Monita Choi's Posts (246)

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腦控空間有很多無故被腦控的青少年, 有些一出世已被腦控. 在他們成長的過程中, 父母要面對嬰兒在換尿片和沐浴時被偷窺, 擔心成長過程被併芯片影響樣貌和骨骼成長, 我見有約3歲大的小朋友, 變態控芯片賤人將她同朱儒併芯片, 令可愛的小女孩變成怪樣貌.


當兒童成長上學後, 因被腦控, 所以要面對的專注力不足的問題, 知識沒法吸收; 當克服了專注力不足的問題, 考試時遇到變態控芯片賤人將他們同智障或文盲人仕併芯片, 又是捧蛋.


到讀完書, 找工作, 好不容易找到一份好工, 如遭到變態腦控賤人搞事, 將他們被腦控的事公開, 昇職沒有希望, 甚至掉了份工.


好啦, 到了終身大事, 女姓要面對 “當被腦控時, 應早婚或遲婚? “的問題. 當你身處被腦控的情況下, 你很難找到另一半. 原因一, 變態控芯片賤人可能將你長期同男性併芯片, 男性思維影響你, 令你的男性思維不喜歡男性, 除非妳是同性戀者. 原因二, 當妳身處被腦控的情況下, 變態控芯片賤人可能將妳同不同人併芯片, 令妳的樣貌一日三變, 甚至情緒也受到不同人影響而產生變化.


我個人意見是如果你熱愛家庭生活, 能找到合適的另一半, 不妨早結婚, 早生育, 因微波和將子宮有問題的人併芯片可令人不育. 另一方面在生產過程中, 變態腦控賤人遙控電子武器令受害者子宮收縮不能順產, 最好選擇麻醉剖腹生產. 另一個要面對的問題是夫妻生活, 私隱會受到併芯片和而造成的心理和生理障礙. 如果能克服以上二點. 再加上夫妻真正了解對方且互相信任. 則無往而不利, 早婚又何妨!


有人選擇遲婚, 趁年輕時在事業上搏殺賺錢, 在社會上争一席位, 令老年生活無憂.  等思想成熟時再考慮建立家庭. 但只怕到時因微波效應和電子武器摧殘令妳人老珠黃, 想找個伴都難.


萬一找不到合適的另一半, 妳可能要面對的是孤獨終老的問題, 所有喜怒哀樂, 生活問題都必須自已解決, 自己承擔. 如能做到性格獨立, 堅強, 對可能因腦控而引起的柏金遜病能做到預防同心理準備. 那麼單身也何妨, 這樣反而能減少生活, 家庭所帶來麻煩, 婚姻所帶來的煩惱. 但當然人生一定不完美.


最後妳會選擇早婚, 遲婚或者被迫單身? 我認為一切還是隨緣吧!


在此一提的是腦控賤人的存在功能, 他們志在打擊受害者, 癈受害者武功, 令受害者沒有反擊的能力, 甚至變成他們的同類.  我以過來人的經驗, 無論腦控賤人如何打壓, 都必須完成學業. 時刻自我增值, 加強自己手上的籌碼. 我個人的經驗是一邊努力工作, 一邊專心完成大學課程. 當腦控賤人打壓事業時, 專心學業, 當打壓學業時, 專心工作. 當兩樣同時被打壓時, 出外旅遊, 增廣見聞, 擴闊視野. 所以在此勉勵被腦控的青少年, 不要放棄, 力求上進, 同腦控賤人打一場持久戰. 做一個有社會價值的人. 大家共勉吧!

The conern of victim's life

There are a lot of teens in brain control space, and some of them have been brain-controlled since they were born. In their growing-up, the parents were faced the not privacy situation such as diaper changing and bathing for their child, worried their own child would be hurt by mirowave auditory effect, worry about within chip would be effect to appearance change, also DNA change to bone growth, I have saw a 3-year-old child have a 40 years old face and child's body, all above since the metamorphosis chip controller within the child chip with dwarf, so that lovely little girl turned into a dwarf's appearance.

