michael benoit's Posts (63)

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Moishe the Beadle Ministries

January 1, 2016  


Moishe the Beadle



Proclaiming Y'shua " God's Salvation "

Jesus " the " Christ of God




A World in the Grip of Death

    They called him Moishe the Beadle.  He was the jack of all trades in a Hasidic house of prayer in Sighet, Trannsylvania, a region of Romania.  He was the poorest man in all Sighet.  He was shy and kept to himself but he was liked by the people.  He mastered the art of invisibility and insignificance which had he known the task ahead of him, being an observant Jew, he would have made himself of more significance.  For, who will believe the poorest man in town?

    This is a recounting of the first person mentioned in the book "Night" by author Elie Wiesel.  You can read the latest edition online but it is a painful read.  It will hurt you to read it and the pain will be more real to you than just a normal unaware reader.  The author has experienced the "first faces of hell and death".  For those of you who chose to read this book don't let anyone of you lose sight of hope.  Endurance wins the prize.

    In the year 1941 a young teenager was asked a question by a man, " Why do you cry when you pray ".  He answered, "I don't know".  Thus began a relationship between two human beings who sought to love God.

    Not long after their discussions about Jewish mysticism began, months.  All foreign Jews were expelled from Sighet and Moishe the Beadle was a foreigner.  The foreign Jews were packed into cattle cars and transported to hell and death.  But Moishe the Beadle surived and by the strength God gave him, he returned to Sighet to warn the people.

    But the people of Sighet would not recieve his warnings and pleadings.  Francois Muriac wrote the Forward to the book "Night" and in it he spoke of the  people.  He spoke of their blindness, their inconceivable passivity, the deafness in their ears to warnings and pleas, their refusals to believe an eyewitness to the frist faces of hell and death.  That is what sealed their fate.

    Does this feel painfully similar to today?

Why could they not believe at that time?

Why can they not believe at this time?

"Every question possesses a power which is lost in the answer"

 Moishe the Beadle


     We are just like Moishe the Beadle.  We speak.  We write.  We cry but no one pays any attention to us.  It is to umbelieveable, to incomprehensible, nonetheless, it is true.  And we cannot be silient.

We have a task to perform and we are not permitted to avoid it.  God is watching us.

     Plato asked: If we were shielded from the consequences of our actions, how would that change the way we act?

     We are painfully aware of the answer to this question and the power of the question is not lost.  It is the "mystery of iniquity".


     In the coming days I will write about the deception that is here and that is coming.  I will speak of the absolute necessity of being rooted and grounded in the fact that Christ came in the flesh, died on the cross and rose from the dead.  Don't let anyone steal that from you.



     Elie Wiesel passed away on July 2, 2016I will always remember him on that day of July because that is also my birthday. A commentator on NPR said that his book "Night" and "The Diary of Anne Frank" were the two most read books about that terrible era of history.  The commentator also said that although his book was about his ordeal, there was also an underlying story of how he lost his faith in his God.  The God he loved.  He lived to be a voice for those who no longer had a voice. 

     I want to make a comment about the book "Night" and the author Elie Wiesel.  He, the author, was told that he survived his ordeal in Auschwitz in order to write his book "Night".  I believe that is a true statement.  The author wrote in his own words that he believed that every book has a destiny.  I believe this is also a true statement and I believe that its destiny is for today, for this precise time at the ending of time.  It is written in the book of Revelation, chapter 10, verses 6 and 7 that there should be time no longer and that the mystery of God should be finished.

     Were it not for the horrors that we have experienced, Iam not sure that I would have this certain eschatological point of view.  The author wrote that only those who experienced Auschwitz know what it was and it is the same with us.  No one knows what it is like to be tortured the way we are presently being tortured.  And the world and the church remains ignorant and silent to our cries and pleas, even though these cries and pleas are an attempt to warn them that the world is again turning demented and glacial, where again humans will become inhuman and the masters will do whatever they deem necessary as they imagine in their absence of God intellect.

