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Vitamin D

If you are on a station ditch it, it reduces vitamin d, which reduces your auto immune system, vitamin d is key and essential for it to be in tip top condition, see Barcelona study Cholesterol which is where vitamin d comes from naturally does not cause heart attack or clog arteries, see the following:

All Hat Study,  Helsinki Businessmans Studt, Japanese Study, all available on line just plug it into your search drive.

They use their tech to do the rest.


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Are you at Risk?

If you have a blood check ask about the Lymphocyte Count, see if for yourself on the computer, this correlates with a drop in cholesterol ?levels as well, they are using their tech to destroy your auto immune system, ask for access to your records via patient access systems.I

Satellite of love?  Lou Reed.


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This Sums' Our Planet Up in One!


'Exploring the Psychology of Creativity.'

National Gallery of Canada, 3 years ago.  YouTube

I hope as many people who can see this because it states very early on in the debate the point of true creativity and the manner in which it is treated over the whole of our planet, not just Canada.

NB:  There is a old film that exemplifies the life of an 'Artist,' called, 'The Hustler.'  Starring Steve Mc Queen.  I know that some of you who google that, or know, will immediately state that, that film is about a Pool Player.   The original script for that film was about an 'Artist,' trying to make his living via his talent, however the producers & makers decided that the script was that sad, they changed it to a pool player instead.

I would like to state that I never bang my own gong for anything in particular, but it is worth exemplifying what is wrong with it all, as we are moving directly to Global Corporatism.  NB Capitalism died about 30 years ago.


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Doctors & Nurses - Nurse Practitioners!

In the UK when qualifying but before going into practice a Doctor must swear the HYPOCRATIC O)ATH, that commits them to saving human life.... but what about Nurse Practitioners?  They don't, yet they prescribe medication & verbally review medication & treatment with a patient, with a patient, yet they advocate courses of treatment such as STATINS for CHOLESTEROL REDUCTION, see my previous blog, 'Cholesterol', Diabetes Treatment, & Blood Pressure Treatment........

Are you rotund overweight or even considered obese?  Have you ever wandered what you are doing wrong and why you are so large, let me debunk what is locally & colloquially known as, 'Mc Donald's Arse Syndrome,' NB I deliberately use that term because there is nothing really wrong with Mc Donald's but once again Health Care Professionals single them out for demonization....

During the 1950's Doctors used to boast that they could make thin people fat, this method was used cosmetically  to make thinnish female actresses a bit more voluptuous and therefore more amenable & appealing to the male Libido.  So how did they do it?  Simple they injected clients with insulin, the more insulin you have in your system the fatter you get.  Insulin is produced by the Pancreas and as we are all different, it stands to reason that some people will produce more insulin thanb others.....however it must be stated that as an organ the pancreas has got it's own electrical frequency that can be controlled via the Hypothalamus, like every other organ in your body.

To all the Perps, 'Who's whispering into your Brain when your Asleep?'  Remember these words:

"Born and Raised to be a Soldier?  You fight without question, and die without complaint." Or is your bag of silver adequate compensation?


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This morning on BBC 1, approximately 9.20 am, a expert exclaimed, "The Government are going to prescribe Vitamin D tablets to elderly & vulnerable people!  So why did the Government since 2008, when Nanny State was introduced, and so did their emissaries working in, 'Health Care,' & therefore called, 'Health Care Professionals,' advocate vociferously that you should reduce your Cholesterol Levels?  Remember, it clogs arteries, causes strokes, and heart attacks..... That is total Bovine Defecation, (Male of the Species)!

Cholesterol, 75 percent of it is manufactured by your liver, only 25 percent comes from food, you diet and reduce your intake your liver compensates, it's a very important item in your body. No question mark here it's a fact!

What's it do then?

It's your bodies No 1 repair kit, under normal wear and tear the inner lining of your arteries get worn, (endothelia layer) LDL or as they say bad cholesterol comes along and coats the damaged area, rather like a plaster over a graze, when your body has repaired the area, HDL or good cholesterol comes along and clears it up.  IT IS NOT DUMPED OUT OF THE BODY AS ITS A VERY IMPORTANT ITEM, it's taken back to the liver where it's re-cycled.  It also coats your nerves, which is your bodies / brains electrical communication system, preventing it from short circuiting, that's the bad cholesterol, nerves need the odd bit of patch repair at some time.