When children grow up to school, due to being brain control, they have to face the problem of lack of concentration, knowledge can not be absorbed; when overcoming the problem of lack of concentration, when they are in exam, the metamorphosis chip controller within their chips with someone who got mental retardation or Illiterate people. all their study can not remember at that time. the result will be zero of cause.

  ">After school and got a job. the trouble maker of perp, make victim in trouble as a mental disorder person or treat them as perp of stalker, if your boss believed the lies of perp, you will loss the opportunity of promotion, even lost your job.

Well, is the time to face the marriage, most of the female will ask the question of "what is the right time for getting marry when you under the mind control circumstance" ?  when the girl being mind control, if the metamorphosis chip controller within her chip with a male, male thinking affect to girl's thinking, male mind do not like men, unless you are a homosexual.  Cause problem two, when you are being brain-controlled, the controller within the girl c ">hip with different persons, so that your appearance change from time to time, also make your mind and memory change time to time too, even emotions effection are change by different people.

My personal opinion is that if you love family life, and you can find your Mr. right in early time, you can getting marry early, early childbirth, due to microwave will cause a lot of problem to famale's  uterus by within chip with patients. On the other hand have a serious problem during delivery, since the metamorphosis perp may remote control electronic weapon attack uterine to contractions, so it is best way to choose anesthesia Caesarean section during delivery. Another problem should be psychological and physical problem, your marries life open to public, not privacy.  if you can overcome the above problems. and really understand each other and trust each other that just do it.

Some people choose to marry later, take advantage of their young in businesses to make money, fight for a place in the community, make herself not any economic concern in the future. But I'm afraid due to microwave effects and electronic harassment will hurt your health and appearrance, you can not find you Mr. right as you want.

If you can not find the other half, you may have to face the problem of loneliness, all emotions, life problems must be solved by yourself. If you have confidence, tough, have a psychological preparation to the Parkinson's disease cause by mind control, so single will be a good idea, you don't need to face the problems cause by familys, husband and children. but of course, life must not be perfect.

Finally,  what ever you choose, early marriage, late marriage or forced to single?  just follow your heart

And the addition, the perps' function are fighting the victims, abuse the victims to mental disorder that do not have the ability to counterattack, or even become to perp. Come from victim's experience, regardless of perps How to suppress you, you must complete all school studies to increasing yourself-value, got your bargain power. My personal experience was working and completion of university courses in same time. When the perp suppress my career, concentrate on study, or convert, concentrated my career. When the both are being suppressed at the same time, go traveling abroad, increasing knowledge and broadening my horizons. we are never give up and encouraged to each other, against to mind control as a protracted war.

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本週腦控空間作孽者: 吳孟達,秦沛, 林家棟, 麥潔雯, 吳震宇, 朱咪咪



1.   據說腦控空間有一家人, 名叫曾偉明, 曾偉光和曾惠群, 吳孟達交他們一條我的腦芯片, 以每月一萬元報酬要他們長時間開有我芯片的腦控機, 以供他人竊聽和併芯片. 此一家現在已被曾志豪所用. 在此呼籲此家人, 或認識此家人和曾志豪的人, 見字後請同我聯絡. 我是被腦控受害者, 並非在腦控空間工作的人. 任何人仕未經我同意, 擅取我的芯片直接或間接使用都屬嚴重刑事罪行, 請立刻關機停止使用. 否則必須按我聲明中提到的懲罰性索償計算。


2.    腦控空間賤人經常誘使受害者同他們合作, 以高回報為餌, 利用受害者做一些犯罪行為後, 食言不付報酬, 反將受害者被誘使所犯的罪行作為勒索的把柄. 大家切記, 不可輕信腦控賤人的謊言.


3.    本週當我購買聖誕禮物, 贈送家人後, 有腦控空間的人到同一家商號購買相同價值的產品後, 隔日再去退貨取現金. 不知是何原因? 據講每次我購買禮物後,腦控賤人都有此情況發生.


