Monika Stoces's Posts (8)

Sort by Week in Review The Coming Superbrain By JOHN MARKOFF Published: May 24, 2009 Artificial intelligence is back in fashion, which raises the question: Will computer intelligence surpass our own? To link to this article from your blog, copy and paste the url below into your blog or homepage. Using this link will ensure access to the article, even after it becomes part of the NYT archive. Permalink
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Knowing more about knowledge helps to get more knowledge, and understand what knowledge is. Before we try to understand what is in fact happening to us we need to know more about what understanding and knowledge really is and how it works. In philosophy this discipline is called “epistemology” and is a very fundamental one researching the basic principles of knowledge. Science and its methods have used these principles in any kind of scientific discipline and therefore science was so successful in understanding the world, discovering physics, understanding biology and developing advanced technology. So if we want to be successful in understanding what is going on, those principles also can be for us very useful. This may seem difficult but explained brief and clear its easy to understand and makes thinking about anything much easier. The general principles and stages of evolution of knowledge are pretty similar for one individual, a team of scientists, or the evolution of knowledge for the entire humanity. This is why they apply to all knowledge in general. Understanding a situation is nothing but trying to connect facts a way we get a picture that makes sense. We can compare this with a detective who investigates a murder and tries to find out who did it by putting all information he has together, eliminate suspects and reason about all different possible answers until he finds the best one, or the right one. Unexpected facts and surprising new events is a special case of knowledge. For us the most specifically interesting part of this is when knowledge concerns facts that are “unexpected”, facts that don’t fit into the mainstream worldview. This is precisely the situation we are confronted with being totally surprised by suddenly some technology targeting us that most of us never even thought about before that, and most people don’t even know it exists. There is something very specific on unexpected facts and surprising events in history. A science philosopher who described this very accurate is Thomas Kuhn who described this situation of unexpected facts for the evolution of science, but because the same applies to individuals, it can be very helpful to us as well. Thomas Kuhn focussed on science not being just as logical process, but a historical and social one too, and just because of that the evolution of it has very specific characteristics when new unexpected facts show up. He introduced the term “paradigm” another word for the mainstream accepted worldview or scientific consensus of a specific time or moment, and described his theory in a world-famous book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Thomas Kuhn, stages of knowledge and paradigm shifts. In The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Thomas Kuhn argued that science does not progress via a linear accumulation of new knowledge, but undergoes periodic revolutions, also called "paradigm shifts" , in which the nature of scientific inquiry within a particular field is abruptly transformed. In general, science is broken up into three distinct stages. 1 Prescience, which lacks a central paradigm, comes first. 2 This is followed by "normal science", when scientists attempt to enlarge the central paradigm by "puzzle-solving". Thus, the failure of a result to conform to the paradigm is seen not as refuting the paradigm, but as the mistake of the researcher. 3 As anomalous results build up, science reaches a crisis, at which point a new paradigm, which subsumes the old results along with the anomalous results into one framework, is accepted. This is termed revolutionary science. The theory of stages of knowledge of Thomas Khun applied to our situation. Position of the world and its central current paradigm. Our world and the people who don’t know about mind control and its victims, are in the stage of normal science with a central paradigm that considers hearing voices as mental illness, and things like mind control, alien abductions or channelling and clairvoyance impossible to take seriously as scientific fact. . That those things are increasing so fast that one would expect scientist to ask themselves questions about it, does not happen because as Khun says “, the failure of a result to conform to the paradigm is seen not as refuting the paradigm, but as the mistake of the researcher” This explains perfectly why our complaints on mind control not considered any reason to question the current paradigm, but as something impossible or unimportant, because they do not fit into the mainstream current worldview. Our position of prescience knowing some facts are real but not yet having a definitive new paradigm to explain them and trying to fill the gaps on different ways. Our position as targets is different than the one of outsiders, and can be considered as the stage of prescience that lacks a central paradigm when it concerns the targeting. to us it was a surprise too becoming aware of these facts that contradicted the things we knew and believed before we were targeted, and the only information we have is what we experience, what other targets tell, and what we get as public knowledge about all kind of technology from media and books. Most of us are trying to connect all this to an explanation that makes sense, but in fact we still lack essential information because of the secrecy of this, and on top we are being actively deceived and manipulated by the technology to believe all different things and deceptive half truths, and this results in many different stories and debates but without a mutual conclusion that we can be sure of and all agree on. Distinguishing facts and gap filling opinions is not easy. I do agree on one single thing with Eleanor white and that is with her statement that we should make a difference between our opinions and facts. But at the same time she does not apply this principle correctly herself …..(I won’t explain this now because it would lead us too far) This only shows that distinguishing facts from subjective opinions and impressions is not so easy as it seems. We must really avoid jumping to conclusions and being aware very well of what are the facts we can be sure of and start from there. The objective increase will lead to a paradigm shift after a while automatically And the number of targets keeps growing, not only because each year there is a group added to the list, but on top each year this group of new targets becomes bigger. This is a fact that we can be sure of because it is visible in the patterns of all surveys no matter from were they come. This evolution seems to continue and a certain moment there will be so many of us that the world will reach stage 3 of Kuhn’s stages in knowledge were “anomalous results build up” and science of mainstream knowledge will reach a crisis and the huge mountain of not understood facts will be connected with each other and with the old paradigm to a totally new world view or as Thomas Kuhn calls it, a paradigm shift. The technology tries to make this happen as late as possible, using all kind of deception and camouflage, in order to keep the secrecy as long as possible,. Does PUBLIC KNOWLEGDE OF THE TECHNOLOGY justifies the PRIVACY VIOLATION? A question of ethics and priorities. Due to the consistent exponent ional increase of numbers of targets we can suppose that the purpose is on longer term to make the existence of this technology public and this may give us some hope towards the future because the public knowledge of this technology is the best way to prevent abuse in the future, even if the violation of our privacy is a side effect of knowing about the technology to every individual not just in theory but in practice, Personally I consider the public knowledge and debate on these emerging technologies considered the dangers as the possible benefits for all, even maybe the possibility to create a better world, more important than anything else, and privacy seems of a secondary order just as our cell phone provider knows each moment were we are but we don’t worry about it anymore as long it is not used against us we don’t care. Lets hope that my optimism is justified. For who is interested in the puzzle solving philosophical part feedback demanded. In case we want to be as successful as possible in understanding what is happening to us and to know what to think of it ourselves, and speed up this process the technology will become public, we need to uncover the deception and be extremely logical in drawing conclusions principles of knowledge can be very helpful to us, as they were to scientist in history. I will try to bring up one subject from time to time as clear as possible and step by step so that we can discuss on one specific part of it to get more answers to our questions. For who finds this a useful idea, I need to know from all of you as much as possible if I explain things clear enough, or if some of you don’t see connections in what I say or don’t understand why I say certain things or what I precisely mean. This can help me to learn to explain clearly what I want to say and understand better what others think and why as well So questions or remarks or any kind of feedback is more than welcome, this is finally what has been done by philosopher’s throughout history to get wiser about the world. The next 2 subject I will touch is unexpected events in history and the principles of deception. More suggestions welcome too. Greetings Monika
Read more… Low-probability High-impact Events Have a Dominant role in History In foresight research, "wild cards" refer to low-probability, high-impact events. Arguably the best known work in Wild Cards comes from John Petersen author of 'Out of The Blue - How to Anticipate Big Future Surprises'. Petersen's book articulates a series of events that due to their likelihood to surprise and potential for impact might be considered 'Wildcards'. He defines Wild Cards as 'Low Probability, High Impact events that, were they to occur, would severely impact the human condition' The idea is similar to the Black swan theory described by Nassim Nicholas Taleb in his 2007 book The Black Swan. the "Black Swan" theory (capitalized) refers only to events of large consequence and their dominant role in history. Taleb regards almost all major scientific discoveries, historical events, and artistic accomplishments as "black swans" — undirected and unpredicted. Taleb's Black Swan has a central and unique attribute: the high impact. His claim is that almost all consequential events in history come from the unexpected—while humans convince themselves that these events are explainable in hindsight (bias). Was It a Wild Card or Just Our Blindness to Gradual Change? Elina Hiltunen Finland Futures Research Centre Journal of Futures Studies, November 2006, 11(2): 61 - 74 Can wild cards be anticipated? Mendonça et al. (2004) and Petersen (1999) also very clearly announce that signals of wild cards, most of the time, are available. Petersen (1999) calls these signals early warnings or early indicators, whereas Mendonça et al.(2004) calls them weak signals. The only thing we can do about anticipating wild cards is to try to look below the noise level (Coffman 1997b) in order to spot the weak signals. This can be done, for example, by using effective environmental scanning systems and focusing on extraordinary sources of information, like scanning the movements of minorities and activists of the society.