     I would like to say that I insist that every Christian who reads this blogpost would also read the book, Night.  But I am not that bold.  You may not be put to the test as some have.  But if you were, wouldn't you like to be prepared to stand to the end and glorify Jesus.


Luke 12: 4,5   And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do.  But I will forwarn you whom ye shall fear:  Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell:  yea, I say unto you, Fear him.


Moishe the Beadle Ministries

Proclaiming Y'shua "God's Salvation"

Jesus "the" Christ of God


God forever changed the form of His existance

For you


From Phillipians 2: 6   Who being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal with God.  But made himself of no reputation and took upon him the form of a servant and was madein the likeness of men.  And being found in fashion as a man.  He humbled himself and became obedient unto death even the death of the cross.


     Before the foundation of this world (or world age) God predetermined that the Eternal Son of God from eternity past, very God of very God, would change his form of existence for all eternity future, to redeem the lost and create an eternal kingdom with no end with the firstborn from the dead as King of Kings and Lord of Lords with a new humanity in unity with God, eternally.

From First Peter 1: 18,20   Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things but with the precious blood of Christ as a Lamb without blemish and without spot who verily was foreordained before the foundation of th world but was manifest in these last times for you.

                                     "Christ" in the Flesh

                   Jesus created everything seen and unseen and

                          Jesus became part of His creation

From the Gospel of John 

John 1. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2. The same was in the beginning with God.  3. All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made.  4. In him was life; and the life was the light of men.  5. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness [overcame] it not.  6. There was a man sent from God, Whose name was John.  7. The same came for a witness, to bear witness of that Light.  8. He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light.  9. That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.  10. He was in the world.  And the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.  11. He came unto his own, and his own received him not.  12. But as many as received him, to them gave he the power to become the [children] of God, even to them that believe on his name;  13. Who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.  14. (And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory, as of the only begotten of the Father), full of grace and truth.

John 17. 1 These words spoke Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son may glorify thee.  2 As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him.  3 And this is life eternal, that they know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.  4. I have glorified thee on the earth; I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.  5. And now, O Father, glorify thou me with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.  6. I have manifested thy name unto the men whom thou gavest me out of the world; thine they were, and thou gavest them to me, and they have kept thy word.  7. Now they have known that all things, whatever thou hast given me, are of thee.  8. For I have given unto them the words which thou gavest me; and they have received them. and have known surely that I came out of thee, and they have believed that thou didst send me.  9. I pray for them; I pray not for the world, but for them whom thou hast given me; for they are mine.  10. And all mine are thine, and thine are mine; and I am glorified in them.  11. And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee.  Holy Father, keep through thine own name those thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are.  12. While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name; those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition, that the scripture might be fulfilled.  13. And now come I to thee, and these things I speak in the world, that they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves.,  14. I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.  15. I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.  16. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.  17. Sanctify them through thy truth; thy word is truth.  18. AS thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world;  19. And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth.  20. Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also who shall believe on me through their word;  21. That they all may be one, as thou , Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us; that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.  22. And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them, That they may be one, even as we are one;  23. I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me.  24 Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me before the foundation of the world.  25. O righteous Father, the world hath not known that thou hast sent me.  26. And I have declared unto them thy name, and will declare it that the love with which thou hast loved me may be in them, and I in them.

John 17. 1 These words spoke Jesus, and lifted up his to heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son









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The Christian Broadcasting Network

977 Centerville Turnpike

Virginia Beach, VA 23463

CBA Canada

680 Progress Avenue - Unit #2

Scarborough, ON M1H3A5



American Center for Law and Justice

P. O. Box 90555

Washington, DC 200090-0555



Jack Van Impe Ministries  (very important contact)

P. O. Box 7004

Troy, MI 48007-7004

T: 248-852-2244

E-mail: jvimi@jvim.com

Fax line: 248-852-2692

In Canada

Jack Van Impe Ministries International

PO Box 1717

Postal Station A

Windsor, ON



Skywatch TV, Inc   (very important, communicate with Josh Peck)

