Regime since 2007-2011. The Deadsquad wich is set behinde me have activ tried to kill me (13 attempts),prevent that i can reach the Swiss Justicesystem. Since okt.2010 i tried several times to file Courtcases to the European Court for Human Rights and the ICC International Criminal Court,the Swiss Governement/Regime /Deadsquad have snatchd my Files from the Postdeliveryservice (Post & Fedex/DHL) in Trinidadand Tobago (my Residence). In February 2011 i have reciefed a Lettre from the European Court for Human Rights wich state that i have to sent further evidence to the Court,the Lettre lookt genuine but by the second look i have noticed that the Stamp on the Envelope read "Zuerich/Muelligen8010/Swisspost"?????
Info: In the 70is the Swiss Governement/Regime have been approched by the White Governement/Regime from South Africa to help finding a way to control,sickening,manipulate and killing the Blacks. The Swiss owned Wepon Technology Factory "RUAG" was awarded the Contract...then there was a Whistleblower and the whole "Thing" went Public but the Swiss Governement/Regime shot down all Pressreleases and the Skandal was gone in a Week (Pressmanipulation).....But the Swiss Governement/Regime have obviosly continued the developement of the programme and used now on there own People and operating via Satellite Worldwide,. The Victms ar illegally implanted whit electronicaly readable Implants...the rest is op to your imagination...a unbelivable Crime....see my
Michael Aebi 18. 3. 2011 ...........under 24/7 torture since 5.sept.2007
Seit dem 5. sept. 2007 werde ich mit Mindkontrol und Mikrowellenwaffen gefoltert,taeglich 24 std...Inzwischen bin ich zum Krueppel gefoltert worden, (linke Koerperhaelfte,Hinken und kontrolle der Hand/Arm)....Jeglicher versuch (25) Anzeige zu erstatten oder hilfe zu organisieren :EDA,Botschaft Caracas,Consulat Trinidad,Sozialamt Zuerich,Anwalts Kollektiv Zuerich,DR.Schneider Langstrasse,Ringier Verlag,Beobachter,Tele Zueri, Stadtpolizei Zuerich, Kriminalpolizei Zuerich, Bundesstaatsanwaltschaft Zuerich,
Bundesstaatsanwaltschaft Bern, Bundesamt fuer Polizei Bern,Polizei in San Fernando Trinidad,General Hospital San Fernando ,verschiedene Aertzte in Trinidad etc., ueberall werde ich abgewiesen und zum hohn schreibt mir die Botschaft in Caracas (Hr. Schoenbaechler) als ich wegen mittellosigkeit die Rueckfuehrung in die Schweiz um Persoehnlich Anzeige zu erstatten verlange (Flugticket) : "OB ICH NICHT NACH BRASILIEN
REISEN MOECHTE).???? Ein Komplott, das perfekte Verbrechen von meiner Familie,ehemalige Bekannte,der Stadt Zuerich ,Kirche und dem Schweizer Staatsaparat organisiert, man laesst mich im rechtssystem der Schweiz ins leere laufen. Meine Frau und Familie ist inzwischenzeit ob dieser grausamen tragoedie in den Ruin getrieben worden und schwer Krank und die Folter geht von Staates wegen weiter, Tag fur Tag, stunde um stunde leide ich hoellische schmerzen,bin mittellos,arbeitsunfaehig mit 58 Jahren, und weit und breit keine hilfe in will mich in den Wahnsinn treiben,oder zum Selbstmord zwingen.
Ich habe einen sauberen Leumund...Ich habe alle Beweise fuer den komplott.Ich kenne alle Namen des harten kerns dieser Terroristengruppe......Ich brauche schnellstens HILFE!!!!!!!!
Meine Adresse:Michael Aebi, 11 Hubert Rancestreet Vista Bella San Fernando Trinidad
Tel. 1-868-6524846 /1-868- 4795323