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READ FIRST HIS OWN ARTICLE , HE SEES THAT SOMETHING IS NOT CONSISTENT IN THE APEARENCE OF THE SATANIC RITUAL MEMORIES AND HE IS REALLY WONDERING AND VERY LOGICALLY HE WONDERS IF IT DID NOT HAPPEN BUT STILL THE EXPERIENCE IS REAL COULD THIS BE DONE REMOTELY ? He seems not really to trust his logic entirely because nobody else came on this he knows , but he wonders if as sheflin says , it could have been progreammed in childhood as screen memorie for mk ultra .....he is nearly correct , i wrote to him that his logical remark if this could be done remotely , is the correct answer and tried to explain him why. No idea how he will react .... THE ARTICLE OF THERAPIST Leonard G. Holmes IT SURE WORTH READING HE IS SMARTER THAN ANYBODY I DID HEAR TALKING ON THIS SO OPENMINDED AND SHARP ; What the Heck is Satanic Ritual Abuse? [Note:1] Leonard Holmes, Ph.D. Towson, Maryland: The Sidran Institute, 2000 THIS WAS MY REACTION TO IT AND I SEND IT TODAY Dear Leonard G. Holmes, I would like to tell you i found your article on satanic ritual abuse memories a surprising good one because you were asking yourself openly precisely the right questions on it, and please apologize my bad English, i am from Belgium and don’t know English so well to write a good letter. You are the first one I hear realizing that something in this story is not coherent in no way it is explained , and this is perfectly correct. You do not have any prejudice and are judging the entire situation very logically, which is a relief aside as you describe it “In the past therapists tended to divide themselves into camps on this issue. There was a camp of true believers who believed in the literal truth of these memories. There was another camp, represented most strongly by the False Memory Syndrome Foundation, which believed that all of these memories were false, and that they were probably implanted by therapists.” Indeed both camps cannot explain the phenomenon entirely, its not implanted by therapist and it is too similar and convincing to be coincidental. You ask yourself one moment “Was any of this remotely possible?” and I am not sure “precisely” what you mean with this , but indeed , it is correct . Only not precisely as possibility 3 explains, but nearly correct because indeed “The idea behind this theory is that the ritual abuse memories are so far-fetched that nobody would believe them” , this is true , but Allen Sheflin for some reason believed these memories of mk ultra were or real and made to forget and remembered suddenly in adulthood, or covered up by screen memories of satanic rituals to forget the mind control, but that is not the case . Its much more easier than that only hard to believe and still… The memories are indeed artificial , and remotely implanted , but not in the past and that is the key point , but the same moment as they start to emerge in the victims mind.…… Indeed this explains the entire story, from the similarities of the memories over the middle age in which they appear until the pain that goes together with it and the trauma …..isn’t this incredible and horrible if it is true .? I perfectly would understand if you would wonder how I am so sure, of that and its not only but of course also because of the consistency … But there is many more reasons and I believe indeed this is very important and i writing to you because of this open minded article were you ask the right questions and realize that something is not explained yet. I just hope you will understand the connections I make and see that indeed all this is …remote, and ongoing ….now and on large scale I don’t know if you know Walter Boward who wrote the book on CIA mind control, but he mentioned very correctly the following . Lecture by Authors Walter Bowart, Alan Scheflin, and Randy Noblitt ? Walter Boward “I've seen several patterns emerge, and one of them is the Satanic or cult ritual abuse pattern, and the other one's the alien abduction experience, reports from people that report alien abduction experiences, ritual abuse, and the government mind control side of things. And it's very interesting for the similarity, there are so many similarities it looks like one and the same thing,. And that is correct, of course you will right away realize that alien abductions sounds as weird or weirder even than satanic rituals. And again applies here of course : ““The idea behind this theory is that the memories are so far-fetched that nobody would believe them” I took last year contact with Randy Noblitt on the memory question especially because many targeted individuals now are sending around testimonies for help that they are being remotely attacked with some manipulation technology …Randy did respond as one of few people to tell the group that this is a thing which should be taken seriously and investigated, a very attentive move of course. Knowing he works on satanic Ritual abuse I started a very kind mail exchange with him, and was trying to explain him that his patients were not programmed in the past, but that their memories and experience indeed was very real, but therefore did not happen really and started to ask more on what he thought of that. He wrote me the following answer which of course is a pretty correct neutral attitude towards the people he works with but did not answer my question if he believed the memories were artificially inserted in the present. 2008 Randy Noblitt I try to avoid making judgments about other people's memories and beliefs. I have worked with people who have described what I call ritual abuse. My definition of ritual abuse is similar to what many people also call "trauma based mind control." People who have this problem can often be helped by therapists and my experience has been as a therapist.And he also wrote me something much more interesting on the remote question of the manipulation and that was the following : R Noblit : “I mostly work with people who say that they were ritually abused and they are also dissociated. Some of them say that they think they are currently harassed by radio or similar technology, but some of them say there programmed to have this belief by their abuser group, whom they say used radio and radio-like devices during their abuse and programming. In other words , indeed half of the people who came for help and were ritual abuse survivors, were thinking to be programmed or manipulated remotely…. This only confirmed the idea that also the memories were remotely inserted and at the moment they appeared, and not in childhood, even if the other half of the victims did think the programming was in childhood. Clear is , that this manipulation or programming is deliberately confusing the subjects with it works on. I have been mailing with Randy more on the subject and finally he went to see the targeted individuals who had a meeting in the USA and from that meeting is still a legendary video existing, this just for your information, there is noting really new or important on the subject excepts maybe that the the targeted individuals do remind him a lot of the experience of his satanic abuse survivors. Dr. Randy Noblitt, Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist, discusses his book and work with ritual abuse victims; more TI discussionsI went to check out the “extreme abuse survey”of which Randy was aware as well, and the results were summarized as following: RESULTS EXTREME ABUSE SURVEY EAS rapports 2007 Microwave abuse12% 04% Non-lethal weapons abuse 56% 24% Electronic harassment 50% 12% Sleep deprivation 79% 36% Auto-immune disorders 48% Sleep problems 93% 75% Migraine headaches 66% 38% Fibromyalgia 31% 18% Posttraumatic stress disorder 93% 70% Unusual fears 90% 67% Thyroid problems 31% 20% Cancer 08% 04% Seizures with organic basis 27% 16% Of course its also here striking the amount of extreme abuse reporting subjects mentioned remote technology, no matter if this is called microwave abuse or non lethal weapons or electronic harassment , because that is just tree names for “remote technology” The autoimmune disorders and thyroid problems were mentioned as well in what I wrote about the testimonies in 1995 on the presidential hearings in Washington were several victims testified on mkultra based on recovered memories coming up in adult hood. And this surprised a lot the therapist who accompanied them and knew also more victims who recovered memories of mk ultra. Here is one comparison between alien abductees and satanic ritual survivors , sociological study of the groups and indeed the similarities is rather clear : Characteristics compared CHRISTOPHER D. BADER In the 1980s two different groups emerged that exhibited a strikingly similar combination of the quasi-religious and psychotherapeutic—UFO abductees and ritual-abuse survivors In the mid-1980s an increasing number of support groups appeared that were centered around so-called UFO abductions. UFO abductees support groups attempt to help people recover repressed memories of victimization at the hands of extraterrestrials. Also in the mid-1980s an increasing number of therapists and support groups focusing on “ritual abuse” began seeking clients/members. Ritual-abuse support groups also attempt to recover repressed memories of past abuses. In this case, the abuse is believed to take place at the hands of secretive, underground, usually Satanic, cults. Although much has been written about both these movements, little of this research has focused on the members themselves; Ritual-abuse survivors skew slightly older with an average age of 48 (47.7). The UFO abductees were slightly younger with an average age of 44 (43.69). It is indeed a very logical that all recovered memories should be of the same kind lets say, and this reasoning was used by Susan Clancy to study recovered memories related to the question if the trauma that is a part of it can be a proof in court for accusations based on these recovered memories …..