P. O. Box 5

Crane, Missouri 65633

El Shaddai Ministries

P. O. Box 2008

Sumner, WA 98390

Morningstar Ministries

375 Star Light Dr.

Fort Mill, SC 29715


(803) 802-5544


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         Universities With Human Rights Centers

                        For You To Contact

                        In The United States

Columbia University Law School, Human Rights Institute

Emory University, The Carter Center

Harvard Law School Human Rights Program

Notre Dame Law School, Center for Civil and Human Rights

University of California, Berkeley, Human Rights Center

University of Chicago, International Studies Human Rights Program

University of Minnesota Human Rights Center

Washington College of Law, American University, Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law

   Post These Universities On Other Websites That You May Know

    There Doesn't Seem To Be Much Traffic Here

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Physicians for Human Rights

"Through evidence, change is possible"

In Dr. Robert Duncan's book "Project: Soul Catcher", Volume Two, on page 300 he raises the question about evidence and what would work in our dysfunctional justice system besides the testimony of hundreds of people.

 Well, Physicians for Human Rights was formed for exactly the purpose of providing credible, expert testimony from many professionals in the fields of medicine and science as well as lawyers and other members of the legal profession.  All of these professionals came together to form this special organization, PHR, for the exact purpose of investigating, documenting cases of torture, cruel inhuman, degrading treatment, and involuntary human experimentation.  They are not afraid of governments. \

It would only take an examination of app. 25 TIs to convince this body of scientists that people are indeed being tortured and are being experimented on without their consent.  If Dr. Robert Duncan, who I regard very much, and Dr. John Hall and any other doctors, lawyers and any other professionals who have knowledge or personal experience of these atrocities would present their evidence to Physicians for Human Rights, they would in no wise conclude that all of us are delusional but on the contrary would collect all the credible evidence necessary to bring these atrocities to the public view and expose this horrible truth.

Dr. Scott A. Allen  was the lead medical author of PHRs reports "Experiments in Torture" and " Leave No Marks"

Torture leaves marks.  It just needs experts who know how to look.


     I was listening to National Public Radio and I heard the last sentence of an interview.  The man said that with the Istanbul protocol we can even prove if a person has been tortured psychologically.



     The Istanbul Protocol is the Manuel on Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.  It is the first set of international guidelines for documentation of torture and its consequences.  It provides guidance for doctors and lawyers who want to investigate whether or not a person has been tortured and report the findings to the judiciary and any other investigative bodies.

     Physicians for Human Rights played a leading role in creating the Istanbul Protocol.  They will document the torture that we have been enduring all these years.  PHR was founded on the idea that physicians, scientists and other healthcare professionals posses unique skills that lend significant credibility to the investigation and documentation of human rights abuses.  phr.org

     Research both, Istanbul protocol and Physicians for Human Rights:

     Write to PHR and tell them your story of torture.  If you have suffered any bodily function impairments please describe them.  I have four bodily functions that have been impaired.  To the female victims please write to Donna McKay, the Executive Director of PHR. and to any of the other Experts listed on their web site.  Investigating and documenting torture and mass atrocities is what they do .  I believe they will come to our aid.  If you have trouble writing as I do, please find someone to help you write out a clear and readable letter.  Would you also post on peacepink any communication you make with PHR. 

Soleilmavis, Mr. Finch, Mr. Patrick please seek help from PHR.  I don't have an internet connection .  I use the local library when I can.  Please let me know what you think in the comments section.

Do you know that torture causes the brain to shrink and that can be seen with an MRI.  Cellular damage can be seen.  Their is also evidence that people who are stressed have higher levels of amyloide and tau proteins in their spinal fluids.  These proteins are a precursor to Altzheimers.   I have five bodily functions that have been impaired.  It is imperative that those who have bodily function impairments have their injuries documented.


