denny32's Posts (363)

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The $2 Billion Mind Control Lawsuit

The $2 Billion Mind Control Lawsuit

By Lyle Zapato/ Source:

A Cascadian man, Jerry Rose, is suing Wal-Mart, Microsoft, Telus, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and others for $2-billion over allegations of mind-control, satanic rituals, and witchcraft:

Rose's claim states "that he has been subject to invasive brain computer interface technology, research, experiments, field studies and surgery" and also named the University of B.C. and the B.C. College of Physicians and Surgeons as defendants.

B.C. judge Fraser Wilson bravely broke with his Federalist handlers and refused the defendants' call to have the case summarily thrown out, citing CIA-sponsored experiments at the McGill University hospital in Montreal in the 1950-60s -- in which people were given LSD without their consent in an attempt to wipe out their sense of "self" and rebuild their identities to CIA specifications -- as reason to give Rose's claims a fair hearing.

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Volunteers taking part in tests of the Pentagon’s “less-lethal” microwave weapon were banned from wearing glasses or contact lenses due to safety fears. The precautions raise concerns about how safe the Active Denial System (ADS) weapon would be if used in real crowd-control situations.

The ADS fires a 95-gigahertz microwave beam, which is supposed to heat skin and to cause pain but no physical damage. Little information about its effects has been released, but details of tests in 2003 and 2004 were revealed after Edward Hammond, director of the US Sunshine Project – an organisation campaigning against the use of biological and non-lethal weapons – requested them under the Freedom of Information Act.

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oh wow e omg omg omg
i sent that letter to the queen and had a nurse come round as was told to by forensic threat squad 

i gave her piece of my mind and she said tey are not saying i am a threat but concerned~yeah right!!!!

its police apparently invoved with reading the queens messages and also her mail apparently~ no suprise and looked it up its also department of defence

amazing you do this and told her i will not be labelled ever

she asked bout the courts and what i will do and said i do not wish to share what i will be doing with anyone

i also asked for the letter from the forensic threat squad as want a copy and it smy rights to have one even if it means writing and she will let me know but said i am right

remember anything you want if you ask your goverment about most things its within your rights and like i say if you dont know you wont ask~so great ppl ask for information and your entitled to ask

i am a targetted individual who will fight till we are all free from this illegal torture
love and warmest wishes

stay safe and be strong!!!!

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Russian tycoon wants to move mind to machine

NEW YORK (AP) - Can the City That Never Sleeps become the City That Never Dies? A Russian multimillionaire thinks so.

Dmitry Itskov gathered some of humanity's best brains - and a few robots - in New York City on Saturday to discuss how humans can get their minds to outlive their bodies. Itskov, who looks younger than his 32 years, has an aggressive timetable in which he'd like to see milestones toward that goal met:

- By 2020, robots we can control remotely with our brains.

- By 2025, a scenario familiar to watchers of sci-fi cartoon show "Futurama:" the capability to transplant the brain into a life-support system, which could be a robot body. Essentially, a robot prosthesis that can replace an ailing, perhaps dying body.

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A 42-year-old employee killed two workmates and wounded seven when he opened fire in a Swiss factory, rocking the small community where the plant is located.

Police said that the gunman, who also died, had worked for more than 10 years at the Kronospan wood panel plant in Menznau, near Lucerne in central Switzerland.

He had no record of making trouble, police and factory officials said, but workmates quoted by Swiss media said he may have been suffering from mental problems since last year.

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Researchers have harnessed the power of thought to guide a remote-control helicopter through an obstacle course. The demonstration joins a growing number of attempts to translate the electrical patterns of thoughts into motions in the virtual and real world. Those thoughts, such as that of making a fist with the left hand, are then correlated with motions of the helicopter – in this case to the left. The electroencephalograph remains a chaotic and largely indecipherable mess of electrical signals, but those related to motion – or the mere thought of it – have proven to be comparatively strong and repeatable. Even technology firms see potential in the idea; Samsung is reportedly working on a “mind-control” tablet device.
When researchers can access the brain directly – with probes or implants – they can focus on more precise areas of brain activity, at the source. “The brain-computer interface technology may ultimately not only help disabled patients but may also help the healthy population… not to restore loss of function but to enhance function beyond what we can accomplish.”
The new study breaks ground in the autonomous control of a free-moving robot, one of a number of efforts in this direction. Even control of a household robot could become possible.

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FBI develops microwave weapon

The FBI laboratory in Quantico, Virginia, says it has developed a non-lethal police weapon which works like your kitchen microwave. This microwave gun creates an intolerable burning sensation in the targeted person by sending intensive 3-millimetre electromagnetic radiation half a millimeter deep into his or her skin. The weapon is effective within 100 metres. TASS
The FBI laboratory in Quantico, Virginia, says it has developed a non-lethal police weapon which works like your kitchen microwave.
This microwave gun creates an intolerable burning sensation in the targeted person by sending intensive 3-millimetre electromagnetic radiation half a millimeter deep into his or her skin.
The weapon is effective within 100 metres.
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Scientists in the UK have developed a portable microwave scanner that is small enough to be used covertly at some distance from the subject that is expected to help police identify individuals carrying concealed guns and knives, BBC News reported.

The device is designed to pick up the "reflections" of weapons concealed beneath clothing and is based around microwave radar technology.

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