(I don’t know if you know a bit on this research or on alien abductions in general, its not such a common subject to research indeed J ) “Susan Clancy: "One of the most bitter and volatile debates ever to occur in psychology concerns the reality of repressed and recovered memories of traumatic events." "Claims of alien abduction have become increasingly common over the past thirty years, Clancy reports Recruiting people who truly believed they'd been abducted by extraterrestrials, she found a way to study memory creation without directly engaging the bitter debate over recovered memories of abuse. And listening to their grotesque and often sexually explicit accounts, she could be reasonably sure that the memories she was studying were not vivid recollections of traumatic abuse, (......)” The results did show consequently trauma and more surprising than expected, so the conclusion was that the traumatic reactions could not be taken as a proof that recovered memories in court could be used as real, but there was no answer to the why of the traumatic reactions, nor finally on any kind of recovered memory . Abductees showed surprisingly strong physiological reactions to the tapes of their alien encounters. Their reactions were as great as or greater than those of individuals who cannot shake memories of combat, sexual abuse, and other punishing events. McNally, and their colleagues made some tantalizing discoveries. Measurements of sweating, heart rate, and brain waves showed that those claiming to be abductees show the same symptoms of post-traumatic stress syndrome as combat veterans. . Earlier this year, Clancy and McNally reported on another study that found those who recalled childhood sexual abuse or abduction by aliens experience higher rates of sleep paralysis than those who do not make such claims. Strikingly, the first group also scored high on underlying traits of fantasy proneness, paranormal interests and experiences, and inability to relate socially to others And now need to explain more to you still, more precise on the targeted individuals, the group of people (that I am networking with and am a part of , and please don’t conclude that I am delusional J because of that now ) . In January 2007 there was a front page article in the Washington post on the community of targeted individuals. And it was nearly predictable, the similarities with the alien abductees! THE ARTICLE Washington Post : "Mind Games" 15 01 2007 "Until recently, people who believe the government is beaming voices into their heads would have added social isolation to their catalogue of woes. But now, many have discovered hundreds, possibly thousands, of others just like them all over the world. Web sites dedicated to electronic harassment and gang stalking have popped up in India, China, Japan, South Korea, the United Kingdom, Russia and elsewhere. " "In her book, Abducted, Harvard psychologist Susan Clancy examines a group that has striking parallels to the TIs: people who believe they've been kidnapped by aliens. The similarities are often uncanny: Would-be abductees describe strange pains, and feelings of being watched or targeted. And although the alleged abductees don't generally have auditory hallucinations, they do sometimes believe that their thoughts are controlled by aliens, or that they've been implanted with advanced technology ] stimulation to their sexual organs (as the TIs describe) or feelings of paranoia..(On the online forum, some TIs posted vociferous objections to the parallel, concerned that the public finds UFOs even weirder than mind control. "It will keep us all marginalized and discredited," one griped.) " Shortly after that another article appeared in the New York Times were Dr Vaughan Bell was cited among other psychiatrist that limited the debate to the question if it was good or not to let people share their “delusions” on the web …Dr Vaughan Bell was a bit more nuanced, had been studying the mind control websites and knew also pretty well the subject of the alien abductions. Sharing Their Demons on the Web By SARAH KERSHAW November 13, 2008 Sharing their demons on the web Vaughan Bell, a British psychologist who has researched the effect of the Internet on mental illness, first began tracking sites with reports of mind control in 2004. In 2006 he published a study The extent of the community, Dr. Bell said, poses a paradox to the traditional way delusion is defined under the diagnostic guidelines of the American Psychiatric Association, which says that if a belief is held by a person's "culture or subculture," it is not a delusion. Dr. Bell, whose study was published in the journal Psychopathology, said that it does not suggest all people participating in mind-control sites are delusional, and that a firm diagnosis of psychosis could only be done in person. And the users of some sites have found the support of Jim Guest, a Republican state representative in Missouri, who wrote last year to his fellow legislators calling for an investigation into the claims of those who say they are being tortured by mind control. "I've had enough calls, some from credible people — professors — being targeted by no lethal weapons," Mr. Guest said in a telephone interview, adding that nothing came of his request for a legislative investigation. "They become psychologically affected by it. They have trouble sleeping at night." He added: "I believe there are people who have been targeted by this. With this equipment, you have to test it on somebody to see if it works." The mind-control sites remind some experts of the accounts of those claiming to have been abducted by aliens in the 1970s and '80s. One person's story begat another until many insisted they had had virtually identical experiences of being taken onto space ships by silvery sloe-eyed creatures. Some of those now posting on mind-control sites say they are being remotely "sexually stimulated" by their torturers. Some alien abductees had said similar things. Subsequent research generally showed that those who believed they had been abducted were not psychotic, but suffering from severe memory and sleep problems, or personal traumas, Dr. Bell said. I suppose that you do understand that I am trying to tell you that all these experiences just as Walter Boward said are the same kind of experience,, but also the targeted individuals posting now on mind control forums and websites around the world, a different part of the same “thing” going on ….and not in childhood, but ongoing and on large scale. And are all in the same way increasing, well camouflaged by deception into experiences that hardly anybody would believe, In the group of targeted individuals such bizarre claim is “organized stalking” (…similar to the international networks in satanic rituals. ), and that are seemingly unrelated and especially: they are no individual problem but something with one global common cause. Of course I do have still some more info for you on the targeted individuals, and that is some survey results. The fist question I did ask was when the target became aware of being under remote attack because I was mainly interested in the evolution of it to see if this was increasing, i did suspect so because several people I knew in my home town started to go trough the same thing at the same moment , and it started for all of us with our computers acting strange …all kind of interference in electronic devices is a fix part of it , (and it is as well in alien abductions and in satanic abuse just to mention) Very surprising was that there seems to be a sudden rise in incidence in the year 2000, and this is the case all around the world, because there were more people who made surveys , in China , USA , and the results were showing each time this very same pattern ….( I will put in attachment the survey results I have on 145 respondents ) Also this fact that it is increasing points rather to an ongoing problem than one of the past that the memories of it is being recovered. Memory questions for targeted individuals. A second very surprising result on of the survey is the answers of memories …..Indeed the targeted individuals confirms (also about half of them ) that false memories can be inserted remotely , but do not consider them as real or really happened,. Here is the results from two different surveys last year FROM BOTH BELGIUM AND CHINA 2008 CONFIRM THE TECHNOLOGY IS INDEED ABLE TO TAMPER WITH MEMORY AND INDUCE FALSE MEMORIES REMOTELY Manipulation of Memory (forgetting/remembering/screen memories) 70.73% survey result from china from over 200 targets Manipulation of Memory (forgetting/remembering/):69.74% Manipulation of Memory (screen memories, false memories): 43.42% + FROM BELGIUM SURVEY over 100 targets What many of them do realize and mention, that this remote connection-manipulation, was present already and going on in their lives long before they were aware of it, in other words they were not believed to be programmed in childhood, but resembling they realized that the technology was being used on them often since childhood if they could answer that question and be sure. Also this experience is of course pretty traumatizing and especially because it is not taken seriously by hardly anybody while the targets realizes what kind of high impact event this is but cannot even find anybody who understands it completely or believes it at least enough to take a look at it . I do not even have such a need for a therapist as I do have the need for someone who will understand the picture I present and make the right connections between the different things in it . Me personally I believe this is some kind of artificial intelligence, and I also can hardly believe that it is going on in silence for so long but I don’t have any other explanation for it , because I don’t believe in ghosts or aliens …But I am sure that its all about the same thing and that it is increasing in numbers around he globe and having a huge influence on the future of humanity. Here the answer to the first question from my survey of 161 respondents , the rest is in attachment (145 respondents) and will be updated soon 1. What is the year you FIRST REALIZED and were FULLY AWARE that you were under attack with remote manipulation weapons (directed energy - mind control)? Responses Percent Before 1980: 4 2.48% 1980: 1 0.62% 1981: 0 0% 1982: 1 0.62% 1983: 0 0% 1984: 1 0.62% 1985: 2 1.24% 1986: 2 1.24% 1987: 0 0% 1988: 0 0% 1989: 0 0% 1990: 1 0.62% 1991: 2 1.24% 1992: 2 1.24% 1993: 3 1.86% 1994: 3 186% 1995: 1 0 62% 1996: 7 4. 35% 1997: 8 4 97% 1998: 5 3.11% 1999: 2 1. 