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Contact Us                                      Boston Office

Headquarters Office                       Physicians for Human Rights

Physicians for Human Rights        434 Massachusetts Ave, Suite 503

256 w 38th Street, 9th Floor           Boston, MA 02118

New York, NY 10018                     Tel: 1.617.301.4200

Tel: 1.616.564.3720                        Fax: 1.617.301.4250

Fax: 1.646.564.3750

Washington Office

Physicians for Human Rights

1110 Vermont Avenue, NW, 5th Floor

Washington DC 20005

Tel. 202.728.5335

Fax. 202.728.3053


Join, It cost nothing.  Make a donation.

Donation Inquiries: email gifts@phr.org

I am and I do.

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       Write Email Fax These Experts and Staff of

                    Physicians for Human Rights

Dr.  Scott A. Allen, Expert Medical Advisor

Dr. Scott Allen serves as medical advisor to PHR's work to stop torture.  He has worked extensively with PHR in efforts to ensure that the American Medical Association, the National Commission on Correctional Healthcare, and the American Psychological Association prohibit illegal and unethical practices of health professionals. 

Dr. Allen was lead medical author of PHR's reports "Experiments in Torture" and "Aiding Torture" and in 2007, he served as the lead researcher for PHR's report on enhanced interrogation techniques, "Leave No Marks: Enhanced Interrogation Techniques and the Risk of Criminality."


Dr. Scott A. Allen

900 University Ave

Riverside CA 92521

Email: scott.allen@ucr.edu

Ph. # 1-800-436-1234

Dr.  Holly G. Atkinson

Dr. Atkinson is program director for human rights at the Arnhold Institute for global Health at Mount Sinai, where she directs the Human Rights Clinic, where asylum seekers who have suffered torture, trafficking, and other egregious human rights violations are medically and psychologically evaluated.  She is also co-director of the Advancing Idealism in Medicine Program and assistant professor o preventative medicine at the Icahn School of Medicine.

Dr. Holly G. Atkinson

City College of New York

Cuny School of Medicine

Office: H-113 C

160 Convent Ave

New York, NY 10031 

Email: hatkinson@.cuny.edu

Fax: 212-650-8483

PH #: 212-650-7084

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   ( For European Victims of DEW's and Mind Control Technologies ) 

                  Maryam Al-Khawaja, Europe Director of PHR

     In her new role as Europe director, she is leading the development of PHR's presence in Europe.  Her focus is on international advocacy, partnerships and coalition development, and furthering PHR's mission to raise awareness of human rights injustices.  This work is built upon her 10 year career as a human rights activist and defender, during which time she has spoken around the globe on the atrocities that have occurred in Bahrain, and has testified at a wide variety of global government hearings, councils and panels. 

Maryam Al-Khawaja

Office Address: 14 Dronningensgade

                           Copenhagen K, 1420


                           Tel: +4581757959

                            Email: maryam.alkhawaja@gchr.org


                            Maryam Al-Khawaja at linkedin.com

     This is for victims in Europe, especially women, young and old and men as well.  I don't see any reason why victims in other countries including the United States should not voice your experiences as a victim to this Human Rights Activist who is PHR's advocate in that region of the world.  Organizations are reluctant to act for one voice but for hundreds of voices, they will act, especially if you have physical injuries.  Don't forget your sleep deprivation and all that it has caused you to lose, including your relationships.  Encourage everyone you know to write.


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     We, as victims, must communicate with those who will help.  Legislators will fail us. We need the help of human rights advocates that are connected within universities. Like the University of California at Berkeley.  I will continue to add universities and names of people with whom we must contact. There are many universities that have human rights programs. Please look up the names of staff and students involved in there human rights programs.  Students need to know what is happening in the world that they are about to enter.  Remember the late 60's and 70's. Don't wait for me to post them.  I am exhausted most of the time.

Eric Stover, stover@berkeley.edu

Alexey Berlind, aberlind@berkeley.edu

Julie Freccero, juliefreccero@berkeley.edu

Lindsay Freeman, ifreeman@berkeley.edu

Alan Iijima, aiijima@berkeley.edu

Andrea Lamporos, alampros@berkeley.edu

Faris Natour, farisnatour@berkeley.edu

Jesse Nishinaga, jnishinaga@berkeley.edu

Audrey Taylor, Audrey.whiting@berkeley.edu

Look up "Senior Research Fellows" and see if can find addresses for these people and post them on peacepink.