4.    本週有糖尿病上眼者同我併芯片, 令我全週雙眼酸痛痕癢, 精神狀態很差.


5.    本週變態控芯片賤人持續將頸部, 左右眼紅腫敏感者共三人同我併芯片, 令我皮膚持續惡化.


6.    本週變態控芯片賤人將一位70歲長者同我併芯片, 令我滿面,滿頸皺紋, 呈現老態.


7.    本週變態控芯片賤人梁姓的跛腳鴨將幾位傷殘人仕同我併芯片, 令我右腿不良於行.


8.    無線有些甘草演員和臨記, 明星,DJ 父母, 老年住在老人院, 為了面子, 付款變態控芯片賤人, 將他們的芯片同住在私人物業者合併, 用住私人物業者眼壓, 隱瞞住在老人院的事實. 我不明白為何要為住老人院而有心理負擔, 在老人院有人照顧, 有人聊天, 一樣可以生活得好開心. 為何偏偏要併芯片滋擾陌生的受害者, 而目的只為了滿足自己的一點點虛榮心. 此舉不止令自己失禮, 更令其子女感到羞恥.


Mind control space news this week (December 18 to 24, 2017


This week work as metamorphosis troblem maker were known: Ng Man Tat, Paul Chun Pui, Gordon Lam, Kitman, Francis Ng. Mimi Chu


1.  There is a family in brain control space named Cheung Wei Man, Cheung Wei Kong , and Cheung wei kwong,  It is said that Ng Man Tat handed over a piece of my brain chip to such family, and require them to turn on the brain-control machines within my chip for 24 hours per day last one month for HK$10,000, which is used by Tsang Chi-ho.


Please someone if you know such family and Tsang Chi-ho, to contact me after seeing the word, and I am a victim not a person working in a brain-controlled space. Anyone who uses my chip directly or indirectly without the consent of me is a serious criminal offense and must be shut down immediately to stop using it or will claim according to the punitive damages that mentioned in my blog before.


2.   The perps often lures victims to cooperate with them, using high reward as bait, making use of the victim to do some criminal acts, then never fulfill their promised, used victim to commited crimes as a goods for extortion money.  Remember don't be fooled by perps's lies.


3.   This week, when I bought a Christmas gift for my family, then a perp also to bought the same value product from the same department store and return the goods on the next day for cash.  I do not know why?  this situation was not first time, but every time after I bought a gift.

4. The metamorphosis chip controller still within my chip with diabetic patient, made me
eye sensitive and felt so tired this week.

5.  The metamorphosis chip controller continued within my chip with someone who got neck and eyes irritation, 
there are three patients within my chip, so that my skin getting more serious this week

6. The metamorphosis chip controlller within my chip with a 70-year-old person, make me full face and neck wrinkles,
my appearrence shows as a 70 years old woman.


7. One of metamorphosis chip controller, his name is Leung, and was a legs disable person, he used to within my chip with him also others, intended to break my leg as threats for money.


8.  Some TVB older actresses, walking-on actors, and the parents of film stars, DJs, most of them living in nursing homes, they want to hide the fact, pay to chip controller for within their chip with someone who living in the private property, misled the people who in mind control space recognized that they are living in their own flat not in nursing home.  I do not understand why they have such psychological worries for living in a nursing home.  In nursing home have professional nurses to take care and have people to chatting, you can enjoy your lift.  They want to within chip to abuse the victims only to satisfy a little bit of fake vanity, this move not only rude to themselves, but also make their children ashamed.



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腦控, 止痛藥, 毒品的關係

根據東周刊文章提及, 美國目前有二百萬人濫用鴉片類止痛藥, 正面臨鴉片類止痛藥成癮的危機. 美國疾病控制及預防中心(CDC)提供的統計數字, 每天有一百四十萬人因濫藥喪命. 而波士頓醫療中心有研究發現, 美國有十二份之一的醫生, 曾收取藥物生產商提供的利益.