It moisturizes your skin through the grease gland in your hair follicle, preventing your skin drying up, cracking and letting infection in.

It produces, Testosterone, Progesterone, Oestrogen, & Serotonin, if you reduce these - well never mind men they've always got Viagra, and Ladies HRT, Serotonin?  The feel good factor - the joys of spring etc, the lack of which can cause S.A.D.

It also creates Vitamin D & K, Vitamin D is created by the enaction of SUNLIGHT, UVB,  on CHOLESTEROL IN YOUR SKIN.  Rat poison causes Vitamin K deficiency in rats which kills them.

I now turn my attention directly to Vitamin D, this is directly responsible for the creation and maintenance of your AUTO-IMMUNE SYSTEM.

Big question.....WHY DO THEY WANT YOU TO REDUCE ALL THAT?  They're still banging on about it.

Where does cholesterol come from? Cheese, Eggs, Butter, and good unadulterated dairy products, or a supplement tablet, cheaply available from your local supermarket.

All the above information is available for anyone to read on WIKIPEDIA, it's a none brainer.  I have been to the main library in B'ham and researched it donks ago, and for those who think I'm too cleaver none of this is hard, and most problems are caused by them beaming people creating them in the 1st place, every organ in your body has a frequency controlled via the Hypothalamus. The Radiofrequency Radiation Docimetric Handbook Edition No 4  &  5 freely available to download also Dr. Barrie Trower, YouTube, explain this.

I challenge any expert out there no matter how qualified or styled to comment and or destroy any of the information above, YOU MUST USE SCIENCE, NOT VOX POPULIS OR CONJECTURE, OR ASSUME MY IGNORANCE AS A WEAPON.

There are patents for their tech.


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Must See


Uploaded on YouTube, 20th, July, 2020.

CIA RDP96 - 00788R001700210016-5

approved for release 2003/0/10.

'The CIA on Time Travel and the Holographic Experience.'

Brain Hemisphere synchronisation in Perspective.

Actual document on screen & read.


PS It lasts about 2hrs.

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Must See


Uploaded on YouTube, 20th, July, 2020.

CIA RDP96 - 00788R001700210016-5

approved for release 2003/0/10.

'The CIA on Time Travel and the Holographic Experience.'

Brain Hemisphere synchronisation in Perspective.

Actual document on screen & read.


PS It lasts about 2hrs.

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Coronavirus/Corvid - 19

On its own Coronavirus/Corvid - 19 is bad enough, but please be aware that they can beam you directly and imitate the virus, the main emphasis is, NOSE MOUTH THROAT & LUNGS., they can make you feel sick as well, sorry but it's not just V2K & Mental Health, it's most things in the ICD, International Statistical Classification of Desease & other Disorders, as well.


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Black Lives Matter?

Black lives matter has been all over the news.  I for one am perplexed about it, because it's not Black Lives Matter, or White Lives Matter, or Brown or Yellow, or whatever colour depicts your race, "It's All Lives Matter."  The media say that they are wanting equality?  I therefore point this out:

Quote,  "All Humans are born with different capacities, if you are free you are not equal.  And if you are equal you are not free."

Aleksander Solzhenitsyn. 

What I believe would be better is, 'Equality of opportunity,' that should go for all.  Please feel free to add your opinion and comments.


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All three, Coronavirus/covid 19, The Flu Jab & vThe Common Cold, are VIRUSES, there has never been a 'Vaccination,' against any of these viruses, what there is is what they used to sell in 1850's mid west US, Pure Snake Oil.

What makes the flu jab give you greater protection?  The Ajutants which are in the mix force your body to go into overdrive and produce antibodies which fight any infection. DON'T FORGET YOUR BODY DOES THIS NATURALLY ANYWAY WHEN INFECTED.  The only thing you need to do is make sure you have a balanced diet, I know they've said it before, you need a balanced diet of fresh fruit and meat including fish.  The only thing you might require is a VitaminD supplement if you suffer from Seasonal Adjustment Dissorder, that's if you live in a Northerly Country during the Autumn, Winter, and Spring Months when the Sun is low and the light is weaker.