Someone in Europe look up the universities that have human rights programs as a part of what they offer.  There are many.

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     I am as anxious as anyone to see this torture and assaults come to an end.  My torturer retired recently and my assaults have started coming late at night and when I am trying to sleep.  He has been assaulting my head.  He threatens my teeth and he has been following through by inflicting pain in one or a group of teeth.  He threatens me by saying "I'm going to take away your muscles"," I'm going to exhaust him", and "I'm going to damage your equipment".  He also makes my face tingle with a vibrating sensation around the area of my nose and mouth.  He does this a threat of disfigurement.  Some may ask, has your face been disfigured?  I would answer no, not yet.  But he threatened my penis and damaged my penis in three different ways, he threatened to take my breath away and then damaged my lungs, he threatened to damage my joints and he did damage some of my joints.  The damage was preceded by repeated stings and electric shocks to those joints.  I take his threats seriously but what can I do, be silent.  He going to damage me anyway.

     Some may ask, why is communicating with PHR and Universities a good idea?  The answer is, they are not afraid of governments and they will not be silent.  But they must see an overwhelming number of individual voices expressing what they've been experiencing.  We must also reply to Human Rights Watch as Robin Yan did and we should all mention that we saw the reply letter sent to him and we also want to add our names to his as people who are being tortured and assaulted daily.  We must be persistent and we must not let them forget about us.  A negative reply must not stop us.  We must force them to look into this evil involuntary human experimentation.

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     Solei, a lot has happened since 2007. PHR can determine that a person has been tortured psychologically.  The effects of severe sleep deprivation can be seen in brain scans. I have several bodily function impairments and I know others have impairments as well. The idea is to let the doctors at PHR in the United States and in other countries where ever they reside know that there are still people being tortured with Directed Energy Weapons and Mind Control Technologies. If we tell our individual experiences to each and every doctor who works with Physicians for Human Rights using their individual email addresses, fax addresses and physical addresses it will surely raise red flags in their minds and they will discuss these concerns among themselves. We must find these addresses and post them on peacepink and communicate with them until they help us. PHR has so much credibility in the world. Just for them to say that there is indeed torture being conducted in the United States, alone, would be victory for us all. We must persist with this organization until we prevail.  They will thank us and the world also.

 Sincerely, Michael

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     Thank you for commenting on my recent blog.  The reason I asked for someone to send my blog post as a email to Dr. Scott Allen, a medical expert on torture, with Physicians for Human Rights is that my email accounts have been hacked and I know some emails are diverted.

     You seem to have a sound mind and I have always like your comments about my blogs.  So, I want to asked you to help me to get other members and victims especially female victims to communicate with the experts at Physicians for Human Rights especially the women experts and the women on staff.  The experts and staff are mostly professional women and I don't think professional women in this human rights organization will turn a blind eye or a deaf ear to the letters and voices of other women who are being abused so horribly. 

     The reason I don't do this myself is that I don't have an internet connection at home.  I use the computers at nearby libraries out of town and they have time limitations and I have been very tired lately.

Physicians for Human Rights is a relatively new organization and their mission is to right the wrongs that men and governments do without regard for human life and dignity.  If you go to phr.org and click on About, the drop down box shows a listing for experts and staff.  If you can, would you see if you can find email and physical addresses or fax numbers for as many of these professionals as you can and post their contact information on peacepink so everyone can send them an email or fax requesting their help.  PHR will look into these requests and they will begin to investigate and collect the necessary information to document these violations of human rights and expose them to the public and to those in governments.  This organization has tremendous credibility and they are not timid.

     I know this is a global horror and the reason I focused on the United States of America is because in my own thinking I thought it would be easier and quicker for PHR to find and examine more individuals in the country in which they have their headquarters.  But it is still necessary for as many as possible to contact PHR's experts especially if they live in other countries.