24% 2000: 5 3 11% 2001: 10 6.21% 2002: 12 7.45% 2003: 9 5.59% 2004: 17 10.56% 2005: 18 11.18% 2006: 16 9.94% 2007: 12 7.45% 2008: 17 10.56% 2009: 0 0% Total Responded to this question: 161 96.41% Total who skipped this question: 6 3.59% Total: 167 100% California based therapist Gwen Dean noted forty-four parallels between alien abduction and satanic ritual abuse (SRA). Both emerged as widespread phenomena in the late 1970s and early 1980s, both often use hypnosis to recover lost or suppressed memory. Furthermore, the scenarios and narratives offered by abductees and SRA victims feature many similar elements: both are typically said to begin when the experiencer is in their youth; both are said to involve entire families and to occur generationally; the alien examination table is similar to the satanic altar; both phenomena focus on genitals, rape, sexuality and breeding; witnesses often report that the events happen when they are in altered states of consciousness; both phenomena feature episodes of "missing time" when the events are said to occur, but of which the victim has no conscious memory. (Bryan, 138-139) The aliens and satanic abuse claims started before to emerge in the 80 ties, The sex and breeding subjects and focus on the “genitals” of the aliens and the satanic rituals ….and the “genital stimulation in targeted individuals increase in new attacked victims in 2000 , isn’t this precisely the same as this new not understood “disorder” PGAS first reported in 2001? Its such a specific, and again weird and embarrassing thing. Indeed I do believe it is all a part of the same thing and a global one , each time its starts in the English speaking countries but spreads around the world in people who do not know from another and hardly anything of this is in the media. The comparison…. Mind Games in de Washington Post Januari 2007. “Both male and female TIs report a variety of "attacks" to their sexual organs. "My testicles became so sore I could barely walk," Girard says of his early experiences. Others, however, report the attacks in the form of sexual stimulation, including one TI who claims he dropped out of the seminary after constant sexual stimulation by directed-energy weapons. Susan Saylor, a TI in San Diego, says many women among the TIs suffer from attacks to their sexual organs but are often embarrassed to talk about it with outsiders.” It’s sporadic, you just never know when it will happen," she says. "A lot of the women say it's as soon as you lay down in bed -- that's when you would get hit the worst. It happened to me as I was driving, at odd times." What made her think it was an electronic attack and not just in her head? "There was no sexual attraction to a man when it would happen. That's what was wrong. It did not feel like a muscle spasm or whatever," she says. "It's so . . . electronic." PHAS OR PSAS “Awareness in Japan of PSAS -- which was first documented by Dr. Sandra Leiblum in the United States five years ago -- is growing, especially in the blogsphere, where it is being called Iku Iku byo. Hideo Yamanaka, a doctor at the Toranomon Hibiya Clinic in Tokyo says the disease can be debilitating.” Persistent genital arousal disorder (also known as persistent sexual arousal syndrome or PSAS) It was first documented by Dr. Sandra Leiblum in 2001, only recently characterized as a distinct syndrome in medical literature. There is a few more things worth mentioning but I will not overwhelm you what I did already in fact , but I would very much like to hear your reaction to this , and some ideas maybe what can be done, or whom to contact or how to research, the main purpose is making known this is really happening and uncovering the deception of it …What are you thinking of when you read my mail? Does it make sense to you ? I can still send you an overview and summary of the results of several alien abductions researchers, that is also pretty clarifying to read . I can also give a phone call if that is easier but did not want to surprise you unexpectedly with the subject of satanic ritual abuse on a Sunday morning. I looking forward to your reaction, and let me know whatever idea you may get . Very kind greetings from Belgium Monika Stoces Oudemansstraat 22 2000 Antwerpen 00 32 (0)3 288 83 20
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THE ARTICLE FROM NY TIMES IS BELOW FOR WHO DOES NOT KNOW ABOUT IT Dear doktor Bell , (sorry for my usual bad English first of all) I did contact you before already , and i understand that i maybe was not clear enough to support the to my only possible logical consistent conclusisions on alien abductions and mind control , but i will do one more effort and i really hope that you will forget all what the entere academic world believes , and use your own pure reason to analyze the connections , put the different possibilities next to one another and see yourself which one is the most consistent and is confirmed by the facts. I will try to go step by step , in the new york times there was your statement “The extent of the community, Dr. Bell said, poses a paradox to the traditional way delusion is defined under the diagnostic guidelines of the American Psychiatric Association, which says that if a belief is held by a person's "culture or subculture," it is not a delusion. Dr. Bell, whose study was published in the journal Psychopathology, said that it does not suggest all people participating in mind-control sites are delusional, and that a firm diagnosis of psychosis could only be done in person.” And indeed compared to your colleges thanks god this statement was already more nuanced than usual is the case , that psychosis could only be diagnosed by person. Still you keep somehow in the back of your mind that for sure at least some of those people must be delusional, because there is no government beaming voices to peoples head ….fully understandable . Further you say , and you do know pretty a lot on that thanks god once more compared to many of your colleges : “Some of those now posting on mind-control sites say they are being remotely "sexually stimulated" by their torturers. Some alien abductees had said similar things. Subsequent research generally showed that those who believed they had been abducted were not psychotic, but suffering from severe memory and sleep problems, or personal traumas, Dr. Bell said.” What is anyway surprising is the fact indeed that alien abductees on who has been done much more research before than on the relatively new mind control site visitors , are not psychotic. This is the first in fact unexpected and unexplained fact you know about , put it on a paper as point 1 please . You also very correctly say that the alien abductees are traumatized , and indeed this is another surprising result confirmed by the sceptic community of Harvard , more specifically Mc Nally and Susan Clancy ….also they notice surprising and objectively noticeable trauma s in abductees , but the fact they started from a specific assumption, and they stick with that as fact , leads to not be able to explain the trauma so just ignore it as if it was not there … Abductees showed surprisingly strong physiological reactions to the tapes of their alien encounters. Their reactions were as great or greater than those of individuals who cannot shake memories of combat, sexual abuse, and other punishing events. Victims wake up and find themselves paralyzed, unable to move or cry out for help. They see flashing lights and hear buzzing sounds. Electric sensations zing through their bodies, which may rise up in levitation. Aliens with wrap-around eyes, gray or green skin, lacking hair or noses, approach. The abductee's heart pounds violently. There's lots of probing in the alien ship. Instruments are inserted in their noses, navels, or other orifices. It's painful. Sometimes sexual intercourse occurs. Then it's over, after seconds or minutes. The intruders vanish. Victims are back in their own beds and can move again. McNally, and their colleagues made some tantalizing discoveries. Measurements of sweating, heart rate, and brain waves showed that those claiming to be abductees show the same symptoms of post-traumatic stress syndrome as combat veterans. . Earlier this year, Clancy and McNally reported on another study that found those who recalled childhood sexual abuse or abduction by aliens experience higher rates of sleep paralysis than those who do not make such claims. Strikingly, the first group also scored high on underlying traits of fantasy proneness, paranormal interests and experiences, and inability to relate socially to others this is of course very human to ignore something they dont understand, but its another unexplained fact , please put this fact on your paper as point 2 (please forgive me my educative sounding attitude , but I am sure of this situation , sure that it fits and know that people have the tendency to ignore whatever results do not confirm the existing paradigm, a mechanism that has been very correctly described by Thomas Kuhn and is indeed a very persistent one. Now lets move to the next surprising fact that surprised me to see so many did notice the similarities between alien abductees and mind control victims , or targeted individuals., but so little have drawn a pretty obvious conclusion out of it, that both experiences are the same kind of experiences , and even have the same cause . In the Washington post januari 2007 we can read from mrs Clancy "In her book, Abducted, Harvard psychologist Susan Clancy examines a group that has striking parallels to the TIs: people who believe they've been kidnapped by aliens. The similarities are often uncanny: Would-be abductees describe strange pains, and feelings of being watched or targeted. And although the alleged abductees don't generally have auditory hallucinations, they do sometimes believe that their thoughts are controlled by aliens, or that they've been implanted with advanced technology ] stimulation to their sexual organs (as the TIs describe) or feelings of paranoia. And precisely the same similarity was mentioned by yourself in the newyork timses about the mind control victims "Some of those now posting on mind-control sites say they are being remotely "sexually stimulated" by their torturers." Isn’t stimulation to the sexual organs such a specific symptom that its surprising to be present in two distinct groups of people , not know to be associated with any kind of mental disease as is the case for the much more general expression hearing voices . And on top I can assure you that both communities are usually totally unrelated and do dispute extremely on the cause of the targeting , and as was mentioned in the wp "..