It is worth noting that they have or still do use ingredients such as Ethel Mercury & Aluminium as adjutants in the flu jab.  Know Alice in Wonderland, 'What made the Mad Hatter Mad?'  Mercury was used in the manufacture of Top Hats to prepare the rims, he was therefore suffering from, MERCURY POISONING.  Aluminium is known to cause Alziemers & Parkinsons desease.  If you are offered a jab just ask, 'What are the ajutants?' see what answer you get, NB there are 3 manufacturers they supply the jabs in boxes that they keep in the fridge, it should therefore be easy for them to tell you as there is a leaflet in each box with full ingredients list and side effects etcetera'

What ajutants do they use in other jabs, no one seems to have asked?


Gods knowledge was given for the whole of mankind not the greedy few.


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It is with a large amount of frustrasion that I live in a country where the Media, that is TV & Press along with Politicians contrive to hide the truth from us in terms of science in relation to many things and especially with Coronavirus / Covid 19.

Just to set the record straight as far as this is concerned, please note I am not advocating complacency or to disregard any of the guidlines that have been issued thus far. The virus concerned is already known about, and has been known about from the start.  What it is, is the common cold.  There are two varieties the first we are all familiar with is Rhino-virus, this occurs naturaly in everyones noses and becomes a problem when there is a change & prolonged spell of cold weather as what happens in the Autumn Months.  The second affects animals and has presented itself twice before as SARS. I assume it is that, or a variation, as this reportedly started in a market with animals and that covid 19 / coronavirus is a more virulent strain of that?

If you need to see more details this has been on WIKIPEDIA from the start, just put coronavirus into your WIKIPEDIA search drive!

All the best to all of you,


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5G Installations.

During this global lockdown the authorities have been installing 5G Microwave communication masts and cable, which is something that I have said they were going to do when it started.  What don't they want us to see until it's too late?  There is Mobile Phone video evidence uploaded, and if you are not aware of the sigfnificance please refer to the talks and intervioews posted on YouTube by Dr. Barrie Trower, microwave warfare specialist & MI5 Agent.



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Any Faraday Tent must be accompanied by a GROUNDSHEET, both of these need to be earthed and should come with an earth wire fitted to a suitable plug.  If they do not please consult a qualified electrician rather than trying to do a DIY job.  I know it can be expensive, but the consequences if you do not are too sad to think about.

Love and best wishes to all of you and keep safe,


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Hi All'

If you need your records, especially relating to your stay in Hospital or Mental Facility, apply for them right away, including any MRI's of your brain, as they will be destroyed, Under the DATA PROTECTION ACT 2018, "They have a duty not to keep personal information longer than necessary." If you need evidence apply ASAP. This pertains to the UK, others must check their status in their own countries, but I bet it's simmilar.

Best wishes to you all,

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Hi All'

If you need your records, especially relating to your stay in Hospital or Mental Facility, apply for them right away, including any MRI's of your brain, as they will be destroyed, Under the DATA PROTECTION ACT 2018, "They have a duty not to keep personal information longer than necessary." If you need evidence apply ASAP. This pertains to the UK, others must check their status in their own countries, but I bet it's simmilar.

Best wishes to you all,

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Hi All,

Just thought you would like to know that there is a simple way of checking whether you are a TI.  All you do is slap your ear with the flat of yur hand, it should not hurt, if you hear a, 'Tuning Fork Noise,' what I call, TUFS, tuning fork syndrome, you have proven point blank to yourself, that you are a TI.  This can be done on both ears.  If you are not a TI you will just experience a, 'thud.'  No technology necessary.

Hope you are all keeping well during these rather bad times and hope to be hearing from you soon , Robert. 

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I have noticed on a couple of blogs that Psychiatrists are our worst enemy?  I refer you all to Dr. Geofrey Schaler, who does a brilliant five minute presentation.  He was a Psychologist & Professor, who came out and viremently criticised his fellow peers for their total lack of science with particular reference to the DSM! (The Diagnostic & Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders),  You can find this on YouTube, by just putting his name on the search drive.  He had a very good friend, Dr. Thomas Szasz, Professor of Psychology who was equally perplexed with Psychiatry, also on YouTube.  He has made a complete set of seminars held at The University of Birmingham, (England), free for all to see.

One of the big problems is that some people know the truth, but some don't.  The reason?  Pluasible Denighability, if you do not know the truth you automatically accept what education & those in authority tell you.  I believe therefore it is down to us to educate the world.  The more you keep to yourself the more they get away with.

All the best to everyone,

and may God be with you

all,  Robert.

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