從以上資訊, 令你聯想到什麼? 遙控電子武器所產生的痛症是否同以上數字有明顯的關係?


根據空間消息人士資料, 每當發生遙控電子武器令人集體劇烈頭痛後, 香港毒品的銷量上昇30%, 各類止痛藥平均上昇15%. 各醫務所生意上昇5-10%. 以上數字, 你們又聯想到什麼?


The Collaboration in mind control, painkiller and drug

According to the article from the East-Week magazine currently, there are two million people in the United States who abuse opioid pain killers and are facing a crisis of opiate analgesics. The statistics provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) daily are 1 million four hundred thousand people died of indiscriminate drug abuse, and a study by the Boston Medical Center found that a dozen of physicians in the United States accepted the benefits offered by drug manufacturers.
 From the above information, what do you think? The remote control of electronic weapons torture a lot of people to difference pains whether relative to the above figures ?
According to space sources, when perp remoted control electronic weapon torture victims, the sales of drugs increased by 30% in Hong Kong, and sales in individual types of painkillers increased by 15% on average each time, Also the medical center business growth about 5-10%. Look at all information provided above, we have a answer why the perps used electronic weapon so often.

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腦控空間有長者問是否可將保險受益人之名填上我的名? 我的答覆是不可以”.

原因之一, 我同您們非親非故, 完全不認識, 只憑聲音認人, 在法律上不能生效.

原因之二, 我絕對沒有能力確保您們在腦控空間的人身安全, 也沒有責任照顧您們的日常生活. 如您們一定要簽上我的名, 當我得保單時, 我會將您們的一切交由警方處理.


腦控空間有老動物的女兒, 教老動物假意將保險受益人的名寫上我的名字, 等我在日常可照顧他們, 待日後照顧完畢後再將受益人的名轉回女兒的名.! 何為孝悌? 在此強調, 我絕對不會帮賤人照顧老動物.

據稱腦控賤人企圖將手上長者的保單受益人簽上我的名, 但保單仍在腦控賤人手.  美其名是將長者人壽保險金當是債務賠償給我. 實是因為我揭穿腦控賤人的陰謀, 他們打算將予頭指向我, 令人以為我是在做 發死人財’’ 生意. 背上謀財害命的罪名. 陰毒!

在此強調, 如果以上屬實, 我會將一切交由警方處理, 堅決拒絕用長者,老動物的保單當是我被腦控的賠償金.

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現將其中一位被死亡的女死者大概情況在此提供大家分析, 到底腦控賤人族為何要如此對待一位年過70的受害者.


大約於一年前, 變態控芯片賤人將不良於行的90歲老動物*同女死者併芯片, 令一直身體健康的女死者不良於行, 沒法做晨運在先. 再持續將飽肚者輪流同死者併芯片, 令死者不思進食, 當死者進食後, 變態控芯片賤人遙控電子武器令死者嘔吐. 死者多次進出醫院留醫檢查, 而結果是所有器官都是正常, 沒有任何資料顯示死者健康有問題, 但死者逢食必嘔, 令醫生也百思不得其解, 唯有吊鹽水和給死者飲流質的營養飲料以維持生命. 其間變態控芯片賤人將老動物*同死者併芯片, 日夜滋擾死者, 影響死者思維, 潛死者聲駡子女同丈夫, 極其無理取閙. 好在死者夫妻相愛,子女一向孝順. 依然對死者千依百順, 照顧週到, 曾經有週邊人感慨地講, 不是有錢父母的子女才孝順, 你看她(死者)沒有錢, 老公子女比任何人都孝順.   直至12月8日早上被變態控芯片賤人遙控電子武器攻擊心臟至死.


死者是處於一個普通家庭, 有兒有女, 兒孫滿堂, 子女同死者自己沒有買保險.