(On the online forum, some TIs posted vociferous objections to the parallel, concerned that the public finds UFOs even weirder than mind control. "It will keep us all marginalized and discredited," one griped.) " This is finally also the reaction that i get from many ti”s when i compare the two experiences but it do not agree that there is anything discrediting to it , because being targeted with government weapons sounds probably as weird as being abducted by aliens, but the main thing and much more important is that realizing that both experiences are simply just the same, is the start of a big totally consistent picture no matter how unbelievable and surprising it may be. And because i do believe that logical patterns and statistics don’t fail , while humans with beliefs and prejudices do very often, i consequently want to use this strategy to show the big picture of all these unexplained and weird epidemics. Please if you find any inconsistency in my building up of argumentation or the facts, bring it under my attention please. So lets say , both experiences are so similar , traumatic ( i assure you that mind control victims mainly are traumatized , and suffer indeed from the same sleep deprivation as alien abductees ) , and have in common that thoughts are being controlled , and that is also the case for the mind control victims, its rather thoughts or telepathy than voices other words its the same. And the suspicion of both groups sometimes they are implanted with some device, which is not the case but points to the feeling to be remotely controlled indeed by no matter alien or government technology. I want to point still to the remark of Walter Bowhard in his lectures with Randy Noblit and Allen sheflin , were he noticed correctly Lecture by Authors Walter Bowart, Alan Scheflin, and Randy Noblitt Walter Boward “I've seen several patterns emerge, and one of them is the Satanic or cult ritual abuse pattern, and the other one's the alien abduction experience,reports from people that report alien abduction experiences, ritual abuse, and the government mind control side of things. And it's very interesting for the similarity, there are so many similarities it looks like one and the same thing,. Indeed the patterns show the entire picture hidden wel between seemingly unrelated phenomenon’s If I get to my survey of targeted individuals were in one specific sample a pattern is visible of a sudden rise in incidence in the year 2000, than I suppose that the change this to be coincidental is very small , especially if this patterns shows up in each new sample again and again and indeed this all around the world without that the targets even have knowledge from each others existence, The question was what year the respondents became aware to be under attack Before 1980: 2 1.43% 1980: 0 0% 1981: 0 0% 1982: 1 0.71% 1983: 0 0% 1984: 1 0.71% 1985: 2 1.43% 1986: 2 1.43% 1987: 0 0% 1988: 0 0% 1989: 0 0% 1990: 1 0.71% 1991: 1 0.71% 1992: 1 0.71% 1993: 3 2.14% 1994: 2 1.43% 1995: 1 0.71% 1996: 6 4.29% 1997: 6 4.29% 1998: 5 3.57% 1999: 2 1.43% 2000: 4 2.86% 2001:10 7.14% 2002:12 8.57% 2003: 8 5.71% 2004:16 11.43% 2005:14 10% 2006:15 10.71% 2007:12 8.57% 2008:13 9.29% 2009: 0 0% Total Responded to this question: 140 96.55% Indeed in 2000 the incidence rose pretty suddenly , and after 2005 even more, this sample taking is repeatable , please don’t ignore it , its easy to exclude that it’s a mistake. This sudden rise in incidence all around the world is maybe point tree that you can put on your paper as not just unexplained but nearly contradicting the fact that this problem is an individual one. But it does not contradict the fact that in case both the alien abduction experience and the mind control targeting experience is the same, a thing that is rather obvious because of the enormous resemblance, and the alien abductees do not suffer from psychosis, also the targeted individual do not suffer from psychosis, It answers your surprise that this phenomenon challenges the basically criteria of delusion …., in case it is the way I present it its not due to the internet were many can share their “delusions” that the phenomenon does not anymore match the criteria of delusion, it would be even a mistake to adept the DSM criteria of a delusion , because they are still correct; a delusion is not shared with many others of a large community , nor are delusional people while psychotic able to such cooperative social behaviour as one sees in the mind control community . Maybe still briefly , the third thing that Walter Boward mentions is the satanic ritual abuse experiences that resembles so much and indeed, also this fits into the story perfectly and brings up a scary conclusion of the recovered memory dispute . Just look at the similarities between ritual abuse survivors and alien abductees , and take note of the fact that both groups again have no knowledge of one another , don’t take each others explanation seriously but still …. California based therapist Gwen Dean noted forty-four parallels between alien abduction and satanic ritual abuse (SRA). Both emerged as widespread phenomena in the late 1970s and early 1980s, both often use hypnosis to recover lost or suppressed memory. Furthermore, the scenarios and narratives offered by abductees and SRA victims feature many similar elements: both are typically said to begin when the experiencer is in their youth; both are said to involve entire families and to occur generationally; the alien examination table is similar to the satanic altar; both phenomena focus on genitals, rape, sexuality and breeding; witnesses often report that the events happen when they are in altered states of consciousness; both phenomena feature episodes of "missing time" when the events are said to occur, but of which the victim has no conscious memory. (Bryan, 138-139) CHRISTOPHER D. BADER In the 1980s two different groups emerged that exhibited a strikingly similar combination of the quasi-religious and psychotherapeutic—UFO abductees and ritual-abuse survivors In the mid-1980s an increasing number of support groups appeared that were centered around so-called UFO abductions. UFO abductees support groups attempt to help people recover repressed memories of victimization at the hands of extraterrestrials. Also in the mid-1980s an increasing number of therapists and support groups focusing on “ritual abuse” began seeking clients/members. Ritual-abuse support groups also attempt to recover repressed memories of past abuses. In this case, the abuse is believed to take place at the hands of secretive, underground, usually Satanic, cults. Although much has been written about both these movements, little of this research has focused on the members themselves; Ritual-abuse survivors skew slightly older with an average age of 48 (47.7). The UFO abductees were slightly younger with an average age of 44 (43.69). Randy Noblit, a USA therapist who works with sanatic ritual abused people wrote me the following thing : R Noblit : “I mostly work with people who say that they were ritually abused and they are also dissociated. Some of them say that they think they are currently harassed by radio or similar technology, but some of them say there programmed to have this belief by their abuser group, whom they say used radio and radio-like devices during their abuse and programming. “ When I was trying to suggest to him that the memories could be not real or from childhood but simply remotely induced , he carefully rejected this idea with following statement : 2008 Randy Noblitt I try to avoid making judgments about other people's memories and beliefs. I have worked with people who have described what I call ritual abuse. My definition of ritual abuse is similar to what many people also call "trauma based mind control." People who have this problem can often be helped by therapists and my experience has been as a therapist. Best Wishes, It may also draw your attention that he considers what is called satanic ritual abuse the same thing as trauma based mind control …indeed because content of the memories is less important than the symptoms the trauma and the experience itself of recovering horrifying traumatizing memories in adulthood, just as Christopher Bader noticed average age in his population survey of abductees and ritual survivors is around 45. And indeed this is also the average age of mind control targets, I am myself now 45, and even if the ages differ, middle age is the average age to become mind control victim , not really a typical age to get schizophrenia either. And now the results of the 2007 extrele abuse survey of which I find that the questions could have been more relevant and all that, and were I miss the question when it started so any search for the evolution of the problem in incidence rate …but ok , still it provides some interesting information . RESULTS EXTREME ABUSE SURVEY EAS rapports 2007 Microwave abuse12% 04% Non-lethal weapons abuse 56% 24% Electronic harassment 50% 12% Sleep deprivation 79% 36% Auto-immune disorders 48% Sleep problems 93% 75% Migraine headaches 66% 38% Fibromyalgia 31% 18% Posttraumatic stress disorder 93% 70% Unusual fears 90% 67% Thyroid problems 31% 20% Cancer 08% 04% Seizures with organic basis 27% 16% The rapports of remote weapon abuse no matter if it is called microwave , non lethal weapons or electronic harassment , no idea why this question is asked tree times when it’s the same in fact , are very high , just as Randy mentioned that half of his patients rapport remote technology And all the symptoms are so typical for mind control victims and alien abductees, the autoimmune disorders, Fibromyalgia, sleep deprivation ect, the list is longer I just chose the most prevalent points. Also here is often reported to suspect to have implants … Why the memories are so same and such different subjects but such same evolution? I am convinced that Karla turner did guess it correctly , they are NOT implanted in childhood , but at the moment they come up , together with the fear the trauma and the virtual reality ….they are indeed purely artificial , and that explains of course why the trauma is so real , because the experience is so real, not matter it is virtual , Susan Clancy never even considered this idea, is it so extremely impossible ? I would enormously like to hear your reaction on this idea , because I know its sounds incredible but at the same time I know its correct and I can very hard estimate how this sound to someone who never looked at it this way and is not aware of it …., it is the purpose that it goes unnoticed and looks unrelated …and I believe by the way that the morgellons disease is another part of this, just as chronic fatigue and golf war syndrome, multiple personality disorder and the highly rising supernatural experiences and demonic possessions and rapports of voodoo , it is meant to sound as weird as this to go unnoticed . If you check briefly the main conclusions of the rather serious alien investigators (from whom John Mack was a remarkable man his dead in 2004 was a great loss to the community) you will each time again find the same essential elements that come back and point just as targeted individuals , and satanic abuse survivors to “technology” . How can that be so similar ? Kind greetings from Belgium and apologies for my usual bad English , Monika KARLA TURNER In Memory of Dr. Karla 'Kandy' Turner - Abduction Researcher Karla Turner A former college instructor who held a doctorate in Old English Studies from the University of North Texas, Turner had authored three books on the abduction phenomenon, *Into the Fringe (1992), *Taken (1994), *Masquerade of Angels (1994). Two traits, characterized alien behaviour above all: deceitfulness and cruelty. (During encounters, they control our perceptions. They can implant false memories. From childhood, they manipulate us physically, spiritually, and sexually. They create virtual reality scenarios that are absolutely real to the abductees. ) "Turner cited many cases pointing to a psychic technology that enabled the aliens to make us see whatever they wanted us to see. They could create virtual reality scenarios at will, she was certain. The abductees took home from their abduction experiences as memories whatever the aliens wanted them to remember. Even what was revived under hypnosis might only be a screen memory." By Colleen Johnston Colleen Johnson Out of this group, another majority are experiencing