     At their website phr.org under Contact Us they give their addresses, phone numbers and fax numbers for each of their three offices.  Their fax numbers are a recent addition.  I want to also say that it cost nothing to become a member of PHR and they accept small donations as well as large.

     Sue, I think you have been having a terrible time.  I have been having a terrible time.  Assaulted from head to toe and from skin to soul while waiting for the soon return of Jesus Christ but the Anti Christ will appear before His Coming.  Take care of yourself, pray for me, I will pray for you.

Sincerely,  Michael

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I need someone or somemany to email this posting to Dr. Scott Allen of Physicians for Human Rights at scott.allen@ucr.edu

Dr. Scott Allen

     I heard a man on NPR say that with the Istanbul Protocol we can even tell if a person has been tortured psychologically.  That's the only thing I heard of the entire interview but if was what I so needed to hear.  I know you are aware of involuntary human experimentation  and that it takes place in prisons in the United States of America.  Well there is a program of nonconsensual involuntary human experimentation occurring in communities across the USA and it is being conducted in the very homes in which the live.  I am one of the thousands of victims that this has been happening to.  The suffering, the invasion of body, mind and soul of this horrific evil is beyond any evil that you have ever seen and it is impossible to imagine such evil if you have not experienced it for years.

     I have several bodily function impairments and it remains to be seen what the long term consequences are going to be for not only me but the many, many others both young and old, male and female. We have sent letters, faxes, and emails to representatives in government including the President, the Attorney General, the FBI, State and local law enforcement agencies all to no avail.  Of the thousands of requests for help and assistance we get no response.  Which brings me to the reason why I am writing to you, Dr.  Allen.  You know about torture and its consequences on an individual and this kind of torture is cruel and mentally brutal and it is our government that is committing these crimes against humanity with the assistance and active participation of some in the medical community.

     Who provided the technological weapons to these torturers and who taught them how to damage bodies?

     I am seventy one years old.  They are killing me little by little every day and night and they enjoy what they are doing.  I would like to leave my body to PHR for forensic research.  They have damaged me from head to toe.  PHR is the only credible investigative body with the will and skills and the courage to bring this evil to the light of day and to the American people.  I am including the name of my attorney and other educated persons familiar with this evil. Perhaps you could examine a reasonable number victims to prove what is happening to American citizens and people around the world.  PHR may very well be the only chance democracy has.


Michael Benoit


Dr. John Hall, drjohnrhall.com, Anesthesiologist, San Antonio, TX

Cheryl Welsh, mindjustice.org, I believe she lives close to you

Dr. Robert Duncan, drrobertduncan.com, The Executive Summary: Neuropsychological and Electronic No-Touch Torture Report

Ramola Dharmaraj, linkedin.com, Author, Journalist, Educator

Connie Marshall, victim, survivor, descriptive documentation

Phair Firm, thephairfirm@thephairfirm.com


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     I have been tortured physically since 2007, Day and Night.

     I have been violated in every way that can be imagined.  Repeatedly and Continuously.

     I have been murdered.

     The thought that keeps me alive is that I have the names and the witnesses to expose this evil that many Americans and people worldwide are suffering from and are dying from. 

     There are people who really get their kicks by hurting and destroying a human being.

     Who else in my community are being victimized ?

     Do they know that there is no such thing as privacy or security anymore?



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It started in the year 2004.  But I didn't know what or how these things were being done.  I saw Cherly Welsh on television and I knew right away what she was talking about.  As for the name Seymour Johnson, its a name that showed up on my caller ID.  Look at my posting, phone calls to my land line.  I have lived at the same address since 1982. 

As for telling people what has been done to my anatomy, it is embarassing but necessary.  It is strong evidence when all the other eliments are put together.  Can you imagine what it going feel like when a grand jury is going to want to see my penis or whats left of it?  Look at all my postings and see the evidence that can be put together.

I am willing to do what is necessary to expose these terrorest.  There is no amount of money, land or anything else that can buy my silence.  I am not just fighting for me.  I am fighting for Connie Marshall, for Mr. Finch and all who are suffering from the unimaginable. 

