If you are a victim of brain control. Do not let people say you are sick. These are the people hurting you and they also come onto the forums and lie about you maybe sick or have some mental problem.
For those persons who believe they have IMPLANTS and would like to find out for a fact, you may want to know more about DIGITAL INFRARED THERMAL IMAGING. Click here to see photos. This is a full body "x-ray" (no radiation involved) and the test cos
I am sure many of you, if not all have realized what a relief music can be. I listen to music, or talk radio (which honestly, works even better for me) to help me fall asleep. As many of us are experiencing v2k where they listen to your thoughts and
Good news! In the pursuit of securing progressive help for TI's, we are compiling a RESOURCE LIST of attorneys around the world with the track record and specific legal expertise needed to fight the many wrongs do
This is probably going to sound like the strangest thing ever but hear me out first. I am intelligent, worked my entire life, gone through college etc. Never had any severe mental issues etc. In the last month I started to be followed by multi
From SyntheticTelepathy.com, with permission: The final nail in the coffin of the common theories put forth by psychiatrists concerning abuse is the geometric problem in MPD/DID(multiple personality disorder). MPD/DID is a closely related problem, yo