massive trauma in conjunction with their abductions-- anything from being mind controlled with disaster images that are being forced into their minds by artificial means, seeing loved ones tortured if they do not cooperate, seeing what appears to be clones of themselves, forced to hold alien/hybrid children, themselves forced into submitting to painful experimentations, even being given a deadly disease for non cooperation. Many female abductees are reporting, autoimmune disorders like Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome as well as a sudden onset of female urinary tract infections and a host of female problems which eventually lead in some cases to hysterectomy. If the creatures creating this type of misery for their captives were here on a peaceful mission to help humanity, why does this sort of abusive treatment happen with the same style of administration reminiscent of the Nazi German concentration camp doctors? I have come to believe something is more than amiss; something sinister is happening to the abduction populace without regard for the abductee. Why us and why now, someone might ask. EVE LORGEN The Love Bite: Alien Interference in Human Love Relationships (2000), Eve Lorgen A small but growing number of aware abductees who began to realize that some of their love relationships were engineered by the aliens who abducted them.” “It became clear that the alien abductors be they Grey aliens, reptilians, human military or other unknown species, were heavily manipulating their "chosen ones" down to the very detail of their love and sex lives! These are not normal love relationships where one or the other partner simply wants to break up. These are clearly orchestrated and manipulated with full paranormal features.” Canadian, Sunday, Nov. 9, 2008. EVE LORGEN In order to have a thorough grasp of the hypothesis I have suggested regarding the aliens’ true motives, once must understand the basics of human mind control, sexuality, divine potential and spirituality. From a simplistic standpoint, the exploitation of humans via mind control can be achieved by: 1Removing the person from their normal environment of influence; 2. Deprive them of sleep; 3. Pain if they disagree, pleasure if they agree; 4. Change in biochemistry; 5. Trauma The Matrix Hive Mind Manipulators By Eve Lorgen M.A.© 1999 Identifying Mind Control and Abductions By Eve Lorgen, M.A. © 2000 KATHARINA WILSON To read Katharina Wilson's complete 10-part monograph Project Open Mind / MILABS: Are Some Alien Abductions Government Mind Control Experiments? Click on Or “Maintaining Secrecy whether we are dealing with extraterrestrials or a nefarious group of powerful human beings, there appears to be a disinformation campaign underway. This has been orchestrated to mislead abductees - and therefore the research community and the public - as to what the truth is. In order to take the focus away from the true agenda, the aliens may want us to remember seeing "humans," and the humans may want us to remember seeing "aliens” Who Are We Seeing? The military personnel... a. may actually be aliens using the techniques of camouflage and screen memories to deceive abductees into believing their government is involved. b. may be part of a secret agency or military team that is involved in retrieving information from abductees about the aliens. c. may be working with some of the aliens. d. may be Hybrids - a genetic combination or cross between humans and aliens, who wear military-type uniforms to confuse the abductee.² e. may be part of a secret human agency or military team abducting humans in order to create or increase the impression that aliens abduct humans; or to sow confusion regarding the possible presence and activities of aliens on Earth; or for some other reason beyond our current understanding.” I Forgot What I Wasn't Supposed To Remember Read Katharina's new book Free on-line Click > Barbara Bartholic Why do I continue to research, under terrible duress, the most important subject in our universe? It’s clear. What could be more compelling than identifying what I call a “master control system” that defies all locks, law enforcement, physics, and governments, and last but not least, human rights; or identifying an alien-organized operation possessing such technical supremacy that they can hide in plain sight. It's a force that can delude people into refusing to believe in their existence. At the same time, alien manipulative “overlord ship” is altering the course of human life. In a lengthy article, Martin Cannon makes the admittedly speculative argument that memories of alien abductions might in fact have been created in the "abductees" by a secret government mind control program, such as MKULTRA by Martin Cannon “The Controllers” released circa 1990 Maxwell Brierley Burns : UK. Feature Articles: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Alien Abductions Is there a connection between Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) and the alien abduction scenario? Investigator Max Burns shares his thoughts and initial findings. Marianne Friedman, whom I felt would follow in Karla Turner's footsteps, died soon after she was abducted and interrogated during a dream, in what appeared to be a joint military/ alien base. She was tortured, and required medical treatment and future surgery on her neck due to her inhumane treatment. She was a warrior, and uncovered so much information about the human mind and the use and function of 'implants.' She was intuitive, and no novice to the aliens' medical agendas. She could not discern whether the aliens had used illusions and mind control to make her believe the human military was involved, and admitted she remembered reptilian alien forms wearing American military garb, confusing the memories. Now we will never know. Following the alien intimidation to break her willful resistance, her beloved dog suddenly died of cancer. She followed shortly thereafter—dead from a sudden brain attack at the age of 47. ABOUT THE POPULAR INVESTIGATORS WHO FOCUS ON ALIENS AS SUCH THIS Some researchers (especially Budd Hopkins and David Michael Jacobs) have been accused of excluding, minimising or suppressing testimony or data which do not fit a certain paradigm for the phenomenon. Budd Hopkins (born on June 15, 1931 in Wheeling, West Virginia) is a central figure in abduction phenomenon and related UFO research.[1] He is also a painter and sculptor of note. Official Website Budd Hopkins is a world-renowned artist, author, and pioneer UFO abduction researcher. Having investigated well over 700 cases, he now heads the Intruders Foundation, a nonprofit, scientific research and support organization. David Michael Jacobs is an American historian who is prominently known in the field of Ufology for his research into alien abductions and UFOs. Employment David M. Jacobs, PhD, is Associate Professor of History at Temple University[1] specializing in twentieth century American history and culture. PS still this unexplained syndrom , same time , same symptom, same increase , coincidence? Persistent genital arousal disorder (also known as persistent sexual arousal syndrome or PSAS) 2001 “Awareness in Japan of PSAS -- which was first documented by Dr. Sandra Leiblum in the United States five years ago -- is growing, especially in the blogsphere, where it is being called Iku Iku byo. Hideo Yamanaka, a doctor at the Toranomon Hibiya Clinic in Tokyo says the disease can be debilitating.” Persistent genital arousal disorder (also known as persistent sexual arousal syndrome or PSAS) It was first documented by Dr. Sandra Leiblum in 2001, only recently characterized as a distinct syndrome in medical literature. Targeted Individuals and sexual genital attacks Mind Games in de Washington Post Januari 2007. “Both male and female TIs report a variety of "attacks" to their sexual organs. "My testicles became so sore I could barely walk," Girard says of his early experiences. Others, however, report the attacks in the form of sexual stimulation, including one TI who claims he dropped out of the seminary after constant sexual stimulation by directed-energy weapons. Susan Sayler, a TI in San Diego, says many women among the TIs suffer from attacks to their sexual organs but are often embarrassed to talk about it with outsiders."It's sporadic, you just never know when it will happen," she says. "A lot of the women say it's as soon as you lay down in bed -- that's when you would get hit the worst. It happened to me as I was driving, at odd times." What made her think it was an electronic attack and not just in her head? "There was no sexual attraction to a man when it would happen. That's what was wrong. It did not feel like a muscle spasm or whatever," she says. "It's so . . . electronic Sharing Their Demons on the Web By SARAH KERSHAW November 13, 2008 Sharing their demons on the web Vaughan Bell, a British psychologist who has researched the effect of the Internet on mental illness, first began tracking sites with reports of mind control in 2004. In 2006 he published a study The extent of the community, Dr. Bell said, poses a paradox to the traditional way delusion is defined under the diagnostic guidelines of the American Psychiatric Association, which says that if a belief is held by a person's "culture or subculture," it is not a delusion. Dr. Bell, whose study was published in the journal Psychopathology, said that it does not suggest all people participating in mind-control sites are delusional, and that a firm diagnosis of psychosis could only be done in person. And the users of some sites have found the support of Jim Guest, a Republican state representative in Missouri, who wrote last year to his fellow legislators calling for an investigation into the claims of those who say they are being tortured by mind control. "I've had enough calls, some from credible people — professors — being targeted by nonlethal weapons," Mr. Guest said in a telephone interview, adding that nothing came of his request for a legislative investigation. "They become psychologically affected by it. They have trouble sleeping at night." He added: "I believe there are people who have been targeted by this. With this equipment, you have to test it on somebody to see if it works." The mind-control sites remind some experts of the accounts of those claiming to have been abducted by aliens in the 1970s and '80s. One person's story begat another until many insisted they had had virtually identical experiences of being taken onto space ships by silvery sloe-eyed creatures. Some of those now posting on mind-control sites say they are being remotely "sexually stimulated" by their torturers. Some alien abductees had said similar things. Subsequent research generally showed that those who believed they had been abducted were not psychotic, but suffering from severe memory and sleep problems, or personal traumas, Dr. Bell said.
