CIA top technicals and the Rockefeller tycoons did not kill each other. They only killed innocent people (including people in Boston and other areas). That is evidence the CIA top technicals and the Rockefeller tycoons are the same thing.
CIA do not follow orders of doing bad things. Bad things include killing and damaging themselves, killing and damaging other robots and other innocent people. Your lives do not belong to yourselves. Your lives belong to humankind. It has to be the ge
Who authorized the killings of nearly 1000 Americans in Jonestown in 1978 using CIA remote mind control? The death of one Rockefeller family member in 1979 could not be compared with the deaths of 1000 human beings in 1978 using remote mind control a
Never dream any of us can survive without deleting the female British boss who looks similar to the one in TV series <DOLL HOUSE> and the male in charge who looks similar to the one in TV series <HOUSE> in CIA mind control FIRM, who did not help imme
The CIA real boss, Rockefeller family member, had been fooling CIA robots by pretending they wanted to make the world better using different excuses, while the only thing they really did is killing.
If you don’t know the simplest rules of nature: everything is consistent, everyone is consistent, evil is vicious to everyone, you are likely a 100% moron, who can’t protect oneself and others.
The undercover tycoon family member CIA technical boss
Whoever is using Human Robots, who did brain surgery on children. More likely they are still doing brain surgery on more kids today, as if they had stopped doing surgery on innocent children, they had exposed the secret remote surgery and remote mind
Those who do not want to immediately expose the two technologies: EM remote surgery and remote mind control are useless to humankind. The dominating individuals in Rockefeller family (probably the queen and the Scottish son in law) are useless to hum
What humankind should do to prohibit people to behave like Rockefellers who rejected changing when they holding power and knowing what they are doing are damaging humankind and they can stop the killing, torturing and fooling by exposing the two secr
Those who do not want to immediately expose the two technologies: EM remote surgery and remote mind control are useless to humankind. Humankind would not stand tens of thousands innocent people being killed every day. The 500 people killed in Egypt r
Those who do not want to immediately expose the two technologies: EM remote surgery and remote mind control are useless to humankind. The dominating individuals in Rockefeller family (probably the queen and the Scottish son in law) are useless to hum
Those who do not want to immediately expose the two technologies: EM remote surgery and remote mind control are useless to humankind. The dominating individuals in Rockefeller family (probably the queen and the Scottish son in law) are useless to hum
CIA was fooling me by sending me messages telling me that they torture me and doing surgery on me were for a good purpose. That is not possible according to what happened in human history. No evil had ever changed when they were holding power. Hitle
CIA was fooling me by sending me messages telling me that they torture me and doing surgery on me were for a good purpose. That is not likely according to what happened in human history. No evil had ever changed when they were holding power. Hitler d
What humankind should do to prohibit people to behave like Rockefellers who rejected changing when they holding power and knowing what they are doing are damaging humankind and they can stop the killing, torturing and fooling by exposing the two secr
CIA top technicals and the Rockefeller tycoons did not kill each other. They only killed innocent people (including people in Boston and other areas). That is evidence the CIA top technicals and the Rockefeller tycoons are the same thing.
The photo on newspaper showed that the CIA technical staff Edward Joseph Snowden might be a human robot, whose brain had been damaged in his young ages. In fact, he did not leak any secret at all. He did not tell how the surveillance programs being
Less than 20% CIAs know that their brains were damaged by remote surgery when they were sleeping.
The broadcast on the existence of remote surgery technology was not so efficient as mind control probably because the real boss don’t want the CIAs know
CIA slaves told me there are many 100% morons in CIA. They are used to control the non-100% moron CIA employees. Only the CIA real boss can control those 100% morons (human robots), as the machine for controlling those 100% morons are kept in secret