The photo on newspaper showed that the CIA technical staff Edward Joseph Snowden might be a human robot, whose brain had been damaged in his young ages. In fact, he did not leak any secret at all. He did not tell how the surveillance programs being used to block people's phone conversation and alter the contents using new technologies.
Being monitored is not a big deal. Ordinary people have nothing to hide. We are not afraid of being monitored. It is the killers who kill innocent people on purpose do not want others to know what they think and what they intend to do. Everyone should be transparent especially the CIA real boss and commanders. The problem is CIA has not been controlled by any government since 70's. It is controlled by a tycoon family as indicated by many CIA employees. The CIA contractors did not report what they found to US government. They only reported to the tycoon family who would rather sacrifice humankind for their power of controlling humankind. The two technologies: remote surgery and remote mind control, which should be used to save lives and help humankind are being used by the tycoon family to kill people and damage humankind on purpose because those tycoons live for power rather than for the betterness of humankind.
Most CIA youngsters (below 40 years old) are brain damaged robots, who can’t tell the difference between their own thinkings and others. Apparently Edward Joseph Snowden is one of them. These CIA youngsters had been used by the tycoon family to kill the old CIAs to hide the secrets of what the tycoon family did previously. These CIA youngsters magnified the power of the tycoon family as they are completely controlled by electromagnetic signals from the mind control machines, which are owned by the tycoon family members.
The GOD FATHER like society in CIA is real, as CIA can break any law in the name of national security.
那个29岁自称美国中情局合同公司电脑技术员的Edward Joseph Snowden很象是“机器人”。他的表情和眼神与大脑被破坏后言行被电磁波信号控制的“机器人”(薄希来太太那样的机器人)很相似。那位CIA并没有泄漏任何秘密,他根本没有公开美国中情局如何阻止人的正常交流,用同步仿声技术更改交流内容,篡改信件内容等行为。
大多数40岁以下的年轻美国中情局雇员的大脑或多或少被手术过。由于大脑被破坏时的年纪太轻,他们没有能力区分哪些是自己的想法,哪些是被人同步输入的。那个29岁中情局技术员Edward Joseph Snowden很象是这种机器人。美国中情局内部曾经用这种年轻的CIA杀害经验较多的老CIA以将CIA老板以前做过的坏事永久隐瞒。这种年轻的CIA使人数很少的CIA真正老板的富商家族的权力得到了成百万倍的放大,因为这种年轻的CIA完全受脑控机器发出的信号控制,而只有CIA真正老板的富商家族的人拥有这些脑控机器。