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My letter to ICC as John Finch has proposed to do in following message i also added the list of names below and the case summuries , Greets Monika ps thanks to Dannie for checking out my text on spelling and English In case you want to support this message but dont know what to write precesely , just copy the letter and use the reference too , put the contacts of the mailteam below like it is in the letter and TELL THEM WHO YOU ARE AND FROM WERE WHEN YOU WERE TARGETED FIRST TIME CONSIOUSLY AND THAT YOU SUPPORT THE DEMAND FOR AN INVESTIGATION , EASY AND SIMPEL , greets Monika ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Monika Stoces Date: 2009/4/30 Subject: surprising overlaps in patterns and symptoms between the TI’s rapports of mind weapon abuse, and chronic fatigue Fibromyalgia, Morgellons desease a U.S. a sudden increase of suicides in middle aged people To:, M.P. Dillon Head of the Information & Evidence Unit, Office of the Prosecutor THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT Post Office Box 19519, 2500 CM The Hague, The Netherlands Reference: OTP-CR-70/07 DEAR M.P. DILLON We would like to draw your attention to a a very serious but not yet well known situation of silent crimes against humanity. There is massive ignorance and secrecy regarding this, The phenomenon of people who report some type of remote attack or manipulation by what they call directed energy or neurological weapons, mind manipulating technology or electronic harassment emerged during the cold war and visibly increased in late 1990’s. But in the year 2000, an unexplainable and dramatic increase in incidence of these complaints occurred. These reports are coming from every continent all around the globe and the similarities of testimonies and exponential increase point to a GLOBAL problem. This group of individuals, who report this problem, call themselves “Targeted Individuals” shortened to TI’s, or "mind control victims". There are surprising overlaps in patterns and symptoms between the TI’s and chronic fatigue Fibromyalgia, a U.S. public health mystery of a sudden increase of suicides in middle aged people that started at the beginning of this decade. Another unexplained global phenomena like the debilitating and bizarre condition first mentioned in medical reports as PGAS, the not yet understood disease named Morgellons that also first became public around the same period which seems to have the very same kind of global increase, and also it was previously dismissed as a delusion because it was not understood until finally in 2008 an investigation was launched because of the growing list of patients worldwide with symptoms and lab results showing it was much more than just a delusion. The complaints about mind manipulating weapons are in the same way treated as mental illness, and are therefore not monitored officially and remain “invisible” in any kind of statistical results. The sensational symptoms like telepathic experiences and embarrassing sexual electronic sensations, draw the attention away from the much longer list of health problems like autoimmunity disturbances, permanent fatigue, muscle pain that remind of Fibromyalgia, a significant high number of thyroid gland disorders, headaches and neurological symptoms and measurable reactions of post traumatic stress disorder. Hardly any outsider is aware of the simultaneously occurring problems with electronic devices and communication like computers or even car electronics. The consequences of their ignorance is that observers have no idea of the scale of this and don’t recognize the reports as part of the same issue and keep classifying them as individual cases, imaginations or superstitions, paranoid conspiracy theories or just mental illness. At the same time already a statistical investigation by any official body would show this problem is much different from just one of coincidental internet delusions. Reports of TI's mainly include the following 3 things. A -Most TI's report the physical and mental symptoms they experience from the moment they consciously experience the technology affecting them. B -Most TI's report interception of mail, interception and alteration of telecommunications, telephone and internet communications and malfunctions of all types of electronic and electrical devices . C -Most TI's experience organized stalking, which they explain in different ways and that in most cases starts earlier than the typical symptoms and physical sensations referred to as electronic harassment. These three things (nearly) always go together and the number of new people reporting this had a sudden increase in 2000, continuing to the present. This should at least raise the question of how the complaints cannot be related. Meanwhile there have been many warnings by scientists in the fields of the emerging technologies like artificial intelligence and nanotechnology, about the possible dangers related to these technologies and mentioned by many as one of future risk and even possible human extinction scenarios. Predictions of emerging technological super intelligence or self organizing nanotechnology mention the fact that it would not be necessarily bound to any physical body or would not even be recognized as such because of our limited human nature in comparison with it and not necessarily have goals consistent with the benefit of humanity. A huge part of military research into these technologies as advanced technological weapons has been done secretly by several superpowers as a part of the weapons race and still remains classified. The past has shown that historically important disruptive changes, referred to as low probability but high impact events are always a totally unexpected surprise to the world and pose severe consequences for humanity. In foresight, research of these kinds of disruptive events are called Wild Cards, or Black Swan events and emerging technological surprises often are named as a possible cause. Also the evolution of science has a similar nature of sudden surprising changes and was named by Thomas Kuhn as a “Paradigm Shift”. Human nature seems to have a natural blindness to gradual changes. The increased knowledge of these mechanisms should prevent ignoring the signs of possible emerging risks (mistakes humanity made previously in history). The serious threat emerging technologies are posing, the numerous warnings from AI experts on this matter, combined with the striking increase of people asking for recognition because they are targeted with technology interfacing with their mind and body and access to electronic systems of any kind should be a justified reason for an urgent and serious investigation into this internationally. Many people from all around the world are asking, “Please help us, help us, please give this problem the attention it deserves and investigate this situation in order to provide possible answers to the large scale suffering of many who are suspecting that they are guinea pigs in non-consensual human experimentation and who are feeling like a hostage of the silently emerging information war against humanity. Not recognized, not helped and dismissed as being mentally ill and put in a position to be subjected to unjustified, unrelenting and inhumane torture. These groups of brave individuals who have gone public are just the tip of the iceberg and represent a much larger group of people that keep silent in fear of being tortured extensively and marginalized by friends and family and of jeopardizing their livelihood. Many are waiting for the miracle that someone will appear who can expose the horror and injustices that are occurring globally. That some event will take place to ease their pain and suffering and allow them to return to the normal life that they had prior to becoming TI’s prior to becoming aware of the insanity and evilness that is allowed to destroy and disrupt innocent human being. Our mission is to strive to terminate this silent epidemic, to generate the requisite attention deserving of the atrocities that are occurring globally infringing on the human rights, the health and the security of all of us. We are asking the United Nations, the World Health Organization and political leader’s to investigate this problem and reveal the nature of it in a way that does not rely on any assumptions, prejudices, or values of any particular individuals who investigates. Ocourse the nature of the problem without any doubt can be defined as crimes against humanity, war crimes., crimes against peace, and violations of the most fundamental human rights on large scale, even if its is not yet known or recognized as such. Therefor are asking your help in this matter to help us to get an investigation of the situation officially so that the global nature and alarming increase can become clearly visible and reveal how serious this matter really is . In my own name and that of many others and the world wide movement against abuse of mind manipulating technology and nonconsentual human experimentation , and the Federation Against Mind Control of Europe I do demand your attention and help , for this highly underestimated and unknown problem. Monika Stoces Oudemansstraat 22 2000 Antwerpen Belgium -- In The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Kuhn argued that science does not progress via a linear accumulation of new knowledge, but undergoes periodic revolutions, also called "paradigm shifts" , in which the nature of scientific inquiry within a particular field is abruptly transformed. In general, science is broken up into three distinct stages. Prescience, which lacks a central paradigm, comes first. This is followed by "normal science", when scientists attempt to enlarge the central paradigm by "puzzle-solving". Thus, the failure of a result to conform to the paradigm is seen not as refuting the paradigm, but as the mistake of the researcher. As anomalous results build up, science reaches a crisis, at which point a new paradigm, which subsumes the old results along with the anomalous results into one framework, is accepted. This is termed revolutionary science. Our International Mailteam General CONTACT MC Mail Team Members (part of the world wide movement) AUSTRALIA: John Finch 00 61 4 2400 9627 CHINA: Soleil Mavis Main Blog: BELGIUM: Monika Stoces 00 32 (0)3 288 83 20 Federation Against Mind Control Europe Friends Network USA_OHIO: Derrick Robinson 00 1 513337 9632 FCHHS CANADA: Mostafa Hosny Rule of Law Defenders www.hosnyinfo.comv Our (very, very partial) LIST OF VICTIMS OF DIRECTED ENERGY & NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS:- ect ect ...............