據我所知, 最早期被腦控的受害者, 政府是有一筆資金賠償, 每人一仟萬港幣, 但因被腦控受害者自己不知道被腦控, 到知道被腦控也不清楚有賠償金一事. 估計死者是屬於早期有賠償金的一群, 但因賠償托管人中飽私囊, 攤分被腦控者應得的賠償, 擔心死者同家人知道後追討才出此下策.


腦控空間有人聲稱分開帮死者買了6份保險, 但死者家人聲稱子女同死者自己沒有買保險. 但依照保險條例, 如有直屬親人, 必須由死者真屬親人去索償. 腦控賤人憑何身份和依據去索取保險賠償呢? 如是者, 其中必有詐, 難道真如外界所講, 腦控賤人己壟斷保險業?


當死者死後, 腦控空間有很多涼薄的言論, 有人認為人口老化, 長者對社會和家庭已沒有貢獻. 但忘記了父母是子女一世的精神寄托, 父母親是永遠不會害自己子女.  他們曾經為社會作出貢獻, 為家庭無私的付出, 是一個家庭的凝聚力.


 對於一位從不增加政府負擔, 更非政府負累, 從不害人的長者, 為何下得了手? 用電子武器將其殘害. 反觀腦控空間成幚以害人為生, 以性騷擾為樂的老動物*, 他們是社會的渣滓, 長者中的敗類, 是香港人的恥辱, 反而仍然生存. 天理何在!


*老動物 ---- 是一群在腦控空間被腦控賤人利用於遙控電子武器殘害其他無辜長者的畜牲.



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本週在空間做孽已知者: 徐小鳳, 吳孟達, 秦沛, 鄧英敏, 林家棟, 劉青雲, 江華, 鄧萃雯, 吳鎮宇. 

  1. 本週變態腦控賤人將幾位眼睛有問題者同我併芯片. 計有糖尿病上眼, 左眼白內障, 眼部皮膚敏感紅腫, 眼部皮膚佈滿皺紋者. 有計劃, 有企圖地想摧毀的雙眼. (有照片為證)


  1. 我一直將磁鐵的負極貼於肚臍, 變態腦控賤人將磁鐵的正極貼於肚臍後將其同我併芯片, 令正負磁鐵發生衝擊而令我肚臍輕微出,一天後完全恢復. 而放置正極磁鐵者肚臍嚴重發炎, 正所謂害人终害己. 我懷疑肚臍磁鐵可能令腦控賤人某些機器失靈, 所以用此方法令我放棄貼上磁鐵.


  1. 15日早上7:11, 聽到有女聲用國語問 “Choi”, 妳去唔去?, 有女聲併我芯片答 ”.我被吵醒後未及反應已被屏蔽. 問道什麼事,去哪裡?“, 但沒有人答.


在此澄清, 我對以上之事一無所知. 相信又有人冒我名答應他人辦事.據稱腦控賤人經常用此方法誤導他人以為受害者自己同意轉為腦控人.我是絕對不會轉為腦控賤人, 因為我要保留我訴訟的權利, 一定不會同腦控賤人同流合污.


  1. 據說每天香港時間早上7:00有人點名, 但我從未聽過. 我奇怪為何要點名, 是否能確保答應者是其本人.不知其目的, 意義何在?


  1. 據悉, 倪震, 吳孟達, 秦沛被空間神秘聲音傳召上京, 最後限期是本月11. 他們因擔心一去不復返, 是否遵從上京或留守香港或潛逃國外? 仍然未知?


  1. 併芯片又有新發現, 你的牙齒原本整齊, 當賤人併你芯片一起用餐時, 你用餐後需要用牙籤. 當沒有賤人併芯片進食時是不需要的.


  1. 本週變態控芯片賤人仍然將不同人同我併芯片, 令我樣貌一天多變. 好在換走的只是我的樣貌, 並非我的腦. 否則就不能繼續在此同讀者溝通.原來樣貌和腦是可以分開控制.
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