So I want all of you to copy what I have posted and keep it in the event that I can no longer speak.  Lawyers and my friends might need to have this documentation.  All the names I have provided are in the phone book but don't look for Seymour Johnson in the phone book.  That is just a name he used to prove how sick he is.  He likes to show me what he can do.  I have never seen anyone so sick in my entire life.  There is no repentance in their souls.  They commit evil because that is whats in them.  They do what is natural to them and they enjoy it. They haven't just recently became evil but now is the time for them to be exposed. 

So I need all the support that I can get and prayer is a very good place to start.  I intend to stand to the death.  I won't give in.  They are going to lose all they have because of what they have done to me here.  I won't give in because they are not lifting a finger to help all who are suffering from this evil.  They have taken an oath to serve and protect and there is no forgiveness for them.  Those who come forward now when help is most needed can find some mercy but the door to mercy will soon be shut.


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     When a man tells you that a certain part of your anatomy is going to turn sideways and it does, then he's saying, I can see that part of your anatomy. He's saying I can see through your walls, through your bed covering and I can see through your underwear and I've been looking at your penis a lot.  When he speaks these words, he is telling me that he has some type of apparatus that he can use as a weapon  and I am going to use it on you and your going to piss sideways.  He is saying that he is going to look at my penis day and night and use this apparatus to deform my penis.  And he looks and works on you day and night for months, for years.  He is letting me know that he can do that and that he enjoys doing it and that there is nothing I can do to stop him from doing it and he is not going to stop because someone with power has his back.  They watch and laugh as they work on your body.  They love the feeling of being in control and their sick sadistic hearts and lack of self control has become their down fall.  A great fall indeed.  If they are not brought to justice then we know that the constitution of the United States of America doesn't mean any thing any more.

                                                                                                         Michael Benoit                                                     

 December 24, 12                                                                                                    

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Prima facie evidence

   prima facie evidence 


     There is more than enough prima facie evidence, in my posts to present to a Federal Grand Jury.  See all posts by Michael Benoit.  I am a real person, a victim, and all the other persons I have listed are real persons.  Put them in front of a grand jury so they can tell the truth or lie.


                                                                         Michael Benoit

                                                                       January 31, 2013

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Pastor and Pastors

The Sting of the Scorpion


     This is as evil as it gets for humanity.  It is so far beyond imagination and beleiveability that if this wasn't the "generation of the fig tree",------ well it is, what else can you say.  Pastor you already know what's coming and I want to make sure that you know about these new weapons of destruction and deception that are presently being used on American citizens on American soil and humanity worldwide.

     I have talked to pastors and a Priest and all I get is empty stares.  They want to pray for me.  You know what I mean.  I know you can recognize the truth and my upmost concern is that the church and God's chosen people are made aware of this evil.  These perpetrators don't need to implant you.  This can all be done remotely.  People and most of the church have absolutely no idea about what is going on right now and what is coming.  Christianity is real, it is life and it is experiencial.  When people are subjected to invisible energies they will beleive that it is coming from the ultimate power of God.  I couldn't explain what was happening to me until 2010.  I thought it was God but I could not get it to mesh with what is in me.  Look at my postings and those of others who are being murdered daily.  It's a slow kill.



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Under the Color of Law Feb 05,2013

While Under the Color of Law

Crimes Committed Against Me

Violations of Civil Rights:  Entering my home without a warrant on 100's of occasions

                                         Illegal search and seizure on 100's of occasions

                                         Theft of property

                                         Destruction of property

Crimes committed against humanity                                       

                                          Destruction of a body function

                                          Attempted Murder

                                          Conspiracy to commit murder


                                          aggravated sexual assaults  on a daily basis

 Fabrication of evidence

Institutional Obstruction of Justice

Witness Tampering

Hate Crimes

Failure to keep from Harm

Creating multiple conspiracies to assassinate my credibility

To be continued..............

                                                                                                                                                     Michael Benoit

Seymour Johnson is Jxxxxxxxx

Conspirators are without excuse

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