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and here is the website were i collect all individual mails i write with detailed explenation on the problem connecting it world wide ... here is my mail to Rupert Sheldrake Dear Rupert, Its absolutely no problem that you don't give detailed response, and it suppose that many people at this moment are overwhelmed with mails... People loose themselves in details, and that is the mistake they all make, this includes myself the past months , also me I received the information only piece by piece …. Shortly its only one thing, there is something very serious going on and this is world wide, and it should get some clear to all people and I don't know how. You don't need detailed at all to answer me, but please try to see what is going on and try to pass the information clear and brief to anybody who would understand because he is able to connect complex information fast the right way ….that is all I hope for , really This one thing is covered as several seemingly unrelated different things: alien abductions mind control and recovered memories from childhood abuse and the whole society of so called paranormal experiences …RESULT OF CONNECTING ALL THIS IS EXTREMELY ALARMING On the last subject there was a detailed survey from the therapist on Trauma related problems , it shows 50 auto immunity diseases , it shows 30 percent cancers , its shows horrible things, and the therapists themselves don't understand from were this explosion comes focussed on trauma problems of their patients of course and trying to proof that multiple personality disorder is real …..check bottom of website the results, the subjects are chosen just as aliens to be weird , its done remotely The patients rapport that they are "programmed" in childhood to recover these memories ..or to believe they are controlled by radio waves ...half of them experiences remote weapon abuse .. no matter if the memories are of of mind control experiments ,or of satanic abuse.) Same is for alien abductions, I got meanwhile in touch with so many and all of them tell the same horror, cancers , heart attacks autoimmunity diseases, car crashes ect , and most of them don't see the relation with extreme abuse in child hood for instance (of course ) Half of them considers the memories as real and as aliens , the other half accuses the USA government to experiment on them and cover it as aliens …. Since 2000 our group of "targeted individuals are exploding and again most of them believe different things and is mailing everywhere for help, also this causes total communication overload, on top the mail is permanently being tempered with … The main symptoms: headache, heart palpations, sudden sexual arousal, sudden nausea, metabolism changes, sleep deprivation, induced sleep or fatigue , pain in every part of the body, fear and dizziness, extremely vivid and bizarre dreams. And also heart attacks suicides car crashes are reported in this group they don't want to be associated with aliens for chance …and don't see the relation with child abuse (of course) . They usually hardly know about false –recovered memories …Results of questions on them Manipulation of Memory (forgetting/remembering/):69.74% Manipulation of Memory (screen memories, false memories): 43.42%µ And on "organized stalking" (Shows how strong illusions can be created by this remote manipulations because only answer one is correct ) Your personal opinion about organized stalking 1 People are manipulated and influenced remotely without that they know about the technology. 12.36% 2 People and groups actively participate in the harassment and aware of the technology being in use. 21.35% 3 Some people around me are "organized" to stalk me, possibly paid to do so.: 14.61% 4 Both cases are possible, some people are manipulated, some consciously aware and involved: 51.69% Rest is to find here & TESTEMONIES Link to over 680 VICTIMS' CASE SUMMARIES (DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS, AND ORGANISED STALKING ABUSE) (testimonies personal details) But all this has started to emerge on large scale in the 80 ties and is since 2000 exploding in silence and causing same characteristics world wide , not only in the direct targets , but also in totally non suspecting world population ….in silence …, and this explains indeed the mystery of sudden rise of suicides in USA middle age health care officials are wondering about …. The fact those "new age" groups were isolated from general science and universities, has caused they go unnoticed, and they themselves hardly understand what is going on, or don't see the relations between different things . The only thing I am asking you in name of thousands, and the world in fact , please check this and try to see and explain to the academic community what is going on ….they wont believe , and all this endless communications between so many at this moment causes such over flow of information…..that nobody sees anymore the main point …that all this is different parts of the same thing To this nonsense stuff belongs of course the whole bunch of paranormal experiences, the targets believe themselves its paranormal since many years and produce another large amount of information once more seemingly unrelated to this, but part of one and the same …. All these group aliened themselves also from mainstream science ( of course ) , because their explanations sounded once more weird …. Symptoms Of Voodoo/Black Magic October 7, 2007 In case we suppose the technology is in use for a longer time and possibly could be causing false memories on global scale and longer term, we see once more a new global phenomenon starting around the 80 ties, precisely when the academic controversy on "recovered-false memories" of the past decades starts This idea would perfectly fit with the global pattern of the remote mind control victims that is growing bigger at the moment. Linked on this way to the seemingly unrelated, experiences on a way they do make sense as part of one problem, the totality becomes a clear and consistent picture on large scale that can easily be recognized, and in creases over time ...This includes Multiple personality disorder or DID that also started to appear around the 80 ties The fact this approach does not only connect the several experiences ; explains the whole academic controversy on "recovered memories" of past decades, but is first of all a very alarming sigh FOR THE WHOLE WORLD AT THIS MOMENT is a good reason for all to urgently wonder what this all is about world wide …. 2008/10/27 Rupert Sheldrake Dear Monika, Thanks for your detailed email. I'm completely overwhelmed with emails at present, as well as with my own work and I just haven't had time to go through it in detail to respond to your various points. But I've kept it in the hope that I do have time soon. Sorry not to be able to give a fuller response. Best wishes Rupert Sheldrake
Read more… am only one many world wide, a silent epidemic ! posted on 10/01/2008 1:49 PM by mindgames [Reply to this post] [Not MindX Material] Since 2005 i have realized something that seems as of historical imporatance. Non consentual human experimentation,a silent epedimic of people rapporting to be under remote attack with technology . I know also that is "sounds" as if it is impossible, but it is meant to sound that way,so that its not believed. Based on DEPECTION, it keeps the secrecy,its classefied technology, and the effects well coumaflaged as something else , on preference mentall illness, the main reason why so many are ashamed. I believe in reason , and refuse to hide, because i realize the implications of this going on on such large scale. The most consious ones do work together in exposing this is happening, hoping some will start to wonder that this maybe could be happening based on arguments and not on "believe" , things may very different than they seem, my argument is of statistical kind. A sharp rice in incidence in year 2000 on every single continent of this planet, with similar symptoms and hacked electonics ,looks a lot as if it has an external cause. Non consentual human experimentation, who realizes that this could be happening please ,thousands of people world wide are demanding an international investigation into this secret violation of human rights. Statical results would confirm the pattern, the year 2000.....its horrible, i hardly believe it myself. The symptoms are similar , sleep deprivation on top but unimaginable things too, included virtual reality and tampering with memories. Most victims rapport also tampering with electronic devices, mail, tv, cellphones, car electonics and bankcards. This must be some kind of nano tech combined with AI, and must be develloped in silence during cold war for decades. Please : HELP Monika Stoces . [Reply]
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